How are they similar and how are they different? Why do organizations need a variety of leadership approaches to successfully achieve change? 

Comparing Leadership Theories Select any three traditional leadership theories to compare and contrast. How are they similar and how are they different? Why do organizations need a variety of leadership approaches to successfully achieve change?

*Charismatic Leadership

*Strategic Leadership

*Transactional Leadership

• Applying Leadership Theories to Organizational Issues Describe a common leadership problem that you regularly experience in the workplace. Using the three leadership theories discussed in the first discussion in this unit, how can each leadership theory be applied to address the problem? What is the expected outcome of the three approaches? Provide examples when appropriate.

APA format


Discuss one personal strength and one weakness you have regarding professional presentations

Discuss one personal strength and one weakness you have regarding professional presentations. Name one method for improvement for each of these, and discuss why it is important for you to work on these skills if you want to present your findings in a more formal setting.

Name one method for improvement for each of these, and discuss why it is important for you to work on these skills if you want to present your findings in a more formal setting.

. Discuss the cultural beliefs related to delivery of health care from the Haitian and Iranian population.

1. Discuss the cultural beliefs related to delivery of health care from the Haitian and Iranian population.2.  Discuss any differences and/or similarities in the delivery of health care in both culture.3.  How religious beliefs influence the delivery of health care in both.  Give at least one example. As stated in the syllabus and instructed here, please present the assignment in a word document Arial 12 font attached to the threat in the discussion tab of the blackboard under week 8.  A minimum of 2 evidence based references and 2 replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references are required. Please follow the example of the APA page that was sent via email and posted in the announcement tab of the blackboard at the beginning of the course.  A minimum of 500 words excluding the first and references page are required

3.  How religious beliefs influence the delivery of health care in both.  Give at least one example.

.  Discuss the cultural beliefs related to delivery of health care from the Haitian and Iranian population.

2.  Discuss any differences and/or similarities in the delivery of health care in both culture.

3.  How religious beliefs influence the delivery of health care in both.  Give at least one example.

Cover page

APA style

please present the assignment in a word document Arial 12 font attached

Maximum 500 words

A minimum of 3 evidence based references

  Discuss the components of electronic health record systems used in a health care setting. Elaborate on how health care organizations can implement effective administrative and clinical electronic health record applications. Explain the impact of the American Recovery Reinvestment Act has had on the development of EHRs.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 1       Health care facilities are in various transitional states in regards to implementing electronic health records. Determine the issues impacting the electronic legal health records. Provide a rationale for your response.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2

Question 1       Health care facilities are in various transitional states in regards to implementing electronic health records. Determine the issues impacting the electronic legal health records. Provide a rationale for your response.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2       Discuss the components of electronic health record systems used in a health care setting. Elaborate on how health care organizations can implement effective administrative and clinical electronic health record applications. Explain the impact of the American Recovery Reinvestment Act has had on the development of EHRs.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 3       As an increasing number of health care facilities are developing and implementing electronic health record systems, the networking of these systems between facilities has become a reality in many areas of the country by the establishment of regional health information organizations (RHIOs). Assess the concept of RHIOs in addressing patient care issues such as quality, access, and affordability of care. Provide a rationale for your response.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 4       The health information profession and practice is being transformed from a paper environment to a virtual electronic world. Explain the evolution of electronic health records and assess the advantages and disadvantages of manual and automated records systems.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 3       As an increasing number of health care facilities are developing and implementing electronic health record systems, the networking of these systems between facilities has become a reality in many areas of the country by the establishment of regional health information organizations (RHIOs). Assess the concept of RHIOs in addressing patient care issues such as quality, access, and affordability of care. Provide a rationale for your response.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 4       The health information profession and practice is being transformed from a paper environment to a virtual electronic world. Explain the evolution of electronic health records and assess the advantages and disadvantages of manual and automated records systems.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Discuss one class very well discussed for therapeutic applications, adverse effects in addition to the mechanism of action.

 Discuss in a paragraph classes of Anti-infective agents & principles. Discuss in two or three paragraphs the classification & mechanism of action of key antibacterial agents . Discuss one class very well discussed for therapeutic applications, adverse effects in addition to the mechanism of action. Compare the PHARMACOLOGY of antibacterial therapy & antiviral therapy.Conclusion should be well written as half a page synopsis 

Evaluate      strategies you could use to educate and assist your patients to      appropriately use health information found on the web.

Popular health information websites (such as the ones noted above) have consumers logging on to acquire health information. Yet, research shows that many of today’s consumers need assistance searching for information as well as understanding and applying it. Lack of technological expertise, low levels of health literacy, and an inability to distinguish relevant facts are just some of the documented challenges.
As you work through this Discussion, keep in mind that health literacy does not merely imply access to information, but also the capacity to process that information to make informed decisions. In this Discussion, be sure to conceptualize nursing’s roles and responsibilities in assisting patients with web-based information.

WebMD. (2011). Retrieved from
MedlinePlus. (2011). Retrieved from
To prepare:

  • With      the information from the Learning Resources in mind (see below), consider      the amount and types of health information available to consumers online.
  • Reflect      on the patients you have encountered in your practice, and consider their      health literacy and use of online information.
  • Evaluate      strategies you could use to educate and assist your patients to      appropriately use health information found on the web.

By tomorrow Wednesday 10/18/17 by 5pm, write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with at least 3 references from the list of Required Readings below. Include the level one headings as numbered (1 & 2) below:


post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

1) Synthesize your previous experiences with consumer health literacy in your practice setting.

2) Formulate strategies that you could use to assist patients in interpreting and applying online health information going forward. Include strategies for those patients that overuse medical websites or regularly misinterpret medical information found online.

Required Readings

Course Text: American Nurses Association. (2008). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice. Silver Spring, MD: Author.

Chapter 16, “Personal Health Record: Managing Personal Health”

This chapter provides an in-depth look at consumer expectations, as well as barriers and innovations that are driving the policies of electronic personal health records.

Adams, S. A. (2010). Blog-based applications and health information: Two case studies that illustrate important questions for Consumer Health Informatics (CHI) research. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 79(6), e89–e96./p>

The author examines existing literature to evaluate the impact that Web 2.0 technologies have on health management.

Keselman, A., Logan, R., Arnott Smith, C., Leroy, G., & Zeng-Treitler, Q. (2008). Developing informatics tools and strategies for consumer-centered health communication. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 15(4), 473–483.

A detailed analysis of present and future barriers found in managing e-health informational resources and consumer communications is given in this article.

Lewis, D. (2007). Evolution of consumer health informatics [Editorial]. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 25(6), 316.

This article gives a brief overview of the Internet’s role in expanding health care’s consumer network.

Misra, R., Mark, J. H., Khan, S., & Kukafka, R. (2010). Using design principles to foster understanding of complex health concepts in consumer informatics tools. AMIA 2010 Symposium Proceedings, 492-496./p>

The researchers in this qualitative study examine the effectiveness that a decision support tool, Tailored Lifestyle Conversations (TLC), has on patients’ ability to comprehend presented information.

Pak, R., Price, M. M., & Thatcher, J. (2009). Age-sensitive design of online health information: Comparative usability study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 11(4), e45.

The authors of this study analyze the usability results of tag-based systems vs. hierarchal informational systems on two different age groups to determine which design allows for more efficient means of information assembly.

Powell, J., Inglis, N., Ronnie, J., & Large, S. (2011). The characteristics and motivations of online health information seekers: Cross-sectional survey and qualitative interview study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 13(1), e20.

View excerpts from the online questionnaires and follow-up interviews used in this study to identify common themes around motivation, challenges, strategies, and benefits regarding individuals’ use of the Internet to gather health information.

Health on the Net Foundation. (2011).

Retrieved from

Health on the Net Foundation provides consumers with navigation safety tips and the ability to search only those websites that adhere to the credibility standards of the HONcode.

The PEW Charitable Trusts. (2011). Health.

Retrieved from

At this website you can find information about the consumer-centered health initiatives that the PEW group is working to challenge and improve.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2011). Publications and research. Retrieved from 

Use this website to view a wide variety of research-driven publications with topics ranging from obesity to medical malpractice.

What is the basic rate for room, board, and services (it’s a good idea to get this information in writing)? • What services are covered by this rate?

Research the different nursing care facilities in your community. Discuss the pros and cons of the facility in terms of what they offer. Provide a brief report with the following questions:

• What is the basic rate for room, board, and services (it’s a good idea to get this information in writing)?

• What services are covered by this rate?

• Are there other services available and how much do they cost?

• What are the payment policies?

• What is the refund policy if someone leaves before the end of a month?

• What is the policy for rate increases?

• How long has the current administration been in place?

• Is there enough staff available to meet my needs?

• Is there frequent staff turnover?

• Is some level of nursing care provided (RN, LPN, Nursing

• Assistant)? How often is it available?

• Who will help me with medications if I need it (e.g. reminding me to take them, opening the bottle)?

• Can someone administer medications to me if I can’t take them myself (e.g. applying medication to my skin, putting a pill in my mouth)?

• Can someone help me if I need special care (e.g. caring for a wound)?

• What happens if I have an emergency? Can I get help right away?

• Are staffs suitably dressed, personable, and outgoing?

• Do the staff members treat residents with respect and dignity?

• Do staff members treat each other in a professional manner?

• What language does most of the staff speak?

• What type of help with personal care is available (e.g. bathing, dressing)?

• How flexible is the schedule for receiving help with personal care?

• What, if any, transportation services are available? (e.g. medical appointments, shopping, religious services).

• Will staff arrange for activities (e.g. hair appointment, concert)?

• How does the home support and accommodate personal hobbies?

• Are there regularly planned activities that I will enjoy?

• Will I be able to attend religious services of my choice?

• Can I bring my pet with me when I move?

• When can I have visitors?

• Are there shops, a library, a park, or other amenities within walking distance?

• Is the home close to activities I enjoy?

• Is the home on a bus line?

• Is there an outside area to sit, walk, or garden?

• Are there shops, a library, a park, or other amenities within walking distance?

• Is the home close to activities I enjoy?

• Is the home on a bus line?

• Is there an outside area to sit, walk, or garden?

• Is the floor plan easy to follow?

• Are doorways, hallways, and rooms accommodating to wheelchairs and walkers?

• Are there hand rails to help with walking and in the bathroom?

• Are cupboards and shelves easy to reach?

• Are there nonskid floors and firm carpets to assist walking?

• Does the home have good natural and artificial lighting?

• Is the home clean, free of odors, and well heated and cooled?

• Does the home meet my standards of cleanliness?

• Is the home free from obvious environmental hazards?

• Are the home’s rooms clean, safe, and adequate for my needs?

• Will I have free use of common areas, such as the kitchen, activity rooms, toilet facilities, dining room, or grounds?

• Can I smoke in my room or in common areas?

• What furniture is provided?

• Can I bring along some of my furniture or other personal items?

• Can I adjust the temperature of my room?

• Is there a sit-down shower?

• Can I have my own personal phone line or internet connection?

• Are emergency procedures clearly posted?

• Am I able to lock my room and/or are there locked areas in each room for personal valuables?

• Is the food pleasing, nutritious, adequate, and attractively served?

• What if I don’t like what is being served?

• Can I cook in my room?

• Are snacks available?

• Are there specific meal times or are they flexible?

• Is there a refrigerator available to store my personal food?

• Will the home meet my dietary or cultural food preferences?

• Can I request special foods?

• Do other residents socialize with each other and appear happy and comfortable?

• Do residents speak favorably of the facility?

• Do the residents look like people I want to live with?

• How are room changes and roommate concerns addressed?

• Is there a resident group that meets?

• Do any of the other residents have a history of violent or other problem behaviors? How are these situations handled by staff?

  • Posted: 9 Months Ago
  • Due: 18/10/2017
  • Budget:  $5

Identify a healthy child who is under 10 years old. Preferably the child should be over 1 year old to provide you with adequate history information. a. This child cannot be your own child. It can be the child of a friend, relative, neighbor etc.

1. Identify a healthy child who is under 10 years old. Preferably the child should be over 1 year old to provide you with adequate history information. a. This child cannot be your own child. It can be the child of a friend, relative, neighbor etc.

2. Using the section in your Ball & Bindler textbook beginning on page 113 to 116 as a guide, take a history on the child.

3. Include the Physiological Data section (pg 113-114), the Family history and the Review of Systems (pg 115) and Psychosocial information (pg 115-116) a. Include past history of illness or injury, including birth history and meeting of milestones, diet, safety, activities and sleep, nutrition/diet etc. b. Follow the Well Child Health History form to know what to include also. c. For family history, include which family members have conditions or diseases.

4. Be as detailed and specific as possible in all areas. Each area should be assessed and recorded unless exceptions are indicated.  Do not just write “does not apply”.

5. Be sure to distinguish between history (subjective) and physical exam (objective) in the Review of Systems.  Findings on this paper should include history information. Data is collected by talking to the child and caregiver, not by using physical exam techniques. Some objective data can be included if you are able to observe it without actually examining the child ie skin color or level of consciousness.

6. Examine your Health History and identify 2 health promotion goals that could benefit the child.

7. Health Promotion goals: a. Write goal as specifically as possible (not just “improve diet” but “child will increase vegetable intake to 3 servings per day” for example) b. Identify a plan to achieve the goal c. Identify resources you and/or the family can use to achieve the goal ie written educational materials, Internet sites etc. d. Identify Supports (things that would support the goal being achieved, such as parental interest) and Constraints (things that could interfere with the goal being achieved, such as financial difficulties)

8. Paper should be typed on correct forms.

i provide you a sample of what exactly my teacher asked for: