What are the adverse effects of using teratogens during pregnancy?

Jane Marlow is pregnant with her first baby. Along with explaining about genetic disorders, also explain to Marlow about certain habits of the mother that affect the growth of the fetus. Use the following questions as guidelines:

  • What are the adverse effects of using teratogens during pregnancy?
  • If a woman drinks or uses drugs during her pregnancy and it harms her growing fetus, do you think she should be held legally responsible for her actions? Why or why not?

Additionally, complete the following discussions:

  • Select a disease that exhibits pleiotropy or incomplete penetrance. How does the disease exhibit these characteristics? Can the severity of the disease be affected by families having these traits? If so, how? If not, why not?
  • Using Mendel’s laws, describe the phenotypic and genotypic ratios for the F2 generation if pea plants with restricted yellow pods are crossed with true-breeding inflated green pods in the original cross and then the F1 generation is crossed.
  • please use APA format and cite all resources

Which model best supports the framework of evidence-based medicine in defining and measuring quality outcomes? Why?

Week 2 Assignment Discussion 1



The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.


For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by Wednesday, April 6th


To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.


Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite sources in your responses to other classmates.


Quality Management System


“Refer back to the structure-process-outcome (S-P-O) model discussed in Week 1. In addition, refer to the text reading pertaining to the quality management system and answer the following questions:”



1)      What are the differences between how the two models define and measure quality outcomes?

(2) Which model best supports the framework of evidence-based medicine in defining and measuring quality outcomes? Why?

(3) How can an organization ensure that healthcare services are providing value to the patient? Justify using examples.

Presents the grading criteria and rubric for this assignment.             Maximum Points

Quality of Initial posting                                                                                        50

Participation in discussion                                                                                     25

Writing mechanics (spelling, grammar, APA) and information Literacy       25

Total                                                                                                                              100.

(2) Analyze the relationships among the three quality principles.

Hello friend, Please check this one. It is Turnitin and let me as soon as possible. Please the grading criteria.




Week 1 Assignment 3.      Principles of Total Quality.


Turnitin Assignment

Assignment 3: Principles of Total Quality


“There are three principles of total quality: customer focus, continuous improvement, and teamwork. Using the South University Online Library, find three articles that describe current practices in healthcare organizations. Each article should illustrate one principle of total quality. Refer to professional journals such as Modern Healthcare, Provider Magazine, and Nursing Homes. Write a paper based on your review of the articles. Include the following in the paper:”


(1) Describe each quality principle and show how it is illustrated in the article.

(2) Analyze the relationships among the three quality principles.

(3) Examine whether the principle in one example might apply to other examples.

Submission Details:


Present your analysis as a 5-page report in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.

On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.


By Tuesday, April 5, 2016, submit your assignment to the W1 Assignment 3 Turnitin.

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Selected articles according to given criteria and from authoritative sources.


Described how each quality principle is illustrated in articles.


Analyzed the relationships among the three principles.


Examined whether each principle might apply to other examples.


Applied APA standards for writing style, spelling, grammar, and citation of sources.


Total:   50

Health Information Technology Decade, how do you think the EHR and e-prescribing will take to be universal by 2014?

Medical informatics is located at the “intersection of information technology, medicine, and healthcare.  Within the new Health Information Technology Decade, how do you think the EHR and e-prescribing will take to be universal by 2014?  Yes, there are incentives attached, how many do you think will resist payments from Medicare and Medicaid depending on where their primary source of revenue comes from?


Why is health care the last to subscribe to high tech electronic medicine.  The banking industry onboarded, and all other businesses, why does medicine think they are different and why are there incentives to onboard them?

There is big money attached to having all physician provider’s up on the EHR with substantive incentives for getting this done.  If they elect not to participate, they will incur substantive penalties and surrender significant payments.  Why is health care the last to subscribe to high tech electronic medicine.  The banking industry onboarded, and all other businesses, why does medicine think they are different and why are there incentives to onboard them?

When it comes to medicine and patient care, 100% right the first time and everytime! How has the automation of the EHR and all it’s components advanced quality?

What about Voice Recognition such as Dragon Naturally Speaking, it gets better as you continue to use it, so out of a 1,000 word passage, it get’s 11 words wrong or has a 98.9% accuracy rate. What if you are a Radiologist and you Powerscribe recognizes your voice and thinks you have stated metastatic cancer and it is metasternal on the report. Does a 1.1% error rate work for that patient? As a former statistician, when you chase medians or means, if your head is in the freezer, and your feet are in the furnace, your median body temperature is normal right?

When it comes to medicine and patient care, 100% right the first time and everytime! How has the automation of the EHR and all it’s components advanced quality?



When it comes to medicine and patient care, 100% right the first time and everytime! How has the automation of the EHR and all it's components advanced quality?

What do you think about the Electronic Health Record and the incentives attached to have it in place.  For physicians who see patients they will receive thousands, now that is to help recover the costs

What do you think about the Electronic Health Record and the incentives attached to have it in place.  For physicians who see patients they will receive thousands, now that is to help recover the costs.  What about academic departments who have services such as Radiology and Anesthesia who do not see patients, they are not clinic based but hospital based, how are they incentivized with this since the hospital will receive the incentive on their behalf?  Do you give them a stipend or more programmatic support or tough, it is to recover our costs?

What happens when evidenced based medicine a protocol within the EHR comes up, a physician overrides it, the patient has an event, who do you sue, the vendor of the EHR, the Physician, the Entity or all three?

What happens when evidenced based medicine a protocol within the EHR comes up, a physician overrides it, the patient has an event, who do you sue, the vendor of the EHR, the Physician, the Entity or all three?