How does PTSD effect our American Soldiers today and what is being done to help these soldiers?

Write a proposal paper (1,250-1,500 words) for a major change project that you would like to lead.


Identify a health care issue that interests you and explain why.


Develop a rationale using evidence-based research, including:

1) The background.

2) Statistical findings.

3) Probable stakeholders.

4) Logical conclusions.


Design an implementation plan for the project, including:

1) A communications plan.

2) Creation of a design and implementation team by roles.


List the strategies you would use to lead the team to success and identify potential obstacles that may be faced, along with plans to deal with them.


Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Research Question


How does PTSD effect our American Soldiers today and what is being done to help these soldiers?

Reflect on the development of your Practicum Project Plan thus far. Address any questions you have and/or identify areas in need of further consideration or improvement.

How are your plans for your Practicum Project progressing? What additional guidance or information would help you to refine your Practicum Project Plan?

Your Practicum Project Plan is due on or before Day 7 of this week. In preparation for completing the Assignment, you may use this forum to post a draft of your plan and receive support from your colleagues. This Discussion forum provides an opportunity for informal collaboration. It is not required, and you will not receive a grade for your participation.

If you choose to participate, you may integrate useful feedback you receive to strengthen your plan prior to submitting it. Just as importantly, reviewing your colleagues’ proposals may help you to deepen your understanding of the plan components and application of scholarly writing.

(Optional) To prepare:

  • Review the information in the Practicum Project Plan (PPP) Overview document, introduced in Week 3. The overview describes the elements that must be included in your plan.
  • Reflect on the development of your Practicum Project Plan thus far. Address any questions you have and/or identify areas in need of further consideration or improvement.
  • Develop any outstanding components of your Practicum Project Plan. For instance, you may need to continue your review of the literature and create your project timeline. You may wish to review the timeline table you completed on the Professional Practicum Experience Plan and update it as necessary.
  • Review the information on scholarly writing in this week’s Learning Resources, and integrate these principles as you develop your Practicum Project Plan.
  • Create a draft of your Practicum Project Plan (a 4- to 6-page scholarly paper) to share with your colleagues in this optional Discussion forum.

(Optional) Post a draft of your Practicum Project Plan.

Note: To provide sufficient time for review and feedback, you are encouraged to post your plan on or before Day 3.

•    What constraints exist that limit the range of alternatives to addressing the issue?

The student will write a 5-10 page paper on a current issue in healthcare related to a personal interest area or personal view of a healthcare issue or concern. The paper will consist of

1. Pros and Cons of the issue through a literature search with APA guidelines followed.

2. After pros and cons are stated, you will write  an analysis and synthesis of both and write a summary paragraph (s) on your personal views.

Suggested topics to consider  patient safety concerns, end of life issues, access to care, Affordable Care Act, ethical issues, mental health care, drug use, patient education, delivery of care models, scope of practice etc

Be careful of APA style and form.

Please reference the content within Module 4 titled, “Issues Brief Template” to complete this assignment.

Some Rubric (1)
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
Description of criterion: Pros and Cons
Full Marks
5 pts
No Marks
0 pts

Full Marks
5 pts
No Marks
0 pts

Summarization of Pros and Cons
Full Marks
10 pts
No Marks
0 pts
10 pts

Total Points: 20

Issues Brief Template
When an issue or problem arises that has impacts outside of an individual unit or manager’s control, writing a briefing paper serves several purposes.  The process of writing a paper forces clarity to the issue and the impacts, allows for explanation of competing viewpoints, and provides a basis for raising the issue for decision or discussion.

Following is a general structure to use when raising issues.  While any particular format is necessarily limiting in its rigor, having a consistent presentation is beneficial when there are many issues to deal with.  Each segment of the general structure includes strategic questions to guide the writer through a thought process.  Not all questions will be applicable or appropriate for every situation and there may be additional questions to consider that are not listed below.

The most critical elements of the structure are clarity, conciseness, and the complete description of all sides of the issue.  Constructing an argument to move in any one direction is relatively simple if potential concerns or opposition are glossed over (or not even recognized).  If options are presented, they should provide a balanced (with all other options) description of the impacts.  In other words, a briefing paper should be used only partially to make a particular case; the broader purpose should be to inform a discussion of an issue and its impacts.


Issue Statement
•    What problem/issue needs to be resolved?
•    If the remainder of the paper is extensive, an Executive Summary should be included

•    Why does the issue exist/how did the issue originate?
•    What is the situation that causes it to surface or be elevated now?
•    What are the impacts of the issue?
•    Who is impacted by it?
•    What is the statewide significance?
•    What are the arguments in support of and in opposition to potential resolutions?
•    What work has been undertaken around the issue and what are the results?
•    What constraints exist that limit the range of alternatives to addressing the issue?
•    What are the risks or ramifications of not resolving the issue?
•    What references exist to inform this issue (i.e. Op Notice, policy, manual, etc.)

Options and/or Recommendations (typically, choose one)
•    What are the proposed options?
o    How do the options address the issue?
o    What are the opposing arguments (whether they’ve been made or could be made)
o    Financial implications?
o    Precedent implications?
o    Political implications?
•    What is the proposed approach to developing options or recommendation?
o    Should a sub-team be developed to explore options and/or develop a recommendation for resolution?
o    Should the issue be delegated or elevated to another leadership team?
o    Other method/approach to develop options or a recommendation?
•    What is the proposed recommendation or solution?
o    How does the proposed recommendation resolve the issue?
o    What are the benefits?
o    What are the risks?
o    What are the opposing arguments (whether they’ve been made or could be made)
o    Financial implications?
o    Precedent implications?
o    Political implications?

•    How will the solution be implemented?
•    Who will implement?
•    What are the key steps or deliverables involved?
•    What are the timeframes for implementation?
•    What does “success” look like?
•    How will the recommendation be documented? (i.e. Op Notice, manual changes, policy changes, etc.)

•    Who needs to approve?
•    Who needs to know?
•    How will the recommendation be communicated?  Is a communication plan needed?

what strategies will you use. and the 3rd part is about the disadvantages and advantages.  please include an intro and conclusion

This paper is a proposal for change paper, meaning how and what Nurse Practitioners (a leader) can do to enact the change. attached you will see a list of change theories, you have to select a change theory and use it as a framework for the change you want to implement. Make sure in the first part of the paper you discuss the topic licensing/credentialing issues, why its a problem, and the change model you chose, the purpose statement/ thesis.
the second part would be about how to enact the change, how you will communicate with people, how to get peoplel to collaborate, what strategies will you use. and the 3rd part is about the disadvantages and advantages.
please include an intro and conclusion

Identify and provide background information on your topic on population health issue. Use at least 2 peer reviewed sources (within the last 5 years) from the literature when describing the issue. 

The purpose for writing this paper is to encourage you to research and examine current issues in today’s health care environment. Issues may deal with practice, education, research, funding, licensure/credentialing, management delivery systems, and access to health care

1. Write a 3 – 4 page paper, not including title and reference pages:
a. Identify and provide background information on your topic on population health issue. Use at least 2 peer reviewed sources (within the last 5 years) from the literature when describing the issue.
b. Conduct a literature review on the impact of your topic of interest on population health, finding at least 4 peer-reviewed sources (within the last 5 years). Look for literature that details how the topic of interest is affecting our overall population health (not just individual health) and supports the topic. These should be different sources than were used in direction 1a. A written literature review is a synthesis of all the information you can find on a specific topic. It begins with a physical review of the articles you find in the library. The NSU librarian is available to assist students in accessing databases and the required steps when conducting a literature review.
c. Now that you have reviewed the literature and selected relevant articles you must write the actual review. Summarize your findings from your literature review regarding the impact of the topic of interest on population health. Synthesize (blend) the 4 articles into a written presentation of all the information you found. Remember to give proper credit and cite the information found in each article using APA format.

Consider the four stages of group formation (forming, storming, norming, and performing). How would you describe the progression between stages? Is there a stage in which you believe your group is or was “stuck”?



The dynamic and increasingly complex world of health care often requires nurses to work collaboratively on interprofessional teams. In the group environment, individuals with unique skills and expertise come together to focus on a common goal; however, groups must become cohesive before they can become effective.


Your experiences working with groups—whether you perceive them as positive, negative, or neutral—can be used to facilitate insight and development. Health care, with its focus on interprofessional teamwork and collaboration, offers ample opportunities and an imperative for continuous learning.


For this Discussion, you focus on strategies for facilitating the group process.


To prepare:


Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources regarding the stages of group formation, problematic roles individuals play in groups, and strategies for facilitating and maintaining positive group collaboration. In particular, review Learning Exercise 19.12 on page 464 of the course text.


Reflect on various groups with which you have been or are currently involved. Select one specific group to analyze for the purposes of this Discussion. Identify the purpose or task that the group is or was meant to perform.


Consider the four stages of group formation (forming, storming, norming, and performing). How would you describe the progression between stages? Is there a stage in which you believe your group is or was “stuck”?


Consider the task or group-building role you normally play in a group setting. How could you apply the information from the Learning Resources to improve your group participation and facilitation, as well as the functioning of the group as a whole?


In addition, think about which individuals within your group (including yourself) may fall into problematic roles such as the Dominator, the Aggressor, or the Blocker. How have you and your group members addressed the enactment of these roles and its impact on interactions? With information from the Learning Resources in mind, what strategies would you apply now or going forward?


Post– (1) a description of a group with which you have been or are currently involved. (2) Assess where the group is in terms of the four stages of group formation.  (3) If you are reflecting on a past experience, explain if your group moved through all four stages. (4) Describe the task or group-building role you typically play, or played, in this group. Then, (5) explain what strategies you, as a leader, can apply to better facilitate the group process and address any problematic individual roles in the group.






  • Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
    • Chapter 19 “Organizational, Interpersonal, and Group Communication”

      Chapter 19 covers many aspects of the communication process, including group communication. As you read this chapter, focus on the stages of group development (forming, storming, norming, performing) and group dynamics (group task roles, group building and maintenance roles, problematic roles). Consider how you can apply these concepts as you engage in group work.

  • Adams, S. L., & Anantatmula, V. (2010). Social and behavioral influences on team process. Project Management Journal, 41(4), 89–98.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this article, the authors report on the effects of individual behaviors on project teams and provide a model that identifies the progress of social and behavioral development. For each stage, the authors provide recommendations for managing team members.

  • Chun, J. S., & Choi, J. N. (2014). Members’ needs, intragroup conflict, and group performance. The Journal Of Applied Psychology, 99(3), 437-450. doi:10.1037/a0036363

    This study theorizes and empirically investigates the relationships among the psychological needs of group members, intragroup conflict, and group performance.

  • Haynes, J., & Strickler, J. (2014). TeamSTEPPS makes strides for better communication. Nursing, 44(1), 62-63. doi:10.1097/01.NURSE.0000438725.66087.89

    Teamwork and communication are the focus of this article and include the use of the TeamStepps model for Quality Improvement.

  • Hogg, M. A., Van Knippenberg, D., & Rast, D. E., III. (2012). Intergroup leadership in organizations: Leading across group and organizational boundaries. Academy of Management Review, 37(2), 232–255.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article introduce a theory on intergroup leadership that is based on social theory and intergroup relations. This theory purports that intergroup performance relies on a leader’s capacity to create intergroup relational identities.

  • Kaufman, B. (2012). Anatomy of dysfunctional working relationships. Business Strategy Series, 13(2), 102–106.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    Kaufman examines the impact of dysfunctional working relationships in an organization. She provides managers with tips that will allow them to identify early warning signs of dysfunctional behavior and to minimize its effects in the workplace.

  • Mind Tools. (2012). Forming, storming, norming and performing: Helping new teams perform effectively, quickly. Retrieved from

    This web article discusses stages of team development and provides strategies for moving through the early stages effectively.

  • Mind Tools. (2009). Team charters. Retrieved from

    This web page features helpful information about team charters. Before you begin work on the Week 7 Assignment, you may find it helpful to create a charter that can guide your group’s work together.

  • Ortega, A., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Gil, F., & Rico, R. (2013). Enhancing team learning in nursing teams through beliefs about interpersonal context. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 69(1), 102-111. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.05996.x

    This article examines the relationship between team-level learning and performance in nursing teams, and the role of beliefs about the interpersonal context in this relationship.

  • Table Group. (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2012, from

    Patrick Lencioni is recognized worldwide for his work on teams. Under the Patrick Lencioni link, download and read articles related to addressing team dysfunctions.


Optional Resources


  • Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
    • Chapter 16, “Socializing and Educating Staff for Team Building in a Learning Organization”

•Explain your diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected. Compare the patient’s pulmonary function test results to the COPD guidelines when making your diagnosis.

Review the COPD guidelines in the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease article in this week’s Learning Resources.


Reflect on COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention strategies suggested in the guidelines. Consider how to implement these strategies in a clinical setting.


Locate and select a case study from a reputable source on a patient whose condition required pulmonary function testing and and use it for this assignment, make sure you provide reference where patient is selected


Consider the COPD guidelines for diagnosis and think about a potential diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected.


Reflect on treatment and management options based on the patient’s diagnosis.




To complete:




Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:


•Describe COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention strategies suggested in the COPD guidelines. Explain how to implement these strategies in a clinical setting.


•Explain your diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected. Compare the patient’s pulmonary function test results to the COPD guidelines when making your diagnosis.


•Describe treatment and management options based on the patient’s diagnosis




Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references










• Buttaro, T. M., Trybulski, J., Polgar Bailey, P., & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2013). Primary care: A collaborative practice (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. ◦


Chapter 26, “Acute Bronchospasm” (pp. 189–191)


Part 10, “Evaluation and Management of Pulmonary Disorders” (pp. 404–486)




Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. (2011). At-a-glance outpatient management reference for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Retrieved from




American Lung Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2012, from




Please use textbooks, national guidelines and journals articles < 5 years as references, avoid uptodate, amyo and Cleveland Clinic emed, webMD, Medscape as they are resources, no nd or no date, find the date or do not use

Explain about dietary foods, post mortum care, and post partum care.

4 pages


3 Reference


Title Page



Culturally related Health practices of Islamic culture with recommendations to change Bad health Practices. Explain about dietary foods, post mortum care, and post partum care.

•Describe COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention strategies suggested in the COPD guidelines. Explain how to implement these strategies in a clinical setting.

Application: Pulmonary Function Testing


To prepare:


Review the COPD guidelines in the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease article in this week’s Learning Resources.


Reflect on COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention strategies suggested in the guidelines. Consider how to implement these strategies in a clinical setting.


Locate and select a case study from a reputable source on a patient whose condition required pulmonary function testing and and use it for this assignment, make sure you provide reference where patient is selected


Consider the COPD guidelines for diagnosis and think about a potential diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected.


Reflect on treatment and management options based on the patient’s diagnosis.




To complete:




Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:


•Describe COPD diagnosis, management, and prevention strategies suggested in the COPD guidelines. Explain how to implement these strategies in a clinical setting.


•Explain your diagnosis for the patient in the case study that you selected. Compare the patient’s pulmonary function test results to the COPD guidelines when making your diagnosis.


•Describe treatment and management options based on the patient’s diagnosis




Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references










• Buttaro, T. M., Trybulski, J., Polgar Bailey, P., & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2013). Primary care: A collaborative practice (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. ◦


Chapter 26, “Acute Bronchospasm” (pp. 189–191)


Part 10, “Evaluation and Management of Pulmonary Disorders” (pp. 404–486)




Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. (2011). At-a-glance outpatient management reference for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Retrieved from




American Lung Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2012, from




Please use textbooks, national guidelines and journals articles < 5 years as references, avoid uptodate, amyo and Cleveland Clinic emed, webMD, Medscape as they are resources, no nd or no date, find the date or do not use