Mathematics Homework Help

Statistics Worksheet


Hi there I need help with 60 questions all multiple choice. Please only do the problems listed below.

1-26, 30-35, 38-43, 48-56, 59-61, 64, 67, 68, 70, 75, 76, 80, 81, 85, 87, 88, 89

Mathematics Homework Help

Columbia University in the City of New York Linear Algebra Problem


just help me with my and step by step solve the questions. take it serisourly

rwjf;awajrgawrga make sure did everything right. help me explain work more

Mathematics Homework Help

SDSU Simulation Environment Problems


Note: Some problems have either hints or answers in the back of the book. Please , from the 1st picture do only 21, 24, 26 and from the 2nd picture do only 2,4, and 5. Note I will also upload the picture of the book we use maybe that would help. I still do not have the book. 

Mathematics Homework Help

STAT 200 Lincoln High School Find the Statistical Values Questions


I’m working on a statistics question and need support to help me understand better.

I’m working on a Statistics question and need an explanation to help me learn

I am needed help with my homework.

Please let me know if you time right away.

Mathematics Homework Help

K Nearest Neighbors and Bayes Algorithm Questions



Please answer each of the following questions in detail and provide examples for better clarity wherever applicable. Provide in-text citations (two peer-reviewed sources)

1. Explain the K-Nearest Neighbors for prediction, accompanied by a simple example.

2. Explain Bayes’ Algorithm for estimating probability of an outcome, accompanied by a simple example.


-One or two paragraphs per question

-Font: Times New Roman, Size 12

-At least 2 peer-reviewed sources (include DOI in reference page)

-In-text citations for each peer-reviewed source

-No plagiarism

Mathematics Homework Help

STATS 101 AACC 63% of Women Expect the Man to Pay on The First Date Discussion


Magazines often report surveys giving statistics such as, “63% of women expect the man to pay on the first date.”

  • Determine whether these are random samples.
  • Briefly discuss in the context of a specific example.
  • Remember to cite your sources.

Mathematics Homework Help

Anglia Ruskin Cambridge & Chelmsford HVAC Plans for a Residential Building Project


Refer to SheetsMP2, MP3, and MP4 from the Marseille residential building plans in the Large Prints supplement to
answer the following 10 questions. Complete activity 14-1 fill in the answer and save as pdf Attached powerpoint, Marseille , and activity 14-1

Mathematics Homework Help

Horace Mann School Subnetting & General Information Technology Questions


Sample questions:

1. Which technology provides a means of securing the interactions between domain name servers?

2. Ethernet uses ‘counted-effort’ delivery semantics and has distributed access control (true/false)

3. An IP packet destined for arrives at a router. Which of the following routes from the routing table will be selected to forward the packet?

a) Send packets destined for out port Eth0

b) Send packets destined for out port Eth1

c) Send packets destined for out port Eth2

d) Send packets destined for out port Eth3

e)None of the above

4. Which one of the following addresses is a valid IPv6 address?





Mathematics Homework Help

MATH 524 University of California Operators on Complex Vectors Spaces Questions


this question deals with the “Laguerre Polynomials,” which are orthogonal
with respect to the inner product hf, gi =
Z ∞
f(x)g(x) e
dx. Use the fact that
∀ integers p, q ≥ 0 hx
, xq
i = (p + q)! (“p plus q factorial”), to derive the first 4 (order
0, 1, 2, 3) orthonormal Laguerre Polynomials starting from elements of the standard
polynomial basis {1, x, x2
, x3}.

Let T ∈ L(C
) be defined by
T(z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7) = (πz1+z2+z3+z4, πz2+z3+z4, πz3+z4, πz4,



Let Bs(C
) = {e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7} be the standard basis of C
(a) (25 pts.) Find M(T, Bs(C

(b) (25 pts.) Find the eigenvalues {λk}k=1,…,?
(c) For each eigenvalue, λk:
i. (30 pts.) Find the eigenspace E(λk, T)
ii. (30 pts.) Find the generalized eigenspace G(λk, T)