Identify the research format (design) of your research p

Journal Entry: Design Format & Measurement Strategies

Directions: In a 2-3 page, APA format paper, with a minimum of 3 references properly cited:

  1. Identify the research format (design) of your research proposal
  2. Explain why you have chosen this research design

Submit 2 annotated bibliography from peer-reviewed journals that contributes to your review of the literature for the final project

What are some good aspects of the U.S. health care market and what are some things we can learn/adopt from other countries?

I found this video that I would like you all to watch.   “Sick Around the World”

Watch this video with these questions in mind. Please answer the following:

What are some good aspects of the U.S. health care market and what are some things we can learn/adopt from other countries?

How would you recruit more members of the U.S. workforce to health care services? What about to specific branches within health care services?

Do you think legislators and executives should be rusted as health policy suppliers, or not? what about judges?


As Health Care Administrators, you will have to think about these things because many of you will have position that will influence policies. 


This week focuses on the role of courts in health policy and policymaking

1. In which of their three core roles do you think courts can most significantly alter health policies? Why?

2. What is the importance of legal precedent for policymaking?

How might these factors translate to the usability, implementation, and outcomes of other informatics technologies?

Application: Design Considerations and Workarounds 


When nurse informaticists are tasked with identifying the most appropriate technology to meet a specific need within a health care setting, there are many questions that must be asked.


Consider the following scenario:


Riverdale Hospital has come under recent scrutiny for their medication procedures. Many times, paper medication records are not up to date or have been misplaced. As a result, patients have increasingly received their medications at the wrong times. Though each nurse is performing to the best of his or her ability, the fast pace of the hospital has caused some to ineffectively manage patient records.


The lead nurse informaticist, Nancy, has decided that a bar code scanner could help streamline the documentation process while also improving patient quality and safety. Nancy knows that when selecting a bar coding system she must not only examine the hardware and software of the system but also consider the various human factors that can positively and/or negatively affect the outcomes of the system implementation. As such, Nancy asked three of the most reputable bar code vendors to bring sample systems to Riverdale Hospital.


In evaluating each system, Nancy role plays the process of scanning a patient’s bar code. She rolls the coding cart into the room to begin her mock demonstration. First, Nancy scans her identification card to gain access to the medication screen. To scan the patient’s bar code identifier, Nancy then pulls the medication cart to the patient so that the attached scanner reaches the bar code on the patient’s wristband. When the scan is complete, the computer displays a screen that houses the patient’s personal information. By navigating the screens, Nancy finds that she can use the computer to track medication administration. In addition, Nancy is able to view applicable vitals and medication history. As Nancy continues to examine this system, she reflects on the other hardware and software facets she should be sure to consider. She also thinks about how human factors will affect this and other vendor systems.


In this Assignment, you consider how hardware, software, and human factors can impact the implementation of an informatics system.


To prepare:


  • Review Chapter 30, “The Role of Technology in the Medication-Use Process,” in the course text, Essentials of Nursing Informatics. When examining computerized prescriber order entry (CPOE) systems and bar code-enabled technologies, what hardware, software, and human factors did the authors identify?
  • Consider how each of these factors can negatively impact patient safety and quality of care.
  • How might these factors translate to the usability, implementation, and outcomes of other informatics technologies?
  • Review the media presentation Selecting New Technologies in this week’s Learning Resources. How did presenter Dr. Patricia Button take the above factors into consideration when selecting an informatics technology for her health care setting?
  • When planning and selecting a new informatics system, what steps should informaticists take to ensure the system will address the needs of their health care setting? In addition, how can informatics leaders encourage all nurses to commit to using a new technology?

    To complete:

    Submit a  5-page APA paper on Thursday 07/07/2016  that addresses each part of this Assignment:


  • Part 1: Design Considerations
    • Identify two major design considerations associated with each of the following: hardware, software, human factors. (6 considerations in total)
      • Describe why informaticists should play close attention to each of these considerations when evaluating an informatics technology. In your description, include the potential dangers each of these pose to patient safety and quality of care.
  • Part 2: Employee Workarounds
    • Even with a carefully thought out design and implementation, nurses and other health care employees may adopt workarounds. With this reality in mind:
      • What benefits and/or consequences do you associate with workarounds?
      • When selecting an informatics technology, would you opt to purchase a system that mitigates the opportunity for workarounds; or do you believe that workarounds are sometimes necessary? Justify your response.

        Note: Your responses should focus on informatics technologies in general, not just bar code scanners as portrayed in the scenario. You may, however, use specific examples such as bar code scanners and other informatics technologies to justify your responses.

        This Assignment is due Thursday 07/07/16




        Required Resources




        • Saba, V. K., & McCormick, K. A. (2015). Essentials of nursing informatics (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
          • Chapter 2, “Computer Hardware”

            This chapter discusses introduces the basics of computer hardware used for nursing informatics.

          • Chapter 4, “Computer Software”
            This chapter introduces computer software, as well as the programs that are most relevant to nursing informatics.
          • Chapter 11, System Life Cycle: A Framework”

            In this chapter, the authors introduce the systems life cycle (SDLC) and its stages. These stages are often used by organizations for large-scale projects, such as implementing or upgrading health information technology.

          • Chapter 13, “System Life Cycle Tools”

            Chapter 13 focuses on the tools needed to assist with each phase of the System Life Cycle. Successful implementation projects require clinical expertise as well as technical knowledge from nurse informaticists.

          • Chapter 9, “Computer Interaction ”

            This chapter explains the need for nurses to be informed about human-machine interactions to prevent unintended consequences. Increased awareness of these factors can result in improved performance and outcomes in nursing informatics and other technologies.

          • Chapter 30, “The Role of Technology in the Medication-Use Process”

            In this chapter, the authors discuss how new technologies that can create a safer environment for the patient. This is especially relevant for nurses involved in administering medication and educating patients on its use.

        • Gooder, V. J. (2011). Nurses’ perceptions of a (BCMA) bar-coded medication administration system. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 15(2).
          Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

          This article explores the outcomes of a bar-coded medication administration (BCMA) system, which included increased patient safety and accuracy of medication. The importance of assessing the impact of a BCMA system on nurses before implementation is also highlighted.

        • Preheim, G. J., Armstrong, G. E., & Barton, A. J. (2009). The new fundamentals in nursing: Introducing beginning quality and safety education for nurses’ competencies. The Journal of Nursing Education, 48(12), 694–697.
          Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

          This article discusses the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative and its six competencies, including informatics, that are essential for nursing practice. The authors emphasize that nursing education should shift from task-training and development to more current skills and competencies for informatics and patient-centered care.

        • Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. (2012). Informatics. Retrieved from

          Access this website to explore the knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected of informatics graduates.

        • Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. (2015). Informatics competencies for every practicing nurse: Recommendations from the TIGER Collaborative. Retrieved from

          This comprehensive report provides you with an overview of the TIGER collaborative as well as informatics competencies.




        • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012a). Competencies for nurse informaticists. Baltimore: Author.

          Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 10 minutes.

          In this week’s media presentation, Gail Latimer, Dr. Patricia Button, and Dr. Roy Simpson overview the progress that the ANA and the TIGER initiative have made in outlining key informatics competencies. In addition, each presenter identifies competencies that he or she believes to be vital to working in the informatics field.


        • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012h). Selecting new technologies. Baltimore: Author.

          Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

          Dr. Patricia Button and Dr. Roy Simpson discuss the critical process of selecting the right technology for a health care organization. The presenters discuss the factors to consider, as well as the key skills informaticists should have to successfully lead these processes.



Define the evaluation criteria to track the effect of each of the interventions on the patient’s health and healing process.

By Tuesday, July 5, 2016, post your response to the tasks below in a 3-4 page MS Word document to the W3: Assignment 2 Dropbox. Be sure to format your paper according to APA 6th edition style.

  1. Review the needs, challenges or problems you identified in your Case Study from last week’s assignment. For each need, challenge or problem identified, provide a desired outcome. Include a supporting rationale for each desired outcome. Outcomes should be stated as SMART goals (specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic, and time limited).
  1. List at least one holistic nursing intervention you will use to achieve the outcome for each of the nursing diagnoses listed on your plan. Provide supporting rationale for each chosen intervention. The rationale should include what the intervention will provide for the patient, what level of the person it will address, and how it will assist the patient in achieving the desired outcome.
  1. Define the evaluation criteria to track the effect of each of the interventions on the patient’s health and healing process.

Evaluation of the proposed system through on-site demonstration, site visits, reference checks, and making a decision.

In this course, you will progressively work on a system implementation process in six stages:

  • Week 1: System planning
  • Week 2: System analysis
  • Week 3: System selection
  • Week 4: System implementation
  • Week 5: User training and system maintenance

You can use Internet resources, peer-reviewed journals, and reputable, published articles, and you may interview an executive of a healthcare facility that has implemented an electronic medical record system/electronic health record system or similar system to describe the six implementation steps.

This week, you will conduct system selection, which requires completion of the following steps:

  • Reviewing a Request for Proposal (RFP)—this invites selected vendors to submit a proposal to you that outlines details of their proposed information system or systems.
  • Evaluation of the proposed system through on-site demonstration, site visits, reference checks, and making a decision.
  • Contract negotiation.

Assume that your healthcare organization has conducted an RFI, or a fact finding part of the system implementation and helps to select the potential vendors. It has requested information from vendors about their products and services. With the information gathered, the organization has screened the potential vendors and issues the RFP (request for proposal).

Download this RFP for EHR Implementation: UA_RFP-EHR. This is an actual RFP. Review the document and answer the following:

  • Does the RFP expressly state organization and user needs? If so, what are these? If not, why is the RFP failing to do so?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of this RFP?
  • How would you change this document?

Complete the assignment in a 3–5-page Word document and name it SUO_HCM3008_W3_A2_yourinitials. Submit it to the W3: Assignment 2 Dropboxby Tuesday, July 5, 2016.

Cite any sources in the APA format.

Discuss ways in which healthcare consumers are different from consumers of other goods and services.

Assignment Instructions and Details:

By Saturday, May 14, 2016, submit your answers to the discussion questions given below as Part 1 and Part 2 to this Discussion Area. Cite your work appropriately whenever possible. You should follow the most recent APA guidelines when citing your work. Be sure to incorporate your weekly readings and cite your sources using proper APA guidelines (including in-text citations and references). Respond with meaningful feedback to two classmates before the end of the week. Your feedback should be constructive and add value to the discussion.

Part 1: Healthcare Consumers

Discuss ways in which healthcare consumers are different from consumers of other goods and services.

Part 2: Redefinition of the Patient

As healthcare has evolved so has the concept of a patient or consumer of healthcare. Technology and culture are among the many variables that have affected our concept of a healthcare patient. Consider these items among the others noted in your text:

  • What has most influenced the way you view yourself as a consumer of healthcare?
  • What factors led to the redefinition of the patient as a consumer in the late twentieth century?

What are the implications of focusing marketing efforts on corporate image rather than the services the organization provides?

Assignment 3: Marketing Scenario Analyses

Southern Baptist Hospital (SBH) had long resisted the use of marketing, believing it was not an appropriate activity for a nonprofit organization. By the mid-1980s, however, the erosion of its market share due to growing competition forced SBH to adopt an aggressive marketing strategy.

Its primary initiative was a campaign of television advertisements aimed to reinforce for the general public the image of SBH as a high-quality institution. Because the organization was starting its marketing activities from scratch, ad production and airtime costs were expensive. The television commercials were professionally produced and received critical acclaim from the advertising community.

Following the public’s repeated exposure to these advertisements, a hospital executive requested information about the impact of the advertisements. The idea to study the campaign’s impact had not been considered earlier, and a belated evaluation effort was mounted to determine the extent to which the campaign had achieved the desired effect. Much to the consternation of SBH administrators, the evaluation found that the ads had had virtually no impact on the public’s already high perception of the institution, and no improvement in patient volumes, revenues, or market share could be attributed to the campaign. SBH administrators, committed to an expensive initiative, rationalized that the campaign had not aired long enough to generate the desired effect and invested even more money in the initiative.

After reviewing the above case, address the following points:

  1. To what extent did SBH research the needs of its audience prior to developing a marketing strategy?
  2. Does it appear that SBH has an overall marketing plan?
  3. Does it appear that SBH had a significant grasp of the nature of marketing?
  4. What are the implications of focusing marketing efforts on corporate image rather than the services the organization provides?
  5. What are the implications of marketing to the general public rather than targeting specific segments of the market?
  6. How much thought was given to measuring the effectiveness of the campaign going into the initiative?

Post your responses in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document.

By Tuesday, May 17, 2016, submit your assignment to the W1: Assignment 3 Dropbox.

Save your document as SUO_HCM3006_W1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Describe how the healthcare industry has transitioned from an emphasis on “the sale” to an emphasis on long-term wellness and relationships.

submit your answers to the discussion questions given below as Part 1 and Part 2 to this Discussion Area. Cite your work appropriately whenever possible. You should follow the most recent APA guidelines when citing your work. Be sure to incorporate your weekly readings and cite your sources using proper APA guidelines (including in-text citations and references). Respond with meaningful feedback to two classmates before the end of the week. Your feedback should be constructive and add value to the discussion.

Part 1: Transition of the Healthcare Industry

There are many reasons why the healthcare industry has begun to change.  Certainly we know that recent governmental healthcare reform has and will continue to cause change within the industry. However, there has been a more subtle transition within the industry. This week we are discussing this transition, its causes and the effect it has had on the industry and the way we view healthcare.

submit your answers to the discussion questions given below as Part 1 and Part 2 to this Discussion Area. Cite your work appropriately whenever possible. You should follow the most recent APA guidelines when citing your work. Be sure to incorporate your weekly readings and cite your sources using proper APA guidelines (including in-text citations and references). Respond with meaningful feedback to two classmates before the end of the week. Your feedback should be constructive and add value to the discussion.

Part 1: Transition of the Healthcare Industry

There are many reasons why the healthcare industry has begun to change.  Certainly we know that recent governmental healthcare reform has and will continue to cause change within the industry. However, there has been a more subtle transition within the industry. This week we are discussing this transition, its causes and the effect it has had on the industry and the way we view healthcare.

Describe how the healthcare industry has transitioned from an emphasis on “the sale” to an emphasis on long-term wellness and relationships.

Part 2: Demand in Healthcare

At one time or another we will have a need to access healthcare, whether it is for something major, minor, for ourselves or for others. Healthcare is a commodity that we all utilize. In this section we will discuss healthcare demand and all that it can entail.

What makes demand in healthcare a complicated issue, and what are some of the components that may contribute to the level of demand?

Part 2: Demand in Healthcare

At one time or another we will have a need to access healthcare, whether it is for something major, minor, for ourselves or for others. Healthcare is a commodity that we all utilize. In this section we will discuss healthcare demand and all that it can entail.

What makes demand in healthcare a complicated issue, and what are some of the components that may contribute to the level of demand?

Define the service (1-2 paragraphs). Explain exactly what the service is, when it should be delivered, and what signals quality to the consumer of the service.

You are the director of marketing for a regional hospital. The board of directors at your hospital has studied the 2011 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Policies. The alarming statistics quoted in the IOM report stated that “almost 10 percent of infants and toddlers carry excess weight for their length, and slightly more than 20 percent of children between the ages of two and five already are overweight or obese” (IOM, 2011, pg. 1). A survey conducted among the pediatricians who admit patients to the hospital validated that area children under the age of 5 years follow or exceed the national trend of being overweight or obese.

The board is very concerned about childhood obesity rates for the children in the hospital’s marketing area. At the last meeting, the board directed the marketing department determine the demand for childhood obesity programs and to review the IOM report and propose a marketing campaign to provide information to parents and guardians concerning ways to prevent children from birth to 5 years of age from becoming overweight.

Click here to access the IOM report.

  1. Prepare a demand-analysis briefing for the board of directors. The demand-analysis briefing should be no longer than 2 pages. You will need to do some research to understand the nature of the broader demand questions, but you should focus your analysis on clearly explaining the demand problem to the board. Be sure to define the healthcare demand problem in the scenario.
    Here is an outline:

      1. Define the service (1-2 paragraphs). Explain exactly what the service is, when it should be delivered, and what signals quality to the consumer of the service.
      2. Define the demand (2-3 paragraphs). Who are the consumers for this service? Where are they to be found? Are there any consumer characteristics that impact demand for the service? What are they? How sensitive is the consumer to price (price elasticity)?
      3. Define the direction of demand (1-2 paragraphs). What are we trying to do with the demand—-increase it, decrease it, or manage it in other ways? When you analyze the direction of the demand, be sure to consider not only what benefits the consumer, but also the organizational strategy of your focus provider and how the provider can stay financially viable.
      4. Demand management recommendations (1-2 paragraphs). List the steps you recommend. What should management do? Support your recommendations with a clear summary of your previous analysis.
  2. Write a 2- to 3-page marketing campaign to discuss the following marketing issues:
    1. Do you think the hospital needs to complete more marketing research before embarking on the campaign?
    2. What advertising media would you suggest to be used during the campaign?
    3. What products or services could the hospital offer to assist in reducing the number of infants and toddlers who are overweight?
    4. Do you expect to generate any revenue for the hospital from the campaign?
    5. How long will the campaign last? How long would you continue to measure the effectiveness of the campaign?

Make sure you integrate the demand analysis and the marketing campaign for the Board of Directors.