. Identify and provide background information on your topic on population health issue.

The purpose for writing this paper is to encourage you to research and examine current issues in today’s health care environment. Issues may deal with practice, education, research, funding, licensure/credentialing, management delivery systems, and access to health care

1. Write a 3 – 4 page paper, not including title and reference pages:
a. Identify and provide background information on your topic on population health issue. Use at least 2 peer reviewed sources (within the last 5 years) from the literature when describing the issue.
b. Conduct a literature review on the impact of your topic of interest on population health, finding at least 4 peer-reviewed sources (within the last 5 years). Look for literature that details how the topic of interest is affecting our overall population health (not just individual health) and supports the topic. These should be different sources than were used in direction 1a. A written literature review is a synthesis of all the information you can find on a specific topic. It begins with a physical review of the articles you find in the library. The NSU librarian is available to assist students in accessing databases and the required steps when conducting a literature review.
c. Now that you have reviewed the literature and selected relevant articles you must write the actual review. Summarize your findings from your literature review regarding the impact of the topic of interest on population health. Synthesize (blend) the 4 articles into a written presentation of all the information you found. Remember to give proper credit and cite the information found in each article using APA format.

-Identifies known stressors and anticipated challenges  as well as plans for managing each of them within the  first year and at five years.

This assignment  provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to ongoing personal and  professional development through the creation of:
>YEAR ONE (1).
>YEAR TEN (10)
professional career plan  in nursing.



2)Transition into  the Professional  Nursing Role:

-Identifies the state in which the student is seeking  employment.   -Details a minimum of three (3) criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN licensed in that state.
-Conducts a new BSN graduate job search in a 30  mile radius of where the student lives or plans to  relocate.
-Provides the details of what is required to submit  an application for hire for the top two choices of  employment.

-Provides a description of the ways in which the student  intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal  life as well as in the role of professional nurse within  the first year and at five years.


-Identifies known stressors and anticipated challenges  as well as plans for managing each of them within the  first year and at five years.


-Determine a plan for lifelong learning and educational  development anticipated within the first year and at  five years. This plan can include, but is not limited to,  specialty certification, advanced nursing education,  and the pursuit of formal education outside of the  nursing discipline.


-Summarize plans for contributing to at least one  professional nursing community as well as the  student’s general community, in the healthcare  professional role:


-A minimum of three (3) peer‐reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of this assignment.
 -A minimum of one (1) professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website is required in support of this assignment.
NB: See attachment for details.


In this assignment, the student will be producing a 4‐5 page essay that includes the following  components:
-Transition into the Professional Nursing Role:  Identify actions to be considered in the transition from student to BSN graduate nurse including:
-Identify the state in which the student is seeking employment.  -Detail a minimum of three(3)criteriaset forth by the Board of Nursing forobtaining an RN license in that state.
-Conduct a new BSN graduate job
search in a 30 mile radius of where the student (Zip code is 20706)lives or plans to relocate.
 -Provide the details of what is
required to submit an application
for hire for the top two choices of
-Provide a description of the ways in which the student intends to  maintain holistic balance in their
personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the
first year, at five (5) years, and at ten (10) years.

-Identify known stressors and
anticipated challenges as well as
plans for managing each of them
within the first year (1), at five (5) years, and at ten (10)years.

-Determine a plan for lifelong
learning and educational development anticipated within the first year
at five years, and at ten years.   -This plan can include, but is not
limited to, specialty certification, advanced nursing education, and the
pursuit of formal education outside
of the nursing discipline.

• -Summarize plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing
community as well as the student’s
general community in the healthcare
professional role within the first

-A minimum of three (3) peer‐reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of  this assignment.   o A minimum of one (1) professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing  website is required in support of this assignment.

Discuss the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study.

In order to find the best information on a topic, not only should you develop a question and search for resources, but you should also know how to analyze the value of the resources that you identify. There are different ways to evaluate resources, such as using the hierarchy of evidence, which you explored in Week 4 of this course. Another way to evaluate resources is to consider the appropriateness of the research design. Understanding how research designs contribute to the quality of a study is essential for being able to analyze resources when conducting a literature review or locating evidence for practice.


In this Discussion, you consider the different research designs and evaluate how these designs have been used to research a specific topic. You also consider strategies for selecting an appropriate research design.


To prepare:


  • Review the information in the course texton quantitative research designs. Focus on the information in Box 9.1, “Guidelines for Critiquing Research Designs in Quantitative Studies” located on page 230 of the course text.
  • Select a topic from the list below and search the Walden Library to find two different quantitative research studies addressing that issue:


    • Caregiver stress
    • Anxiety in children
    • Sleep apnea
    • Depression in college freshmen
    • Rural health care issues
    • Post-traumatic stress syndrome
    • Traumatic brain injury in veterans
    • Health effects of environmental contaminants
    • Bipolar disorder
    • End-of-life ethical issues
    • Alternative medicine
  • For each of the sources that you select, identify the type of quantitative research design used, and evaluate whether it is the most appropriate approach to the research.
  • Consider the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study.


Post  (1) the topic you selected,  references for the two sources you identified, and the quantitative research design used in each. (2) Critique the appropriateness of the design used and justify your comments with information from the Learning Resources. (3) Discuss the ramifications of choosing an inappropriate design for a research study.


· Identify the human, fiscal and material resources necessary to efficiently achieve quality healthcare outcomes.

Quality Improvement, Risk Management,

Nurse Sensitive Outcomes, Just Culture

and High Reliable Organizations

Learning Objectives

Module V concentrates on the following course outcomes—

· Identify the human, fiscal and material resources necessary to efficiently achieve quality healthcare outcomes.

Reading Assignments


Sullivan: Chapter 6

IUPUI Library Online

Armitage, G. (2009). Human error theory: Relevance to nursing management. Journal of Nursing Management, 17, 193-202

Despins, L., Scott-Cawiezell, J., & Rouder, J. (2010). Detection of patient risk by nurses: a theoretical framework. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(2), 465-474.

Mayer, C.M., Cronin, D., (2008). Organizational accountability in a just culture. Urologic Nursing. 28 (6): p 427-30.

Riley, W. (2009). High reliability and implications for nursing leaders. Journal of Nursing Management, 17(2), 238-246.


Key Topics and Definitions to Know:

Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Benchmarking, Standards, Dashboards, Sentinel Events, Root Cause Analysis, Nurse Sensitive Quality Indicators, Anonymous error reporting systems, Just Culture, High Reliable Organizations


Quality and risk management are major issues in the current healthcare environment. Safety, quality and consumer satisfaction and outcomes are key elements of the healthcare system too. More and more time for all healthcare organizations is being spent determining the best way to meet customer expectations. Understanding the major concepts associated with quality, risk, and consumer relations will assist in developing the staff nurse role. Each health care organization is concerned with safe, quality, efficient, and cost effective care. Anyone of these variables cannot be overlooked in order to focus on one or few. Few consumers will want cost effective care that is not safe or of highest quality.


As you will recall from earlier reading, organizations are about structure, process and outcome. Quality improvement is a means to assess and measure on an ongoing systematic say how an organizations is meeting desired outcomes. Key concepts to understand regarding safety and risk in hospitals is based on Norma Accident and High Reliability Theory. High Reliable Organizations (HRO) are those that operate under the premise that something can go wrong, consequently they are always on alert to prevent error by avoiding complacency. Drifting into failure is a term well known to “high risk” professions such as healthcare and aviation. Often times deviation from the standard is seen and experienced and allowed to go on until eventually something catastrophic happens. It is important to not allow the establishment of deviation from what should be. Other safety measures include those associated with Just Culture and include learning from mistakes, reporting mistakes and treating mistakes in a non-punitive fashion. See journal articles listed for this module.


Six Sigma is a vision of quality, which equates to about 3.4 defects per million opportunities for each product or service transaction. Six Sigma is a methodology that strives for perfection. Sigma is a statistical term that measures how far a given process deviates from perfection. The central idea behind Six Sigma is that if you can measure how many “defects” you have in a process, you can systematically figure out how to eliminate them and get as close to “zero defects” as possible. To achieve Six Sigma Quality, a process must produce no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. An “opportunity” is defined as a chance for nonconformance, or not meeting the required specifications.


Quality improvement process has steps similar to nursing process. It involves steps to plan, implement and evaluate. Benchmarks serve as a basis for comparison of “best practice.” These benchmarks have been developed through research and evidence. Healthcare organizations use report cards and score cards to report criteria related to quality and safety.


Consumer relationships are crucial to the viability of any organization. There is a common saying that if a customer is satisfied with the service received from a company, he may not tell anyone, however, if a customer receives negative service, he tells at least 20 people. Think of examples that you have had. This principle relates to health care as well. Unhappy patients have many other choices, especially in urban areas. Patient outcomes and patient satisfaction are two different things. Patients may have negative outcomes and still be satisfied with the organization and care. There are a number of variables that influence this and one is customer relations.


1. Discuss the process of root cause analysis.  Who is involved in this process?

2. Give an example of a nurse sensitive outcome, defined by the American Nurses Association, and how it is used in your clinical setting.

3. Describe principles of high reliable organizations that you see in the healthcare setting

4. Describe the four components of just culture and how you think Just culture contributes to patient safety.

5. Discuss your experience with the process of reporting sentinel events in an organization. What error reporting mechanism is in place?


What surprised you about the results of the survey found in this article?

The term “information governance” is well understood in corporate organizations, and in the healthcare environment it is being used with greater frequency than in the past. This is due in large part to health informatics and the use of technology to transmit, store, share, and manipulate data from health records. Data is an organizational asset to be managed and valued.

Policies, controls, procedures and technologies all need to be in alignment in order for an organization to utilize the full value of this asset—information—which is now found everywhere within the organization. The challenges to growing a culture of information governance in healthcare organizations today are significant, but these challenges are still being tackled by corporate America, as you will read in the following article, located in the CSU Library:Information Governance’s Big Payback.

After reading the article, write a 2- to 3-page essay, providing your opinion on these questions:

  1. What surprised you about the results of the survey found in this article?
  2. Which parts of this survey would be applicable to the healthcare environment?
  3. What can healthcare CEOs learn from the information governance practices of large corporations?

Complete your 2- to 3-page response in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman or a similar font, 12 point, double-spaced. Your paper should be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, with any sources and references properly cited.

Do you agree with this explanation of addiction? Why or why not?

Reflection Paper 1

Read and summarize the Definition of Addiction Public Policy Statement from the American Society of Addiction Medicine from the link below.

Summarize the Long Definition of Addiction in your own words.

Does this definition make sense?

Do you agree with this explanation of addiction? Why or why not?



How did this loss affect the person mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially?

Background: We are all survivors of some type of loss.  Everyone in this class has experienced some type of loss and accompanying grief.  Besides death of a significant other, there are many other types of losses that produce grief.  The purpose of this project is to analyze a loss you have experienced by using concepts you have learned in this course.




Listed below are examples of losses that you may write about:




  1. The death of someone important to you:

    –   A parent, child, sibling, spouse, or other relative

    –   A close friend or someone you were romantically involved with.

    –   Someone famous that meant a lot to you.


  2. The loss of a relationship through:

    –   betrayal, divorce, separation, or desertion

    –   kidnapping, murder, or disappearance

    –   mental illness

    –   substance abuse


  3. The loss of a job (yours or someone you depended on for support)
  4. Moving away from home, becoming homeless, becoming a refugee.
  5. Loss of physical capacity or ability through illness, accident, the aging process.
  6. The loss of a pet (through death, ran away, was stolen, etc.)
  7. Loss of something valuable to you (home/property destroyed by fire, flood, natural disaster)
  8. Loss of or denial of membership in a group that was important to you.
  9. Loss of respect for, or sense of betrayal by a person, organization, or group that you had previously held in high esteem.  Loss of your reputation.
  10. Loss of trust in others, or loss of self-esteem due to physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.


    Directions: Please Use These Sub-Headers


    Part 1: Description of the loss event.  2-3 pages in length.  Write this from the 3rd person point of view to describe the events.


    Part 2: The Reactions to the Loss:Again, write this from the 3rd person point of view.  Use concepts from the text and your class notes to describe the reaction to the loss.  Do this in 2-3 pages, double-spaced.  Use the APA format to cite specific concepts from the text.


    Questions to consider when writing Part 2:


  1. When he/she experienced this loss, what emotions, feelings, thought, and physical symptoms did the person experience?
  2. How did this loss affect the person mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially?


  3. Did the person’s reactions to this loss mirror any of the theories of grief in the text?


If yes, describe the similarities.  If not, describe the differences.




Part 3: The Current Status. 2-3 pages.  Switch to 1st person for this section.  Describe how you feel now.  How have your feelings, thoughts, reactions changed over time? How has your life changed due to the loss?  What did you learn from this?


Be sure to use concepts from chapters 9, 10, and 11 of the text, a website, class notes, magazine article, other book.  Use APA format.




Formatting Instructions:


  1. Title page with your name, class name, class number, assignment name, and date.
  2. Double-spaced. 1” margins on all sides.  12-point font size.  Number pages in top right hand corner.
  3. Make sure you have three separate sections: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3.
  4. Sections 2 & 3 must include connections to concepts found in chapters 9, 10, and 11, a web site that talks about grief/bereavement, or magazine articles, or other book. You should have a minimum of four references, or two for each of sections 2 and 3.
  5. Use APA style to cite the text or other sources that you use.
  6. Include a reference page that lists the sources that you have cited in the text.


 describe the patient’s personal, social, family and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care

Practicum Experience: Journal Entry


As a nurse practitioner, Select a patient who presented to your clinic with abdominal pain,  reflect on this patient who has  abdominal pain. In 1 to 2 pages   journal ,  describe the patient’s personal, social, family and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. Make sure you personalize this case as a provider.


describe two pieces of the act that you were unaware was part of the act and how that may affect you as a citizen.

After reading the Kaiser Family Foundation summary on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, state why or why not you believe the act should remain in law, or which pieces should be reversed. Then describe two pieces of the act that you were unaware was part of the act and how that may affect you as a citizen.



Please follow the writing instructions below:

Must be in APA format

Minimum of 250 words

Minimum of two references

Must be original=will be checked for plagiarism

Masters level writing


All aspects of the questions must be answered