– Describe some general information about your chosen population including attributes, demographics, socioeconomics; and rationale for your choice of that specific population.

Write an essay in a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document defining one of the populations below. You will use this population for other assignments. Cite any sources in APA format.

Points to discuss:

– Describe some general information about your chosen population including attributes, demographics, socioeconomics; and rationale for your choice of that specific population.

– Describe the criteria for the inclusion and exclusion for population selection. Simply defined inclusion are those parameters and individuals that are included in your population. Exclusion criteria are those items, parameters that are not included.

– Described the risk factors and environmental hazards associated with the selected population.


Populations under study (select one):


  • Homeless (inside this: veterans, single women)
  • Mentally ill (mentally retarded children/adults, or psychiatric issues)
  • Undocumented aliens or immigrants
  • HIV positive
  • Substance/ drug users
  • Abused populations (battered women, children sexual abuse)
  • Disabled people (hearing, visual impaired, children/adults)
  • Low income
  • Culturally based populations (ex. Amish, Native Americans)

What is the concept of family most used in your area of nursing practice? Is it the most helpful concept for considering family in nursing practice? Why?

Write a 950 to 1,000-word paper that describes the importance of family in the health of our society using your practice environment (Skilled Nursing Facility) as a base and 2 or more of the theories presented (see sample theories below). Address the following topics in your paper:

How does a family work as a system in promoting the health of its members?
What is the concept of family most used in your area of nursing practice? Is it the most helpful concept for considering family in nursing practice? Why?
Which of the theories presented in your readings this week is conducive to your area of practice and why?
Use a minimum of four scholarly references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Structural–Functional Theory
Systems Theory
Family Developmental Theory
Family Interactional Theory
Family Stress Theory
Change Theory
Other Family Social Science Theories
Interactional/Communication Family Therapy Theory
Structural Family Therapy Theory
Family Systems Therapy Theory
Other Family Therapy Theories
Family Assessment Intervention Model (Family Systems Stressor–Strength Model)
Calgary Family Assessment Model and Calgary Family Intervention Model
The Friedman Family Assessment Model

Summarize information about the available workforce to care for the population in your selected countries. Include the role of the nurse in each country and the impact of the available workforce on the health of the population. Provide an analysis of how this impacts the profession of nursing and nursing practice in those countries. This section will be 3–4 paragraphs.

NURS 4015: Week 1 Application Rubric: Major Public Health Issues in the U.S. and Developing Nations

Due by Day 7 of Week 1.




For this Application, write a 3- to 4-page paper comparing the infant mortality rates and HIV rates for the U.S. to one developed and one developing country. Include a summary of what the United States could learn from other countries that have better rates. Include information about the workforce that is available to care for the population in each country. Use the following guidelines and evaluation criteria and the headings below for each section. Use a minimum of three references from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional websites in addition to the literature references.


  • Overview—30 points

    Begin this paper with a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the assignment and its purpose. There is no separate heading for this paragraph; the heading for this paragraph is the same as the title of the paper. This paragraph will be about 2–3 sentences. The last sentence in this paragraph is a sentence that begins “The purpose of this paper is to…¨

  • Comparison of infant mortality rates and HIV rates—70 points

    Summarize your comparison of the infant mortality or HIV rates for the U.S. and one developed and one developing country. Include a summary of what the U.S. could learn from your selected comparison countries if they have better rates or what those countries could learn from the U.S. if their rates are not as good. This section will be 3–4 paragraphs.




  • Impact on nursing practice—50 points

    Summarize information about the available workforce to care for the population in your selected countries. Include the role of the nurse in each country and the impact of the available workforce on the health of the population. Provide an analysis of how this impacts the profession of nursing and nursing practice in those countries. This section will be 3–4 paragraphs.

  • Summary—50 points

    End the paper with a 1-paragraph summary of the main points of the paper.




Proofread the paper as described in the tips for success in this course and correct any typos, grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, or APA format errors before submitting your paper in the Dropbox. Up to 40 points can be deducted from the grade for this assignment for these types of errors, or for not using at least the minimum number of required references.


Total points for assignment = 200 points

When completed, save the assignment as APP1+last name+your first initial.doc. For example, Sally Ride’s Week 1 Application Assignment would be named “APP1RideS.doc.” Submit this assignment via the Dropbox. Use the Submit an Assignment link, choose the Week 1: Application basket, and then add your Application as an attachment.


describe how the method of data collection would be appropriate for your population

Based on your literature review and problem statement, create a 5- to 7-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes that outlines general criteria used to determine the following:

  • Proposed research methods
    • criteria for using a qualitative or quantitative designs
    • describe rationale used to select your target population
  • Proposed data collection
    • describe how the method of data collection would be appropriate for your population
    • describe ethical considerations in collecting data

, describe the pros and cons of medical tourism.

  • 1.5 PAGES




Americans, especially uninsured Americans, are turning to overseas facilities for their healthcare needs. In a 1.5 page paper, describe the pros and cons of medical tourism.


  • use in-text citations where necessary.
  • include a reference page.


  Discuss the controversies or any ethical issues surrounding that therapy. This section can include what you have read and you opinions.

Forum # 4 Assignment Instructions

When nurses study alternative therapies, especially touch and energy therapies, they often frame them with in Martha Rogers theory of the Science of Unitary Human Beings (SUHB). Within this theory humans are viewed as energy fields with a unique pattern. Disruptions in energy lead to illness. Other theories of energy as the basis of life flow from the East and include Prana, Ki, or Chi. Such energies are considered putative and are not without controversy. For this assignment you will pick one energy framework of your choice (it may or may not be listed here) and describe a CAM therapy that flows from it. Your information may come from the text but should also include at least one article from a peer review journal. For this assignment, the article or articles may be either research, practice, or a review in nature and may be older than 5 years. Here is what to include in your paper:

  •       A description of the energy framework and where it originated.
  •       A description of at least one specific manipulation or touch therapy that arises from the framework (hint sports massage does not arise from an energy theory, but reflexology, therapeutic touch, accupuncture, and reiki do).
  •       Discuss the controversies or any ethical issues surrounding that therapy. This section can include what you have read and you opinions.
  •      Cite your information APA style (in text and at the end of your paper). This paper should be about 2 pages. It does not need a title page. Please post it as an attachment in the week 4 forum by Midnight Wednesday. Post a substantial response to at least one other posting by Midnight Saturday


Module 4: Readings

  • Fountain  chapters 11-15, & 26



Required Texts

American Psychological Association (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).  Washington, DC: Author. (ISBN 1-4338-0561-8)

Fontaine, K. L. (2015). Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Nursing Practice (4rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (ISBN 0-13-334650-3)

Discuss the need for collaboration and partnerships with existing groups and why new groups are crucial to this process.

Faith Based Nurse

Review Healthy People 2020. Identify objectives that are amenable to parish nurse intervention. Describe how faith communities can contribute to the accomplishment of these national health objectives and accomplish the goal of improving the health of the public. How can nurses working in the community form partnerships with parish nurses and faith communities? How would such partnerships be beneficial?


Collaboration, Community, and Care

Describe the strategic roles of your local and state health departments in the accomplishment of health care promotion and goals. Discuss the need for collaboration and partnerships with existing groups and why new groups are crucial to this process. How could nurses in public health assist clients to modify unhealthy behaviors and develop strategies to improve their health?

How do global health issues influence nursing practice at your local level or in your work setting? Include specific examples.

Write a one page paper- In this week’s media presentation, Dr. Louise Fitzpatrick shared how health and disease are global issues. She pointed out that with the mobility of today’s population, those health issues experienced in one area of the world are easily brought to other areas of the world. Consider the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, avian flu, H1N1, or SARS. These diseases have quickly crossed oceans and spread to a variety of countries. They are a public health concern in the U.S. as well as other countries.

To prepare for this Discussion, reflect on the readings and on Dr. Mancuso’s comments in this week’s media presentation; specifically on the role of the BSN nurse in public and global health. With these thoughts in mind, respond to the following:

  • Why should BSN nurses be concerned with global health issues?
  • How do global health issues influence nursing practice at your local level or in your work setting? Include specific examples.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Explain the meaning of the results of all five areas of the test. From the interpretation of the test, do you have any concerns about this individual and what interventions would you recommend

Complete a Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) on an older adult using this document and write a descriptive essay regarding this assessment.


In the paper, first introduce the reader to the older adult that was examined. Explain the meaning of the results of all five areas of the test. From the interpretation of the test, do you have any concerns about this individual and what interventions would you recommend?


Suppose this individual demonstrated some degree of cognitive impairment and had a long standing chronic mental health diagnosis such as OCD or bipolar disease. How would one recognize delirium and mental illness in the patient who also demonstrated cognitive impairment from the MMSE data? Would the findings in the MMSE be different? In what ways? How do the goals of treatment differ in the elderly patient with CI, delirium, and mental illness superimposed on other chronic conditions?


Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing. (2012). ConsultGeriRN – Geriatric nursing resources. Retrieved from http://consultgerirn.org/resources.


Your SON writing Assignment should:


  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th edition format for organization, style, and crediting sources.