Evaluate your readiness and desire to become certified through each organization. What hesitations, if any, do you have?

Consider the following scenario:

Isabel recently earned certifications offered by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses and the American Organization of Nurse Executives for nurse managers and leaders. She was especially proud of this accomplishment and was confident it would serve her well as she continued her career. At a conference last week, she had found herself talking with a colleague about certification. To her surprise, her colleague suggested that she look into certification through the Project Management Institute. It had not occurred to Isabel that she might need or want that type of certification, but upon further reflection she could see how important it was to be able to manage projects effectively. She wondered how pursuing this type of certification might further her professional development and lead to new opportunities down the road. At the very least, she decided it was worth exploring further.

As you are aware, numerous nursing organizations offer opportunities for professional development, community service, and information gathering. There are also many certifications you can obtain through professional societies or organizations. Certifications recognize an individual’s specialty area knowledge and skills and can lead to professional empowerment. By obtaining certifications, you can help improve your quality of practice and increase your earning potential.

In this Discussion, you consider development opportunities afforded through professional associations and examine how earning certifications can advance your career.

To prepare:

  • Reflect on your professional goals. These goals may relate to the practicum professional development objectives you established in Week 1, but you are encouraged to take a broader view of what you would like to accomplish in the immediate future, as well as five or 15 years from now. Identify at least one goal that is especially important to you.
  • Think about the benefits of becoming involved in professional organizations and obtaining certifications.
  • If you already have a specialty or clinical certification, reflect on how this has impacted the achievement of your professional goals thus far.
  • Review information about two or more of the professional organizations listed in the Learning Resources. Consider the following questions:
    • As you explore each organization’s website, review the mission, vision, and value statements. Also examine the strategic plan, if possible. How do these align with your interests and your professional goals?
    • Investigate whether the organization offers networking opportunities with fellow professionals. Is there a local or regional chapter you could join?
    • What are the potential benefits of obtaining a certification through each organization? Examine the criteria for certification.
    • Evaluate your readiness and desire to become certified through each organization. What hesitations, if any, do you have?
    • How and why might this certification be useful to you and/or enhance your professional development?

Post on or before Day 3 a description of one or more of your professional goals. Explain a certification provided by a professional organization that would be of interest to you. Explain how and why this additional certification would be useful to you and/or enhance your professional development. Evaluate your readiness to obtain this certification, noting any reservations you may have.

AGAIN project is on creating a standardized way to place nursing students for clinical at Rasmussen College in Green Bay Wisconsin.  I have included all pertinant postings and papers thus far for reference.

Please email if more informaton is needed to complete assignment.

What is the role of the World Health Organization on global governance of health care systems?

What is the role of the World Health Organization on global governance of health care systems? Is the WHO still a relevant global organization? Does it empower or hinder research and development efforts for developing nations? Are there significant safeguards in place to police the WHO?

2) What were the study objectives? Did they relate to the goal of the study?

Nursing Research. Please make sure you are very comfortable with NURSING RESEARCH before offering to do assignment…..this is one half of my final grade!!!!!


Please use the article Preview the documentView in a new windowThe lived experience of women victims of intimate partner violence”Preview the documentView in a new window to complete this critique. There is no time limit however, once you click submit you will not be able to return to the critique. Be sure to save your work.


Answer all questions fully w/reference


1) What was the goal of the research?


2) What were the study objectives? Did they relate to the goal of the study?


3) Why is the research design appropriate for addressing the research goal?


4) Explain how the sample selection was appropriate for this research study


5) How were data collection methods appropriate to the research design and study aims?


6) How were ethical issues taken into consideration?


7) Do you believe that data analysis was sufficiently rigorous? Why or why not?


8) Were the findings explicit and supported by sufficient evidence? Provide rationale for your answer.


9) How does the researcher link results to existing knowledge?


10) Why is this research important to nursing practice?


Textbook reference:

Boswell, C. & Cannon, S. (2013). Introduction to nursing research: Incorporating evidence

based practice (3rd  ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.  ISBN: 1-4496-9507-8


“Why do physicians and nurses kill more people than airline pilots?”

260 words Consider the question: “Why do physicians and nurses kill more people than airline pilots?” Apply your critical thinking skills to this argument and critique the statement. First, do you think it’s true? If it is, what do you think about their rationale? How would you address it if the question were posed to you in a forum?


What are phytochemicals, and how do they benefit plants and humans?

What are phytochemicals, and how do they benefit plants and humans?

.  What are some of the possible complications involved in using herbal medicines?

  What are some steps someone should consider/do before purchasing supplements?

.  Name the four “assisting” organs that are not part of the GI tract but are needed for proper digestion.  What are their roles in digestion?

.  What substance makes the stomach contents acidic?  What substance protects stomach cells from the low pH of stomach contents?


Describe the methodology. Was the study conducted using qualitative or qualitative methods? Who participated in the study?

5.1  Discussion:

Select a contingency model of leadership and explain how the model is manifested in your organization? Provide examples and appropriate research sources to support your position. 500 words max. APA citations and references from at least 2 scholarly sources required. Respond to at least 2 other posts.


5.2  Article Summary:

Read and summarize this article:

Sauer, S. J. (2011). Taking the reins: The effects of new leader status and leadership style on team performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(3), 574-587.

The article should be summarized (in your own words) in 2-3 paragraphs, focusing on the author’s main points. What was the purpose of the study? Describe the theoretical model or framework used in the article. Define terms and concepts. Describe the methodology. Was the study conducted using qualitative or qualitative methods? Who participated in the study? Were there any significant findings?

(I work at a hospital)


How is your chosen technology utilized, and by whom?

This is an exciting and challenging time to be involved in healthcare informatics. Technologies are being developed that are rapidly changing the face of medical practice and organizations are struggling to maintain their edge in implementing systems, while reimbursement for services is decreasing and budgets are shrinking.

Technology impacts everyone involved in every aspect of patient care, from the admitting clerk at the front desk to allied health personnel and technicians to medical providers. Select one of the following technologies and provide a summary of its use in today’s healthcare environment.

  • Speech recognition technology
  • Natural language processing
  • Bar coding technology
  • Optical character and gesture recognition technologies
  • Clinical decision support systems
  • Computerized order entry
  • Electronic prescribing
  • Telehealth/Telemedicine
  • Mobile and Wireless Technologies
  • Point of Care Information Systems
  • Radio frequency identification tracking

In a 3- to 5-page essay, using sources to support your responses, answer the following questions.

  • How is your chosen technology utilized, and by whom?
  • What are the benefits to using this technology?
  • What are the challenges to its utilization?
  • Is this a “first generation” technology at this time, that is, are improvements already being developed or seen for the near future?

Complete your 3- to 5-page response in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman or a similar font, 12 point, double-spaced. Your paper should be formatted according to APA Requirements with any sources and references properly cited.

Why does teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases remain high in the U.S.

Analyze, compare, and contrast the authors’ hypotheses, methods, and findings in 2 nursing articles written within the last 2 years on why adolescent sex rates and STD rates are high in 2-3 pages.  THis is the first part i did.




Why does teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases remain high in the U.S.

What can healthcare providers do that decrease the rate of teen pregnancy and STD’s in the US?

Adolescent Sex

Teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases continue to be an important healthcare issue in the 20th century.  Although teen pregnancy rates have dropped there are still concerns and healthcare problems that are associated with teen pregnancy. Often times they are afraid to discuss sex with their parents and deny will deny being sexually active at all.  There are problems that manifest with adolescent pregnancy for the mother and often times the infants as well.  The high school drop out rate among pregnant high school students is approximated at about 70 percent and is cited as the number reason teens drop out prior to graduation.  There is also an estimated $7 billion revenue cost associated with teen pregnancy in the United States alone. The risk of young people engaging in early sexual intercourse is largely due to the lack of sexual education, peer pressure and social influences.

Chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS, primary and secondary syphilis, and hepatitis B virus infection are amid the highest reported STDs with chlamydia noted as the most dominate which is likely due to the fact that there is more vigorous testing.  Some of the other noted STDs are genital herpes, trichomoniasis, Chancroid, and HPV.  Often times and without any signs or symptoms present more than one pathogen is involved with sexually transmitted diseases. Typically the only environments in which there remain viable pathogens is the bodily fluids from the genitourinary tract requiring there to be intimate contact for them to be acquired.

Although it affects men and women chlamydia is predominately seen in young women and is the most common nationally known sexually transmitted disease in the U.S.  Bodily fluids from the genitourinary tract are typically the environments in which there remain viable pathogens, so intimate contact is generally required to obtain STDs.  Chlamydia infections are asymptomatic in most women and can be transmitted during childbirth with the potential of a newborn developing pneumonia as a complication.  If it is not treated chlamydia can spread to the uterus and fallopian tube creating further health problems and permanent damage to the reproductive system.

Teaching abstinence is the most affective way to prevent pregnancy and STDs but sexuality and curiosity of sex begins at a young age and exploration into sexuality is a natural part of personal development.  The role and responsibility as healthcare providers  is to provide adolescents and teens with the information and risk factors involved with having sex.  They need to be educated on contraceptives, pregnancy and STD prevention.

There is an urgent need for programs that adequately addresses the impacts of peer groups, social norms and the influences they have on an adolescents decision about having sex (Kalmuss, Davidson, Cohall, Laraque, & Cassell, 2011).   The literature indicates that engaging in a comprehensive sex education which teaches both abstinence and contraception could lead to delayed initiation of and frequency of sex, a decrease in the number of partners and an increase in the use of contraception which may also lead to a reduction of adolescent and teen pregnancy (Basch, 2011).Providing such knowledge about pregnancy, sex, contraceptive use and STD will also provide a foundation and direction in making responsible choices.