What are the variables? What is the dependent variable and independent variable? How was sampling performed? 4. Conclusions and Implications

Read the article: “Coker-Bolt, P., Jarrard, C.,Woodard, F., & Merrill, P. (2013). The effects of oral motor stimulation on feeding behaviors of infants born with univentricle anatomy. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 28(1), 64-71.” After reviewing the article, please answer the following questions (see below).

Coker-Bolt, P., Jarrard, C.,Woodard, F., & Merrill, P. (2013). The effects of oral motor stimulation on feeding behaviors of infants born with univentricle anatomy. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 28(1), 64-71.

1. The Problem/Question:

  • Was there a clear statement of the question, objectives and aims of the research?
  • Is the problem practically important?
  • What is the hypothesis?

2. Background

  • Are the cited sources pertinent to the study?
  • Is the review too broad or too narrow?
  • Are the references recent?
  • Was a theoretical perspective identified?

3. Design and procedures

  • What research methodology was used?
  • What are the variables? What is the dependent variable and independent variable?
  • How was sampling performed?

4. Conclusions and Implications

  • Were the implications discussed?
  • What recommendations were made at the conclusion?
  • Is it possible to implement these recommendations in practice?

What are a few pros/cons to allotting APRN’s full unrestricted scope of practice and authority without mandated physician supervision to practice?

ARNP Scope of Practice in Florida. Florida’s APRN’s face the most restrictive scope of practice when compared to any other state an in the United States.

Autonomous Full Scope Nurse Practitioner Practice FLORIDA

  1. What are the majority limitations in the scope of practice for Florida APRN’s in comparison to the majority of the other states?
  2. What factors/barriers lead to Florida’s APRN’s limits on their prescribing and capabilities?
  3. What are the changes to the APRN’s scope of practice for Florida APRN’s that will take place as of Jan 2017?
  4. How do these changes directly effect the APRN’s ability to function within their full scope of practice and education.? Do you feel APRN’s now have rights to function fully? Are more changes needed?
  5. Why do you feel it took so long to get any changes in Florida APRN’s scope of Practice Changed?
  6. Do you feel there are still limitations to the scope of practice of Florida APRN’s?
  7. What will/can you do as an APRN to address scope of practice issues?
  8. What are a few pros/cons to allotting APRN’s full unrestricted scope of practice and authority without mandated physician supervision to practice?

What are the 6 classes of essential nutrients required by the body? What is a complete protein? What is an incomplete protein?

What are the 6 classes of essential nutrients required by the body?

What is a complete protein? What is an incomplete protein?

What is intuitive eating?

Eating disorders affect an estimated ______ million women and _____ million men.

What is functional fitness?

What is static flexibility? What is dynamic flexibility?

Explain how reimbursement is affected by the pay-for- performance approach. Discuss the impact of system cost reductions on the quality and efficiency of health care.

I need a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that discusses the following:

  • Define pay-for-performance.
  • Explain how reimbursement is affected by the pay-for- performance approach.
  • Discuss the impact of system cost reductions on the quality and efficiency of health care.
  • Discuss how pay-for-performance affects health care providers and their customers.
  • Discuss the impact pay-for-performance will have on the future of health care.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

How can an organization determine and meet the needs of the members of this community?

Who are the members of your health care community?

  • Be inclusive in your answer and identify direct and indirect members.
  • How can an organization determine and meet the needs of the members of this community?

Explain why staff nurses, nurse managers, and nurse executives (or equivalent positions) should participate in the organization’s financial planning. Describe ways in which this participation can occur.

Explain why staff nurses, nurse managers, and nurse executives (or equivalent positions) should participate in the organization’s financial planning. Describe ways in which this participation can occur.

What challenges do you foresee to the effectiveness of the screening programs in the subpopulations you have identified?

For this assignment, you are to address the question(s) that follow and submit your response as per the guidelines stated in the syllabus. Please submit your document as a “.doc” or “.docx” file using the “Assignments” tab of the web course. Do not submit your response in the “Discussions” section of the course.

Discussion Question #1:

  • Using epidemiological measures, prioritize what population subgroups should be targeted in a screening program for the following health conditions: oropharyngeal cancer, testicular cancer, and skin cancer (all types).
  • What challenges do you foresee to the effectiveness of the screening programs in the subpopulations you have identified?
  • What might be some of the barriers to participation in the screening programs and how might these barriers be addressed?
Discussion Question Guidelines

• Your response to the discussion question must be of sufficient length to permit the instructor to assess your understanding of the subject matter. I would suggest a discussion posting of no less than 450 words. This assignment should include cited works as indicated with a list of references at the conclusion of the document.
• Please single-space your discussion.
• Do not attach a cover sheet/title page with your posting.
• Please make sure your response relates to the relevant concepts explored in the question and that all components of the discussion question are addressed.
• Discussions posted after the due date will not be graded.
• You must submit your response to the discussion question as a word document posted in the “Assignments” section of the web course. Use only .doc or .docx files; any files that cannot be opened will be returned to the student and the delay may result in a “missed” or “late” status for that assignment.
• Please remember to put your name on all documents submitted.
• A rubric will be posted to guide your responses to the discussion questions.

Attached are the powerpoints and the article from the module in the class

What can YOU as both a nurse and as a member of society as a whole, do to impact health policy on a local, state, and federal level?  Your posting must be a minimum of 3 paragraphs, in your own words.  Include a minimum of 2 sources, not counting the textbook, which support nursing research or evidence based practice on this topic.  Include references (make sure you use APA format).  

Topic:  Health Policy and Politics

  1. What can YOU as both a nurse and as a member of society as a whole, do to impact health policy on a local, state, and federal level?  Your posting must be a minimum of 3 paragraphs, in your own words.  Include a minimum of 2 sources, not counting the textbook, which support nursing research or evidence based practice on this topic.  Include references (make sure you use APA format).
  2. Read the postings of your classmates and comment on at least one other student’s response, in at least 1 paragraph.

Do you agree with his/her interpretation?  Why? Why not?

Explain the importance of practice management. Identify how software may assist office personnel in practice management.

HCR 240 Assignment 2Electronic Medical Record Speech

Imagine you work as a salesperson for a software company that develops electronic medical record keeping software. You have been requested to complete a summary for new hires to read. Write a 350- to 700- word speech discussing the following: What is an electronic medical record? What are the major features and benefits of EMRs? Explain the importance of practice management. Identify how software may assist office personnel in practice management.


Cite any outside sources. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources see the Reference and Citation Generator resource in the Center for Writing Excellence.