Explain the health disparity or social justice issue related to quality management in today’s health care arena.

Research and select an environment with a health disparity or social justice issue (free clinics, inner-city facilities, hospitals with large groups of immigrants)

Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes in which you:

Explain the health disparity or social justice issue related to quality management in today’s health care arena.
Analyze a problem, system, or process to be improved.
Address each of the following in your analysis:
Regulatory, such as OSHA mandate
Improved efficiency
Patient satisfaction
Life safety issue
Analyze a change theory, and incorporate it into your improvement plan.
Analyze personal leadership theory and style, and incorporate them into your improvement plan.
Evaluate system changes needed to implement your planned solution, including tools and technologies.
Create an implementation plan, including a timeline, based on plan-do-study-act (PDSA/PDCA) cycle, including implementation strategies, potential barriers, and evaluation process.
Include at least five peer-reviewed references to support your process improvement and change project.

   Identify and describe your ideal position and how you plan to meet the healthcare challenges, as well as transform practice (refer to two areas most relevant to you)?

I need 4-5 pages paper on the given instructions. Your paper must include headings before started each new section.You must include 4-5 scholarly references cited in APA. Your answer must be 100% original.



In your paper address the following;

1.      Describe why you have pursued the DNP degree and what changes in your professional stance will change as a result of obtaining the degree.

a)       Provide your professional and personal accounts of why you are pursuing the degree.

b)       Provide your insight as to whether you feel there will be a change in your professional stance as a result of your degree.

c)       How will you be addressed by physicians and non-physicians?

2.      Identify and describe your ideal position and how you plan to meet the healthcare challenges, as well as transform practice (refer to two areas most relevant to you)?

a)       How will your new role contribute to improving the healthcare system in terms of cost, quality, and access?

b)       How will your new role contribute to changing practice to the clinical realm through evidence-based practice?

c)       How will your new role contribute to addressing policy changes that impact the clinical realm?

3.      In your new role as a DNP-prepared nurse, describe what skills and knowledge will you bring forth in the healthcare or academic setting (answer to the area most relevant to you).

a)       As a nurse leader, what new skills and knowledge will you bring forth compared to a nurse executive with his or her MSN or MBA?

b)       As a nurse faculty member, what new skills and knowledge will you bring forth compared to a tenured faculty member with their PhD?

c)       As a nurse politician, what new skills and knowledge will you bring forth compared to a nurse leader with his or her MSN or MPH?

d)       As a quality improvement specialist, what new skills and knowledge will you bring forth compared to a nurse quality consultant with his or her MSN or MPH?

4.      Review the Eight Recommendations for Transforming the Future (2011). Expand on two of the recommendations that resonate most with you and in alignment with your ideal position.

a)       How may you support the two recommendations from your new skills and knowledge as a DNP-prepared nurse?

5.      Conclusion


a)       Summarize the main points from the content of your paper.

What concepts from her theory have you found as important to your future nursing practice, and why? (Respond in at least ten sentences for this question)

Human, health , nursing, environment, chose 1 and use ten sentences for the first question

number 2. use 15 sentence using caritas biomeadical tecnology.  example , how will you use this process to help a patient who his having an mri or surgery.  the ten caritas process, you only talk about two in 15 sentence.



Upon reflection of Watson’s Theory of Human Caring:

1. What concepts from her theory have you found as important to your future nursing practice, and why? (Respond in at least ten sentences for this question)

2. In a world that embraces, the biomedical technolological healthcare environment, how will you use caritas processes in your nursing practice in this environment?  Please give two examples (Respond in at least 15 sentences for this question).


Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy.

Read the scenario and write 3-4 pages paper on the given instructions. Your paper must include headings before started each new section. You must include 2-3 scholarly references other than the required and suggested articles (see attachments). All references must be cited in APA. Your answer must be 100% original.



The following scenario serves as the basis for your paper.

You have worked with Tomika for the past 5 years. Tomika shares with you that she has resigned and plans to work in an agency that installs telemonitoring equipment into the homes of those with chronic illnesses. Nurses monitor the patients using the equipment with the goal of detecting problems before patients need to be readmitted to the hospital. Tomika will be working from her own home, with occasional meetings at the agency. She would not be visiting her patients in their homes, but rather would be assessing and interacting with them via videoconferencing. She tells you that there are still job openings and encourages you to apply.

You are intrigued by this, and decide to investigate whether telenursing would be a good choice for you, too. Is telenursing in your future?



1.      You are to research (find evidence), compose, and type a scholarly paper that describes telenursing as described above, and whether it is a good fit for you. What are the advantages and disadvantages of telenursing as it applies to their patients?

2.      Investigate safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers.

3.      Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy.

4.      In the conclusion of your paper, describe your current employment situation, and whether a job in telenursing would, or would not, fit with your career goals and life situation once you graduate in nursing.

5.      The paper should contain an introduction, body and conclusion and recommendations.



Required Article (see attachment)

Suggested Article: http://www.hhnmag.com/articles/6109-meaningful-use-lessons-from-the-front


Describe why this body system is vital to a healthy life, as well as why you should take care of it.

Select one of the body systems from the University of Phoenix Material: Weekly Vocabulary Exercise: Body Systems.


Create a brochure, using the Brochure Builder, you could present to high school students to encourage better health-seeking behaviors.


Describe why this body system is vital to a healthy life, as well as why you should take care of it.


Answer the following questions in your brochure:


What is the function of this major body system?What role does it play in overall health?What major organs comprise this body system?What diseases can affect organs in this body system? What are the effects of these diseases?


Include the following in your brochure:


Appropriate pictures, diagrams, and graphics that illustrate your explanationsAppropriately cited references


Use terms from your Weekly Vocabulary Exercises. Emphasize the terms by putting them in Capital Letters in your bulletin. Bold does not work.




Were there any unusual emotional thoughts or feelings you had as a result of this loss?


Background:  This project will involve interviewing three individuals about their most significant loss in Life.  You will then analyze your findings in relation to concepts from the text/class.




  1. Interview 3 people about the thoughts and feelings they experienced relative to the GREATEST loss in their lives.  Ask each person, “What is the greatest loss that you have experienced in your life so far?”  Remember the loss does not have to be about death!  Let each person decide his/her own greatest loss.  If at all possible you will want to interview relatives for this project.  You may be surprised at the insights you gain into your own family.
  2. Before you interview your interviewees, be sure to compose a list of questions that you will ask.  Ask each person the same questions.  You may also use some of the sample questions listed below.  You must ask a minimum of five (5) questions.



  • What was your greatest loss so far in your life?
  • What exactly happened?
  • Did you experience any different physical symptoms as a result of this loss?
  • Were there any unusual emotional thoughts or feelings you had as a result of this loss?
  • Were there any changes in your daily routine following this loss?
  • How were your sleep patterns affected by this loss?
  • What words best describe exactly what you lost from your life?
  • Has this loss changed you as a person?  If so, how?
  • Has this loss helped you to understand others who have had a similar loss?  In what ways?


  1. Face-to-face interviews are strongly recommended!  Skype interviews are allowed.  Email and telephone interviews are NOT permitted.  It is important for you to see the facial expressions of the person you are interviewing.  Sometimes these will tell you more than the person verbalizes.
  2. Be probative in your interviews.  When a person gives a one word answer, follow up with something like, “Tell me how that felt.”  “Describe what you mean when you say….”
  3. Summary Section: Write a summary of your 3 interviews.  Compare the answers from your respondents.  How do their loss experiences compare with yours?
  4. Conclusion Section : What was most remarkable to you about this project?  Did any of your interviewee’s answers surprise you or were they exactly what you expected?  What lessons did you learn while doing this assignment?



    Formatting Instructions _ Paper must include:


  • Title Page with the title of project, class name, class number, your full name, and date.
  • Name of each person you interviewed and their relationship to you.
  • Exact time, dates, and locations that you interviewed each person.
  • Each person’s signature,  These will be hand written on a separate piece of paper.
  • Each person’s answers as verbatim as possible.  Do not write it from the 3rd person, “He said that…” typed directly beneath each question(single space the answers)  Use bold type for the questions and regular type for the answers.
  • A summary section Double-space this section.
  • A conclusion section. What was most remarkable or noteworthy to you?  Why? What did you learn from this assignment?
  • 1” margins on all sides.  Please use Microsoft Word.  12 point font size.  Number your pages in the top right hand corner.

* Also there are attachments have some information from my instructor


Identify the studies of the database search that are a Level I or II evidence.

Assignment – Interpreting Statistical Output for Data Analysis PowerPoint Presentation


The purpose of this Assignment is to enable you to present the information that you gather from a systematic review on your PICOT topic. This activity will give you the experience to present what your research findings to others.

My PICOT question is: The Benefits of a Kidney Transplant versus Dialysis



  1. Define the clinical key questions based on PICOT.
  2. Briefly review the database selected for key clinical questions.
  3. Identify the studies of the database search that are a Level I or II evidence.
  4. Interpret the statistical results of the studies identified in Step 3.
  5. Design a presentation.
    1. Place results /overview of research in PowerPoint.
    2. Length of the presentation should be 12–15 slides.
  6. Follow APA format.

Identify a potential quantitative research study that is important to nursing and describe which design you would use for this study, why you would use that design, and how the information generated from the study could be applied in nursing practice.

Topic 1: Quantitative Research Design

Using the knowledge and insights gained from the textbook and other reliable sources answer the following.

  1. In your own words, define quantitative research and provide two examples of quantitative designs with a brief explanation of each design.
  2. Identify a potential quantitative research study that is important to nursing and describe which design you would use for this study, why you would use that design, and how the information generated from the study could be applied in nursing practice.
  3. Reflect as to the value of quantitative research adding to the science, knowledge, and practice of nursing.

3.       Explain how the project relates to the Healthy People 2020 topic area you have chosen.

Note: Read the following requirements thoroughly, and write 2-3 pages paper on the instructions given below. Your paper must include headings before started each new section. You must include 3-4 scholarly references cited in APA. Your answer must be 100% original.



  1. 1.      Identify a health problem or need for health promotion for a particular stage in the life span of a population from a specific culture in your area. Choose one of the Leading Health Indicators (LHI) priorities from Healthy People 2020 (see the Healthy People.gov 2020 Leading Health Indicators website). Research a topic related to health and wellness associated with one of the Healthy People 2020 LHI topic areas. Students in a cultural concentration will use that specific cultural focus to complete this assignment.
  2. 2.      You will develop an educational health promotion project addressing the population/culture in your area. For or example, if you are in the Hispanic concentration, your project might be educational interventions to address how food choices are related to the high rates of diabetes among Latinos; or, a community project that addresses the statistic that Hispanics experience new HIV infections at more than twice the rate of whites; or, finding opportunities to intervene with Puerto Ricans, a Hispanic.
  3. 3.      Select a minimum of three (3) scholarly nursing or research article (published within the last 5years) related to your topic that include health promotion and wellness content.
  4. 4.      Students in a cultural concentration will select at least one article specifically related to the cultural focus for this assignment.


Write a 2-3 pages paper (excluding the title and reference pages) using the following guidelines:

  1. 1.      Write brief introduction of the topic and describe why it is important to health promotion in the specific cultural population in your area.
  2. 2.       Include a description of the topic and the targeted sub culture or population (include statistics)
  3. 3.       Explain how the project relates to the Healthy People 2020 topic area you have chosen.
  4. 4.      Summarize the articles; include key points or findings from the articles.
  5. 5.      Discuss how you used the information from the articles for your Health Promotion Project. Provide specific examples.
  6. 6.       Describe the approach/approaches you developed to educate the target population about the topic. Include specific ways to promote lifestyle changes within the specified population relative to your specific culture. The approach should be appropriate for your cultural concentration.