How to apply your developing sociological knowledge and skills to the analysis of a current event.

Assignment 2 meets the following course objectives:

  • Apply a sociological perspective to the social world.
  • Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify, locate, and retrieve information related to the topics in the course.


The primary goal of this exercise is to apply your developing sociological knowledge and skills to the analysis of a current event.

Writing Expectations

This should be 4-6 pages long, double-spaced, 12pt font (arial or times new roman), with 1″ margins. You must include a cover page, running header, major heading and subheadings to identify each section; all according to APA requirements.


Choosing a Current Event. A current event refers to something that is happening in the world at present and they are usually described on the news and in mass media. You must choose a report (written, from the radio, or televised) of an event that has been reported on within 3 months of the assignment deadline. Remember, the event you choose must have some relevance to the study of society, and you must properly cite the source from which you got your report. DO NOT include more than two articles or reports. 

Describe the Current Event. Second, you will need to provide a brief summary of the current event. This should include details such as location, timing (i.e is this an ongoing event, does it appear to be a one time event, is this an example of an event that happens frequently), people involved, and any analysis offered by the report(er).

Analyzing the Current Event. The final step in the process is conducting an analysis of the current event using knowledge you have gained from the course to-date. The most important thing here is that the analysis should not just be your opinion about the current event, but grounded in sociological theory and prior research. You will need to use at least 4 sociological concepts covered in this course to analyze the current event (i.e. social construction, stratification, social control, crime, deviance). (hint: sociological concepts should be clearly identified, defined and then applied; any paraphrasing or direct quotes used from another source should include APA formatted in-text citations and a full citation at the end of the essay).

critically discuss how your daily life is shaped and constrained by society


The purpose of this assignment is to recognize sociological concepts at play in your lived experience.   Keeping a field log of your social and institutional experiences for one day, you will critically discuss how your daily life is shaped and constrained by society. This will allow you engage with many of the sociological concepts learned in class.

Writing expectations

The paper should be 4-6 typed pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1″ margins.  Remember to use APA format to cite and reference your sources.

A presentation that offers additional assistance in completing the assignment is available at


1) Observation

Create a field log   For one day, observe and record the key interactions and institutions in your lived experience.   Starting with waking up, who is the first person you talk to?  What do you do next- take family members to school, go to the gym, go to work and interact with coworkers?  Throughout the day you will take on different roles by interacting with different people and in different situations, and be in contact with different social institutions (education, government, health, etc). Type or photograph your field log and submit it with your written Assignment.

2) Application

Try to wait one or more days before starting this step.  Revisit your field log and apply sociological analysis to your observations.

  • Describe how our day is shaped and constrained by social norms.
  • Analyze how at least four sociological concepts learned in class (eg. roles, institutions, interactions, impression management, stage theory, emotional labor) apply to your field log observations.  This part of the paper should not be focused on the general social norms you described earlier, dig in with specific concepts in this from our text (refrain from using dictionaries).
  • For at least two of the concepts, find and incorporate an appropriate source that highlights how sociologists study this concept in everyday society (for example, emotional labor in the restaurant industry).  Not sure what constitutes an appropriate source?  See our Announcement on this in the classroom- tips and a learning module are provided there.  For example, we discussed gender socialization:
    • In an article by Crespi (2011) that studied gender socialization and gender roles within the family, results showed that a cross-gender relationship between fathers and daughters, mothers and sons has emerged as significant in determining traditional and non-traditional gender attitudes. The research suggested that the relationship with the parent of the opposite sex could be a strong factor in reducing stereotyped attitudes regarding gender roles (Crespi, 2011). *Use a different example in your paper, the purpose here is to show your research skills rather than repeat my research skills.*

3)      Reflection

Reflect on your role as a larger part of society (i.e. your motives, instincts, feelings, and/or structural constraints).  Discuss ways other people affected you and the ways you affected others in the social experiences of your day.

Sample Field Log

Below is a brief field log to give you an idea of the social interactions and institutions you might look for in your day.  With the observations are sample course concepts that relate to the observations.  Be creative in exploring and applying concepts- we will all apply concepts differently even if the scenes we observe are very similar.

5:45am: Wake up, interact with children.

Gender roles, nuclear family, folkways

6:30am: Interact with spouse and children.  Eat breakfast, run, shower.

8:00am: Arrive at airport, check in interaction with airline customer service; interaction with TSA.

Social structure, bureaucracy, norms, mores, social control

9:00am: Wait with other passengers to board flight; purchase a drink at coffee shop; employees have a tip jar; a family sitting close by is watching the news and commenting on what they think is wrong with other cultures.

Emotional labor, ethnocentrism, Piaget’s stages of development

9:30am: On flight with family having a difficult time with small children; flight attendant offers to help them.

Emotional labor, gender roles, family

12pm: Arrive at destination airport; drive two hours to see extended family.  Along the road there are farmers with fruit stands.  See homeless person asking for assistance in exchange for work.

Poverty, inequality

4pm: Extended family arrives for potluck dinner; look at family photos together and share family memories.  Watch evening news-  local robbery and assault.

Social deviance, material culture

6pm: Stop at church to meet family friend, see a bible study group inside; lots of religious symbols; someone remarks on a new church being built to accommodate a different racial group.

Religion, race, monotheism

This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realize you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment.  Resubmission of an Assignment after it is graded, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted.

Assignment 3 meets the following course objectives:

  • Apply a sociological perspective to the social world.
  • Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
  • Recognize and define social structure and social interaction
  • Explain the reciprocal relationship in the influence between societal and structural factors, individual behavior and the self’s development

What challenges affect Child Development?

CHFD 215 – Final Project 

A local social service agency has asked you to create a pamphlet or PowerPoint Presentation to educate the community about an issue related to Child Development. Using research in the lesson material as your main source, plus at least two additional resources, put together an informational guide about any issue from the lesson material that has to do with Child Development. Some examples are teen pregnancy, challenges and tips for parents during a stage of development, (prenatal, infancy and toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, or adolescence), peer pressure, kids and social media, children with special needs, etc.

Prepare a pamphlet or PowerPoint that covers the following:

  • Start off by introducing the issue. Give a brief summary about it that includes facts, statistics, etc.
  • Who is affected by the issue and how?
  • What theories/concepts from the lesson material can help parents, caregivers, and/or professionals better understand the issue?
  • What can parents, peers, and/or professionals do to help with this issue?
  • What resources are available in your community to assist with this issue? If you can’t find anything locally, broaden your search to state and national services. Share at least 2 resources that offer help for the issue. Make sure to include the name of the agency, a summary of the services they provide, and contact information.
  • Provide a brief conclusion of your presentation or informational pamphlet.
  • Provide a summary for your instructor. You may share what you learned by completing this assignment, any challenges you faced, any information you didn’t agree with, and/or any other relevant information you’d like to share.

If you make a pamphlet it should be 1-2 pages in length. While graphics are appreciated, they shouldn’t be your focus. Your pamphlet needs to clearly cover the required material.

If you make a PowerPoint it should be 10 slides minimum (not including a Title and Reference slide) and include notes at the bottom to clearly explain the bullet points.

discuss the various possible meanings of the term “spirituality,” and your understanding of the concepts of pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism.

Write an 800-1,000 word essay on your personal worldview. Briefly discuss the various possible meanings of the term “spirituality,” and your understanding of the concepts of pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism. Primarily, address the following seven basic worldview questions:

  1. What is prime reality?
  2. What is the nature of the world around you?
  3. What is a human being?
  4. What happens to a person at death?
  5. Why is it possible to know anything at all?
  6. How do people know what is right or wrong?
  7. What is the meaning of human history?

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

what you can do to reduce your chances of hospital mistakes happening to you and your loved ones.

Week 1 Discussion 1: Quality Solutions

For this week’s discussion, watch the video Safer Hospital Care, which discusses the top ten hospital mistakes and what you can do to reduce your chances of these mistakes happening to you and your loved ones.

Select this link to view the video, Safer Hospital Care

After watching this video, suggest your own solutions to prevent any two mistakes discussed in the video. If you do not have experience in healthcare, use your own creative solutions. At Minimum 250 Words APA format. Include two references to support your opinions.

why are there are more deaths in spite of the significant progress in hospital performance measures?

Brainstorming Solutions to Hospital Mistakes

Your instructor was invited to give an opinion as a patient advocate at a retreat organized by agencies of the federal government, such as the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the Office of Health and Human Resources. The topic was a Partnership for Patients. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) showed the data on hospital survey measures. The data showed that significant progress was made in the last four years and that more and more hospitals are achieving higher scores.

The instructor asked a simple question, “If there is so much progress made in critical hospital measures, then why is the number of patients dying from hospital mistakes significantly going up every year?” The estimated deaths in 2010 were 99,000 deaths. The 2016 estimate is about 440,000 deaths.

In this discussion, explain the reasons you think there are more deaths in spite of the significant progress in hospital performance measures. Then, provide one remedy or solution. At Minimum 250 Words APA format. Include two references to support your opinions.

Describe the health care system and the role of marketing.

Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.
Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.

Click the link above to submit your assignment
 Assignment 1: Marketing and the Health Care System
Due Week 4 and worth 300 points

Select a health care provided with which you are familiar and write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Determine the direct impact of marketing for the health care provider you selected.
  2. Outline a strategy for the health care provider you selected to determine the utilization of its products or services.
  3. Outline a marketing strategy for the health care provider you selected.
  4. Recommend at least three (3) separate ways the health care provider you selected could shape the buying decisions of its customers.
  5. Provide at least three (3) qualified sources, e.g., peer-reviewed journals, professional organization Website, or health care provider Websites.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe the health care system and the role of marketing.
  • Analyze the competitive environment of a health services organization and identify a course of action that will allow for strategic marketing success.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services marketing.
  • Write clearly and concisely about health services marketing using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills.

What are the greatest challenges that Christianity faces today?

What are the greatest challenges that Christianity faces today?

In what ways, and to what extent, should 21st century Christianity:

1. Retain its traditional teachings and practices?

2. Adapt to 21st century culture?

In what ways, and to what extent, should Christians:

1. Be tolerant of other religions and secularism?

2. Oppose other religions and secularism?


Paper need to be 3-4 pages with – 3 relevant sources – APA format

In reviewing the Affordable Care Act, what are the potential effects of the options for insurance coverage in both the private and public sectors?

Module 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

These are two discussion questions

Your DQ1 and DQ2 posts must be at least 150 words and have at least one reference cited for each question. In-text citation, please

Tutor MUST have a good command of the English language

Sources need to be journal/scholarly articles. 

Use only articles that are published between 2015-2018 (except for your theory articles which will be older as you must cite primary sources).

No textbook or direct quotes

Topic 1 DQ 1

In reviewing the Affordable Care Act, what are the potential effects of the options for insurance coverage in both the private and public sectors? How will this impact the discussion about population-based nursing?

Topic 1 DQ 2

Identify a population-based problem of interest, such as obesity among children. After reviewing topical information in Healthy People 2020 and The Community Guide to Preventive Services, identify relevant outcomes related to this problem that will help guide your plans for intervention.

Identify a population-based problem of interest, such as obesity among children. After reviewing topical information in Healthy People 2020 and The Community Guide to Preventive Services, identify relevant outcomes related to this problem that will help guide your plans for intervention.