Analyze the issue and explain the various components that you will need to address, such as: How does the structure of your organization contribute to the issues you are addressing? Are there power dynamics that contribute to the issue?

Create a draft of your course project and submit it as an assignment under Unit 8. You will incorporate feedback from this draft into your revised final course project.

Your paper should consist of the following components:

  • An introduction to your paper in which you provide an overview of what you intend to accomplish in this project.
  • A section for eachof the nursing leadership priorities (2–3) that you are addressing. In each section:
    • List the priority or issue and explain why you chose it.
    • Analyze the issue and explain the various components that you will need to address, such as:
      • How does the structure of your organization contribute to the issues you are addressing?
      • Are there power dynamics that contribute to the issue?
      • What role do multiculturalism and diversity play?
    • Provide an explanation of how you intend to address this priority, including:
      • What things did you need to consider as you put your plan of action together?
      • How did the structure of your organization influence your decisions?
      • What leadership skills will be most important to you as you address your priorities?
      • How do multiculturalism and diversity within your organization impact your plan?
      • How do theories and practices of power come into play when determining and implementing solutions?
    • Support your action plan with references to the literature that address the applicable theories, resources, and tools that guided you to this particular solution.
  • A section in which you outline either:
    • Your performance evaluation plan for determining how well you implemented your priorities.
    • Your development plan for how you will develop the skills needed to implement your priorities. This section serves as a personal leadership plan and career programming tool for self-assessment, for developmental purposes or prior to performance evaluations. The goal is to align oneself within the organization, assess organizational fit and desired career path(s), and identify competency gaps to reach personal and professional leadership goals.
  • A summary of what you have learned in the process of doing this project.

Use appropriate headings and subheadings as developed within your content outline to demonstrate logic, flow of ideas, and organization. It is helpful to add your sources into the document in the appropriate format while you are in this stage. Refer to the Capella Writing Center for resources.

Ability to express importance of role of APRN in caring for vulnerable population(s) (4 pts)

Prepare an essay, not to exceed 2000 words, in which you discuss the program you are applying for (Nurse Practitioner in Adult Gerontology, Primary Care).For NP applicants discuss why you are interested in Adult-Gerontology primary care.
Essay is well organized and fluent (4 pts).
How well does this program align with future practice goals (4 pts).
Ability to express importance of role of APRN in caring for vulnerable population(s) (4 pts)

Fit with program (8 pts total)
a. role NP(4 pts)
b. Population of AdultGerontology, Primary Care) Grammar, spelling, length


• _What are the future challenges faced by the fund? Discuss the factors that have created these challenges. 

Pick only ONE of the options below to complete the paper. The paper must be 3-4 pages and formatted according to APA standards. Must include 3 scholarly sources.

Option #1: Medicare Solvency
Submit a paper that examines the Medicare Trust Fund and its projected solvency. Some key questions to consider:
• _What is the Medicare Trust Fund?
• _What is the current state of the fund?
• _What are the future challenges faced by the fund? Discuss the factors that have created these challenges.

Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length and conform to APA Requirements. Include at least three scholarly references from peer-reviewed articles.

Option #2: Cost Shifting
Submit a paper that discusses the relationship between reimbursement reductions and cost shifting. How have hospitals in different markets responded to the reductions?
Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length and conform to APA Requirements. Include at least three scholarly references from peer-reviewed articles


How does technology influence the efficacy, safety, and quality of medical care?  Please address each factor.

How does technology influence the efficacy, safety, and quality of medical care?  Please address each factor.


It is believed the internet, telehealth, and new clinical information technology will begin to change the strategies and market structure in health care.

How would this effect the health care institutions?  Why?

Do you believe this would be a positive change?  Explain.

How does technology influence the efficacy, safety, and quality of medical care? Please address each factor.

How does technology influence the efficacy, safety, and quality of medical care? Please address each factor.

Accessibility: Extent to which the geographical location of health service delivery coincides with the location of clients

5 important “A’s” of access to healthcare.

In health care we often talk about the 5 important “A’s” of access to healthcare.

The 5 A’s are:

Availability: Degree of fit between existing health services and clients’ needs
Accessibility: Extent to which the geographical location of health service delivery coincides with the location of clients
Affordability: Degree of fit between service prices and clients’ ability to pay
Adequacy: Extent to which the organization of services meets clients’ expectations
Acceptability: Degree of fit between characteristics of the provider and those of clients


Based upon the 5 A’s, let’s discuss the following:

Do all individuals currently have equal and open access to health care? Why? Why not?


About 150 words references used if any even own opinion

Discuss each learning objectives for development and implementation What was developed what was the process, how go ( it was not implmented it was virtual).

Practicum regarding Educational practicum (this is virtual project not implemented) for first year nursing students concerning the nursing process and critical thinking  skills  It should include. Each point need a Heading.



!. Practicum overview of the project and the process used through learning agreement.

2.Discuss each learning objectives for development and implementation What was developed what was the process, how go ( it was not implmented it was virtual).

Implementation how did the evidence of accomplishment for each learning objective work to drive and build ?

3. Discuss need needed for need assessment. I was I implment it.

What value has the practicum project had to my professional career path?

What professional relationships did I develop through working on my practicum  project

Identify the stakeholders/change agents. Who or what organizations are concerned about, may benefit from, or are affected by this proposal. List the interested parties, patients, students, agencies, Joint Commission, etc.

Details: This should be a NURSING problem 

Write a paper of 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page) on your proposed problem description for your EBP project. The paper should address the following:

  1. Describe the background of the problem. Tell the story of the issue and why it deserves attention.
  2. Identify the stakeholders/change agents. Who or what organizations are concerned about, may benefit from, or are affected by this proposal. List the interested parties, patients, students, agencies, Joint Commission, etc.
  3. Provide the PICOT question. (PICOT: Population-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome-Timeframe). Make sure that the question fits with your graduate degree specialization.
  4. State the purpose and project objectives in specific, realistic, and measurable terms. The objective should address what is to be gained. This is a restatement of the question, providing focus. Measurements need to be taken before and after the evidence-based practice is introduced to identify the expected changes.
  5. Provide supportive rationale that the problem or issue is an important one for nursing to resolve using relevant professional literature sources.

Develop an initial reference list to ensure that there is adequate literature to support your evidence-based practice project. Follow the “Steps to an Efficient Search to Answer a Clinical Question” box in chapter 3 of the textbook. Refer to the “Search Method Example” as the format in which to compile this data.

  1. The majority of references should be research articles. However, national sources such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Department of Health and Human Resources (HHS), or the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and others may be used when you are gathering statistics to provide the rationale for the problem.
  2. Once you get into the literature, you may find there is very little research to support your topic and you will have to start all over again. Remember, in order for this to be an evidence-based project, you must have enough evidence to introduce this as a practice change. If you find that you do not have enough supporting evidence to change a practice, then further research would need to be conducted.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required for the individual sections, but is required for the final paper.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine Section A for your final paper submission.

Discuss the anticipatory guidance that you would give to each child’s parents.

Topic 2: Infant Development

An infant’s ability to develop consistent and predictable responses to internal and external stimuli during the first year of life is influenced by physical growth, brain development, the surrounding environment and the actions of the infant’s caregivers (Trevarthen & Aitken, 2001). Identify developmental behaviors (developmental red flags) of an infant that would require an in-depth assessment as referral for a developmental evaluation.

Discuss the anticipatory guidance that you would give to each child’s parents.