Mathematics Homework Help

Anglia Ruskin University Construction Plan Estimation Worksheet


Refer to the set of prints for the Marseille residential building in the Large Prints supplement to answer the following questions. Use the detailed method of estimating. List all costs including the allowances indicated in the material list provided. Compute all laborand materials required to complete the construction of the house. Include mark-up and administrative costs. Note: The purpose of this exercise is to become familiar with the estimating process. Prices for materials and subcontractor costs will vary greatly from region to region and will be impacted by local codes and practices. The following outline will help you organize your estimate.Attached a powerpoint and the 17:1 Activity please fill in the answers on the form and save as pdf. the Marseille document attached

Mathematics Homework Help

TJU Difference of Squares Can Be Factored Exercise


Tell whether the following statements are True or False. If the statement is false, rewrite the right-hand side to make the statement true.

  1. (3x + 2y)(3x – 2y) = 9×2 – 4y2
  2. (6x – 7y)2 = 36×2 + 49y2

Mathematics Homework Help

MATH 1310 University of Texas at El Paso Cost of the Airbus A330 Seat Question


I’m studying for my Calculus class and need an explanation.

In Example 2 we saw that Airbus A330-300s seat 330 passengers and cost $250 million each, Boeing 767-300ERs seat 270 passengers and cost $200 million each, while Boeing Dreamliner 787-9s seat 240 passengers and cost $250 million each. You are the purchasing manager of an airline company and have a spending goal of $4800 million for the purchase of new aircraft to seat a total of 5940 passengers. Your company has a policy of supporting U.S. industries, and you have been instructed to buy twice as many Boeings as Airbuses. Given the selection of three aircraft, how many of each should you order?

Airbus A330-300s

Boeing 767-300ERs

Boeing Dreamliner 787-9s

Mathematics Homework Help

Ashford University Week 4 Mathematics Questions


There are five parts to this discussion: Read, identify three different variable pairs, create table, create graph, describe in words.

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 9: Modeling Our World and Chapter 10: Modeling with Geometry in your course text, especially pages 532-3 & 536-9.

For this discussion, identify three different variable pairs in which two quantities appear to be related from either recent news stories, the web, or that you encounter in your everyday life. Each variable pair should come from a different source (as illustrated in the week 4 Discussion Sample) and there should be three sets of paired variables total.

Important note: Only one of the variables can use “time” as an independent variable. For example, you cannot have your variable pairs be (time, dependent variable 1), (time, dependent variable 2) and (time, dependent variable 3). However, you can have your variable pairs be (time, dependent variable 1), (independent variable 2, dependent variable 2) and (independent variable 3, dependent variable 3).

For inspiration, use the examples listed in the solution to Example 1 on p. 537 of the text, or the Week 4 Discussion Sample download, MAT205.W4.DiscussionSample.pdf. Be sure to select different examples!

Create Table

After you have identified three different variable pairs (from distinct sources), make a table of between 10 and 20 entries of data values for each of your variable pairs.

Create Graph

Then, graph your data values for each variable pair and describe in words the function that relates the variables. For each pair, write down at least five (5) points on the graph. Draw the graph using paper & pencil or use an online graphing calculator like Desmos Graphing Calculator (Links to an external site.).

Describe Your Results in Words

For each of the pairs you listed, identify the dependent and independent variables and briefly describe the relationship.

The Easy Way to Plot and Graph Points

Use the Desmos Graphing Calculator (Links to an external site.): (You need not create an account.)

Click on the “+” at the top left corner.

Select “table” from the drop-down menu.

Type in your points. If your point is (2, 30), then x1 is 2 and y1 is 30.

** If your points contain any values beyond  ±10, click the minus sign in the upper right-hand corner a few times to zoom out so you can see the points. **

To add a line connecting the points: 

Click and hold on the circle with four dots on it (next to y1). Click the circle next to “Lines” to show the connecting line. Your graph is done.

To share the graph, take a screenshot. [This site will show you how: (Links to an external site.). Click on the tab for Mac or Windows at the top, if needed.] Alternatively, click on the arrow in a box at the upper right hand corner of the screen, then you can “Export Image” as a .png file (it appears in your “Downloads” folder) and attach this to your discussion post or drop and drag into a Word file.

Mathematics Homework Help

HEALTH 501 Liberty University The Framingham Heart Study


Framingham Case Study Analysis Assignment Instructions

Part I

Secondary Data Analysis and Summary

For this assignment, students will use Microsoft Excel to analyze selected Framingham Heart Study data. Students will perform various statistical data analyses to answer specific research questions. Students will provide appropriate tables that summarize the analysis. After the analysis, the students will provide a brief summary of each statistical result tables that were created from the data. Included will be a discussion of the appropriateness of the data collection methods used in the study in comparison to other methods. The student will then summarize the data analysis as a whole to not exceed 300 words.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mc Creary Central High School Statistics and Central Tendency Exercises


Review of Central Tendency and other topics


Purpose: To reinforce student’s understanding and application of descriptive statistics, histograms, and skewness.


1. Using the data below, answer the questions that follow


4, 17, 9, 10, 3, 14, 13, 12, 15, 3, 8, 10, 4, 15, 14, 4, 19, 10, 11, 12, 15


  1. Draw a histogram (be sure your axes are properly labeled).


The first step to draw a histogram is to find the class boundaries, in this case due to the size of the data set, 5 classes will be enough.


We start by finding the range which is:



But to make it look nicer we will use a Range of 0 to 20 and 5 classes



Now we can find the classes, we start with the min and we add the class size until we reach the max.






0 to 4



4 to 8



8 to 12



12 to 16



16 to 20




With this information we can plot the following graph.

Mathematics Homework Help

Calculus Questions


show all work

Calculus, originally called infinitesimal calculus or “the calculus of infinitesimals”, is the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations.

Mathematics Homework Help

Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Actuarial Science R Programming Task


need the three questions to be completed. first two questions should be written on a piece of paper including the explanation part for question 3. deliver the r script also.

Mathematics Homework Help

MAT1205 GCN Financial Literacy Project Research Paper


In this financial literacy assignment, you will research the starting salary as a licensed RN with your credentials in the area you hope to reside after graduation. Then you will create a budget based on your projected income. Finally, you will reflect on and summarize your research and budget calculations in a short essay. An example of this project is available in the Unit 10 Module.

Part 1: Provide an overview of research including location of job, job title, and salary information. To research your starting salary, consider using the information provided at and Local government hospitals may also publish this information on their websites. If you plan on staying at your current location and job, be sure to indicate this information in your reflection. After you have found your potential salary, set up your monthly budget using only 2/3 income to account for taxes and other deductions (called your net salary). For example, if you anticipate making $45,000/year, then 2/3 times 45,000 = 30,000. $30,000 / 12 = $2500 and that is what you want to use for setting up monthly budget. Provide this information in your overview.

Part 2: Table of expenses and graphical representation. When creating your budget, be sure to consider the following categories:

  • Housing and living expenses (Rent/Mortgage, utilities, maintenance, etc.)
  • Food
  • Student loan payments
  • Transportation
  • Childcare (if applicable)
  • Credit Card or other debt
  • Car loans
  • Continuous medical expenses
  • Emergency savings
  • Retirement savings
  • Long term goal savings (i.e.: buying a home, new car, education, etc.)
  • Discretionary spending (Eating out, entertainment, etc.)
  • Insurance
  • Be sure to note the net amount (Income minus Expense) so you can see your balance each month in your table of expenses You will display this table in your results, as well a graphical representation of your budget using a circle chart, bar graph, or other relevant display. The table and graphical representation MUST BE copied into your Word document. There should be only one submission. It is not necessary to submit your Excel file. Be sure to have all tables and graphs titled and categories labeled appropriately.

    Part 3: Reflection. Your essay should summarize your findings of your salary research and discuss the implications of your budget. Essay should be a minimum of 200 words. Be sure to put references in APA format. Academic Writer is the recommended guide for formatting resources. The following information should be included in your essay:

  • Why did you pick this location and job?
  • Were you surprised by your expected salary and income after taxes were deducted? Why or why not?
  • What were some challenges in creating your budget? What surprised you?
  • Were you able to set up an emergency/savings fund? Why or why not? How can you prepare for unexpected expenses?
  • How can you apply these budgeting tools to your current situation?
  • Part 4: References. Be sure to put references in APA format. Academic Writer is the recommended guide for formatting resources. There should be a minimum of two references.

    Click link for Edit Download Example Project.

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