What the impact of this disease on society is, as it relates to the business of healthcare and the use of resources.

Focus on a specific respiratory disease that has a significant impact on society and the health care industry. Some examples are tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, influenza, or a respiratory illness that is currently prevalent

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses the following:

  • State this disease’s type (primary, secondary, tertiary) and what makes it classified as such.
  • What the impact of this disease on society is, as it relates to the business of healthcare and the use of resources.

Include at least two references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Identify rationales for each of the patterns, challenges, or needs. Be sure to address at least four of the seven aspects of the Holistic Care Process discussed in this week’s lecture.

By Tuesday, June 28, 2016, begin your submission with a short, 1-2 paragraph introduction of your Case Study. Identify one pattern, challenge, or need associated with each parameter of the person you interviewed for your Case Study in Week 1(physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual). Identify rationales for each of the patterns, challenges, or needs. Be sure to address at least four of the seven aspects of the Holistic Care Process discussed in this week’s lecture.

Submit your assignment in a 3-4 page Word document. Post your response to theW2: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Which one do you think will be the most challenging for you to implement and why?

No APA format needed

Health information managers / professionals have a variety of different roles that they are responsible for with regard to record keeping.

Which role do you feel is the most important and why?

Which one do you think will be the most challenging for you to implement and why?

What steps could you take to address this challenge?

What changes will the implementation of a new system yield, and how will they impact the working of the organization?

In this course, you will progressively work on a system implementation process in six stages:

  • Week 1: System planning
  • Week 2: System analysis
  • Week 3: System selection
  • Week 4: System implementation
  • Week 5: User training and system maintenance

You can use Internet resources, peer-reviewed journals, and reputable, published articles, and you may interview an executive of a healthcare facility that has implemented an electronic medical record system/electronic health record system or similar system to describe the six implementation steps.

This week, you will conduct system analysis. System analysis is a process of collecting, organizing, and evaluating data about the information systems and the environment in which the system operates. For this section, you need to answer the following questions:

  • What is the current system for your fictional healthcare organization?
  • What problems do you have with the current system? Where do its weaknesses lie?
  • What changes will the implementation of a new system yield, and how will they impact the working of the organization?
  • Would you like to extend the existing system or replace it?
  • What is your phase-out plan for the existing system?

Complete the assignment in a 3–5-page Word document and name it SUO_HCM3008_W2_A2_yourinitials.

Submit it to the W2: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, June 28, 2016.

Cite any sources in the APA format.

Why you think this theory or topic will provide the best framework for your research topic

In a 2-3 page paper, APA format, using a minimum of 3 references properly cited, expand on the following:

  1. A nurse theorist or nursing theory for your research topic;
  2. Why you think this theory or topic will provide the best framework for your research topic

Submit 2 annotated bibliography from peer-reviewed journals that contributes to your review of the literature for your Research Proposal


How has the projected aging of America influenced the projections of the nursing shortage?

How has the projected aging of America influenced the projections of the nursing shortage?


Given the trend of the aging workforce; what practice settings and role opportunities are emerging?


How should educational programs prepare nurses to assume different future roles, and at what educational level?


What challenges does the multigenerational workforce create in your day to day practice?


Does the multigenerational workforce help or hinder quality patient care? Please explain



What education does a nurse leader need to lead the multigenerational workforce?

Imagine you are a coding supervisor. What emphasis would you place on the Standards of Ethical Coding in your area? Would you include the Standards of Ethical Coding in your policy and procedure manual?

Standards of Ethical Coding

View an introduction to the Assignment here. Be sure to adjust your audio settings.

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

·                   Identify unethical coding practices.

Course outcome(s) practiced in this unit:


Click here for Assignment Instructions and Grading Rubric

Imagine you are a coding supervisor. What emphasis would you place on the Standards of Ethical Coding in your area? Would you include the Standards of Ethical Coding in your policy and procedure manual?


Would you review the Standards of Ethical Coding on a regular basis and if yes, how often? What disciplinary action would you take if you found that a coder violated the Standards of Ethical Coding? Would the severity of the disciplinary action depend on which standard was violated? Why or why not?


How do imperfections in coding affect the budget preparation of health care organizations? How might it also affect the contracts between professional billers and coders and health care organizations?


4 to 5 pages


APA format


What kind of problems can ensue from inaccuracies in the assignment of ICD-9 and CPT codes? How do such inaccuracies affect patient care and reimbursement?

What kind of problems can ensue from inaccuracies in the assignment of ICD-9 and CPT codes? How do such inaccuracies affect patient care and reimbursement?

How many times have you received a bill from an inpatient or outpatient stay that was either upcoded or inaccurately coded. 

How many times have you received a bill from an inpatient or outpatient stay that was either upcoded or inaccurately coded.  If downcoded, most people don’t bother bringing that to anyone’s attention and hopefully Case Management and Audit picks it up, but when it is upcoded and Medicare, Medicaid or a Managed Care Payor picks it up, there can be serious consequences.

Sometimes it is an oversight, sometimes it is fraud.  How many times before it is fraud or not?Explain