Please discuss health heritage of the Appalachian and Arab people and how their cultural beliefs influence the delivery of health care (focus on community care).

1.  Please discuss health heritage of the Appalachian and Arab people and how their cultural beliefs influence the delivery of health care (focus on community care).

2.  Mention at least 2 health practices of the Appalachian and Arab people and if there is any pros and cons in the delivery of health care.

A minimum of 500 words are required.

APA format

A minimum of 2 evidence based references no older than 5 years.

What issues about media and electronic social networking do you need to consider? Why?

Given the power of the media, discuss how you would use an opinion editorial, a personal interview, websites, texting, Facebook, Twitter, and/or blogs to influence public opinion relative to your policy priority. What issues about media and electronic social networking do you need to consider? Why?

Identify a new piece of equipment you would like to see purchased by the organization. Consider how knowledge of capital budgeting could influence your approach to making the request.


As a nurse, you are probably very aware of and can speak to the emotional reasons behind the need for certain major expenditures such as a new nurse’s lounge or replacing the current patient information system with a new digital system. You would love to see your nurses have a comfortable area where they can rejuvenate from a stressful day with patients. Alternatively, nurses carrying around PDAs would certainly ease the recording and transmission of vital patient information. However, as a nurse manager you need to be able to support those emotional appeals with reliable financial data. Having a place to refresh will help nurses be more efficient, and could reduce sick days and nurse errors. Being able to quickly access doctor’s orders and previous nurse’s comments allows for a more timely response to patients. As your responsibilities expand, you may find yourself at the table when decisions about capital expenditures are being debated. It is therefore to your advantage to understand the workings of a capital budget.

In this Discussion, you consider the impact of both financial and emotional factors in making a capital budget decision,

To prepare:

Review the information on capital budgets in this week’s Learning Resources.

Consider why it is important for nurse managers to understand the capital budget of an organization. How are capital budgets used in your own organization (or one with which you are familiar)?

Reflect on the importance of thinking strategically when developing this type of budget.

Identify a new piece of equipment you would like to see purchased by the organization. Consider how knowledge of capital budgeting could influence your approach to making the request.

Develop strategies for demonstrating the need for this capital expenditure that take into account both financial and emotional considerations.

By Day 3

Post an analysis of why it is important for nurse managers to understand principles of capital budgeting. Describe a costly new piece of equipment you would like your organization (or one with which you are familiar) to purchase. Explain strategies for demonstrating the need for this equipment to decision makers. Briefly outline how you could use financial data and emotional appeals to demonstrate the benefits of this purchase.

Examine an adverse event at the unit level in your organization or one with which you are familiar and apply the Regulatory Decision Pathway.


Discussion: Making the Case for Capital

Discussion: Group Management for Just Culture

The concept of a fair and just culture refers to the way an organization handles safety issues. Humans are fallible; they make mistakes. In a just culture, ‘hazardous’ human behavior such as staff errors, near–misses and risky actions are identified and discussed openly in hopes of finding ways to improve processes and systems—not to identify and punish the individual.
—Pepe & Caltado, 2011

This Discussion examines the opportunities of managers in working with groups to promote change that facilitates the delivery of safe, high–quality care.

To Prepare

  • Review the information on just culture presented in the Learning Resources.
  • For this discussion, you will use the Regulatory Decision Pathway found in Russell, K. A. & Radtke, B. K. (2014).
  • Examine an adverse event at the unit level in your organization or one with which you are familiar and apply the Regulatory Decision Pathway.
  • Compare the findings of the Regulatory Decision Pathway  to what actually happened at the unit in your organization. Was the event deemed: bad intent, reckless, at risk, or human error? According to the pathway, do you now think it was the correct action?
  • Think about how a nurse leader–manager may use just culture as a framework to create or maintain a focus on accountability and outcomes throughout a group. What actions could be taken if a systems–related error was made or if an error resulted from risky behavior?
  • How might role conflict and/or ambiguity have contributed to the situation?
By Day 3

Postdescription of an adverse event in your organization and your analysis of the issue using the Regulatory Decision Pathway. Explain how role conflict or ambiguity might have influenced this situation. Apply the principles of just culture as you explain how you, as the group’s manager, would handle the situation.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

Pepe, J., & Cataldo, P. J. (2011). Manage risk, build a just culture. Health Progress. Retrieved from http://www.outcome––content/uploads/2012/01/manage–risk.pdf
Russell, K. A. & Radtke, B. K. (2014). An evidence–based tool for regulatory decision–making: regulatory decision pathway. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 5(2), 5–9.

Marquis & Huston, Leadership roles and management functions in nursing, 2015

Briefly describe how cognitive behavioral      therapy (CBT) and rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) are similar.

  • Briefly describe how cognitive behavioral      therapy (CBT) and rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) are similar.
  • Explain      at least three differences between CBT and REBT. Include how these      differences might impact your practice as a mental health counselor.
  • Explain      which version of cognitive behavioral therapy you might use with clients      and why. Support your approach with evidence-based literature. (Please use APA formanting Introduction, summary References, )

What approach would you suggest for this patient? Which of her symptoms would concern you and require immediate intervention? Which medications would you use, include dosage and schedules.

GF is 41year-old woman who arrives for her first visit at the clinic. She reports that she has been feeling sad and depressed, with crying spells, trouble sleeping, increased appetite, impaired concentration, and fatigue. She has experienced depression in the past but was able to overcome the symptoms without medication. Upon physical exam, she appears to be poorly groomed and with minimal facial expression. She is slow to respond to questions. She admits to being very anxious and worried about “everything.” She denies any current suicidal ideation. However, she expresses concerns about the future and that it may not be an improvement. She has tried over-the-counter medications to help with sleep, but they have not been effective. Answer the following questions:

  • • What additional information would you gather before making a decision about what to do with GF?
  • • What approach would you suggest for this patient? Which of her symptoms would concern you and require immediate intervention? Which medications would you use, include dosage and schedules.
  • • Does she need to be referred to another provider, or can she be managed in a primary care setting?
  • • Are there any non-pharmacological strategies that might be appropriate for her depression and insomnia? Include highlights of patient teaching and /or lifestyle alterations. Support your decisions with at least one reference to a published clinical guideline and one peer-reviewed publication.

Given  the abundance of the evidence about best practices in patient care and  evidence about how to improve quality and safety using CQI methods and  tool, how can we ensure progress in the future?

1. In patient care settings, what questions should you ask to operationalize CQI?

2. Given  the abundance of the evidence about best practices in patient care and  evidence about how to improve quality and safety using CQI methods and  tool, how can we ensure progress in the future?

Road Map for the Future: Who are the future leaders? Where do we find them? How can we support their development?

Do you agree with the  statement that countries should be held accountable for their  contribution to climate change? Why or why not?

Global Warming: A Major Concern

According to World Health Organization  (WHO), global warming is the primary issues for concern. Noise  pollution, overcrowding, traffic jams are some factors that have led to  this problem. Lack of privacy is another factor in the modern times that  is impacting people in ways that haven’t been examined yet. We also see  a wide variance in weather patterns, such as severe hurricanes and  drought conditions in the U.S.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO). (n.d.). Climate change. Retrieved from

Based on your understanding of the topic, create a report in a Microsoft Word document answering the following questions:

  • Examine one weather  condition over the past two years in the U.S. which drastically affected  the population. How can the community better prepare their families for  such severe conditions?
  • Do you agree with the  statement that countries should be held accountable for their  contribution to climate change? Why or why not?
  • List some of the issues that might occur as the  world’s population increases? Factor in water, food, and hazardous waste  into your comments. Suggest ideas to address or avoid these issues.

According to the CDC website, violence is  attributed for approximately fifty thousand deaths each year and results  in over 2.5 million injuries. Homicide and suicide are the second and  third leading causes of death, respectively, among US population aged  fifteen to thirty four years.

Hospital emergency departments treat an  average of fifty five people for injuries every minute. The worst after  effect of the sudden population explosion across the globe is the rise  in violence.

  • How have violent injuries affected a community? What steps have communities taken to decrease overall violent crimes?
  • What steps can the  federal or state governments take to help support communities affected  from random or consistent violent acts?
  • What can parents do in  their homes to help educate children about risks and preventative  accidents to help keep them safe? What role should parents take to  reduce family violence?
  • How can health promotion and wellness programs play a significant role to reduce individual or gang violence?
  • How can schools and  work environments increase safety measures against violent individuals  or gangs entering their establishments?
  • What roles should parents, neighbors, friends,  health care personnel, and the community take when they observe someone  who may exhibit unusual behavior or comments to help prevent potential  violence? What agencies or resources are available to help communities  cope and help their members seek help or assistance?

Anemia of chronic disease is a common occurrence in elderly patients. What is the pathophysiological mechanism behind this disease process?

Answer both of the following discussion questions for your discussion response.

  1. Answer both of the following discussion questions for your discussion response.

    1. Anemia of chronic disease is a common occurrence in elderly patients. What is the pathophysiological mechanism behind this disease process?
    2. Virchow’s triad refers to states that can produce hypercoagulability. What are the three categories? Give an example for each and explain the pathophysiological changes seen.

    at least 250 words total. reference with no older than 5 years and intext citation

  2. Virchow’s triad refers to states that can produce hypercoagulability. What are the three categories? Give an example for each and explain the pathophysiological changes seen.

at least 250 words total. reference with no older than 5 years and intext citation