2. how epidemiology and biostatistics are evident in this article,

Unit III Article Review

Locate an epidemiological article that looks at a disease prevention program or a health education program. The program should be of interest to you. Read this article carefully. Write a paper discussing:


1. the disease/condition,

2. how epidemiology and biostatistics are evident in this article,

3. the main independent and dependent variables,

4. the statistical tests that were used, and

5. the importance of the study results.


Your APA-formatted review should be at least two pages (not including title and reference pages). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


Which racial/ethnic minority group did you choose? Explain how your intervention program will address the cultural and language characteristics of your chosen group. What is your plan for delivering appropriate health education and care to this group?

Unit IV Scholarly Activity

Intervention Program

Imagine you are a director of community health for your local health department. You have been tasked with creating a six-week intervention program. Choose between one of the following community health issues:

1. diabetes,

2. heart disease,

3. mental illness,

4. water pollution.

Using a racial or ethnic minority group as your target population, create 10 objectives for a six-week intervention program that will combat the issue. Be sure to consider the following questions:

1. What is the health issue? Why is it a community health issue?

2. Which racial/ethnic minority group did you choose? Explain how your intervention program will address the cultural and language characteristics of your chosen group. What is your plan for delivering appropriate health education and care to this group?

3. What are the 10 objectives of the program? Please be sure your goals are SMART (View pages 202-204 in the textbook for details of SMART acronym).

Your APA-formatted paper should be at least two pages (not include the title or reference page). Please use the textbook, one online resource, and at least one resource from the CSU Online Library for reference. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

What has surprised you the most about the study and practice of leadership presented in this course?

Leadership Definition Revisited.Review your definition of leadership from Week 1. Critique your definition and explain what you would and would not change about it. Based on what you have learned from the readings, discussions, and assignments in this course, what elements of leadership were you not aware of when you started this course? What has surprised you the most about the study and practice of leadership presented in this course? What theories or concepts have you applied the most to your own leadership style or leadership situations? Have you noticed results? Be specific.


500-750 words APA citations and references from at least 1 scholarly source required. Respond to at least 2 other posts.

Analysis of leadership style(s) to include appropriate theoretical and conceptual support for assumptions and observations (provide supporting research and citations)

11.1 Discussion: Topic Selection Post a brief description of your topic for the Applied Leadership Assessment Project in week 12.


12.1 Final Project: Applied Leadership Assessment The final project in MLC 640 is a comprehensive assessment of individual leadership within an organization of the student’s choice. Drawing from previous weeks’ readings, videos, and discussions, students will assess an individual in a leadership role. Your assessment project should include but is not limited to the following:

· Brief overview of the organization (background and history)

· Leadership hierarchy (organizational structure)

· Introduction of the leader being assessed in this project

· Analysis of leadership style(s) to include appropriate theoretical and conceptual support for assumptions and observations (provide supporting research and citations)

· Critique of leader strengths and challenges

· Recommendations for leadership development

· Summary and conclusion

Presentation of your final project may be submitted in the following format:


When you have examined the entire medical record document, click the link below to download the list of questions related to that record. Save your answers in this document and submit them for this module's assignment. worksheet is attached below as well

Directions: For this medical record abstracting assignment, first click the following link to access the medical record for a patient with a respiratory system concern. MEdical record attached below     When you have examined the entire medical record document, click the link below to download the list of questions related to that record. Save your answers in this document and submit them for this module’s assignment. worksheet is attached below as well      ]]>

When you have examined the entire medical record document, click the link below to download the list of questions related to that record. Save your answers in this document and submit them for this module’s assignment. worksheet is attached below as well

For this medical record abstracting assignment, first click the following link to access the medical record for a patient with a respiratory system concern. MEdical record attached below



When you have examined the entire medical record document, click the link below to download the list of questions related to that record. Save your answers in this document and submit them for this module’s assignment. worksheet is attached below as well




What positive lessons can be learned about social illness prevention? What positive lessons and drawbacks can be learned about the development of health policy and individual lifestyle programs relating to personal choices? Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Support your answers with examples and research. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own—original and free from plagiarism. Follow APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.


Are Mental Health Issues Like Depression Related to Race?

While there is a plethora of research that has examined health disparities in chronic and infectious diseases,less  research has examined the relationship between diseases and mental health. Depression in particular, can be a huge risk factor for illness and disease.


Studies suggest that blacks are more depressed than whites, given their increased exposure to race-related and generic stress (George & Lynch, 2003; Brown, 2003, p. 293).

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Why? Are depressed moods and race related? State at least two studies that refute the statement. Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.


Brown, T.N. (2003). Critical race theory speaks to the sociology of mental
health: Mental health problems produced by racial stratification.
Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 44: 292–301.

George, L.K., and Lynch M.S. (2003). Race differences in depressive
symptoms: A dynamic perspective on stress and vulnerability. Journal of Health
and Social Behavior
, 44, 353–69.

Developing Personal Wellness

Developing a personal health statement is a critical step in taking ownership of one’s personal wellness. Identifying personal risk factors and behaviors that lead to illness, disability, and injury help to define areas for health education, prevention, and promotion for an increased quality of life. Government agencies within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services assist individuals and community members by developing prevention policies, such as the creation of smoke-free cities to promote health and address objectives for healthier individuals, communities, workplaces, and schools.


What positive lessons can be learned about social illness prevention? What positive lessons and drawbacks can be learned about the development of health policy and individual lifestyle programs relating to personal choices? Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

How can sociology help health practitioners better understand their patients and provide improved forms of health care?

When writing in this class, I ask that you use headings within your writings that correspond with the rubric that I am grading from. For example, if the Weekly Discussion has four sections to respond to, then please use these four headings in your post and put your responses under each heading. Or if your paper has six rubric sections to answer about, then have six headings in your paper and put the information below these headings.

I have found that it makes it easier for the both of us and it improves my student’s grades exponentially. Also, less is missed because you can see if you have completed each and every section of the rubric and I will know where to find your answers that correspond.

Health plays a major role in the functioning of society. Define the relationship between social behavior and health. Justify your answer using examples and reasoning.

What are the social factors that play a critical role in improving health?
What are the social factors that are the greatest threat to health?
How can sociology help health practitioners better understand their patients and provide improved forms of health care?
Submit your answers in a three- to four-page Microsoft Word document.

Name your document: SUO_HSC2010_W1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Cite your sources using the correct APA format on a separate page.

Describe the risk factors associated with this topic/behavior. What factors lead to this health behavior or disease?

When writing in this class, I ask that you use headings within your writings that correspond with the rubric that I am grading from. For example, if the Weekly Discussion has four sections to respond to, then please use these four headings in your post and put your responses under each heading. Or if your paper has six rubric sections to answer about, then have six headings in your paper and put the information below these headings.

I have found that it makes it easier for the both of us and it improves my student’s grades exponentially. Also, less is missed because you can see if you have completed each and every section of the rubric and I will know where to find your answers that correspond.

Working Ahead for the Final Project—Conduct an In-depth Literature Review

Please write paper on Eating disorders Anorexia nervosa, Bulemia Nervosea and Binge Eating disorder.

For the final project, you are required to investigate a health problem, focusing on the nature and scope of the problem (disease or disparity), the factors that are associated with this problem (behavioral, social, environmental), and what several organizations are doing about it. Through your research, you will come to understand how a particular health problem is multidimensional; how various organizations provide funding, programs, and resources to address such issues.

For Week 5, you have to complete your paper on your chosen health problem. The paper should be a minimum of 6 pages and should use a minimum of 5 peer reviewed journal articles. Must be less than 25% when plagiarism checked through turnitin.Use the following pointers to guide you in developing your paper:

Provide a clear, specific, definition of your topic. For example, your topic can be on CHD, obesity, or smoking.
How does this topic or health behavior relate to the leading health indicators/focus areas/goals of Healthy People 2020 document? This document can be found at http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/default.aspx
How is this topic or behavior relevant to community health? How is this topic relevant to other national health campaigns or national health initiatives?
If you are writing about a health behavior, what is the prevalence of this behavior in the United States and your state? Does prevalence differ by gender, race, age, socioeconomic status? Provide some statistics here.
Describe the significance of this topic/health behavior in America today. Discuss any diseases and/or societal problems caused by this behavior. Are there any financial costs or costs to society associated with this topic/behavior?
Describe the risk factors associated with this topic/behavior. What factors lead to this health behavior or disease?
How can the risk factors be controlled or prevented? How can the negative outcomes be prevented? What are the current recommendations for preventing premature morbidity/mortality in this area? Are there any programs that have shown to be effective in the literature?
Please identify a minimum of three organizations or healthcare agencies either nationally or locally that provide programs, funding, or resources to address this issue.