Discuss components of a research study ·         Determine validity of study

Research Study Proposal – Part II: Literature Review and Research Questions




Resource: Ch. 3 of Introduction to Health Research Methods- URL




Create a research question related to your problem statement and then conduct a Literature review.


·         Conduct background reading of your topic.


·         Select at least 5 research articles related to your problem statement.


Summarize in 1,050 to 1,500 words the articles that best support your research question. Be sure to:


·         Discuss components of a research study


·         Determine validity of study


·         Discuss strengths and weaknesses


·         Determine future research needs


·         Cite your sources with APA format



Remember that the 5 articles should be primary research articles. Not summaries of other studies or an editorial. Research studies will discuss the problem, hypothesis, aims, introduction/background, methodology, results, and discussion/conclusion.

What do you understand by the term “managed care”? What is the influence of managed care in regulating the medical profession?

Cite your sources using the correct APA format on a separate page.  Must have less than 25% on turnitin!!!

When writing in this class, I ask that you use headings within your writings that correspond with the rubric that I am grading from. For example, if the Weekly Discussion has four sections to respond to, then please use these four headings in your post and put your responses under each heading.  Or if your paper has six rubric sections to answer about, then have six headings in your paper and put the information below these headings.

I have found that it makes it easier for the both of us and it improves my student’s grades exponentially.  Also, less is missed because you can see if you have completed each and every section of the rubric and I will know where to find your answers that correspond.

The Importance of Physician-Patient Communication

Patient and physician communication is the key to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. For many patients, talking to a physician can be an intimidating process. Effective communication can be reduced by the limited time that patients often have to express their health concerns with their health provider.

Explain how miscommunication in physician-patient interaction might impact recovery of a patient. Justify your answer.

According to you, which are the two most critical examples of miscommunication between physicians and female patients according to Sue Fisher (1984)? What are Eric Cassell’s (1985) criteria for effective communication? Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Cassell, E.J. (1985). Talking with patients, Vol. 2. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Fisher, S. (1984). Doctor–patient communication: A social and micro-political
Performance. Sociology of Health and Illness, 6, 1–27.

Managed Care

Managed care is designed to help control health care costs. It regulates the costs of health care by capping the costs of certain procedures. Docs in a box are clinics that can rapidly see patients for lower costs.

What do you understand by the term “managed care”? What is the influence of managed care in regulating the medical profession?

Describe the term “Docs-in-a-Box” and its relation to cost containment and managed care. Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

  What are your goals regarding this profession? Describe the plans you have made towards this goal in the past year.

Cite your sources using the correct APA format on a separate page.  Must have less than 25% on turnitin!!!

When writing in this class, I ask that you use headings within your writings that correspond with the rubric that I am grading from. For example, if the Weekly Discussion has four sections to respond to, then please use these four headings in your post and put your responses under each heading.  Or if your paper has six rubric sections to answer about, then have six headings in your paper and put the information below these headings.

I have found that it makes it easier for the both of us and it improves my student’s grades exponentially.  Also, less is missed because you can see if you have completed each and every section of the rubric and I will know where to find your answers that correspond.

Identify at least one alternate health profession, such as PA-C, and a related professional organization, such as the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that answers the following:

  •           What is your interest in this profession?
  •            What are your goals regarding this profession? Describe the plans you have made towards this goal in the past year.

  •         What is the growth trend for this profession, especially as there is a continuing shortage of medical professionals in the U.S.?

In addition, your presentation should address the following:

  •           What was Florence Nightingale’s role in establishing nursing as a formal occupation?
  •          Compare and contrast the types of nursing programs described in Cockerham (2007) to the available nursing programs listed on the All Nursing Schools Web site.

Write additional information in the Notes section of the PowerPoint presentation.

Which three areas of the current U.S. health care system would you add to the system you have chosen for the U.S.? Explain why.

When writing in this class, I ask that you use headings within your writings that correspond with the rubric that I am grading from. For example, if the Weekly Discussion has four sections to respond to, then please use these four headings in your post and put your responses under each heading.  Or if your paper has six rubric sections to answer about, then have six headings in your paper and put the information below these headings.

I have found that it makes it easier for the both of us and it improves my student’s grades exponentially.  Also, less is missed because you can see if you have completed each and every section of the rubric and I will know where to find your answers that correspond.

Support your answers with examples and research. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own—original and free from plagiarism. Follow APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.  Cite your sources using the correct APA format on a separate page.

Answer must be less than 25% on turnitin!!!

The US Healthcare System Compared to Other Countries

the U.S. healthcare system is like no other industrialized country. The U.S. spends more money on health care than any other country yet is criticized for having one of the poorer health systems.

Some countries, such as Canada, Great Britain, and Sweden, follow a socialized system of health care, while others, such as Japan, Germany, and France, have decentralized national health programs.

Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages.

If you had to decide on one health care system for the U.S., which system would you choose and why?

Which three areas of the current U.S. health care system would you add to the system you have chosen for the U.S.? Explain why.

Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Disparities in Health Care Distribution

It is estimated that over 46 million people do not have health insurance coverage in the United States. In addition, many more individuals are underinsured or have such high deductibles and co-pays that they do not even seek medical care. Given this information, the logical question that arises is, should health care coverage be provided to everyone?

“Moreover, Is health care a right or a privilege?” is one of the most debatable topics. What is your viewpoint? Support your answer with examples. There is an unequal distribution of health care system efforts in the U.S. Why do you think this is so, and what can be done about it? Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning and comment on the postings of at least two peers regarding why there is an unequal distribution of health care system efforts.

Understanding Stakeholders The readings these last several weeks highlighted the relationship between public and private insurance as well as among the branches of the government. These components and their associated stakeholders are part of a large system. Consider the U.S. healthcare “system.” At the strategic level (macro level), identify the stakeholders (including private and public entities) and their competing objectives. Be sure to include employers, employees, the government branches, and the private insurers. Prepare your assignment as an essay addressing the connection and competing areas of concern with each stakeholder. At a minimum, identify six major stakeholders and provide at least one paragraph discussing the prevailing objectives for each one. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the title or references pages and conform to APA Requirements.

Understanding Stakeholders

The readings these last several weeks highlighted the relationship between public and private insurance as well as among the branches of the government. These components and their associated stakeholders are part of a large system. Consider the U.S. healthcare “system.” At the strategic level (macro level), identify the stakeholders (including private and public entities) and their competing objectives. Be sure to include employers, employees, the government branches, and the private insurers.

Prepare your assignment as an essay addressing the connection and competing areas of concern with each stakeholder. At a minimum, identify six major stakeholders and provide at least one paragraph discussing the prevailing objectives for each one.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the title or references pages and conform to APA Requirements.

How the contingency plan's particulars will be communicated to the various stakeholders (employees, consumers, local and national authorities, etc.).

The first attachment has the instructions and rubic to follow and the other one has the resources to use For this essay I have provided all the sources to use and are the attachment. Please use the book in this paper chapter 20 and the rest provided are peer reviewed scholarly articles. The instructions and rubic are provided in the second attachment. Based on the Readings, write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that focuses on the issue of threats of terrorism and natural disasters. Address the following: 1) The importance of incorporating a business plan contingency for addressing such threats. 2) What the contingency plan needs to include, for example: a) Workforce training. b) Mitigation of confusion. c) Time management. d) Building a response capacity. e) Coordination of local health agencies. f) Mitigation of fear and panic. 3) How the contingency plan’s particulars will be communicated to the various stakeholders (employees, consumers, local and national authorities, etc.). Using your present employer organization as a model, prepare the organization’s business threat evaluation (see pages 380-383 [Table 20-1 through Table 20-3] in the textbook). Complete two of the Sample Forms for Organizational Contingency Planning for Disasters and Terrorism (see pages 383-392 [Figure 20-2, Figure 20-3, Figure 20-5, and Figure 20-6] in the textbook).