Discuss the differences between non-parametric and parametric tests. Provide an example of each and discuss when it is appropriate to use the test. Next, discuss the assumptions that must be met by the investigator to run the test.

Write a 2 pages discussion answering the following topics:

Part I: Discuss the differences between non-parametric and parametric tests. Provide an example of each and discuss when it is appropriate to use the test. Next, discuss the assumptions that must be met by the investigator to run the test.

Part II: Conclude with a brief discussion of your data analysis plan. Discuss the test you will use to address the study hypothesis and which measures of central tendency you will report for demographic variables.

An overview of the program you are proposing. What is it? Who are the population(s) it will serve?

As a healthcare professional, understanding where to locate evidence-based resources in order to help your patients benefit from that knowledge will be useful in your career. One such resource is The National Center for Health Statistics. The Center has established Healthy People 2020 for tracking the nation’s health. In this assignment, you will begin from the topic you selected and propose a culturally competent, as defined by SAMHSA, community based health program.

Go to the Healthy People 2020 website and find the Topics & Objectives. Once you have located the 42 topic areas discussed on the website, choose a topic in which you are interested.

Write a 1,500-1,750-word paper in which you propose a community health program related to the topic you selected. Include the following in your proposal:

  1. An overview of the program you are proposing. What is it? Who are the population(s) it will serve?
  2. A rationale for the program.
  3. A discussion of how the program will be established as and will remain culturally competent.
  4. A discussion of how the program could be affected if budgetary restraints limited research in that field.

What payment methodologies does the CMS use?

Your initial post response and your response post to another student must include APA citation and reference.

1. Initial Post: You will discuss the CMS payment system. Summarize your understanding of this payment system in your initial post. Include an overview of CPT, ICD, and HCPCS by discussing the differences between them in your post. Your entire initial post should be between 300-400 words. Your initial post is due no later than Thursday of Week 2. Use the Green & Rowell text and visit the AHIMA (American Health Information Management Association) site to find information and links that will help you explain the CMS payment system.http://www.ahima.org/resources/reimbursemethod.aspx
Also, answer the following:

1. What payment methodologies does the CMS use?

2. How do CPT, ICD, and HCPCS codes differ?

2. Second Post: Respond to ONE student’s initial response only. In your response, provide a comment that demonstrates you have read and understood their summary and overview. This response should be about 100-150 words in length.

To begin discussing in this forum, click the forum title. Then, click Create Thread on the Action Bar to post your initial reply. To reply to a fellow participant, click the title of the initial post, then click Reply.

Project 2 Rubric:

Week 2 Project Rubric
Expectations and Points Awarded Exemplary Acceptable Needs Improvement Unacceptable
Posting Requirements

50 pts

Student’s initial response is thorough and the word length requirement is met. Standard English language writing standards are adhered to. The post is free of spelling, writing, and grammatical error. The post is made no later than Thursday. The post includes APA in text citation and a reference.

50 pts

The student does not submit their initial post by Thursday.

35 pts

Student’s initial post does not meet the word length requirement and there are spelling, writing, and grammatical errors. APA in text citation is not used.

20 pts

Student does not post an initial answer to address the topic or answer the question, and/or does not make any responses at all.

0 pts



Response Skill

50 pts

Student responses demonstrate they have read the material and their classmates post. Correct citation and reference is included, with APA format.

50 pts

Student response lacks some clarity and is cited and referenced, but with minor APA format errors.

35 pts

Student responses lack clarity and have many APA citation and reference errors.

10 pts

Student does not complete the assignment by posting the required two responses.

0 pts

Why is documentation of HIPAA training necessary? What do you consider to be the primary reasons for the enactment of HIPAA? How can a healthcare manager be proactive in protecting PHI?

Post on three separate days to the discussion board. Make an initial post that answers both questions, and then make two more posts on separate days to two different classmates. It is important to review the Discussion Board rubric to understand the expectations and grading criteria. Include at least one reference and citation using APA 6th edition format.

Video URL http://youtu.be/u1t0G7ZnRG8

Need help with APA format citations and referencing? Watch this.


Discussion Requirements
First post is due by midnight Thursday and your second post is due by Saturday!
Post on at least three separate days
Total of at least three posts
Please include citations/references and in-text citations in at least one of your posts.
Minimum word count for your major response post is 150 total words.
Any blog site, Wikipedia, and other non-scientific/unreliable reference sources, if listed will  result in deduction of 10 points. This deduction is at the discretion of your instructor. 


Deduction Policy for Discussions

  • Deduction for failure to post on 3 different dates (-10 pts).
  • If you write one post for the entire week the highest score you will get is a thirty-three (33).
  • -5 pts if you do not have a major post written by midnight (EST) Thursday  of the week.
  • -5 pts if either question of your major response post does not have at least 150 words. Note: Copying the words of the question being asked or the words used in your reference(s) will not count toward meeting the minimum word count. 
  • -10 pts if either question of your major response post does not have at least 100 words.
  • -15 pts if either question of your major response post does not have at least 75 words.
  • (up to -10 pts) for posts that contain no substance when responding to your classmate. (i.e.) Post that state “I agree with you. Great point.” are not acceptable (You should be able tell your classmate why you agree or disagree or add something to the discussion)
  • If you are missing both a reference and an in-text citation in your major post you will be deducted a total of 15 pts.
  • (-7.5 pts) for not having a reference or an in-text citation in at least one of your three posts.
  • Zero pts are awarded to one or two sentence responses. Please take you time to provide substance in your response.
  • Copying the posts from another student in the class will result in a ZERO for the assignment. No exceptions.

To begin discussing in this forum, click the forum title. Then, click Create Thread on the Action Bar to post your initial reply. To reply to a fellow participant, click the title of the initial post, then click Reply.

Using the information in pages 60-75 of the HIPAA text, answer and discuss the following:

1. Why is documentation of HIPAA training necessary? What do you consider to be the primary reasons for the enactment of HIPAA? How can a healthcare manager be proactive in protecting PHI?

Using the information from pages 76-85 of the HIPAA text, answer and discuss the following:

1. What do you believe is the “moral and legal premise” of patient autonomy”?

2. Explain in your own words the objectives of the Patient Bill of Rights.

1. Describe the evolution of healthcare information technology by identifying key technological advancements in each decade, beginning with the 1960s, that had a direct impact on healthcare administrative and clinical functions.

Evolution and Adoption of Health Information Systems
For this assignment, you are asked to perform the following tasks:

1. Describe the evolution of healthcare information technology by identifying key technological advancements in each decade, beginning with the 1960s, that had a direct impact on healthcare administrative and clinical functions.

2. Which decade do you feel was most significantly related to advances in health information systems? Please discuss.

3. Based on your own personal views, which specific law or act had the most significant advances for health information systems. Please discuss.

4. Discuss what the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) is and its significance to health information technology.

Your response should be at least three pages in length.

You are required to utilize your textbook and peer-reviewed journal articles from the CSU Online Library to complete this assignment. Make sure that you support any claims with proper sources, and appropriately cite your sources in APA format.

What additional information would you like to collect?

LN is a twenty-six-year-old married woman who presents at the clinic with symptoms of dysuria, frequency, and urgency. Further history yields two days of these symptoms but no fever, chills, or flank pain. She describes a burning discomfort during and immediately following urination and feeling the need to void every half hour. There is no vaginal discharge, itching, or odor. She is not using birth control at this time. She requests “a urine culture and some sulfa pills.” When asked to explain, she says she has had many “bladder infections” over the past three years and “sulfa pills usually work.” She was evaluated approximately five years ago with an IV pyelography and cystogram, and “nothing was wrong.” All her vital signs are normal. Answer the following questions:

  • What additional information would you like to collect?
  • What is your working diagnosis?
  • What are the contributing factors to this potential diagnosis?
  • What treatment would you implement and why?
  • What type of follow-up would you recommend?

What will be the shift in the role of information system personnel, such as the health information staff and the information systems staff, in the continuous quality improvement area?

For this Discussion, initial responses must be at least 300 words, and should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Make two or more responses to classmates that are thoughtful and advance the discussion.

During this unit, you will discuss the following three questions:


  1. Give examples of error reduction strategies.
  2. What will be the shift in the role of information system personnel, such as the health information staff and the information systems staff, in the continuous quality improvement area?

Identify the audience for your EBP proposal and discuss strategies for disseminating the proposal. at least 250 words with at least one reference and intext citation

Identify the audience for your EBP proposal and discuss strategies for disseminating the proposal. at least 250 words with at least one reference and intext citation

 Discuss the results of the study. What was the statistical significance? Were the results meaningful?

    1. Write a five to seven page paper. The paper should include basic information about the research article you have chosen to investigate.
    2. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Within your paper, please include a minimum of three references (your text may be used as a reference).
         Identification of the research study: independent and dependent variables
      1.  Identification of the research study: sample characteristics
      1.  Identification of the data collection procedures
      1.  Discuss the results of the study. What was the statistical significance? Were the results meaningful?
      1.  Identify the study implications. What are the implications of this study for nursing practice, education, or administration? What further questions were raised by this study?
      1. Include your own evaluation of the study. In your opinion, was this study done well, and was this an important study for nursing? How could the study have been improved? What are the implications of this study for your practice area? Please give your rationale for your opinion.
      1. Your recommendations on this topic for further nursing research: include a new research hypothesis with identified variables
      1. Your conclusions, summary, or ending statements on nursing research