What federal initiatives are in place to address current public health issues? Explain in detail with a minimum of two examples.

Part 1: Researching Federal Initiatives

There are numerous federal initiatives in place to address current public health issues in environmental health, emergency preparedness and response, and injury prevention. Educating the public and developing health promotion programs are essential for improving the nation’s health and lowering healthcare costs associated with injury and disease.

Using the readings for this week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, research various federal initiatives that have addressed public health issues. Respond to the following:

  • What federal initiatives are in place to address current public health issues? Explain in detail with a minimum of two examples.
  • What are the outcomes of these initiatives? Explain with examples.
  • Are there some issues that are not being adequately addressed? Explain giving examples from your research.

Part 2: Federal Response to Mass Immunizations

After a natural disaster or an infectious disease outbreak, immunizations are necessary to reduce the risk of infection. This is because immunizations work with the body’s natural defenses to help the body safely develop immunity to a potentially life-threatening disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has established protocols to initiate mass immunizations to reduce the risk and spread of infectious diseases.

Consider the CDC’s public health response to an infectious disease outbreak in the aftermath of a hurricane.

Using the readings for this week and the Internet, respond to the following:

  • What is the CDC’s procedure for mass immunizations that are necessary for certain types of infectious outbreaks such as influenza, mumps, and tetanus?
  • How does the CDC communicate information on mass immunization clinics to the public?
  • What is the procedure for establishing a mass immunization clinic for tetanus in the aftermath of a hurricane because of the likelihood of injuries during the cleanup? Is this similar to the protocol established for influenza? Compare the two protocols.
  • What are some of the controversies surrounding such vaccinations?


Why did you choose this particular food?  Is it one that you eat often? Did you include an active link to the label showing the nutrition facts and the ingredients?

Find a food label of a food you have tried or would like to try.  Include an active link to an image of that food label that includes the Ingredients List AND the Nutrition Facts Panel.   This must be a packaged food – not a fast food or restaurant item.  In 150 words or more answer the following questions:

  1. Why did you choose this particular food?  Is it one that you eat often? Did you include an active link to the label showing the nutrition facts and the ingredients?
  2. In which food group does this food fit into ChooseMyPlate.  Recall that this is a food group plan that groups foods according to their nutrient content.  Empty calorie foods (such as candy or chips), would NOT fit into a food group. They would be in the discretionary kcalorie category.  Likewise, cheddar flavored crackers do not have enough calcium to fit into the dairy food group – they would fit into grains.  If you are not sure where your food fits, make your best guess and then ask for help in your discussion posting.
  3. Look at the Nutrition Facts Label for your food.  List the % of the Daily Value (DV) for Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron. (or Vitamin D, iron, calcium, and potassium if your label is one of the new ones!)  Read the definition for the Label Claim ‘HIGH” in the “Glossary of terms on Food Labels” in chapter 2.  Is your food high in any of these 4 micronutrients?
  4. Does your food contain any food additives? If yes, tell us what type of food additive it is and present information on it’s safety rating from the Center for Science in the Public Interest found at:  Chemical Cuisine (use this active link)
  5. Now that you have looked closely at the food label, do you think this item is a part of a healthy diet? Why or why not?

Creating an Active Link:

If a link is ‘active’, when you click on it you will be taken directly to the website.

Even if your link was active in your word document, you will need to recreate that active link

in HTML. Follow these steps to make your link active:

  • Place your cursor where you want to insert your web address and click on the link icon (it is on the 2nd taskbar, third from left – it looks like the link of a chain).
  • When you click on the link icon you will see a new screen appear that will allow you to insert your website address.
  • Type your address in the box under URL radio button, click OK and your active link will be inserted wherever you placed your cursor in the text of the message.
  • If you would rather have text than the actual address, type the text you want into the box under “link text‟.
  • When you are finished, click “preview‟ and check your link to make sure it is active and takes you to the site.  Then you can click “Post”.

 There are two major paradigms or research: quantitative and qualitative. Which of these paradigms are you inclined to participate in or design? Why?  

 There are two major paradigms or research: quantitative and qualitative. Which of these paradigms are you inclined to participate in or design? Why?

Reply using qualitative as the one more inclined to for use in a healthcare research paper. This is a one page APA format paper.

What variables have the researchers identified?

Review one of the suggested articles. What is the research problem being addressed? What variables have the researchers identified? What study design was used? How did the researchers collect and measure the data? Discuss the rationale for choosing the method(s). Discuss the validity and reliability of the instruments used.

What suggestions could you offer her, knowing that she is adamant against pharmacologic treatment options? Provide your answers with supporting research in a 300-word summary following APA format.

You are assigned to care for a 28-year-old patient in the OB clinic who is 8 months pregnant. She states she has had more than three nights where she could not sleep. You notice she likes to drink coffee and colas but does not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. What is your first action? What suggestions could you offer her, knowing that she is adamant against pharmacologic treatment options? Provide your answers with supporting research in a 300-word summary following APA format.

Describe the social and legal controversy associated with your controversial treatment.

Choose a health care treatment option that is controversial and maybe costly.

In this assignment the controversial treatment is ” Bariatric Surgery”

Describe the positive and negative benefits from the treatment, evidence of effectiveness, and the potential harm of a different treatment option.

1.Introduction:   Choose a controversial health care treatment option.

Describe the treatment.

2. Describe the social and legal controversy associated with your controversial treatment.

3. Describe the evidence that supports the effectiveness of the controversial treatment.

4. Describe the evidence that does not support the effectiveness of the controversial treatment.

5. Compare and contrast the positive and negative benefits or harm of the controversial treatment.

This assignment follows APA Style, Times New, Romans, font 12, Original Please, No Pleagerism, with references  (2012-2017) and in text citations.  Check with turnitin.  Thank you

what products have you noticed contain palm oil

 Should the production of palm oil be limited? Research the current reasons that this is a consideration and tell us (1) were you aware of the problem, (2) what products have you noticed contain palm oil, and (3) what restrictions, if any, do you think should be placed on its production around the world? As always, you start your own thread before you can see other’s comments, 150 words is your minimum,

What is the role of protein and exercise? What are your thoughts regarding protein supplements, shakes, and protein bars? 

Many people relate protein to health and fitness. How much protein do we really need? What is the role of protein and exercise? What are your thoughts regarding protein supplements, shakes, and protein bars?

Describe the cultural health customs of the Egyptian and Filipino cultures and how they influence the delivery community health care.  As you can see I’m giving you one question to elaborate

Describe the cultural health customs of the Egyptian and Filipino cultures and how they influence the delivery community health care.  As you can see I’m giving you one question to elaborate.  As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format on an Arial 12 font word document attached to th threat in the discussion tab of the blackboard. A minimum of 2 evidence based practice references are required and 2 replies to one of your peers sustained with the proper references are required.  A minimum of 500 words are required