•Reflect on the clinical presentation of diabetes, as well as your Practicum Experiences and observations. Select a case from these experiences that involve a diabetic patient. When referring to the patient, make sure to use a pseudonym or other false form of identification. This is to ensure the privacy and protection of the patient.

•Review Chapter 205 in Part 17 of the Buttaro et al. text. And 2 more credible references


•Reflect on the clinical presentation of diabetes, as well as your Practicum Experiences and observations. Select a case from these experiences that involve a diabetic patient. When referring to the patient, make sure to use a pseudonym or other false form of identification. This is to ensure the privacy and protection of the patient.


•Recall the medical details of the patient in the case that you selected including patient history, clinical presentation, physical exams, diagnostics, and the recommended treatment plan.


•Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the treatment plan and patient education strategies.




POST  1 TO 2 PAGES ON : A description of the case that you selected including the diabetic patient’s medical details.

Recall the medical details of the patient in the case that you selected including patient history, clinical presentation, physical exams, diagnostics, and the recommended treatment plan. Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the treatment plan and patient education strategies. Then, explain how the factor that you selected might impact the treatment plan and patient education strategies.








•Buttaro, T. M., Trybulski, J., Polgar Bailey, P., & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2013). Primary care: A collaborative practice (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.


◦Part 17, “Evaluation and Management of Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders” (pp. 1055




Additional References  criteria :  Please use textbooks, natio

Summarize the role of a case manager, including the four (4) basic functions

Summarize the role of a case manager, including the four (4) basic functions. Then discuss at least ten (10) of the most important competencies that a good case manager should demonstrate, including the reasons for (or importance of) these competencies in the role of case management. Please refer to Box 5-3, page 131 in the text for assistance in identifying the ten selected competencies. (5 points for the summary of a case manager; 2 points each for the 10 selected competencies, 25 points total)

Must be in APA format with references

Consider the models and suggestions for promoting evidence-based practice featured in this week’s Learning Resources. Identify models and suggestions that would work well in your hospital.

Creating a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice


An abundance of evidence can be found on almost any medical issue or health topic. Often, the availability of information is not the concern, but rather nurses struggle with how to convey the evidence to others and change practices to better reflect the evidence. Deep-rooted organizational cultures and policies can make some resistant to change, even to changes that can vastly improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of health care. However, there are many strategies that nurses can employ to bring about changes to practice.


In this Discussion, you focus on how to create an organizational culture that supports evidence-based practice.


To prepare:


  • Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources. Examine the various suggestions for promoting an organizational culture that embraces the use of EBP.
  • Reflect on your own hospital’s (or one in which you have worked) support of evidence-based practice. Examine how culture and policies impact the adoption of changes to practice based on evidence. What barriers exist?
  • Consider the models and suggestions for promoting evidence-based practice featured in this week’s Learning Resources. Identify models and suggestions that would work well in your hospital.
  • Reflect on the significance of evidence-based practice (EBP) in health care. What responsibility do nurses have to promote EBP and change practices to better reflect evidence and research findings?
  • Reflect on how nurses can disseminate findings from evidence-based practice research.


Post on Tuesday 05/10/16 550 words in APA format


1)An evaluation of your hospital’s use of Evidence Based-Practice (EBP) and how it is furthered or hindered by organizational culture and policies.


2) Describe how you could disseminate the findings.


3) Propose a strategy for strengthening the culture of EBP within the organization.


4)Discuss a nurse’s responsibility to further the use of EBP, providing a rationale supported by specific information from the Learning Resources.


Include 4 references from the list below only.


Required Resources






  • Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2012).  Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
    • Chapter 28, “Disseminating Evidence: Reporting Research Findings”

      In this chapter, the focus is on actually reporting on the research findings and how to determine the best approach for reaching the desired audience. The chapter also includes tips on how to organize the information and describes what is usually included in such reports.

  • Aitken, L. M., Hackwood, B, Crouch, S., Clayton, S., West, N., Carney, D., & Jack, L. (2011). Creating an environment to implement and sustain evidence based practice: A developmental process. Australian Critical Care, 24(4), 244–254.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article describes a multi-dimensional EBP program designed to generate sustainable improvement in patient care and patient outcome. The text details the program’s strategies for implementation along with achievements and lessons learned.

  • Barnsteiner, J. H., Reeder, V. C., Palma, W. H., Preston, A. M., & Walton, M. K. (2010). Promoting evidence-based practice and translational research. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 34(3), 217–225.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this text, the authors highlight established systems and structures designed to supply staff with resources to translate research and deliver EBP. Additionally, the article explicates a multitude of initiatives designed to disseminate evidence to the point of care.

  • Cullen, L., & Adams, S. L. (2012). Planning for implementation of evidence-based practice.Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(4), 222–230.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article provides several models for implementing evidence-based practice within an organization. It introduces four different phases through which an implementation should progress, and provides examples of each.

  • Estrada, N. (2009). Exploring perceptions of a learning organization by RNs and relationship to EBP beliefs and implementation in the acute care setting. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 6(4), 200–209.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this article, the authors detail a survey design study conducted to determine the relationship between a learning organization’s characteristics and the beliefs of registered nurses with respect to EBP. In addition, the study examines the impact of EBP beliefs on registered nurses’ implementation of EBP.

  • Fineout-Overholt, E., Williamson, K. M., Kent, B., & Hutchinson, A. M. (2010). Teaching EBP: Strategies for achieving sustainable organizational changetoward evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 7(1), 51–53.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this text suggest multiple strategies for integrating the EBP paradigm at the organizational level. The text provides rationale for why educators should also consider change at the individual level as an effective conduit for disseminating the EBP paradigm at the organizational level.

  • Munten, G. van den Bogaard, J., Cox, K., Garretsen, H., & Bongers, I. (2010). Implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing using action research: A review. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 7(3), 135–157.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This text reviews 21 action research studies to determine what is known about using action research to implement evidence-based practice. The authors explicate the promising features and flaws that were common across the action research studies they used.

  • Satterfield, J. M., Spring, B., Brownson, R. C., Mullen, E. J., Newhouse, R. P., Walker, B. B., & Whitlock, E. P. (2009). Toward a transdisciplinary model of evidence-based practice. The Milbank Quarterly, 87(2), 368–390.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article presents the primary issues and challenges in EBP across numerous health disciplines. The authors then posit a transdisciplinary EBP model designed to incorporate the strengths and diminish the flaws of each discipline’s EBP model.

  • Steurer, L. M.(2010). An evidence-based practice scholars program: One institution’s journey toward excellence. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(3), 139–143.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The author of this article details the efforts of an EBP scholars program that was designed to teach an overview of EBP, along with the skills necessary to improve patient outcomes.  In addition to the program’s development and implementation, the article highlights lessons learned.



  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012k). Translating evidence into practice. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes.

    Dr. Kristen Mauk discusses the outcomes of her DNP project in this video. She explains how nurses in the rehabilitation unit where she conducted her project used the results of her project to improve their practices.



Identify the conflict management style(s) employed by various individuals, including ineffective responses or no response to the situation.

Conflict Management Styles


In Week 10, you considered how ethical, moral, and legal dilemmas can provoke internal conflict when a nurse’s values are not in alignment with the apparent demands of a situation or with others’ values, as well as external conflict that can arise as these dynamics are played out. Of course, conflict can also emerge through seemingly simple issues of little consequence—little consequence, that is, except when they are not properly managed.


Nurse leaders need to be familiar with conflict management styles and the impact these styles can have on interpersonal dynamics, and, ultimately, patient care. For this Discussion, you evaluate a situation marked by conflict and consider how conflict management strategies could be applied to promote positive results.


To prepare:


  • Consider a conflict situation you witnessed or were engaged in within your practice setting (Hospital). Then, proceed as follows:


    • Think about who was involved, how it was resolved (if it was), and how it might have been handled more effectively.
    • Identify the conflict management style(s) employed by various individuals, including ineffective responses or no response to the situation.
    • Evaluate your personal response to this conflict.
  • What do your thoughts and actions in this and other conflict situations reveal about your typical approach to conflict?


Post by Tuesday 5/10/16 550 words in APA format


1)A description of how you handled or avoided a conflict, as well as the results of your approach.


2) Explain how would you respond to this conflict today and/or what steps you would take to improve your comfort level and skill for managing conflict in the future (including specific conflict management strategies you would use).


3)  Explain how conflict management relates to your effectiveness as a leader.



Required Resources




  • Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
    • Chapter 21, “Managing Conflict”This chapter explores the many facets of conflict, describes what contributes to conflict, and provides strategies for resolving conflict.
  • CPP. (n.d.). TKI. Retrieved July 24, 2012, from https://www.cpp.com/products/tki/index.aspxReview the sample report and other items on the Thomas-Kilmann website. You may consider completing this assessment to better understand your conflict management style.
  • Eagar, S. C., Cowin, L. S., Gregory, L., & Firtko, A. (2010). Scope of practice conflict in nursing: A new war or just the same battle? Contemporary Nurse, 36(1/2), 86–95.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.This article focuses on creating nursing teams as rapid change occurs within health care. The authors state that for a team to successfully handle conflict, there have to be clear boundaries, minimal confusion, and maximum communication.
  • Johansen, M. L. (2012). Performance potential. Keeping the peace: Conflict management strategies for nurse managers. Nursing Management, 43(2), 50–54.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.”Handling conflicts in an efficient and effective manner results in improved quality, patient safety, and staff morale, and limits work stress for the caregiver,” (p. 50). This article presents strategies for managing conflict. Review the methods suggested and consider how you might be able to apply them in the workplace.
  • Williams, S. (n.d.). Understanding conflict and conflict management. Retrieved from http://www.wright.edu/~scott.williams/LeaderLetter/conflict.htmThis short editorial delineates the major points of conflict resolution




How all three branches of government were involved in its creation, and the issues associated with their involvement. 

Option #1: Policy Analysis of the Affordable Care Law

For your project, analyze the Affordable Care Law in a 9-10 page paper not including the title or references pages. In your analysis you will need to address the following:

  • How all three branches of government were involved in its creation, and the issues associated with their involvement.
  • The role of public opinion and lobbying groups and their impact on the laws development
  • The balance of markets and their participation in the program
  • The concepts of equity, efficiency, and effectiveness and their role in the law and its passage
  • The initial anticipated effects on cost, quality, and access and whether the projections were correct or incorrect
  • The anticipated effects on Medicare and the aging as well as Medicaid and the poor.

Your paper must utilize 4-5 scholarly sources. You may not use the required readings from the course.  You may use sources from reliable public media.

All assignments must be formatted according to APA Requirements.

 Describe how this branch needs to relate to other stakeholders and assess where conflict between the stakeholders may and does occur. 

Option #1: Assessment of Legislative Roles

Given the readings this week, you now have an understanding of the legislative and judicial branches. Write a paper examining the roles of the legislative branch in health policy. Describe how this branch needs to relate to other stakeholders and assess where conflict between the stakeholders may and does occur.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the title or references pages and conform to APA Requirements. Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook.

Your company's leaders are considering sending you as a representative to a conference with a large international attendance. The leaders want to make sure you handle the task appropriately, so they have asked you to provide them with a summary of your cross-cultural communication knowledge and skills. Write a 700- to 1,050 word e-mail to leadership. Address the following: Identify principles of cross-cultural communication. Identify barriers to cross-cultural communication. Provide examples of how to properly address barriers.

Write a 700- to 1,050 word e-mail to leadership. Address the following:

  • Your company’s leaders are considering sending you as a representative to a conference with a large international attendance. The leaders want to make sure you handle the task appropriately, so they have asked you to provide them with a summary of your cross-cultural communication knowledge and skills. Write a 700- to 1,050 word e-mail to leadership. Address the following:
    • Identify principles of cross-cultural communication.
    • Identify barriers to cross-cultural communication.
    • Provide examples of how to properly address barriers.
  • Identify barriers to cross-cultural communication.
  • Provide examples of how to properly address barriers.

Your company’s leaders are considering sending you as a representative to a conference with a large international attendance. The leaders want to make sure you handle the task appropriately, so they have asked you to provide them with a summary of your cross-cultural communication knowledge and skills. Write a 700- to 1,050 word e-mail to leadership. Address the following: Identify principles of cross-cultural communication. Identify barriers to cross-cultural communication. Provide examples of how to properly address barriers.

Your company’s leaders are considering sending you as a representative to a conference with a large international attendance. The leaders want to make sure you handle the task appropriately, so they have asked you to provide them with a summary of your cross-cultural communication knowledge and skills.

Write a 700- to 1,050 word e-mail to leadership. Address the following:

  • Your company’s leaders are considering sending you as a representative to a conference with a large international attendance. The leaders want to make sure you handle the task appropriately, so they have asked you to provide them with a summary of your cross-cultural communication knowledge and skills.

    Write a 700- to 1,050 word e-mail to leadership. Address the following:

    • Identify principles of cross-cultural communication.
    • Identify barriers to cross-cultural communication.
    • Provide examples of how to properly address barriers.
  • Identify barriers to cross-cultural communication.
  • Provide examples of how to properly address barriers.

Question: What is the importance of cultural competency in nursing practice? Support your response. Include one reference.

Question:  What is the importance of cultural competency in nursing practice?  Support your response.  Include one reference.