Elaborate on the major reasons why, according to the text, health care systems can be considered complex. Next, argue a case for double-loop against single-loop learning in organizational learning. Support your response with at least one (1) example of the advantages of double-loop learning.

Elaborate on the major reasons why, according to the text, health care systems can be considered complex. Next, argue a case for double-loop against single-loop learning in organizational learning. Support your response with at least one (1) example of the advantages of double-loop learning.

  • Common industry knowledge dictates that in order to achieve desired outcomes in quality improvement in health care organizations, the leadership must consider multiple factors. Speculate on the main reasons why focusing on “people” processes is a highly regarded practice for improving the performance of health care organizations. Support your response with at least two (2) examples of increased value and / or performance in the researched hospital from the e-Activity.

1.  How as health care providers are we going to be sensitive to a culture which is different than ours.  

This week is about cultures and the effect that cultural differences may have on healthcare.    We are learning about cultural sensitivity and our ability to understand others who are not of the same culture as we are.  In healthcare, we cannot expect the patient to understand us. It is our responsibility to understand them.

For your discussion this week, research a culture and contrast it with what we are learning about cultural competency. Answer the questions below in paragraph (not list) format.  For answers in list format there will be a 1.0 point deduction.

1.  How as health care providers are we going to be sensitive to a culture which is different than ours.

2.  What are the barriers to our ability to be culturally competent?

3.  Explain how cultural competence adds to positive outcomes in health care and how it adds to patient satisfaction.   Give at least two examples of this.

This is your final assignment.  It should be 500 words or more.  It needs to include references and citations, in APA format only,  and at least two other sources besides your etext.  


Describe the development of project. Describe the implementation of the practiceu.

I need anwer to question for powerpoint. need help by mon 16, 10pm

Describe the development of project. Describe the implementation of the practiceu.

Privide freflection of the value the practiucm has on your professional path

How does this significant event relate to changes in health care?

Select a significant event that has changed or affected health care today. I choose Managed Care.

Need assignment by 11:00PM on due date.



Select a significant event that has changed or affected health care today. I choose Managed Care.


Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper and discuss the following:


  • How does this significant event relate to changes in health care?
  • In your opinion, has this event affected the historical evolution of health care? If so, how? If not, could it?
  • Based on your beliefs and values, do you personally agree with the event’s significance? How so?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.- I need references no later that 2012-present


Reading Materia – Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach, 5e

Chapter 1: Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach, 5e
ISBN: 9781449626501 Author: Leiyu Shi
Copyright © Jones and Bartlett Publishers (2012)

In your opinion, has this event affected the historical evolution of health care? If so, how? If not, could it?

Choose one significant event that has changed or affected health care today. Examples include, but are not limited to, managed care, capitation, the multiple-payer system, excessive litigation, and so forth.


Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper and discuss the following:


  • How does this significant event relate to changes in health care?
  • In your opinion, has this event affected the historical evolution of health care? If so, how? If not, could it?
  • Based on your beliefs and values, do you personally agree with the event’s significance? How so?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Note need references no later than 2012 to current year.

How is Illinois state public health system funded – percent federal dollars vs state dollars?

How is Illinois state public health system funded – percent federal dollars vs state dollars?

3. Describe the implementation of the practicum learning agreement

1. provide an overview of the scholary product.

2. Describe the development of the project

3. Describe the implementation of the practicum learning agreement

4. Provide a reflection of the value the practicum project on your professional path.

5. Highlight professional relationships developed during this project and the value of those relationship.


Graph, APA speaker notes and non plagiarism


explain what the performance guideline actually measures and what information you would look at to determine whether the Open MRI is complying with the standard.

Apex Managed Care

You are an auditor assigned to evaluate Apex Managed Care Inc.’s Open MRI health plan according to HEDIS performance measures. As part of your evaluation, you must fully explain what the performance guideline actually measures and what information you would look at to determine whether the Open MRI is complying with the standard. Be sure that you apply each of the eight (8) dimensions/guidelines specifically to an Open MRI clinic. Cite all sources in a bibliography formatted in APA style.


How much, if any, functional decline has occurred while Red was hospitalized and how will this affect his recovery?

As you recall, our older patient, Red Yoder, with whom you met in Week 2, is preparing for discharge from the hospital since his wound required intravenous antibiotics and wound care. Jon (Red’s son) thinks that Red should move in with him for now, but Red is sure he is able to care for himself and insists that his confusion was due to the fact that he did not have his glasses or hearing aids for the last week. You have identified discharge teaching needs for him. This morning, however, in report the night nurse has shared “Patient is alert and oriented; vital signs stable. Fasting blood sugar this morning is 118. Red had his usual night of sleep. He was up several times to go to the bathroom. Since his catheter was removed yesterday, he has urgency incontinence. He is able to ambulate to the bathroom, but he is weak.” You administer his AM medications and note that he has some difficulty grasping the water cup and needs assistance holding it. Mr. Yoder states he needs to go to the bathroom and when you assist him up to his feet, he seems a bit unsteady. He takes several steps and tells you he needs to sit down.

  • How much, if any, functional decline has occurred while Red was hospitalized and how will this affect his recovery?
  • What are the risks and benefits of Red living with Jon and Judy?
  • What are the risks or benefits of Red living at home after discharge? If services are in place, would it be considered a safe discharge?
  • Considering all aspects of aging, what are the best and appropriate options for Red at this time?
  • Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical examination & health assessment (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.
    • Chapter 4: The Complete Health History
    • Chapter 9: General Survey, Measurement, Vital Signs
    • Chapter 31: Functional Assessment of the Older Adult