Mathematics Homework Help

RES 710 University of Phoenix Frequency Analysis & Tables Graphs Worksheet



Set up a frequency table with names for variables and run the frequency analysis


Using the same dataset you selected for this week’s Frequency Data Runs assignment, develop a histogram, pie chart, line graph, and bar graph.

Mathematics Homework Help

The University of Texas at El Paso Precalculus Math Problem


I don’t understand this Calculus question and need help to study.

Suppose in one year, total revenues from digital sales of pop/rock, tropical (salsa/merengue/cumbia/bachata), and urban (reggaeton) Latin music in a certain country amounted to $27 million. Pop/rock music brought in twice as much as the other two categories combined and $11 million more than tropical music. How much revenue was earned from digital sales in each of the three categories?

pop/rock music$ million

tropical music$ million

urban Latin music$ million

Mathematics Homework Help

MATH 1310 The University of Texas at El Paso Questions


The Enormous State University History Department offers three courses—Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History—and the chairperson is trying to decide how many sections of each to offer this semester. The department is allowed to offer 43 sections total, there are 4,800 students who would like to take a course, and there are 57 professors to teach them. Sections of Ancient History have 100 students each, sections of Medieval History hold 50 students each, and sections of Modern History have 200 students each. Modern History sections are taught by a team of two professors, while Ancient and Medieval History need only one professor per section. How many sections of each course should the chair schedule in order to offer all the sections that they are allowed, accommodate all of the students, and give one teaching assignment to each professor? HINT [See Example 2.] (Assume each section has the maximum number of students allowed.)

Ancient History sections

Medieval History sections

Modern History sections

Mathematics Homework Help

MAT 240 Reading Area Community College Confidence Interval Statistics Paper


The B&K Real Estate Company sells homes and is currently serving the Southeast region. It has recently expanded to cover the Northeast states. The B&K realtors are excited to now cover the entire East Coast and are working to prepare their southern agents to expand their reach to the Northeast.

B&K has hired your company to analyze the Northeast home listing prices in order to give information to their agents about the mean listing price at 95% confidence. Your company offers three analysis packages: one based on a sample size of 100 listings, one based on 1,000 listings, and another based on a sample size of 4,000 listings. Because there is an additional cost for data collection, your company charges more for the package with 4,000 listings than for the package with 100 listings.

Bronze Package – Sample size of 100 listings:

  • 95% confidence interval for the mean of the Northeast house listing price has a margin of error of $24,500
  • Cost for service to B&K: $2,000

Silver Package – Sample size of 1,000 listings:

  • 95% confidence interval for the mean of the Northeast house listing price has a margin of error of $7,750
  • Cost for service to B&K: $10,000

Gold Package – Sample size of 4,000 listings:

  • 95% confidence interval for the mean of the Northeast house listing price has a margin of error of $3,900
  • Cost for service to B&K: $25,000

The B&K management team does not understand the tradeoff between confidence level, sample size, and margin of error. B&K would like you to come back with your recommendation of the sample size that would provide the sales agents with the best understanding of northeast home prices at the lowest cost for service to B&K.

In other words, which option is preferable?

  • Spending more on data collection and having a smaller margin of error
  • Spending less on data collection and having a larger margin of error
  • Choosing an option somewhere in the middle

For your initial post:

  • Formulate a recommendation and write a confidence statement in the context of this scenario. For the purposes of writing your confidence statement, assume the sample mean house listing price is $310,000 for all packages. “I am [#] % confident the true mean . . . [in context].”
  • Explain the factors that went into your recommendation, including a discussion of the margin of error

For your response posts to your peers, choose two different confidence intervals for your responses. Do you think the agents would prefer a different confidence interval than their management? What advantages and disadvantages would there be in having different confidence intervals for the agents? Explain your thought process and reasoning in your response.

Mathematics Homework Help

Inwood College Regression Equation for Predicting Memory Scores Questions


I would like step-by-step solutions if you can, just answers are fine. I dropped the practice questions file. Thank you for your help and time, I really appreciate it.

Mathematics Homework Help

Colorado State University Global Campus Wk 4 Math Discussion


Step-by-step solved example for the Composition of functions

Here are some Discussion assignment clarifications, with a solved example, for this week’s topic:
Since most of the people have questions about the composition of functions, we have to work together on this assignment. Please review section 3.4 for the composition of functions’ definitions and examples, as this subject is challenging, but interesting, and useful, and requires some very good analytical and attention to detail skills.

Note 1:

Somewhere, in the fine lines, I stated that the temperature conversion is just a starting point for our composition of functions’ analysis. The only topic that we discuss here is about the process of composition of functions which is not an easy subject. Please note that a conversion formula (C to F or F to C) is considered the function for our practice exercise.

Please see below my solved example, with detailed explanations and comments. I will choose the month of October, where the average temperature in my case is m = 63, (M or m=month).

Find: F(Fahrenheit) = F(M) = F(Oct) = F(63) = 63

C(Celsius) = C(M) = C(Oct) = C(63) = 5/9(M-32) = 5/9(63-32) = 5/9 x 31= 155/9 = 17.2

1. Calculate (C ᵒ F)(M) for the month of your choice (October), and show formula and steps:

(C ᵒ F)(M) = (C ᵒ F)(63) = C(F(63)) = C(63) = 155/9 (it is OK to repeat the steps)

2. Discuss the meaning of the function (C ∘ F)(M) = C(F(M))

A “Function Composition” is applying one function to the results of another function. In this operation the function C is applied to the result of applying the function F to M. (Please do not limit the discussion to the topic of temperature conversion only as we can have any letters/variables for our practice exercises).

Note 2:

Since we can have any letters/variables for our functions it is not important what a temperature conversion is but how do we solve a composition of functions, which can become complicated fast. In other words, how do we de-compose (break up) a function into a composition of other functions? How do we make things simpler in order to find a solution?

3. How does the composition of functions in parts 1 and 2 compare to (F ∘ C)(M)? Are they the same? or are they inverse?

a). Composition of Celsius and Fahrenheit (result in Celsius):

(C ᵒ F)(M) = (C ᵒ F)(63) = C(F(63)) = C(63) = 5/9(63-32) = 5/9×31 = 155/9

b). Composition of Fahrenheit and Celsius (result in Fahrenheit):

(F ᵒ C)(M) = (F ᵒ C)(63) = F(C(63)) = F(155/9) = 9/5C+32 = 9/5×155/9+32 = 31+32 = 63

As shown above the two functions are inverse.

Note 3:

We use the Celsius conversion formula to solve for variable F (Fahrenheit):

C = 5/9(F-32) Celsius (from Fahrenheit)

F = 9/5C + 32 Fahrenheit (from Celsius)

For C = 155/9 (easier to simplify if we keep the results as a fraction) we have:

F = 9/5×155/9 +32 = 31+32 = 63

Note 4: Final Observations

In a business setting you have a maximum of 3 or 4 minutes to present your work. This is why your comments must be concise and precise. Also, you have to be able to say a lot with very little. In terms of analytical and attention to detail skills, I think this assignment is one of the best, and an eye opener, since Algebra is the second most unforgiving type of mathematics (second only to Statistics).

I end my comment with a Composition of functions’ Summary:

  • A “Function Composition” is applying one function to the results of another.
  • (g º f)(x) = g(f(x)), first apply f( ), then apply g( )
  • Some functions can be de-composed into two (or more) simpler functions.==============================================================================================================================================================================QUESTION
  • Consider the following two functions:
    • F(M): The average temperature (F) in Fahrenheit during month (M) of the year.
    Month (M) F (M)
    January 42
    February 43
    March 52
    April 64
    May 72
    June 83
    July 86
    August 84
    September 73
    October 65
    November 55
    December 44
    • C(F): The conversion formula to calculate the temperature in Celsius (C) based on the temperature in Fahrenheit (F).

    Your task for this discussion is as follows:

    1. Calculate (CF) for the month of your choice.
    2. Discuss the meaning of the function (C ∘ F)(M).
    3. Now think about the composition, (F ∘ C). Does this composition make sense? If so, how does it compare to (C ∘ F)? If not, why not?

Mathematics Homework Help

MATH 302 APUS Calculate the Z Critical Value for Confidence Level Statistics Ques


I’m working on a statistics discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Using the data set you collected in Week 1, excluding the super car outlier, you should have calculated the mean and standard deviation during Week 2 for price data. Along with finding a p and q from Week 3. Using this information, calculate two 95% confidence intervals. For the first interval you need to calculate a T-confidence interval for the sample population. You have the mean, standard deviation and the sample size, all you have left to find is the T-critical value and you can calculate the interval. For the second interval calculate a proportion confidence interval using the proportion of the number of cars that fall below the average. You have the p, q, and n, all that is left is calculating a Z-critical value,

Make sure you include these values in your post, so your fellow classmates can use them to calculate their own confidence intervals. Once you calculate the confidence intervals you will need to interpret your interval and explain what this means in words.

Do the confidence intervals surprise you, knowing what you have learned about confidence intervals, proportions and normal distribution? Please the Week 5 Confidence T-Interval Mean and Unknown SD PDF and the Week 5 Confidence Interval Proportions PDF at the bottom of the discussion.

Mathematics Homework Help

CSU The Definite Integral of A Function Discussion


I need an explanation for this Calculus question to help me study.

  1. The definite integral of a function is always a positive quantity.
  2. The area between two distinct curves is always a positive quantity.
  3. The consumers’ surplus and the producers’ surplus equal each other.
  4. In the trapezoidal rule, the number of subintervals must be even.
  5. Simpson’s rule usually gives a better approximation than the trapezoidal rule

Mathematics Homework Help

Compute The Test Statistic and Show Steps Statistics Questions


Too much TV? A father is concerned that his teenage son is watching too much television each day, since his son watches an average of 2 hours per day. His son says that his TV habits are no different than those of his friends. Since this father has taken a stats class, he knows that he can actually test to see whether or not his son is watching more TV than his peers. The father collects a random sample of television watching times from boys at his son’s high school and gets the following data:

1.9 2.3 2.2 1.9 1.6 2.6 1.4 2.0 2.0 2.2

Is the father right? That is, is there evidence that other boys average less than 2 hours of television per day? Conduct a hypothesis test, making sure to state your conclusions in the context of the problem.

1) What is the test statistic for this casr?

2) What are the null and alternative hypothese?

3) What is the P-value for this problem?

4) Using the significance level of .05, what is your conclusion?