Develop educational course for nursing students on the nursing process, critical thinking and the implementation needed to deliver quality nursing care 

Develop educational course for nursing students on the nursing process, critical thinking and the implementation needed to deliver quality nursing care


1. Measure terminal learning objectives

2. course outline

3> Teaching strategies

4, Resources that will be used

5. Handouts that help students with nursing process and critical thinking

How did the change of the trend to move from manual to electronic health records (EHR).affect the views of the people invovled in regards to the delivery of health care?

How did the change  of  the trend to move from manual to electronic health records (EHR).affect the views of the people invovled in regards to the delivery of health care?


What is the outlook for smaller community and rural hospitals in regards to the use of technology?

What is the outlook for smaller community and rural hospitals in regards to the use of technology?

Which one is primarily centered around providing patient care services? Explain no more than 100 words.

Telehealth and telemedicine are different. Which one is primarily centered around providing patient care services? Explain no more than 100 words.

Discuss what benefits might come by integrating that alternative system into the current health care system



Required Texts

American Psychological Association (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).  Washington, DC: Author. (ISBN 1-4338-0561-8)

Fontaine, K. L. (2015). Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Nursing Practice (4rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (ISBN 0-13-334650-3)

Forum # 2 Assignment Instructions

Alternative health care systems, often referred to as Traditional Medicine, play a significant role in world wide health. Many people are surprised to hear homeopathy is the 2nd most used medical system worldwide with perhaps as many as 500 million users. The World Health Organization calls for the integration of alternative systems with national health care system. For this assignment we will explore that concept.

Select one of the following alternative health care systems to explore:

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Arabic Unani Medicine
  • Homeopathy
  • Native American Medicine


  1. Give a general description of the system, its traditional users, and where this system might be used in the United States
  2. Compare and contrast the system to the health care systems in the United States
  3. Discuss what benefits might come by integrating that alternative system into the current health care system
  4. Discuss the what issues might surround integrated that alternative system into the current health care system
  5. Cite at least 2 credible sources of information APA style(in text and at the end of your posting). Your book can be one source.
  6. Your first posting is due Midnight Wednesday. A substantial posting to another student is due Midnight Saturday Eastern time.

How will you collaborate with other professionals to promote the health of your community as a result of what you have learned in this course?

Please address the following in your discussions:

  • Share feedback you received as a result of presentation to another profession in the community.
  • Discuss your role as an advocate and healthcare leader in promoting positive social change as a scholar-practitioner to improve the health of vulnerable populations in your community.
  • In your current practice and as a health leader in your community how will you collaborate with other healthcare providers to promote the health of your community?
  • What feedback did you receive about your project?
  • How will you advocate for social change in your community?
  • How will you collaborate with other professionals to promote the health of your community as a result of what you have learned in this course?

What is the community health nurse's role in advocating for social justice for vulnerable populations and in eliminating health disparities?

PART 1- ONE PAGE Advocating for Social Justice This course has presented the various roles of the public and community health nurse. The media presenters and the course textbook have covered this in depth. As you prepare for this final Discussion, consider what you have read and heard about the future of public health. Reflect on the readings, Web resources, and media presentations presented throughout this course about the role of the nurse in a community/public health setting and vulnerable populations. Then, respond to the following:

  • What is the community health nurse’s role in advocating for social justice for vulnerable populations and in eliminating health disparities?
  • How do you see community health care and the role of the community health nurse changing in the future?
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature           PART 2- ONE PAGE Week 5: Create a possible Evidenced-Based, Culturally Appropriate Intervention project to improve the health of your community. Incorporate all information gathered from the community: the population itself, health data, professionals from various disciplines in the community, community assessment, windshield survey, and the literature to propose interventions. Support your plan with scholarly evidence and health data. This week your instructor wants you to access and appraise culturally-sensitive, research-based interventions to prevent and improve the health of population at risk.  You may be suggesting a new intervention, supporting current interventions in place, or enhance current interventions. Please read about evidenced-based research in your textbook. Please address the following in your discussions:
  • Share at least two prevention strategies to improve the population at risk that you feel confident are evidenced-based.  Why do you think that?
  • Think in terms of evaluation of outcomes. How would you know the interventions made a difference?
  • How would you modify the intervention to ensure it is culturally sensitive and meaningful?

What is the community health nurse’s role in advocating for social justice for vulnerable populations and in eliminating health disparities?


Advocating for Social Justice

This course has presented the various roles of the public and community health nurse. The media presenters and the course textbook have covered this in depth. As you prepare for this final Discussion, consider what you have read and heard about the future of public health. Reflect on the readings, Web resources, and media presentations presented throughout this course about the role of the nurse in a community/public health setting and vulnerable populations. Then, respond to the following:

  • What is the community health nurse’s role in advocating for social justice for vulnerable populations and in eliminating health disparities?
  • How do you see community health care and the role of the community health nurse changing in the future?

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature







Week 5: Create a possible Evidenced-Based, Culturally Appropriate Intervention project to improve the health of your community.

Incorporate all information gathered from the community: the population itself, health data, professionals from various disciplines in the community, community assessment, windshield survey, and the literature to propose interventions. Support your plan with scholarly evidence and health data.

This week your instructor wants you to access and appraise culturally-sensitive, research-based interventions to prevent and improve the health of population at risk.  You may be suggesting a new intervention, supporting current interventions in place, or enhance current interventions. Please read about evidenced-based research in your textbook.

Please address the following in your discussions:

  • Share at least two prevention strategies to improve the population at risk that you feel confident are evidenced-based.  Why do you think that?
  • Think in terms of evaluation of outcomes. How would you know the interventions made a difference?
  • How would you modify the intervention to ensure it is culturally sensitive and meaningful?


Describe in detail two specific legal obligations, required by the federal and or state law, that a health care organization owes to its patients.  Include the specific law citation that describes the patient’s rights.  Use in-text citations for all statistical references. 


From the list below, choose one topic and identify two specific legal obligations that a specific health service organization has to its patients and then write a paper discussing all the areas listed in the outline following this subject list.  Include a cover page and a list of references at the end of the paper.  Paper will be double spaced and be approximately 4-5 pages in 12 point New Times Roman font.

  • The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
  • Elder abuse Mandatory Reporting
  • Child abuse Mandatory Reporting
  • HIV Mandatory Reporting
  • The False Claims Act- the civil penalties
  • TB Mandatory Reporting
  • Proper treatment of environmental hazards.
  • Medical error-Critical Incident
  • False credentials of health care personnel
  • Medical Charting violations
  • Violation of HIPAA – confidentiality
  • Failure to treat patients in a timely manner
  • Failure to maintain required Staffing ratios
  • Patient Choice and treatment consent

Note: Outline:  Must use the underlined headings from the outline below in your paper and the paper must be in narrative form not outline or bullet format. 5% penalty deducted from paper if underlined headings not used in your paper.

 1. Official Title of the Law or Laws:  

State the official title of the federal and/or state law, the statute and section number.  Must be either a federal statute or state statute and you must cite both if applicable. Thus if there is both a federal and state law that covers your subject picked then you must cite both. Do not assume that there is just a federal and or state law. In most cases there is both a federal and state law. You must use the laws cited in this section throughout the rest of the paper.

  1. Health Care Organization’s Obligations to meet Patients’ Legal Rights:

Describe in detail two specific legal obligations, required by the federal and or state law, that a health care organization owes to its patients.  Include the specific law citation that describes the patient’s rights.  Use in-text citations for all statistical references.

  1. Consequences for Non-Compliance:

First, discuss in general the civil and criminal consequences from either the federal and or state law. List the two legal obligations from the previous section, then discuss two (2) specific consequences from the federal and or state law, one consequence for each legal obligation, for the organizations’ non-compliance. Then for each consequence you must research and discuss one relevant real life case. In other words, you must discuss one (1) consequence for each legal obligation and have one real life researched case for each consequence. See outline below. Cases must be found via the internet or print media or from personal real life experiences.  In other words, what would happen if the organization neglected to meet its obligations to its patients? Be specific. Provide the specific Federal and or state law citations to back up your claim of the consequences.   Provide link to source of information.

1)     Legal obligation 1

  • One specific consequence
  • One real life case

2)     Legal obligation 2

  • One specific consequence
  • One real life case
  1. Health Service Organization Management Actions to meet Legal Obligations for Patients’ Rights:

Describe in detail three (3) specific management actions, within your control as a health care manager that you would institute, to ensure the health care organization complies with its obligations to protect the patients’ rights. Be specific as to each management action you would personally institute and why. No general comments.  These actions may include specific uses of technology, procedures, human resource training, and other management tools.

  1. Conclusion: Summary of your findings above.
  2. Reference List [APA Format] 

The paper must be:

  • Late penalties: Paper is due by due date but if there occurs an extraordinary event beyond your control, then you need to contact me as to the reason and then we can discuss a new due date if I agree with your excuse. In every case of an extension you will be penalized 11% [no chance for an A on the paper] for the first day late and an additional -1pt. for each day thereafter, no matter the excuse. There are 100pts in the rubric so if one day late you will lose 11pts.
  • Be sure and use the underlined headings found in the outline below in your paper. Paper must be in narrative format not outline or bullets.
  • Include a cover page [not counted as a page] which should have student name and title of your paper [Provide a short name for the legal responsibility the specific health care organization has for one type of patient right in a specific setting ]
  • At the end of the paper a list of references [not counted as a page]
  • Be prepared using word-processing software and saved with a .doc, .docx, or .rtf extension. No pdf.
  • Be uploaded to your Assignments Folder by 23:59 p.m. eastern time on the due date.
  • The paper is to be posted in Assignment #1 drop box.
  • Must footnote all facts in the paper. For example use sequential numbers starting with “1” and this number should correspond to full citation at the end of the paper. Do not put footnote citations at end of each page but at end of entire paper.
  • Footnote example below

In the body of the paper example:

(Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young, 2000).

At the end of the paper example:


Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young. (2000). Health care system reform: A provider perspective : survey results. Westchester, Ill.: Healthcare Financial Management Association.


Except where noted, the assignment is written in clear, concise narrative. All sections of Assignment #1 are required.

The grading rubric for this assignment is in the Assignment Folder, or can be opened by clicking on the ‘Assignment #1 Grading Rubric’ tab in the lower right corner of the screen, if you opened the Assignment in Content.



Rubric Name: Assignment #1 Grading Rubric


Provided the proper title, statute and section number of applicable federal and state laws.

Provided the proper title, statute and section number of applicable federal but not the state law or vice versa.

Provided the title but not the proper statute and section number of applicable federal and state laws. Did not provide either the federal or state law

Provided a comprehensive discussion of two specific legal obligations from federal and state law.

Provided a limited discussion of two specific legal obligations, from federal and state law.

Provided an inadequate discussion of two specific legal obligations or only discussed one legal obligation from federal or state law.

Listed the two specific legal obligations and then fully discussed one specific consequence, from federal and or state law, for each legal obligation and provided details of one real life case for each consequence

Listed the two specific legal obligations but then provided a limited discussion of  one specific consequence, from federal and or state law, for each legal obligation or only provided few details of one real life case for each consequence

Failed to list the two legal obligations and/or  an in adequate discussion of  one specific consequence, from federal and or state law, for each legal obligation and/or  provided few details of one real life case for each consequence

Described in detail three (3) specific management actions, within your control as a health care manager that you would institute, to ensure the health care organization complies with its obligations to protect patients’ rights.

Described in detail only (2) specific management actions, within your control as a health care manager that you would institute, to ensure the health care organization complies with its obligations to protect patients’ rights.

Described in detail only one  (1) or no specific management actions, within your control as a health care manager that you would institute, to ensure the health care organization complies with its obligations to protect patients’ rights.

Provided a comprehensive summary of findings

Provided a limited  summary of findings

Failed  to adequately summarize findings

Paper is well written and  fully complies with length,  footnoting and referencing requirements

Paper is confusing in parts and or partially  complies with length,  footnoting and/or referencing  requirements

Paper is very confusing overall and/or fails to comply with length,  footnoting requirements and/or referencing requirements

The paper is free of obvious grammatical, typographical errors and follows all the formatting requirements. The sentence structure and diction are clear, effective, and diverse. The tone and style are appropriate for the intended audience

There are noticeable proofreading and/or grammatical errors [nor more than 3], but the errors do not significantly detract from the readability of the paper. Follows some of the other formatting requirements. Sentence structure may be rigid and unvaried. The tone and style are appropriate for the intended audience

There are significant proofreading and/or grammatical errors [4 or more], which detract from the readability of the paper. Other formatting requirements not followed. There are major problems in sentence structure or the tone and style are not appropriate for the intended audience.

Overall Score