3. Discussion of Three Critical Aspects of Employee’s responsibilities 


Select a topic from the list below [must be different topic from the one you chose for Assignment #l] or clear a topic with the instructor beforehand.

The purpose of this assignment is to raise the awareness of a specific employee group in a specific health care setting regarding a potentially critical aspect of their responsibilities.  Target the right issue, the correct employee population.  In other words you are either a head nurse or senior administrator thus your discussion should be as if you were lecturing specific employees on their specific responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in those responsibilities.

For example: The False Credentials paper issue would be for HR offices while the Critical Event might be for operating room technicians. Patient Treatment Consent might be a good paper for a Palliative Care Organization or an Oncology Clinic discharge planning staff. The paper must discuss accurate information for the setting with full consideration of the relevant state and federal laws with citations that are accessible by the instructor.  The paper can ask questions and use graphics to deliver certain points of information but the graphics must be an addendum to the paper and not in the body of the paper.  -1pt if I have to reformat the paper because of inclusion of graphics in body of paper.  The paper should include in its conclusion “For more information about this issue…” and include a reference or references in your Conclusion.

  • The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
  • Elder abuse Mandatory Reporting
  • Child abuse Mandatory Reporting
  • HIV Mandatory Reporting
  • The False Claims Act- the civil penalties
  • TB Mandatory Reporting
  • Proper treatment of environmental hazards.
  • Medical error-Critical Incident
  • False credentials of health care personnel
  • Medical Charting violation
  • Violation of HIPAA- confidentiality
  • Failure to treat patients in a timely manner
  • Patient Choice and treatment consent

Outline:  Outline:  Must use the underlined headings from the outline below in your paper and the paper must be in narrative form not outline or bullet format. 5% penalty deducted from paper if underlined headings not used in your paper.


1. Purpose of Paper, topic chosen, applicable Federal and/or state laws

State the purpose of the paper and discuss why you chose the particular topic, and provide the official title of the applicable federal and/or state law, the statute and section number.  Must be either a federal/state statute and you must cite both, if applicable. Thus if there is both a federal and state law that covers the subject you selected, then you must cite both the applicable federal and a state law. Summarize in this paragraph the relevant language from the law that applies to your issue.  If there is a relevant health care organizational policy that you can find, then please add that also. Do not assume that there is just a federal and or state law. In most cases there is both a federal and state law. You must use the laws cited in this section throughout the rest of the paper.

2. The specific targeted employee group and specific health services setting

Pick a specific health care setting and specific employee group within the health care setting and then discuss in detail why you picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting.  Examples of health care settings are the ER, the OR, nursing facilities, etc. Specific employee groups include doctors, nurses, program administrators, etc. Please be mindful to tailor your assignment to a specific employee group, specific health care setting and do not discuss your topic in general terms.


Select a topic from the list below [must be different topic from the one you chose for Assignment #l] or clear a topic with the instructor beforehand.

The purpose of this assignment is to raise the awareness of a specific employee group in a specific health care setting regarding a potentially critical aspect of their responsibilities.  Target the right issue, the correct employee population.  In other words you are either a head nurse or senior administrator thus your discussion should be as if you were lecturing specific employees on their specific responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in those responsibilities.

For example: The False Credentials paper issue would be for HR offices while the Critical Event might be for operating room technicians. Patient Treatment Consent might be a good paper for a Palliative Care Organization or an Oncology Clinic discharge planning staff. The paper must discuss accurate information for the setting with full consideration of the relevant state and federal laws with citations that are accessible by the instructor.  The paper can ask questions and use graphics to deliver certain points of information but the graphics must be an addendum to the paper and not in the body of the paper.  -1pt if I have to reformat the paper because of inclusion of graphics in body of paper.  The paper should include in its conclusion “For more information about this issue…” and include a reference or references in your Conclusion.

  • The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
  • Elder abuse Mandatory Reporting
  • Child abuse Mandatory Reporting
  • HIV Mandatory Reporting
  • The False Claims Act- the civil penalties
  • TB Mandatory Reporting
  • Proper treatment of environmental hazards.
  • Medical error-Critical Incident
  • False credentials of health care personnel
  • Medical Charting violation
  • Violation of HIPAA- confidentiality
  • Failure to treat patients in a timely manner
  • Patient Choice and treatment consent

Outline:  Outline:  Must use the underlined headings from the outline below in your paper and the paper must be in narrative form not outline or bullet format. 5% penalty deducted from paper if underlined headings not used in your paper.


1. Purpose of Paper, topic chosen, applicable Federal and/or state laws

State the purpose of the paper and discuss why you chose the particular topic, and provide the official title of the applicable federal and/or state law, the statute and section number.  Must be either a federal/state statute and you must cite both, if applicable. Thus if there is both a federal and state law that covers the subject you selected, then you must cite both the applicable federal and a state law. Summarize in this paragraph the relevant language from the law that applies to your issue.  If there is a relevant health care organizational policy that you can find, then please add that also. Do not assume that there is just a federal and or state law. In most cases there is both a federal and state law. You must use the laws cited in this section throughout the rest of the paper.

2. The specific targeted employee group and specific health services setting

Pick a specific health care setting and specific employee group within the health care setting and then discuss in detail why you picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting.  Examples of health care settings are the ER, the OR, nursing facilities, etc. Specific employee groups include doctors, nurses, program administrators, etc. Please be mindful to tailor your assignment to a specific employee group, specific health care setting and do not discuss your topic in general terms.

3. Discussion of Three Critical Aspects of Employee’s responsibilities

You are trying to improve the quality care in your health care organization. Thus, in this discussion area you are lecturing to specific employees, you discussed above, about their specific responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in those three responsibilities. You must discuss at least three (3) specific employee critical responsibilities. You must also specifically relate the applicable federal and/or state law as to the specific consequences [you may also add relevant hospital policies as well if found] for failing in each of those responsibilities and provide citations to support the consequences. Be sure and include in the discussion the relevant law and hospital policies and how they each are relevant to the employees’ critical responsibilities. Outline below is to help you organize your thoughts but you must use a narrative format to discuss each area.  Be sure and use my underlined headings below.

a)     Discussion of Employee Specific Critical Responsibility 1

  1.        Discussion of specific consequence(s)  for failing in this responsibility
  2.        Discussion of specific statutory requirement
  3.  Specific real life case illustrating the consequences for violating the specific responsibility.


b)     Discussion of Employee Specific Critical Responsibility 2

  1.        Discussion of specific consequence(s)  for failing in this responsibility
  2.        Discussion of specific statutory requirement
  3. Specific real life case illustrating the consequences for violating the specific responsibility.

c)     Discussion of Employee Specific Critical Responsibility 3

  1.        Discussion of specific consequence(s)  for failing in this responsibility
  2.        Discussion of specific statutory requirement
  3. Specific real life case illustrating the consequences for violating the specific responsibility.

4. Conclusion – Provide a summary of employee’s critical responsibilities, consequences and the impact failing in those critical responsibilities may have on the quality of health care. Also add a statement  “For more information about this issue…” and include a reference or references for further information on the issue you discussed.

5. References

End of headings

The paper must be:

  • Late penalties: Paper is due by due date but if there occurs an extraordinary event beyond your control, then you need to contact me as to the reason and then we can discuss a new due date if I agree with your excuse. In every case of an extension you will be penalized 11% [no chance for an A on the paper] for the first day late and an additional -1pt for each day thereafter, no matter the excuse.   The rubric points are 100 so in the rubric you will lose -11pts if one day late.
  • Be sure and use the underlined headings found in the outline below in your paper. Paper must be in narrative format not outline or bullets.
  • Double spaced and be 4-5 pages in 12 point New Times Roman font.
  • Include a cover page [not counted as a page] which should have student name and title of your paper [Provide a short name for the legal responsibility the specific health care organization has for one type of patient right in a specific setting ]
  • A the end of the paper a list of references in APA Format [not counted as a page]
  • Be prepared using word-processing software and saved with a .doc, .docx, or .rtf extension. No pdf.
  • Be uploaded to your Assignments Folder by 23:59 p.m. eastern time on the due date.
  • The paper is to be posted in Assignment #3 drop box.
  • Must footnote all facts in the paper. For example use sequential numbers starting with “1” and this number should correspond to full citation at the end of the paper. Do not put footnote citations at end of each page but at end of entire paper.
  • Footnote example below

In the body of the paper example:

(Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young, 2000).

At the end of the paper example:


Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young. (2000). Health care system reform: A provider perspective : survey results. Westchester, Ill.: Healthcare Financial Management Association.


Paper will be 5-6 pages in length not counting cover page and footnote/bibliography pages.

The paper must be:

  • Late penalties: Paper is due by due date but if there occurs is an extraordinary event beyond your control, then you need to contact me as to the reason and then we can discuss a new due date if I agree with your excuse. In every case of an extension you will be penalized 11% [no chance for an A on the paper] for the first day late and an additional -1pt for each day thereafter, no matter the excuse.  The rubric points are 100 so in the rubric you will lose -11pts if one day late.
  • Be sure and use the underlined headings found in the outline below in your paper. Paper must be in narrative format not outline or bullets.
  • Double spaced and be 5-6 pages in 12 point New Times Roman font. [No deduction if paper exceeds a page or so.
  • Include a cover page which should have student name and title of your paper Provide a short name for the legal responsibility the specific health care organization has for one type of patient right in a specific setting.
  • At the end of the paper a list of references in APA Format [not counted as a page]
  • Be prepared using word-processing software and saved with a .doc, .docx, or .rtf extension. No pdf.
  • Be uploaded to your Assignments Folder by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on the due date.
  • The paper is to be posted in Assignment #3 drop box.
  • Must footnote all facts in the paper. For example use sequential numbers starting with “1” and this number should correspond to full citation at the end of the paper. Do not put footnote citations at end of each page but at end of entire paper.
  • Footnote example below

In the body of the paper example:

(Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young, 2000).

At the end of the paper example:


Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young. (2000). Health care system reform: A provider perspective : survey results. Westchester, Ill.: Healthcare Financial Management Association.

Grading rubric for Paper Assignment 3 is with assignment in Assignment area of class.



Rubric Name: Assignment #3 Grading Rubric


Provided comprehensive statement of the  purpose of paper, picked a critical health care issue, and  provided the title, statute and section number of applicable state and federal law.

Provided limited  statement of the  purpose of paper, picked a critical health care issue, and  provided the title, statute and section number of only the state or federal law.

Provided inadequate   statement of the  purpose of paper, and/or did not pick a critical health care issue, and/or failed to   provide the title, statute and section number of applicable state and/or federal law.

Accurately  targeted a correct employee group  and health care setting. Comprehensive discussion of why they picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting.

Accurately  targeted a correct employee group  and health care setting. Limited  discussion of why they picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting.

Failed to accurately  target a correct employee group  and health care setting. And/or inadequate  discussion of why they picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting.

Comprehensive discussion of three critical employee responsibilities and the specific consequences for failing in each of those responsibilities. Accurately related the  applicable federal and/or state law as to the consequences and provided citation to support consequences.

Limited discussion of three or only two critical employee responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in each of those responsibilities. And/ or limited discussion of the relationship of the  applicable federal and/or state law as to the consequences and provided citation to support consequences.

Provided inadequate discussion of three or less critical employee responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in each of those responsibilities. And/or failed to accurately relate the  applicable federal and/or state law as to the consequences and provided citation to support consequences.

Provided a summary of employee responsibilities, consequences,  and the impact failing in these responsibilities may have on the quality of health care. Provided a  statement of “For more information about this issue…” to include a reference or references for further information on the issue.

Provided a limited summary of employee responsibilities, and/or consequences and/or the impact failing in these responsibilities may have on the quality of health care. Provided a  statement of “For more information about this issue…” but provided few  references for further information on the issue.

Inadequate summary of employee responsibilities, consequences and or the impact for failing in these responsibilities may have on quality of health care. Provided a  statement of “For more information about this issue…” and/or failed to include a reference or references for further information on the issue.

Paper is well written and  fully complies with length,  footnoting and referencing requirements

Paper is confusing in parts and or partially  complies with length,  footnoting and/or referencing  requirements

Paper is very confusing overall and/or fails to comply with length,  footnoting requirements and/or referencing requirements

The paper is free of obvious grammatical, typographical errors and follows all the formatting requirements. The sentence structure and diction are clear, effective, and diverse. The tone and style are appropriate for the intended audience

There are noticeable proofreading and/or grammatical errors [no more than 3], but the errors do not significantly detract from the readability of the paper. Follows some of the other formatting requirements. Sentence structure may be rigid and unvaried. The tone and style are appropriate for the intended audience

There are significant proofreading and/or grammatical errors [more than 3], which detract from the readability of the paper. Other formatting requirements not followed. There are major problems in sentence structure or the tone and style are not appropriate for the intended audience.

Overall Score

You are trying to improve the quality care in your health care organization. Thus, in this discussion area you are lecturing to specific employees, you discussed above, about their specific responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in those three responsibilities. You must discuss at least three (3) specific employee critical responsibilities. You must also specifically relate the applicable federal and/or state law as to the specific consequences [you may also add relevant hospital policies as well if found] for failing in each of those responsibilities and provide citations to support the consequences. Be sure and include in the discussion the relevant law and hospital policies and how they each are relevant to the employees’ critical responsibilities. Outline below is to help you organize your thoughts but you must use a narrative format to discuss each area.  Be sure and use my underlined headings below.

a)     Discussion of Employee Specific Critical Responsibility 1

  1.        Discussion of specific consequence(s)  for failing in this responsibility
  2.        Discussion of specific statutory requirement
  3.  Specific real life case illustrating the consequences for violating the specific responsibility.


b)     Discussion of Employee Specific Critical Responsibility 2

  1.        Discussion of specific consequence(s)  for failing in this responsibility
  2.        Discussion of specific statutory requirement
  3. Specific real life case illustrating the consequences for violating the specific responsibility.

c)     Discussion of Employee Specific Critical Responsibility 3

  1.        Discussion of specific consequence(s)  for failing in this responsibility
  2.        Discussion of specific statutory requirement
  3. Specific real life case illustrating the consequences for violating the specific responsibility.

4. Conclusion – Provide a summary of employee’s critical responsibilities, consequences and the impact failing in those critical responsibilities may have on the quality of health care. Also add a statement  “For more information about this issue…” and include a reference or references for further information on the issue you discussed.

5. References

End of headings

The paper must be:

  • Late penalties: Paper is due by due date but if there occurs an extraordinary event beyond your control, then you need to contact me as to the reason and then we can discuss a new due date if I agree with your excuse. In every case of an extension you will be penalized 11% [no chance for an A on the paper] for the first day late and an additional -1pt for each day thereafter, no matter the excuse.   The rubric points are 100 so in the rubric you will lose -11pts if one day late.
  • Be sure and use the underlined headings found in the outline below in your paper. Paper must be in narrative format not outline or bullets.
  • Double spaced and be 4-5 pages in 12 point New Times Roman font.
  • Include a cover page [not counted as a page] which should have student name and title of your paper [Provide a short name for the legal responsibility the specific health care organization has for one type of patient right in a specific setting ]
  • A the end of the paper a list of references in APA Format [not counted as a page]
  • Be prepared using word-processing software and saved with a .doc, .docx, or .rtf extension. No pdf.
  • Be uploaded to your Assignments Folder by 23:59 p.m. eastern time on the due date.
  • The paper is to be posted in Assignment #3 drop box.
  • Must footnote all facts in the paper. For example use sequential numbers starting with “1” and this number should correspond to full citation at the end of the paper. Do not put footnote citations at end of each page but at end of entire paper.
  • Footnote example below

In the body of the paper example:

(Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young, 2000).

At the end of the paper example:


Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young. (2000). Health care system reform: A provider perspective : survey results. Westchester, Ill.: Healthcare Financial Management Association.


Paper will be 5-6 pages in length not counting cover page and footnote/bibliography pages.

The paper must be:

  • Late penalties: Paper is due by due date but if there occurs is an extraordinary event beyond your control, then you need to contact me as to the reason and then we can discuss a new due date if I agree with your excuse. In every case of an extension you will be penalized 11% [no chance for an A on the paper] for the first day late and an additional -1pt for each day thereafter, no matter the excuse.  The rubric points are 100 so in the rubric you will lose -11pts if one day late.
  • Be sure and use the underlined headings found in the outline below in your paper. Paper must be in narrative format not outline or bullets.
  • Double spaced and be 5-6 pages in 12 point New Times Roman font. [No deduction if paper exceeds a page or so.
  • Include a cover page which should have student name and title of your paper Provide a short name for the legal responsibility the specific health care organization has for one type of patient right in a specific setting.
  • At the end of the paper a list of references in APA Format [not counted as a page]
  • Be prepared using word-processing software and saved with a .doc, .docx, or .rtf extension. No pdf.
  • Be uploaded to your Assignments Folder by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on the due date.
  • The paper is to be posted in Assignment #3 drop box.
  • Must footnote all facts in the paper. For example use sequential numbers starting with “1” and this number should correspond to full citation at the end of the paper. Do not put footnote citations at end of each page but at end of entire paper.
  • Footnote example below

In the body of the paper example:

(Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young, 2000).

At the end of the paper example:


Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young. (2000). Health care system reform: A provider perspective : survey results. Westchester, Ill.: Healthcare Financial Management Association.

Grading rubric for Paper Assignment 3 is with assignment in Assignment area of class.



Rubric Name: Assignment #3 Grading Rubric


Provided comprehensive statement of the  purpose of paper, picked a critical health care issue, and  provided the title, statute and section number of applicable state and federal law.

Provided limited  statement of the  purpose of paper, picked a critical health care issue, and  provided the title, statute and section number of only the state or federal law.

Provided inadequate   statement of the  purpose of paper, and/or did not pick a critical health care issue, and/or failed to   provide the title, statute and section number of applicable state and/or federal law.

Accurately  targeted a correct employee group  and health care setting. Comprehensive discussion of why they picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting.

Accurately  targeted a correct employee group  and health care setting. Limited  discussion of why they picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting.

Failed to accurately  target a correct employee group  and health care setting. And/or inadequate  discussion of why they picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting.

Comprehensive discussion of three critical employee responsibilities and the specific consequences for failing in each of those responsibilities. Accurately related the  applicable federal and/or state law as to the consequences and provided citation to support consequences.

Limited discussion of three or only two critical employee responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in each of those responsibilities. And/ or limited discussion of the relationship of the  applicable federal and/or state law as to the consequences and provided citation to support consequences.

Provided inadequate discussion of three or less critical employee responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in each of those responsibilities. And/or failed to accurately relate the  applicable federal and/or state law as to the consequences and provided citation to support consequences.

Provided a summary of employee responsibilities, consequences,  and the impact failing in these responsibilities may have on the quality of health care. Provided a  statement of “For more information about this issue…” to include a reference or references for further information on the issue.

Provided a limited summary of employee responsibilities, and/or consequences and/or the impact failing in these responsibilities may have on the quality of health care. Provided a  statement of “For more information about this issue…” but provided few  references for further information on the issue.

Inadequate summary of employee responsibilities, consequences and or the impact for failing in these responsibilities may have on quality of health care. Provided a  statement of “For more information about this issue…” and/or failed to include a reference or references for further information on the issue.

Paper is well written and  fully complies with length,  footnoting and referencing requirements

Paper is confusing in parts and or partially  complies with length,  footnoting and/or referencing  requirements

Paper is very confusing overall and/or fails to comply with length,  footnoting requirements and/or referencing requirements

The paper is free of obvious grammatical, typographical errors and follows all the formatting requirements. The sentence structure and diction are clear, effective, and diverse. The tone and style are appropriate for the intended audience

There are noticeable proofreading and/or grammatical errors [no more than 3], but the errors do not significantly detract from the readability of the paper. Follows some of the other formatting requirements. Sentence structure may be rigid and unvaried. The tone and style are appropriate for the intended audience

There are significant proofreading and/or grammatical errors [more than 3], which detract from the readability of the paper. Other formatting requirements not followed. There are major problems in sentence structure or the tone and style are not appropriate for the intended audience.

Overall Score

What techniques are helpful to incorporate in assessing a patient in this age group?

Jonah Kotter is a 5-year-old male preschooler who presents to the pediatrician’s office for complaints that his leg “hurts”.

Subjective Data

  • PMH negative
  • Immunizations: Up to date
  • No medications
  • No allergies
  • Pain: 3/5 on pain scale
  • Attends Kindergarten
  • Does not remember injuring leg

Objective Data

  • Vital signs: T 37 degrees Centigrade, P 94, R 18, BP 100/70
  • Lungs: clear
  • Heart rate and rhythm regular
  • Moving all extremities
  • + Range of motion legs and arms
  • Strength 5/5 in all extremities
  1. What other questions should the nurse ask?
  2. What techniques are helpful to incorporate in assessing a patient in this age group?
  3. What are a few of the major differences in the musculoskeletal assessment of a child?
  4. What should be included in the plan of care?
  5. Based on the readings, what is the most likely cause of leg pain for this patient?
REFERENCE:Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical examination & health assessment (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.


  • Chapter 22: Musculoskeletal System
    • pp. 577–619 (Structure, Function, Subjective and Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking)
  • Chapter 23: Neurologic System
    • pp. 633–676 (Structure, Function, Subjective and Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking)


What are some of the more common conditions that may cause seizure activity in this age group?

Read the case study below and respond to two of the questions below. Make sure you respond to a classmate as well, before the week ends.


Katherine Trembly is a 67-year-old woman who presents to the neurologist’s office after referral from her PCP (primary care provider) for a seizure.


Subjective Data


PMH: Seizure, hypertension, anxiety

Retired book keeper

C/o being “tired”

Periods of unresponsiveness to verbal stimuli

Objective Data


Vital signs: T 37 degrees Centigrade, P 80, R 18, BP 174/84

Lungs: clear

O2 Sat = 98%

Heart rate regular, + peripheral pulses


What other questions should the nurse ask?

What techniques are helpful to incorporate in assessing a patient in this age group?

What are some of the more common conditions that may cause seizure activity in this age group?

What diagnostic tools will the physician use to diagnose this condition?

What should be included in the plan of care?


REFERENCE:Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical examination & health assessment (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.


  • Chapter 22: Musculoskeletal System
    • pp. 577–619 (Structure, Function, Subjective and Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking)
  • Chapter 23: Neurologic System
    • pp. 633–676 (Structure, Function, Subjective and Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking)


During your time in this course there has been a lot of information for you to learn. Looking back how do you feel this knowledge is helping you prepare for your career?

During your time in this course there has been a lot of information for you to learn. Looking back how do you feel this knowledge is helping you prepare for your career? Is there anything you learned that you are questioning why it might be important for you to know?

Take some time and think about your answers to these questions and then share them with the class. Initial discussion posts are due by Wednesday. Reply to at least two other students post explaining why you agree or disagree with their opinion.


I am doing Medical Assistant. So just write 1 full page of reflection towards the question.

Consider the benefits and challenges of data modeling, both generally and within an organization with which you are familiar.

Data Modeling and Database Design


The use of databases can significantly improve an organization’s ability to access, share, and apply relevant information. However, despite the wealth of data available in a database, its value is greatly dependent on its design. Designing a database that creates logical data relationships for the end users ensures the best conditions for developing information and knowledge for real-world application.


This Discussion focuses on the importance of thoughtful data modeling and database design. You also consider strategies for mitigating design issues.


To prepare:


  • Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources on data modeling and database design.
  • Reflect on how you have seen these concepts evidenced in a health care organization’s use of databases.
  • Consider the benefits and challenges of data modeling, both generally and within an organization with which you are familiar.
  • Review the six different issues with database design described in “Data Aggregation: A Case Study,” found in this week’s Learning Resources. Have you experienced any of these in your own database use? How could an organization avoid such issues through planning?
  • Select one of the issues and conduct additional research using the Walden Library to locate an article that addresses your selected issue and provides insights into how it can be avoided.

    Post by tomorrow 6/14/16 550 words in APA format and 3 references

    1) The benefits and challenges of data modeling both generally and within a health care organization.

    2) Describe the database design issue you selected and briefly summarize your findings (include your reference).

    3) Suggest strategies for how this issue could be mitigated in the database planning phase.


    Required Resources



  • Coronel, C. & Morris, S. (2015). Database systems: Design, implementation, and management (11th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.


    • Chapter 2, “Data Models” (pp. 34–66)

      During database design, the objective is to formulate a system where data is stored for optimum access and use. By providing a history of data modeling’s development, the authors build an understanding of the contemporary database models introduced in this chapter.

    • Chapter 9, Sections 9.4–9.9, “Database Design” (pp. 431–451)

      This section of Chapter 9 deals with conceptualizing database design. It explores all the factors and conditions that need to be considered to ensure that the final product satisfies the end user.


  • Rux, E., & Borchert, T. (2010). You have how many spreadsheets? Computers in Libraries, 30(8), 21–25.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this article, the authors provide an example of the development of their database, revealing the successes and missteps they encountered during the process. Managing electronic resources requires a system designed to accommodate the storage and flow of necessary data.

  • Roberts, A. L., & Sewell, J. P. (2011). Data aggregation: A case study. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 29(1), 3–7.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article address the need for nurses to adapt to database use. As a condition of the HITECH Act, changes in nursing instruction, data capturing, and health care procedures are required to accommodate the increasing reliance on electronic health records in nursing.


·         Describe a method for providing both the patient and family with education and explain your rationale.

Mr. P is a 76-year-old male with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure who has been hospitalized frequently to treat CHF symptoms. He has difficulty maintaining diet restrictions and managing his polypharmacy. He has 4+ pitting edema, moist crackles throughout lung fields, and labored breathing. He has no family other than his wife, who verbalizes sadness over his declining health and over her inability to get out of the house. She is overwhelmed with the stack of medical bills, as Mr. P always took care of the financial issues. Mr. P is despondent and asks why God has not taken him.




Considering Mr. Ps condition and circumstance, write an essay of 500-750 words that includes the following:


·         Describe your approach to care.


·         Recommend a treatment plan.


·         Describe a method for providing both the patient and family with education and explain your rationale.



·         Provide a teaching plan (avoid using terminology that the patient and family may not understand).

d. Describe your proposed research design for your problem statement including the following: •Importance/relevance of problem

Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes. The Final presentation must summarize the health care problem you selected. Describe your proposed research design for your problem statement including the following: •Importance/relevance of problem •Problem statement •Summary of literature review •Research questions •Methodology to be used •Implications of the expected findings

How can an organization determine and meet the needs of the members of this your health care community?

How can an organization determine and meet the needs of the members of this your health care community?


Need today before 7:00 pm central  75 words min.

 Identify the theory that drove the implementation, and explain how this theory was translated into practice by the planning team.

Translating Theory Into Practice


When water is in a solid state, particles are packed in a rigid pattern, conforming to the shape of its container. As the water turns into a liquid, the particles regain their fluidity, moving as the other particles around them begin to shift. Kurt Lewin’s change theory is much like the changing state of water. Applying this theory, Lewin describes workplaces as being frozen in their procedures. In this state, it is impossible for change to occur successfully because people are “frozen.” Informaticists must recognize this rigid culture and begin to implement strategies that will unfreeze the opinions and procedures of the setting. According to Lewin, only then will staff begin to accept new processes over old ones.


This process of moving from “freezing” to “unfreezing” can be a turbulent one. In fact, many nurses have equated this to “working in slush.” By applying theories and frameworks developed by Lewin and others, nurse informaticists can better facilitate informatics implementations. In this Discussion, you explore how theories and conceptual frameworks can be applied to informatics implementations.


To prepare:


  • Review this week’s media presentation, Theories and Conceptual Frameworks, and consider how a nurse informaticist can use theories to guide informatics initiatives. What are the benefits of using theories?
  • Review the article “Organization-Wide Adoption of Computerized Provider Order Entry Systems: A Study Based on Diffusion of Innovations Theory” in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider how Roger’s diffusion of innovation theory impacted the adoption of the informatics system.
  • Conduct research in the Walden Library to locate a peer-reviewed article that (1) focuses on implementing a new informatics project or procedure and (2) discusses how a theory was used to guide this implementation.
  • Consider alternative theories that might also be applicable to that specific implementation.


Post by tomorrow Tuesday 06/14/2016 550 words in APA format with a minimum of 4 references


1)  The APA citation for your article and a brief summary that includes the setting of the implementation, what was being implemented, the need for the implementation, and the titles of the staff who spearheaded the project (if provided).


2)  Identify the theory that drove the implementation, and explain how this theory was translated into practice by the planning team.


3) Finally, suggest alternative theories that could have been used and support your response with references to the research literature.




Required Resources




  • Adams, R., Tranfield, D., & Denyer, D. (2011). How can toast be radical? Perceptions of innovations in healthcare. International Journal of Clinical Leadership, 17(1), 37–48.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article examines four case studies that present successful innovations in the NHS. The authors propose a descriptive framework of innovation attributes to convey the perceptions of health care innovators.

  • Doran, D. M., Haynes, R. B., Kushniruk, A., Straus, S., Grimshaw, J., Hall, L. M., & … Jedras, D. (2010). Supporting evidence-based practice for nurses through information technologies. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 7(1), 4–15.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article discuss the practicality and usability of mobile technologies. In addition, they detail how mobile technologies can help to provide evidence-based practice and ultimately benefit the work of nurse informaticists.

  • Rahimi, B., Timpka, T., Vimarlund, V., Uppugunduri, S., & Svensson, M. (2009). Organization-wide adoption of computerized provider order entry systems: A study based on diffusion of innovations theory. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 9(1),52.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The effectiveness of a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system implementation is examined in this article. The attitudes, reactions, and thoughts of nurses and physicians involved in the implementation are also discussed.

  • @Current. (2012). Jean Watson’s philosophy of nursing. Retrieved from http://currentnursing.com/nursing_theory/Watson.html

    Access this website to explore one prominent philosophy of nursing, Watson’s philosophy of caring.

  • Connelly, M. (n.d.) Kurt Lewin change management model. Retrieved from http://www.change-management-coach.com/kurt_lewin.html

    Kurt Lewin’s change theory consists of a three stages: unfreeze, change, and freeze. Access this website to learn more about each phase.

  • Lewin, K. (2011). Change theory. Retrieved from http://currentnursing.com/nursing_theory/change_theory.html

    This website provides a brief overview of the concepts and stages of Lewin’s change theory.


  • Lee, T. (2006). Adopting a personal digital assistant system: application of Lewin’s change theory. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 55(4), 487-496






  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012i). Theories and conceptual frameworks. Baltimore: Author.

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 8 minutes.

    In this week’s media presentation, Gail Latimer, Dr. Patricia Button, and Dr. Roy Simpson discuss the importance of using theories and frameworks to guide informatics initiatives. In addition, Dr. Simpson provides an overview of two frameworks he commonly uses in his position, Moore’s Law and the Integrated Research Operational (IRO) model, as well as two well-known theories, Roger’s diffusion of innovation and Watson’s theory of caring.