Explain how strategies will help maintain diverse learners motivation based on peer review literature

Topic is cultural diversity: Promoting a safe work environment. Audience doctors, nurses, students, other staff members and interpofessionals

  • Describe three learning outcomes
  • Evaluate appropriate teaching strategies, knowledge gaps, areas of uncertainty
  • Explain how strategies will help maintain diverse learners motivation based on peer review literature
  • Defend why these are the most appropriate strategies for your course and audience.
  • Describe the advantages of using your selected strategies.
  • Use the literature to support the choices you are making.
  • What possible barriers to learning might you encounter?
    • What strategies would be most applicable in overcoming those barriers?
    • How will strategies keep learners motivated?

“Why do data collection and analysis occur simultaneously in qualitative research?”

Qualitative Analysis – Discussion Board Assignment 8


Answers all instructor generated post or questions
Integrates scholarly works beyond those listed in the assigned reading
Demonstrates higher order thinking in instructor initiated post. Examples of post that demonstrate higher order thinking include post that apply, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, examine, pose, or connect course concepts to nursing practice
Answer the following questions:

“Why do data collection and analysis occur simultaneously in qualitative research?”
“How are validity and auditability ensured in qualitative studies?”
Identify a qualitative research question in your area of practice and the qualitative method you would use in a study on that topic. Explain why that qualitative method is best suited for that topic

Textbook: (Chapter 4 &23)

Grove, S. K., Burns, N., & Gray, J. R.(2013). The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis and Generation of Evidence. (7th) St. Louis: Saunders/Elsevier.

What are the various ways to prevent occurrences of such episodes in the future? Explain how these ways will help in the prevention of such episodes.

Environmental Hazards Due to Polluted Air and Water

Many environmental hazards, such as air and water pollution, have been linked to adverse health outcomes not only in humans but also in aquatic life.

Using your course textbook, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, research on episodes in which environmental pollution caused hazards to the aquatic environment. Choose one episode and answer the following questions:

  • What were the main pollutants that caused hazards to aquatic life?
  • How did these pollutants affect the health of aquatic life adversely?
  • What are the various ways to prevent occurrences of such episodes in the future? Explain how these ways will help in the prevention of such episodes.
  • Discuss the association between environmental pollution and hazards to aquatic life.

. Define ranking and provide reasoning for ranked choices. 4. Incorporate history and current position within informatics of the three groups.


Review the informatics groups/specialty areas (public, clinical, nursing, laboratory, pharmaceutical, software/medical device vendors and other health care informatics groups – HIM, admitting, finance, and administrators).


Select the three informatics groups/specialty areas that you believe have the greatest impact on informatics and rank them as to importance and preference. Note: This ranking will influence how you are grouped for the Collaborative Learning Community assignments in this course.


In a 1,250+ word paper, include the following:


1. Provide comprehensive, accurate, and relevant information on the three informatics groups selected.

2. Clearly state the impact the three groups you selected have had on informatics. Be sure to present compelling arguments.

3. Define ranking and provide reasoning for ranked choices.

4. Incorporate history and current position within informatics of the three groups.

5. Identify an area of interest, evaluate its current state, and discuss future trends and challenges.

6. Provide a brief review of the various areas of health care informatics.

7. Select specific area of health care informatics and provide evaluation of current state.

8. Provide information on future trends with selected area of health care informatics.

9. Clarify the specific challenges for the selected area of health care informatics.

-APA Style Guide, APA references, APA in-text citation, An abstract is not required.

What nursing interventions are appropriate for Mrs. J. at the time of her admission? Drug therapy is started for Mrs. J. to control her symptoms. What is the rationale for the administration of each of the following medications?

What nursing interventions are appropriate for Mrs. J. at the time of her admission? Drug therapy is started for Mrs. J. to control her symptoms. What is the rationale for the administration of each of the following medications?


The patient has many complications. The ABC rule is recommended, and, therefore, it is important to control respiratory problem first. The symptoms are indicative of a patient suffering acute heart failure. She needs immediate hospitalization and monitoring. Telemetry monitoring is necessary for 24-48 hours. Additionally, there is need for diuretics, vasodilators, and inotropic support to perfuse the patient (Joseph et al., 2009). Important vital that should be taken and monitored closely include weight, serum creatinine levels, fluid balance, electrolyte levels, and signs of congestion. Tests of BNP, D-dimer, CBC, and liver function are also important (Joseph et al., 2009).


  • IV furosemide (Lasix) cause prompt diuretic effect which results in a decrease in ventricular filling pressures. It improves symptoms in patients suffering ADHF.
  • Enalapril (Vasotec) inhibits angiotensin converting enzyme to widen blood vessels and reduce water quantity in the blood, and, therefore, reduced blood pressure (Goons, McGraw, & Murali, 2011).
  • Metoprolol (Lopressor) is a beta1-blocker and helps in the management of hypertension, heart failure, and angina pectoris.
  • IV morphine sulphate (Morphine) is effective in reducing preload, heart rate, and afterload, and eventually reducing the myocardial oxygen demand (Goons, McGraw, & Murali, 2011).


Describe four cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure and what can be done in the form of medical/nursing interventions to prevent the development of heart failure in each condition.


Four possible cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure include coronary heart disease, hypertension, myocarditis, and arrhythmias (Anderson, 2016). Coronary heart disease is managed through lifestyle changes, medication, and surgery, in certain cases. Hypertension is manageable through medication, lifestyle changes, healthy diets, reducing alcohol, and quitting smoking (Anderson, 2016). Myocarditis is managed through medication, proper rest, and low salt diets. Finally, arrhythmia is managed through medication, pulse monitoring, and managing the risk factors (Anderson, 2016).


Taking into consideration the fact that most mature adults take at least six prescription medications, discuss four nursing interventions that can help prevent problems caused by multiple drug interactions in older patients. Provide rationale for each of the interventions you recommend.


Nurses prevent problems resulting from multiple drug interactions by creating an accurate list of all medications of the patients. The list outlines the generic drugs, brand names, doses, time for dosages, and rationale for taking each drug. The list improves accuracy of taking drugs and helps patients take the right drug at the right time. The second intervention involves warning patients against sharing drugs. Third, nurses should warn patients against using old prescriptions/medications. Lastly, nurses should educate patients on how to take medications correctly, according to instructions.





What nursing interventions are appropriate for Mrs. J. at

Re:Topic 3 Mandatory Discussion Question


What nursing interventions are appropriate for Mrs. J. at
the time of her admission? Drug therapy is started for Mrs. J. to control her
symptoms. What is the rationale for the administration of each of the following


Upon admission Mrs. J. needs supplemental O2, preferably via
Bipap, before anything else.  However,
Mrs. J. is also anxious due to her respiratory distress and Afib with RVR so
she might not be able to handle wearing Bipap until her other symptoms are more
controlled.  Mrs. J. needs PIV x2
inserted. She will need further testing done, such as a CXR and labs. A CMP,
Mag, Phos, and BNP would be beneficial to see if she has any renal damage, her
electrolyte status, and also to see the extent of her fluid overload. Insertion
of a foley catheter is necessary also. Mrs. J. is unable to ambulate  since any form of exertion should be avoided
at this time. Once Lasix IV is given she will need to urinate frequently and
will benefit from the use of a foley. Also, this will help keep a strict accounting
of her I&O’s so that the nurses and doctors are able to track her I&O
status. Mrs. J. will need to have her electrolytes closely monitored while receiving
IV Lasix. Mrs. J. also needs Metoprolol and Morphine, and possibly vasotec.

Discuss the difference between external and internal evidence as it relates to your PICOT search strategy. 

Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading rubric under Course Resources in the Grading Rubrics section.

This is important information that will ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.

Please see the Kaplan Writing Center located in the student portal for assistance with writing, APA, and online communication.

Topic 1: Defining Internal and External Evidence

  1. Discuss the difference between external and internal evidence as it relates to your PICOT search strategy.
  2. Address the strengths and weaknesses of searching in a databank versus a web-based search engine. You must use two databanks mentioned in the text.

Please see the Discussion Board grading rubric on the Course Resources.




In cancer patients receiving chemotherapy will they have better white blood cell count monitoring with a follow-up at home versus follow-up at a health care facility during their treatment?


What databases did you explore? (must list a minimum of three)

Repost your PICOT question and then summarize the following for peer and instructor feedback;

  1. What databases did you explore? (must list a minimum of three)
  2. Based on your PICOT question, what is the database that you have selected to use? Elaborate on your choice, providing example of the levels of evidence available for your PICOT question in the database.

Explain how you would respond when an individual’s values conflict with yours. How would you communicate with that individual and/or their significant others and families? What aspects of the communication process can you use to overcome any potential barrier.

Topic 2: Communication and Establishing a Therapeutic Relationship

Therapeutic communication is essential. This required cultural competence and may be challenging when dealing with individuals who have different backgrounds, beliefs, and values than you.

Explain how you would respond when an individual’s values conflict with yours. How would you communicate with that individual and/or their significant others and families? What aspects of the communication process can you use to overcome any potential barrier.

Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading rubric under Course Resources in the Grading Rubrics section.

This is important information that will ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.

Please see the Kaplan Writing Center located in the student portal for assistance with writing, APA, and online communication.