How was this Study done? This is what they actually did. Include framework if any, study design, sample, data collection any instruments.





Required Texts

American Psychological Association (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).  Washington, DC: Author. (ISBN 1-4338-0561-8)

Fontaine, K. L. (2015). Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Nursing Practice (4rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (ISBN 0-13-334650-3)

Forum # 3 Assignment Instructions

For this assignment you will explore the research surrounding botanical healing which includes a variety of herbal medicines, dietary supplements, aromatherapy, and homeopathic medicines. Select a specific botanical healing therapy that interests you such as the herbal medicine St. John’s Wort, lavender aromatherapy, or a homeopathic regiment. Then find a current (no older than 5 years) original research article. This must be from a peer reviewed journal. Please make this a human study not an animal or in vitro study. Write a critique of the article that follows the format used in your text book. See pg 141-142 in your text for an example. NO QUOTES THIS WEEK PLEASE!

  1. Being with posting the complete APA article reference. You will not have to do in text citations this week
  2. What is this Study About? This address the purpose of the study
  3. How was this Study done? This is what they actually did. Include framework if any, study design, sample, data collection any instruments.
  4. What were the Results of the Study?

  5. What additional Questions Might I have?

  6. How can I use this study? These are your nursing implications specific to the therapy and findings from this, not general implications for  any CAM  therapy
  7. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Often students restate the abstract, be sure you have put things in your own words.
  8. You do not have to have title page. Critiques will no more than 2 pages
  9. Post your critique in as an attachment of the forum # 3 by Midnight Wednesday. Post a substantial response to another by Midnight Saturday. (Eastern time)

Q1) What movement swept the health care delivery system at the end of the 19th century?

Q1) What movement swept the health care delivery system at the end of the 19th century?

Q2) What is the significance of the Flexner Report?

Q3) Name examples of professional associations, voluntary health agencies, philanthropic foundations, and international health agencies.

Q4) What is the role of a medical staff coordinator?

Q5) Outline the historical development of public health as described in this chapter.


Discuss the impact of your product, service, or application on quality of care, quality of life, cost of care, and access.

As a member of ABC Consultants, you have been hired by a large organization to develop an innovated approach using current technology in health care delivery. This can be a product, a service, or an application.


Choose an organization in a sector including, but not limited to, pharmaceutical, insurance, manufacturing, software development, or facility design. Review its website and any recent articles about the organizations.


Resource: Technology and Health Care Grading Criteria


Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper and include the following:

  • Describe your product, service, or application (m-health, e-therapy, virtual physician visits, and so forth).
  • Discuss the impact of your product, service, or application on quality of care, quality of life, cost of care, and access.
  • Discuss the social, ethical, and economical impact of your product, service, or application on the organization.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.





Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2012). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett.



Examine the historical role of the executive branch in women’s health care policy.

 Federalism in U.S. Healthcare

Examine the historical role of the executive branch in women’s health care policy. What influence has this branch made on the current state of women’s health in the United States? How has this role (and influence) changed over time? Which branch of government (executive, judicial, and legislative) and level of government (federal or state) should have the largest role in women’s health care?

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the title or references pages and conform to APA Requirements. Include at least three scholarly references.

What are the four aspects of the sick role model (Parsons 1951)? According to Parsons, medicine is an institution for the social control of deviant behavior. Do you agree or disagree with this view? Why or why not?

I mentioned this in my Welcome Announcement on the Home Page, but wanted to remind you again of how to organize all of your posts, responses and papers for this course.

When writing in this class, I ask that you use headings within your writings that correspond with the rubric that I am grading from. For example, if the Weekly Discussion has four sections to respond to, then please use these four headings in your post and put your responses under each heading.  Or if your paper has six rubric sections to answer about, then have six headings in your paper and put the information below these headings.

I have found that it makes it easier for the both of us and it improves my student’s grades exponentially.  Also, less is missed because you can see if you have completed each and every section of the rubric and I will know where to find your answers that correspond.

Thank you for keeping us both organized!


Sick Role Model


When a person becomes sick, he or she may demonstrate a variety of behaviors. Some people like to be left alone while others may seek assistance. Some people will act well even when they are sick. They may even feel guilty for not being able to do their work or take responsibilities.


What are the four aspects of the sick role model (Parsons 1951)? According to Parsons, medicine is an institution for the social control of deviant behavior. Do you agree or disagree with this view? Why or why not?


What is the patient-physician relationship according to Cockerham? Which two sociological examples of the sick role, as evidenced by existing research, do you think are most appropriate? Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Parsons, T. (1951). The social system. Glencoe, IL: The Free Press.

Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM) —An analysis


“CAM therapies have been in existence for hundreds of years. While many of these therapies are commonly used in non-Western societies their popularity is increasing steadily. In fact, large numbers of American consumers are using CAM currently in an effort to pre-empt disease and disability or to promote health and a sense of well-being.”


(Source: Kirschstein, R. I., Acting Director, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health, AMSA, 2008.)

How effective do you think CAM is in comparison to clinical treatment and diagnosis? Justify your answer. Identify and discuss at least 10 types of treatments offered by CAM practitioners. Analyze and present at least one case that shows the positive effect of CAM and one that shows the negative effect. What is the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) role in CAM research? Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning  Please indicate all referances and have less than 25% with turnitin

What are the reasons for using CAM among patients? Justify your answer using examples and reasoning.

When writing in this class, I ask that you use headings within your writings that correspond with the rubric that I am grading from. For example, if the Weekly Discussion has four sections to respond to, then please use these four headings in your post and put your responses under each heading. Or if your paper has six rubric sections to answer about, then have six headings in your paper and put the information below these headings.

I have found that it makes it easier for the both of us and it improves my student’s grades exponentially. Also, less is missed because you can see if you have completed each and every section of the rubric and I will know where to find your answers that correspond.

Thank you for keeping us both organized!

Article for reference:

Chong, O. (2006). An integrative approach to addressing clinical issues in
complementary and alternative medicine in an Outpatient Oncology Center. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 10(1), 83–89.

Critique the Chong article and prepare an APA style–referenced four to five-page response to the following questions:

Summarize in your own words the National Institutes of Health (NIH) definition of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).
Provide reasons for nondisclosure of CAM use among patients.
What are the reasons for using CAM among patients? Justify your answer using examples and reasoning.
What is the role of the clinical nurse practitioner?
Review at least one additional scholarly research article that supports or refutes the claims made in the Chong article.
Compare and contrast the results discussed in each article.
Name your document: SUO_HSC2010_W3_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Cite your sources using the correct APA format on a separate page.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Critiqued the Chong article.
Summarized the NIH definition of CAM.
Analyzed and provided reasons for nondisclosure of CAM use among patients.
Analyzed the reasons for using CAM among patients.
Discussed the role of the clinical nurse practitioner.
Review at least one additional scholarly research article that supports or refutes the claims made in the Chong article.
Compare and contrast the results discussed in each article.
Justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, other references, and cited the sources in the correct APA format.
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary.

Have you explored cultural issues vital to effective communication with your chosen policymaker?

These factors are essential:

  • Discuss the role of nursing in the lobbying process.
  • Compare and contrast the differences between personal visits and written correspondence as lobbying techniques and the appropriate use of each technique

These challenges in lobbying strategies need to be considered:

  1. Have you explored cultural issues vital to effective communication with your chosen policymaker?
  2. Discuss strategies that are essential in communicating with a state legislator.
  3. Discuss the importance of researching your policymaker. Share the importance of understanding the cultural, religious, and social beliefs of a policymaker. Please share the research that you have done on your particular policymaker and the considerations that you have taken with your visit and presentation of your policy priority.
  4. Explore the C-span link provided for you in the lesson this week. Click the link, then click the Resources tab, and then click the Policy Organizations tab. Explore if one or more of the organizations can support you in your policy priority. How can this organization(s) support your policy priority? Rationale?
  5. What is the involvement of nurses in your policy priority?
  6. How can you involve other nurses for your cause in your policy priority? What about nursing organizations or coalitions?

What other assessments should be included for this patient?

William Smaile is a 65-year-old man who presents to his general practitioner’s office with complaint of right forearm swelling, redness, and pain. He was recently discharged from the hospital where he had been receiving intravenous antibiotics for a respiratory infection.

Subjective Data

  • Pain level is a 5/10 location = right forearm, aching
  • Retired foreman at a local industrial plant

Objective Data

  • Vital signs: BP 150/68, T 37 degrees Centigrade, P 80, R 16
  • Swelling and reddened right forearm, warm to touch
  • + pulses, brachial and radial (R)
  • +2 capillary refill fingers right hand
  1. What other assessments should be included for this patient?
  2. From your readings, what is the most probable cause of the swelling?
  3. What is your nursing diagnosis?
  4. What would be included in the nursing care plan?
  5. What interventions might be included in the plan of care for this patient?
  8. Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical examination & health assessment (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.


    • Chapter 12: Skin, Hair, and Nails
      • pp. 199-225 (Structure, Function, Subjective and Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking)
      • p. 250 (Summary Checklist)
    • Chapter 13: Head, Face, and Neck, including Regional Lymphatics
      • pp.251–270 (Structure, Function, Subjective and Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking)
    • Chapter 14: Eyes
      • pp. 281–311 (Structure, Function, Subjective and Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking)
    • Chapter 15: Ears
      • pp. 325–341 (Structure, Function, Subjective and Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking)
    • Chapter 16: Nose, Mouth, and Throat
      • pp. 353–374 (Structure, Function, Subjective and Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking)

Describe the characteristics of the lymph nodes associated with the disease states listed below: (Choose one.) Acute infection

Describe the characteristics of the lymph nodes associated with the disease states listed below: (Choose one.)

  • Acute infection
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Cancer
  • Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical examination & health assessment (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.