What roles do health  care professionals from all areas (healthcare, managed care, and  government) need to provide to the consumer to help reach specific  objectives in 2020?

Public Healthcare Services

Create a presentation of 10- to 12-slides in Microsoft PowerPoint that addresses any one of the following topics of Healthy People 2020. Explain how it benefits the individual and the community.

Please select any one topic from the given list:

  • Access to health services
  • Educational and community based programs
  • Environmental health
  • Maternal, infant and child health
  • Mental health and mental disorders
  • Older adults

Note: The title slide and reference slide will be in addition to the twelve slides required.

You are asked to deliver a twenty minute  keynote address to an audience consisting of health care, managed care,  and government health professionals. You will focus on one topic of the Healthy People 2020  and address the interests of each audience members. Include the actual  speech in the speaker notes below the actual slides of the above  presentation.

Also, address the following in your presentation:

  • Provide the outlook of the chosen subject and how the health will be affected if requirements are not met by 2020.
  • What current public and  private agencies provide assistance to the consumer to help them make  health changes to meet the requirements of the chosen subject’s  objectives?
  • What current issues are perceived or real barriers to attain the objectives of 2020?
  • What roles do health  care professionals from all areas (healthcare, managed care, and  government) need to provide to the consumer to help reach specific  objectives in 2020?
  • What role does public health contribute to meeting one or two objectives?
  • What specific health  promotion or wellness program will you suggest to help reach the 2020  objectives? If no programs are available, what type of program will you  develop?
  • How can communities help reduce issues and risks so objectives can be achieved?
  • What types of financial  support is needed by organizations to make the objectives attainable?  Who should support the program financially and if the government is  involved, what other program should be cut to be able to meet the needs  of this program?
  • What health risks will continue to develop if the objectives are not achieved by 2020?
  • How will technology  advancement help track data, provide resources for individuals, or  monitor progress to stay on task for successful implementation?
  • What disparities for  minorities are apparent to impede progress and not achieve the  objectives? Does socioeconomic status factor in to a successful result?
  • Conclusion slide: Summarize findings and prediction if the objective(s) are on track to meet the 2020 timeline.

Note: Please add additional  content in the Notes section. Provide title slide and reference slide  (reference slide should include three scholarly references) in the  presentation.

Support your responses with examples.

Explain the unique circumstances under which the ancestors of most Black/African American people arrived in the Americas. Why is it important for health service professionals to understand this history?

1) Cultural competence and diversity are often considered to have the same meaning in healthcare facilities. What is the difference between these two terms and their applicability in terms of healthcare professionals in various healthcare settings? 

Although cultural competence and diversity are often considered to have the same meaning in healthcare facilities they are different. Diversity is in fact a component of cultural competency. This includes ethnic and racial backgrounds, age, physical and cognitive abilities, family status, religion, sexual orientation, etc… cultural competency wouldnt exist without diversity . It is important for healthcare professionals to be culturally competent for the sake of the patient’s comfort in receiving services. Lack of cultural competence can lead to noncompliance, missed appointments, and patients seeking care from non-professionals. In the cultural compliance training video an older Hispanic women spoke on how her physician said they’d schedule her a new appointment and she basically said that she wouldn’t show up because it would be the same thing that happened to her at her current appointment; a miscommunication and nothing being resolved. Health professionals who are diverse tend to have a better work ethic and connection with their patients because they’re most likely to be understand certain cultural distinctions, treatment seeking behaviors, etc… (cultural  compentency for the health professional)

2) Explain the unique circumstances under which the ancestors of most Black/African American people arrived in the Americas. Why is it important for health service professionals to understand this history?

The first Africans in the New World arrived with Spanish and Portuguese explorers and settlers. By 1600 an estimated 275,000 Africans, both free and slave, were in Central and South America and the Caribbean area. Africans first arrived in the area that became the United States in 1619, when a handful of captives were sold by the captain of a Dutch man-of-war to settlers at Jamestown. Others were brought in increasing numbers to fill the desire for labor in a country where land was plentiful and labor scarce. By the end of the 17th century, approximately 1,300,000 Africans had landed in the New World. From 1701 to 1810 the number reached 6,000,000, with another 1,800,000 arriving after 1810. Some Africans were brought directly to the English colonies in North America. Others landed as slaves in the West Indies and were later resold and shipped to the mainland. (African  American History: Scholastic , n.d.) However many “black” colored individuals rather identify themselves with their family-related nationality rather than where they were born or raised. Some rather the term black when being identified and some rather be identified as African American. This is very complex. I know, myself, I do not like to identified as Black I prefer to identify myself and Haitian/Bahamian because I consider the Black culture as people who only speak English and are just Americans with darker colored skin, who eat American meals and have American traditions. I speak English and Creole, I eat Haitian meals and follow Haitian traditions. I was born in America but my parents and older sisters were born in Bahamas and had the Haitian culture bestowed in them so I identify as that. It is important for health service professionals to understand the history of how most Black/African Americans were brought to the Americas so they’d be able to establish a positive relationship with their patients. The best way to approach patients on the matter would be to just humbly ask the person how they identify themselves. (cultural compentency for the  health professional)

3) Is Hispanic a racial or ethnic category? Explain. How might this impact the status of the African/Black group, for example, in terms of whether it is the largest or second largest minority group?

Many people confuse racial and ethnic categories when it comes to the Hispanic group. But that is because many people do not know the difference between one’s race and one’s ethnicity. Unlike with ethnicity, one can only belong to one race. See, race is your biologically engineered features. It can include skin color, skin tone, eye and hair color, as well as a tendency toward developing certain diseases. It is not something that can be changed or disguised. People can however change or impersonate ethnicities through choice and principles. Ethnicity is about tradition, learned behavior and customs. It is about learning where you come from, and celebrating the traditions and ideas that are part of that region.(difference  between ethnicity and race, n.d.). Thus, Hispanic would fall more into the ethnic category because the Hispanic group has no permanent physical characteristics, language or cultural norms. So a person of Hispanic decent can be Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Since Hispanic is not a racial group but an ethnic group, the Hispanic group comprise the largest minority group and the African/Black group comes in second as the second largest minority group. (cultural competency for the  health professional)

4) List the racial categories based on the OMB classification in the United States. Explain the geographic origins of the people designated for each of the categories. Why is it important for health professionals to understand cultural differences among and between groups?

The racial categories based on the OMB classification in the United States are as follows:

· Native Americans or Alaskan Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliations or community recognition.

· Asian/Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands.

· African American/Black: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

· White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. (cultural  competency for the health professional)

In the healthcare setting it is very important for health professionals to understand cultural differences among and between groups. In health care settings, cultural alertness, compassion, and competence conducts are essential because even such concepts as health, illness, suffering, and care mean different things to different people. Being knowledgeable of cultural customs enables health care providers to provide better service and help avoid misconstructions among staff, residents/patients, and families. Health care providers trained in cultural competency:

– Demonstrate greater understanding of the central role of culture in healthcare

-Recognize common barriers to cultural understanding among providers, staff, and residents/patients

-Identify characteristics of cultural competence in health care settings

-Interpret and respond effectively to diverse older adults’ verbal and nonverbal communication cues

– Assess and respond to differences in values, beliefs, and health behaviors among diverse populations and older adults

-Demonstrate commitment to culturally and linguistically appropriate services

-Work more effectively with diverse health care staff.

-Act as leaders, mentors, and role models for other health care providers (Dawn Lehman, Paula Fenza, &  and Linda Hollinger-Smith)

5. A physical therapy office in “Little Haiti” in Miami, Florida is  closed due to lack of funds. All patients’ appointments are routed to a  nearby hospital’s physical therapy department in which the predominant  population served is Cuban. List and describe a minimum some steps you  believe the department has to take to meet the needs of the patients  from a culturally competent prospective.


Discuss how your current practice may change in the future as a result of your understanding of one particular Essential. (You may choose the Essential you wish to reflect on.) (Essentials I-IX 

 Discuss how your current practice may change in the future as a result of your understanding of one particular Essential. (You may choose the Essential you wish to reflect on.) (Essentials I-IX

Attached please find needed reference. to choose one of the Master’s of essentials.

Minimum of 250 words.

What information would an individual need to interpret the data presented on these topics accurately? 

Go to the site http://www.cdc.gov/features/datastatistics.html and review the statistics displayed by the links on the page (under the 2015 tab).  Based on what you have learned about health literacy, comment on how this data increased your knowledge on each of the topics listed (Arthritis and Quality of Life, Foodbourne Outbreak Data, Sleep and Military, and Improving Surveillance).  Include your opinions on the way the data was presented.  For example, was it easy to understand?  What information would an individual need to interpret the data presented on these topics accurately?

Identify a professional nursing organization and review their position on interprofessional practice

Interprofessional practice requires that health care practitioners recognize that patient outcomes are better when there is a collaborative team approach in addressing patient health issues. Also, there are barriers to interprofessional practice that must be addressed among health care practitioners. The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) is an initiative including multiple professions designed to advance interprofessional education so that students entering health care professions are able to view collaboration as the norm and seek collaborative relationships with other providers (IPEC, 2011).

This week your Discussion will focus on interprofessional practice. This Discussion is an opportunity for you to examine your perspective and experiences with interprofessional collaborative practice and to apply your knowledge to managing patient care.

To prepare:
  • Identify a professional nursing organization and review their position on interprofessional practice
  • Review the following case study:

Case Study:

Ms. Tuckerno has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). The patient receives care at an internal medicine clinic. Her internist is not in the office today and she is being treated by the nurse practitioner. The patient is on two medications for her MS, three different blood pressure medications, one medication for thyroid disease, one diabetic pill daily, insulin injections twice a day, she uses medical cannabis, and uses eye drops for glaucoma. Upon assessing the patient, the nurse practitioner (NP) decides her treatment plan should be adjusted. The NP discontinues some of the patient’s meds and discontinues medical cannabis. She orders the patient to follow up in two weeks.

The patient returns and is seen by her internist. The internist speaks with the patient and reviews her medical chart. The internist states to the patient, “I am dissatisfied with the care you received from the nurse practitioner.” The internist places the patient back on originally prescribed medications and medical cannabis.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of your understanding of interprofessional practice. Also, explain the position on interprofessional practice for a professional nursing organization that you are a member of or of which you plan to become a member. Then, explain what you think is the best collaborative approach to manage Ms. Tuckerno’s care.

How does it relate to what you understand or have learned so far about the role of nurses and advanced practice nurses in policy and politics?

As a reminder, all discussion posts must be minimum 250 words, references must be cited in APA format, and must include minimum of 2 scholarly resources published within the past 5-7 years.

Discussion Question 4:


Students may select one of the chapters included in this week’s readings and answer the following questions:

  1. What interested you most about this chapter and why did you select it?
  2. How does it relate to what you understand or have learned so far about the role of nurses and advanced practice nurses in policy and politics?
  3. How does it relate to your current clinical practice? Give at least one specific example.
  4. How does it relate to what you hope to accomplish as an advanced practice nurse?

Attached are the board rubric grading.

b.What does an accreditation agency look for when they review a school?. 

1.Read the article:   Issues of Accreditation: A Dean’s Perspective..

2.Answer the following questions after reading the article:

a.Why do we need accreditation for nursing schools?.

b.What does an accreditation agency look for when they review a school?.

c.What are the quality criteria that they are looking for when they review a school?.

d.The current accreditation agencies are classified as quasi-governmental meaning that they act like a governmental group, in a sense, but they are not an official governmental agency. Explain what is meant by a quasi-governmental agency? (You may need to look further than the article to answer this question).. .

3.Your paper should be: ◦One (1) page or more.. ◦Use factual information from the textbook and/or appropriate articles and websites.. ◦Cite your sources – type references according to the APA Style Guide.

Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on   why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your  practice change.

Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board.   Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on   why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your  practice change.

. Explain how your proposal will directly and indirectly impact each of the aspects. 

 After discussion with your mentor, name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account for developing the evidence-based practice project. Explain how your proposal will directly and indirectly impact each of the aspects.