Why does Kaufman believe the health care bubble is going to burst? Explain whether you agree or disagree with his views.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) changed the landscape of the health care industry. For this assignment, read the “Three brutal facts that provide strategic direction for health care delivery systems: Preparing for the end of the health care bubble” by Nathan Kaufman. Kaufman discusses that the health care industry is heading for a fall and that organizations need to prepare now by focusing their strategies on new market realities. After reading the Kaufman article, write a paper to respond to the following questions.

  1. Why does Kaufman believe the health care bubble is going to burst? Explain whether you agree or disagree with his views.
  2. Discuss what he means by “Physician autonomy and the organized medical staff will become less relevant”. Do you believe this will improve patient care?
  3. Discuss what a prepared organization is to Kaufman. Do you believe this is what it will take to effectively deal with the health care bubble? What are some suggestions that you have based upon this article and your own research?

Consider the appropriate regulatory agency (EPA or OSHA) and examine how it responded to this situation.

EPA and OSHA are regulatory agencies charged with protecting Americans from significant risks to human health, both environmental and occupational. Each agency develops and enforces regulations and maintains partnerships with other agencies to accomplish its mission.
EPA Website

OSHA Website

For this assignment, review the functions of the EPA and OSHA. Then, select one of the case studies from the websites provide below on a current health issue that is either environmental or occupational.

EPA Case Studies



OSHA Case Studies





Write a 3–4-page paper in Microsoft Word format addressing the following:

  • Describe the selected current public health issue (either environmental or occupational).
  • Analyze the factors that contributed to the public health issue.
  • Consider the appropriate regulatory agency (EPA or OSHA) and examine how it responded to this situation.
  • Examine the outcome of the response.

Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.

Submit your assignment to the W2: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, October 17, 2017.

Name your document SUO_PHE4095_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Cite all sources using the APA format.

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsAdequately examined the current public health issue (environmental or occupational), including a description of the issue and an analysis of the contributing factors.15Provided an in-depth examination of the concerned regulatory agency’s response to the situation.20Examined the outcome of the response.10Used

Will  the role of these programs differ depending on  the type of the facility, for  example, hospital versus nursing home?  Why or why not? 

Negligence, which is  often an unintentional  action, occurs when a person either performs or fails  to perform an  action that a reasonable professional person would or would not  have  performed in a similar situation (Fremgen, 2012).

When a person is injured,  they sue under  tort law (“a wrongful act against another person”). The  unintentional  tort of negligence is the most often cause of lawsuits for  healthcare  professionals (Fremgen, 2012).

Charges of negligence  against a physician  or other healthcare professional arise because the  patient or family is  not happy with the outcome of the treatment or procedure  (Fremgen,  2012). A jury in a negligence trial would have to determine if a   reasonable professional person would have done the same action.  Malpractice  is the wrongdoing or negligence committed by a professional  person, such as a  medical professional (Fremgen, 2012).

  • By  using your experience or resources on the Internet, present a case of  negligence against a physician.
  • Will  such a case impact the liability of a hospital? Why or why not?

Justify your  answers with appropriate  research and reasoning by using examples and  references from textbooks,  the South University Online Library, and other  acceptable references.  Cite sources in the APA format. Further, comment on  the postings of at  least two peers.

Part  II: Risk Management in Health Care

Risk management  is a practice used to  control or minimize the incidence of problem behavior  that might result  in injury to patients and employees, and ultimately, it  becomes a  liability for the physician/employer (Fremgen, 2012). A key factor  in  risk management is to identify problem behaviors and practices in an  organization  such as a hospital or medical office. A plan of action is  then put into  practice to eliminate these problem behaviors.

Accordingly,  respond to the following questions:

  • What  is the role of risk management and corporate compliance programs in a health  care facility?
  • Will  the role of these programs differ depending on  the type of the facility, for  example, hospital versus nursing home?  Why or why not?

Justify your  answers with appropriate  research and reasoning by using examples and  references from textbooks,  the South University Online Library, and other  acceptable references.  Cite sources in the APA format. Further, comment on  the postings of at  least two peers.


Fremgen, B.  (2012). Medical law and ethics. (4th  ed.). Boston, MA: Prentice

. Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy.

Adolescent pregnancy is viewed as a high-risk situation due to the serious health risks that this creates for the mother, the baby, and society at large. Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy. Research community and state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at least two of these resources. Research the teen pregnancy rates for the last 10 years for your state and community. Has this rate increased or decreased? Discuss possible reasons for an increase or decrease.

Statistics for 2008 to 2009 indicated that 20.7% of children lived in poverty. What health implications can be drawn from this statistic?

Question 1 Statistics for 2008 to 2009 indicated that 20.7% of children lived in poverty. What health implications can be drawn from this statistic?

Select all that apply.

1. These children run a higher risk of poor overall health status.

2. Public health clinics can provide preventive care.

3. Medicaid assistance can enable these children to receive health care.

4. Increased funding for children’s health has resulted from these statistics.

Question 2 Which criterion limits access to health care?

1. No public transportation

2. Employment opportunities

3. Transition programs for newly arrived legal residents

4. Advocacy groups for immigrants

Question 3 A patient in the Emergency Department is concerned about the cost of treatment because of no financial income. What areas would the nurse include when assessing this patient?

Select all that apply.

1. Preventive care

2. Nutritional status

3. Number of accidents

4. Shelter

5. Status of current immunizations

Question 4 While taking the health history, a Black Hispanic patient tells the nurse about having difficulty finding employment. The nurse realizes that which is a factor that causes income disparity within this segment of the population?

1. Shift to labor requiring higher technological skills

2. Increase in the real minimum wage potential

3. Increase in traditional labor skills for these groups

4. Shift of skilled jobs to unskilled labor

Question 5 The nurse notes that a larger number of foreign-born patients are being seen in the hospital. From which countries are the majority of foreign-born legal permanent residents?

Select all that apply.

1. Mexico

2. China

3. India

4. Europe

5. South America

Question 6 A patient explains how a former job has been outsourced to another country. What impact has globalization had on the economy?

1. Increased income inequality for some groups in the United States

2. Improved income for all minority groups in the United States

3. Increased membership in labor unions

4. Decreased immigration

Question 7 Legal permanent residents tend to initially settle in urban areas. What can be inferred from this?

1. Employment may be found but will probably be in lesser-paying jobs.

2. Unemployment will not be a concern.

3. Employment is easy to obtain in urban areas.

4. Income earning potential is higher.

Question 8 A foreign-born patient tells the nurse about preparing for the naturalization exam. What kinds of questions will be on this exam?

Select all that apply.

1. Questions about the Constitution

2. Parts of the US government

3. Who makes federal laws

4. The number of justices on the Supreme Court

5. Words of the US national anthem

Question 9 While shifts in the population profile are occurring, what is an important consideration to address in health care?

1. Cultural health needs of varying groups must be considered.

2. Health care needs to be streamlined for consistent care delivery.

3. More physicians need to be trained to deliver health care.

4. Health care providers need to be younger to care for an aging population.

Question 10 According to the 2010 Census, the percentage of the 65+ population of White non-Hispanics is at 13%. How will health planning needs be affected by this percentage?

1. This population will have greater demands on the health care system as it ages.

2. Planning needs for other segments of the population can be revised downwards.

3. There is no need to increase manufacture of childhood immunizations.

4. Cultural accommodations for other minority groups can be decreased.

Question 11 A patient tells the nurse that she lives in Section 8 housing. The nurse realizes that eligibility for this program is determined by:

1. Low-income guidelines

2. Family size

3. Geographic address

4. Employment history

Question 12 A patient, an immigrant from another country, is waiting to be seen in the Emergency Department. What difficulties is this patient dealing with since coming to a new country?

Select all that apply.

1. Learning a new language

2. Adapting to a new climate

3. Eating new foods

4. Fitting in with the new culture

5. Rejecting old customs in favor of new ones

Question 13 The nurse is comparing the patient population at a health care organization with the US Bureau of the Census population statistics. Which statement would the nurse use to make this comparison?

1. The percentage of US citizens who were people of color in 2010 was 36.3% of the population.

2. The percentage of Black Americans dropped considerably between 2000 and 2010.

3. People of color are the majority population within the United States.

4. People of color as a percentage of the overall US population are decreasing.

Question 14 Prior to completing an admission assessment, a foreign-born patient provides the nurse with a green card. What does this green card represent?

Select all that apply.

1. Proof of legal permanent residency

2. All rights of a US citizen with exceptions

3. Inability to vote

4. Restrictions to become a citizen

5. Automatic US citizenship

Question 15 When determining health care needs for a patient population, the health care organization analyzes the percentage of races represented within the organization with those of the US Census. What was the change in the White population between the 2000 and 2010 censuses?

1. 2.7%

2. 1.2%

3. 0.3%

4. 3.8%

Question 16 While completing demographics for a new admission, the nurse notes that there are separate categories for race and Hispanic origin.What influenced this change to occur in demographic data  reporting?

1. Federal guidelines written in 1997 separated race and Hispanic origin as two separate concepts.

2. The number of people identified as non-White was increasing out of proportion to the population.

3. Identifies which health plans the patient is eligible to enroll in

4. Better differentiates categories within the African-American group

Question 17 How might immigration contribute to income inequality in the United States?

1. Many immigrants’ willingness to do jobs for less money than native-born residents

2. Being the primary income earners in the family

3. Advocating for higher minimum wages

4. A willingness to join labor unions as in previous immigrant trends

Question 18 Which characteristic would the nurse assess in a family experiencing multi-generational poverty?

1. Repeated cycles of decreased educational opportunities leading to poorer income potential and poorer health outcomes

2. Members not wishing to improve their life circumstances

3. Decreased interest by lawmakers in reducing poverty circumstances

4. Increased government efforts to provide money to improve incomes

Question 19 The health care administrator is comparing the 2000 Census Bureau data with patient demographic data. Which cultural group represented 12.5% of the population in 2000?

1. Hispanic or Latino

2. Asian

3. African American

4. American Indian and Alaskan Native

Question 20 What does the nurse identify as reasons why income influences health?

Select all that apply.

1. Increases access to health care

2. Enables people to live in better neighborhoods

3. Enables people to afford better housing

4. Enables people to live in areas without environmental hazards

5. Reduces despair

The nurse is disappointed with not being able to provide educational materials in a non-English-speaking patient’s primary language.What can the nurse do to serve as an advocate when providing  culturally competent care?

Question 1 The nurse is disappointed with not being able to provide educational materials in a non-English-speaking patient’s primary language.What can the nurse do to serve as an advocate when providing  culturally competent care?

1. Find or create materials to meet the patients’ needs.
2. Teach the patient in English.
3. Provide educational materials written in English.
4. Ask the physician to talk with the patient.

Question 2 A patient from a non-English-speaking culture comes into the health clinic seeking care. The nurse is unable to determine the patient’s primary language. What should the nurse do?

1. Notify Security

2. Encourage the patient to seek care elsewhere

3. Ask for help to determine the patient’s primary language

4. Contact a homeless shelter

Question 3 A health care organization provides care to individuals of whom 75% are from non-English-speaking cultures. When determining the languages to represent within the organization, on which will the organization focus?

Select all that apply.

1. Spanish

2. Chinese

3. French

4. German

5. Arabic

Question 4 The staff development instructor is planning a seminar that focuses on the variables leading to generational conflict. What will the instructor include in this content?

Select all that apply.

1. Decade of birth

2. Generation in the United States

3. Class

4. Language

5. Socialization

Question 5 The nurse is planning care for a group of patients from different cultural backgrounds. What aspects of the nurse will impact how the patients access and respond to health care services?

Select all that apply.

1. Cultural background

2. Heritage

3. Language

4. Role

5. Age

Question 6 The staff development educator is analyzing ways to incorporate cultural competency concepts in continuing education programs. How will the educator explain the concept of cultural competency to staff?

1. Philosophy

2. Condition

3. Theory

4. Fad

Question 7 A health care organization is planning continuing education for all staff on culturally and linguistically appropriate service delivery.Which category of culturally and linguistically appropriate services  in health care will this action support?

1. Fundamentals of culturally competent care

2. Speaking of culturally competent care

3. Structuring culturally competent care

4. Manage the dynamics of difference

Question 8 When a health care provider takes the time to learn the underlying background of a patient to provide the best possible health care, which type of cultural care is being provided?

1. Appropriate

2. Sensitive

3. Designated

4. Competent

Question 9 The Department of Nursing with a health care organization is planning steps that reflect the Joint Commission’s recommendations for cultural competence. What will the nursing department include in these steps?

Select all that apply.

1. Value diversity

2. Assess themselves

3. Manage difference

4. Acquire cultural knowledge

5. Hire staff from different cultures

Question 10 The staff nurse is identifying ways to communicate care needs for a patient from a non-English-speaking culture. How will the nurse use the tool within the Joint Commission monograph roadmap for hospitals to help with this need?

Select all that apply.

1. Access a checklist to use during the admission process.

2. Follow the steps in the assessment checklist.

3. Review the points during the phases of treatment.

4. Identify all of the steps needed for discharge.

5. Recognize ways to adapt to the patient’s culture.

Question 11 The nurse is planning care to address health care needs for a non-English-speaking patient and family. What would the nurse use as a guide for this care?

1. Checklist

2. Standardized care plan

3. Nursing textbook

4. Care map

Question 12 A health care organization is incorporating culturally and linguistically appropriate services into the strategic plan. In which areas of the plan will these services be reflected?

Select all that apply.

1. Goals

2. Policies

3. Operational plans

4. Management accountability

5. Internal audits

Question 13 The health care organization has made a conscious effort to provide linguistically appropriate services to its predominantly Hispanic population, incorporating within its staff members from different Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America. Which cultural care concept is this organization implementing?

1. Language proficiency

2. Cultural competence

3. Cultural sensitivity

4. Cultural appropriateness

Question 14 Which behavior of a health care provider exemplifies culturally competent care?

1. Delivering care that demonstrates understanding and application to the patient’s situation

2. Speaking the patient’s language.

3. Understanding some health traditions of the patient.

4. Knowledgeable of the patient’s cultural background.

Question 15 The nurse is planning the care for a patient from a non-English-speaking culture. Which terms would the nurse use that reflect cultural care?

Select all that apply.

1. Literacy

2. Refugee

3. Silence

4. Sacred times

5. Surgery

Question 16 The nurse is unable to locate an interpreter to support a patient from a non-English-speaking culture. The patient asks a family member to interpret for the staff. What would the nurse do to ensure culturally and linguistically appropriate services for this patient?

1. Use the family member as an interpreter until a non–family member can be located.

2. Write the questions down for the patient to answer.

3. Do nothing until an interpreter can be located.

4. Use sign language.

Question 17 The nurse practitioner is ensuring that an adequate amount of educational materials are printed in languages that reflect the patient population. What are the reasons for this health care provider treating a more diverse patient population?

Select all that apply.

1. Demographic changes

2. Participation in insurance programs

3. Reflects the nurse practitioner’s cultural background

4. The nurse practitioner is from a minority group.

5. The educational materials will teach the patient how to be healthy or ill.

Question 18 The nurse is completing a survey that includes questions about different aspects of cultural competence. What is the purpose of this survey?

1. Assessment of cultural competence

2. Manage the dynamics of difference

3. Value diversity

4. Institutionalize cultural knowledge

Question 19 Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) ask the nurse to explain the difference between cultural care and other types of care. What would the nurse say in response to the UAP?

1. It is holistic.

2. It is a fad.

3. It focuses on scientific theory.

4. It is a belief system.

Question 20 Which action would a hospital administrator take to meet the cultural and linguistic needs of Spanish-speaking community members?

1. Hire professional staff from different Spanish-speaking countries.
2. Ensure that all health care workers speak Spanish.
3. Ensure that all signage is posted in Spanish as well as English.
4. Ensure health services are in varying locations.

Explain the neurotransmitter dysfunction in a patient with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. Include your resources in your response.

Select two of the following discussion questions for your discussion response. Indicate which questions you have chosen using the format displayed in the “Discussion Forum Sample.”

Explain Bell’s palsy by providing treatment options and the physiologic disorder on presentation.

Explain the neurotransmitter dysfunction in a patient with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. Include your resources in your response.

In pediatric patients, the initial assessment is similar with bacterial and viral meningitis. What are the different considerations in treatment and stabilization of neurologic deficits?

Embolic and bleed cerebrovascular accidents are managed differently based on the causative factor for the stroke. Provide a discussion of the difference in pathophysiology of the two types of strokes.

Detail the different types of cerebral palsies. Explain the potential origin associated with cellular malfunction and environmental influences.

Differentiate between Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and vascular dementia.

at least 250 words with reference no older than 5 years and intext citations.

The health care team is having difficulty communicating with a patient from a non-English-speaking culture. An interpreter has not yet been located. Which behaviors might the patient demonstrate because of this communication issue?

Question 1

The health care team is having difficulty communicating with a patient from a non-English-speaking culture. An interpreter has not yet been located. Which behaviors might the patient demonstrate because of this communication issue?

Select all that apply.

1. Withdrawing

2. Hostility

3. Belligerence

4. Uncooperativeness

5. Apathy

Question 2 A group of nurses talking are overheard using jargon that is consistent with the nursing profession. Which behavior are the nurses demonstrating?

1. Socialization

2. Ethnicity

3. Acculturation

4. Heritage consistency

Question 3 The nurse determines that a patient is in the process of acculturation. What did the nurse assess in this patient?

1. Americanization of the patient’s name

2. Engaging in activities with members of the family’s preferred social group

3. Speaking the family’s native language

4. Living away from the family of origin

Question 4 Why does the nurse stop and think before implementing touch when providing care to a patient from a different culture?

1. Influences the patient’s personal space

2. Influences environmental control

3. Impacts time orientation

4. Alters social organization

Question 5 A patient from a non-English-speaking culture explains how he has to behave differently at work than he does at home. What does the nurse realize this patient is describing?

Select all that apply.

1. Withdrawing

2. Hostility

3. Belligerence

4. Uncooperativeness

5. Apathy

Question 6 Prior to caring for a Native American patient, the nurse reviews the diseases that are more prevalent in this culture. What is the nurse taking into consideration when caring for this patient?

1. Biological variation

2. Environmental control

3. Social organization pattern

4. Component of heritage consistency

Question 7 While conducting a health history, a patient demonstrates characteristics of ethnocentrism. What behaviors did the nurse observe in the patient?

Select all that apply.

1. Superiority with ethnic group

2. Concern with race

3. Fear of strangers

4. Morbid fear of strangers

5. Ethnic pride

Question 8 While collecting demographics, the nurse learns that an American patient is married to an immigrant from another country. What does this patient’s marriage exemplify?

1. Assimilation

2. Socialization

3. Acculturation

4. Ethnicity

Question 9 A patient living in the United States for 10 years is distressed about not “fitting in” with American society. What aspects of acculturation will the nurse discuss with this patient?

Select all that apply.

1. Socialization

2. Acculturation

3. Assimilation

4. Ethnicity

5. Heritage consistency

Question 10 A patient born in a European country speaks excellent American English. The nurse realizes that this patient has achieved which type of assimilation?

1. Cultural

2. Marital

3. Primary structural

4. Secondary structural

Question 11 A patient tells the nurse that it is important for him or her to be discharged soon because it is expected that the family’s needs be met. Which aspect of heritage consistency is this patient demonstrating?

1. Culture

2. Ethnicity

3. Religion

4. Acculturation

Question 12 What aspects of a patient’s culture will the health care provider keep in mind when providing care?

Select all that apply.

1. Parts of a person’s culture are under conscious control.

2. It is an extension of biological capabilities.

3. It is the medium of social relationships.

4. It identifies food preferences.

5. It explains folklore and music.

Question 13 The nurse is planning care for an older patient. What will the nurse take into consideration to reduce generational conflict?

Select all that apply.

1. Events that occurred when the patient was 10 years of age

2. Ethnocultural status of the nurse

3. Age of the nurse

4. Life trajectory

5. Religion

Question 14 The nurse identifies that a patient from a different culture will not make eye contact during the assessment process. What does the lack of eye contact indicate to the nurse?

1. Respect

2. Friendliness

3. Hiding something

4. Fear

Question 15 A patient tells the nurse that a health problem is common among people of the patient’s ethnic background. What other characteristics would the nurse assess as contributing to this patient’s ethnicity?

Select all that apply.

1. Food preferences

2. Employment patterns

3. Special interest in the homeland

4. Divine intervention

Question 16 The nurse is not happy to learn that a newly admitted patient is from the same culture as a previous patient who had created much turmoil on the care area. What behavior is this nurse prone to demonstrate?

1. Prejudice

2. Discrimination

3. Ethnocentrism

4. Racism

Question 17 A seminal event in the boomer generation that can still elicit comments today is the question:

1. “Where were you when John F. Kennedy was shot?”

2. “Do you remember Pearl Harbor?”

3. “What were you doing on September 11, 2001?”

4. “How did the Challenger tragedy affect you?”

Question 18 The staff development instructor is planning a seminar that focuses on the variables leading to generational conflict. What will the instructor include in this content?

Select all that apply.

1. Decade of birth

2. Generation in the United States

3. Class

4. Language

5. Socialization

Question 19 A patient tells the health care provider that a foot injury occurred while participating in Oktoberfest as a dancer. The patient is explaining which aspect of heritage consistency?

1. Ethnicity

2. Culture

3. Religion

4. Assimilation

Question 20 A health care provider comments that a patient is “too old to take care of herself” and needs to “let a man make decisions for her.” The nurse recognizes that this health care provider is demonstrating which misanthropic feelings?

Select all that apply.

1. Ageism

2. Sexism

3. Racism

4. Heterosexism

5. Ethnocentrism

Besides being important public health issues and motivating people to action, what purpose do the Healthy People 2020 objectives serve?

Question 1 Besides being important public health issues and motivating people to action, what purpose do the Healthy People 2020 objectives serve?

1. Measure the impact of prevention activities

2. Provide monetary worth to the nation

3. Replace other tools

4. Identify people needing secondary health services

Question 2 A group of health care providers are attempting to define health. What can occur during this discussion?

1. Terms and meanings may be challenged.
2. Categories of health will be listed.
3. Ambiguity will be resolved.
4. Achieves a full acceptance by all parties

Question 3 Which is an obligation of a person who is assuming the sick role?

1. Seek help and following it to promote recovery.
2. Stay away from others to prevent them from becoming ill.
3. Follow health orders without question.
4. Appear to be sick.

Question 4 According to Suchman, what does assuming the sick role mean to a person?

Select all that apply.

1. Seeks help and shares the problem with family and friends
2. Goes under the control of a physician who plans a treatment of care
3. Seeks scientific confirmation that something is wrong
4. Becomes aware that something is wrong and responds emotionally

Question 5 Within the Healthy People 2020 document, what characteristics contribute to health disparity in the United States?

Select all that apply.

1. Race
2. Religion
3. Gender
4. Age
5. Unemployment/underemployment

Question 6 Which actions or behaviors exemplify health maintenance?

Select all that apply.

1. Having an annual physical with a healthcare provider
2. Complying with immunization schedules
3. Eating balanced meals
4. Regular exercise
5. Having health insurance

Question 7 A patient says, “The doctors say I’m healthy, but I still don’t feel well.” What can the nurse infer from this statement about the patient’s definition of health?

Select all that apply.

1. The patient equates being healthy with feeling well.
2. The patient’s definition of health includes more than the absence of physical symptoms.
3. Since the patient does not feel well, disease must be present.
4. The patient believes that a disease is still present.
5. The patient is experiencing pain.

Question 8 Which phases would a person experience during an illness trajectory?

1. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation
2. Symptoms, diagnosis, rehabilitation, treatment
3. Rehabilitation, treatment, recovery, symptoms
4. Diagnosis, treatment, symptoms, rehabilitation

Question 9 Why would health care providers refer to Healthy People 2020 when providing patient care?

1. It provides a plan to continue to improve the health of everyone in the United States.
2. It supports policies which provide monetary incentives to states who reach the benchmark goals.
3. It serves as a monitoring system that evaluates the health of all citizens.
4. It is mandated legislation that will result in a healthier population by 2020.

Question 10 While hospitalized, a patient enters the stage of patient status. What behavior will the nurse observe in this patient?

1. The person shifts into the role as it is determined by society.
2. The illness is now socially recognized and identified.
3. Symptoms are being experienced, leading to a diagnosis.
4. The patient does all that can be done to recover from his or her illness.

Question 11 How would the definition of health differ between a beginning nursing student and a graduate nursing student?

Select all that apply.

1. Health for the graduate nurse is more technical.
2. Health for the graduate student is more abstract.
3. Health becomes more tangible for the graduate nurse.
4. Health for the beginning nurse is a complex integration of parts.
5. Health becomes easier to define for the graduate nurse.

Question 12 Which statement exemplifies Rosenstock’s belief about health as an elusive concept?

Seeking medical care evolves in distinct stages.

Question 13 The nurse determines that a patient is in the onset stage of an illness. What did the nurse observe in the patient?

1. The first symptoms of a given problem are experienced.
2. There is a gradual resumption of normal roles and activities.
3. The sick role becomes that of being a patient.
4. The disease is identified and socially sanctioned.

Question 14 What would be the result of ambivalence during the dependent-patient role stage?

1. Create barriers that interfere with the treatment and willingness to comply.
2. Warrant further confirmation sought from family and friends about what is happening.
3. Have the person become aware that something is wrong.
4. Cause additional burdens to family and friends of the person at this time.

Question 15 Which statement exemplifies how a nursing student views health?

1. Entered the health care profession with a culturally based concept of health
2. Forces patients to accept the medical definitions of health
3. Accepts the prevailing definition of health and applies it to individual patients
4. Must share the patient’s views of health and illness

Question 16 While reviewing the Healthy People 2020 document, the nurse identifies what as being the main objectives of the program?

Select all that apply.

1. Address the relationship between health status and biology, behavior, services, social factors, and policies.
2. Emphasize an ecological approach to disease prevention and health promotion.
3. Ensuring all Americans have health insurance
4. Eliminating childhood diseases
5. Ensuring all Americans have one physical each year

Question 17 Why would the nurse review health status determinants when assessing a patient?

Select all that apply.

1. Learn the patient’s lifestyle.
2. Understand the patient’s environment.
3. Identify how to measure progress.
4. Ability to motivate action
5. Identify ways to reduce health care costs.

Question 18 A patient comes to a health care provider concerned about a family history of diabetes. The provider addresses the patient’s concerns and suggests interventions to diminish the patient’s chances of developing the disease. What is this action considered?

1. Perceived benefits

2. Demographic variables

3. Perceived seriousness

4. Sociopsychological variables

Question 19 Which illness trajectory would be seen in a person with cancer?

1. presenting symptoms, followed by treatment and recovery.

2. acute illness, unstable status, deterioration, and recovery.

3. diagnosis, treatment, unstable status, death.

4. presenting symptoms, followed by diagnosis and treatment

Question 20 After learning about a health problem, a patient is reluctant to take action. Which barriers could be influencing this patient’s decision about taking action?

Select all that apply.

1. Cost

2. Availability

3. Time

4. Social class

5. Use of Jargon