Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.

  1. Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants.
  2. Use the “Pamphlet Template” document to help you create your pamphlet. Include the following:
  3. Select an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants.
  4. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.
  5. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.
  6. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. A minimum of three scholarly resources are required.
  7. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.
  8. In developing your pamphlet, take into consideration the healthcare literacy level of your target audience.

Part II: Pamphlet Sharing Experience

  1. Share the pamphlet you have developed with a parent of an infant child. The parent may be a person from your neighborhood, a parent of an infant from a child-care center in your community, or a parent from another organization, such as a church group with which you have an affiliation.
  2. Provide a written summary of the teaching / learning interaction. Include in your summary:
  3. Demographical information of the parent and child (age, gender, ethnicity, educational level).
  4. Description of parent response to teaching.
  5. Assessment of parent understanding.
  6. Your impressions of the experience; what went well, what can be improved.

Discuss the test you will use to address the study hypothesis and which measures of central tendency you will report for demographic variables. 

No more than 250 words. Reference/citation within 5 years.

Discuss the differences between non-parametric and parametric tests. Provide an example of each and discuss when it is appropriate to use the test.

Next, discuss the assumptions that must be met by the investigator to run the test.

Conclude with a brief discussion of your data analysis plan.

Discuss the test you will use to address the study hypothesis and which measures of central tendency you will report for demographic variables.


Problem Statement: African Americans have the highest population of people diagnosed with hypertension.

Research Question: Does the development of community programs and providing health education, reduce Disparities in Hypertension in predominately African American Communities versus a more diverse community?

Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests).

Problem Statement: African Americans have the highest population of people diagnosed with hypertension.

Research Question: Does the development of community programs and providing health education, reduce Disparities in Hypertension in predominately African American Communities versus a more diverse community?

By Saturday, October 21, 2017, write a 1-page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.

Reference/Citation no more than 5 years old.


  • Data Analysis Plans
    • Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests).
    • Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical tests).

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points

Data analysis plan for demographic variables is appropriate and fully explained.10

Data analysis plan for study variables is appropriate and fully explained.15

Followed APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.5

 A discussion of the effect of the disease with respect to the global  health market, with regard to both health and economic factors.

Write a 1250-1500 word paper on the prevalence of one selected infectious disease in the underdeveloped country of your choice.

Include the following in your paper:

• A discussion of disease incidence.
• A discussion of the effect of the disease on individuals.
• A discussion of the effect of this disease on the health economic  system of the country (you’ll need to also describe the health system).
•  A discussion of the effect of the disease with respect to the global  health market, with regard to both health and economic factors.
• A discussion of the effect on health agencies that may provide aid to citizens of this country.
•  An evaluation of how successful an international health aid  organization or set of organizations have been in meeting health care  needs in the areas it/they serves with regard to the country and disease  you selected.

Criteria for this paper:

• The paper must be written and properly cited in APA style.
• The paper must include at least three peer-reviewed sources other than the text.

Discuss  the pros and cons of TRICARE, CHAMPVA, Workers’ Compensation,  Disability Income Insurance, and

Discuss  the pros and cons of TRICARE, CHAMPVA, Workers’ Compensation,  Disability Income Insurance, and Disability Benefit Programs. What are  some positive aspects of these insurances? What are some of their  downfalls? How does each of these insurances affect the medical office  financially?

Description and assessment of each type of structure (public, nonprofit, and for-profit). Include pros and cons for each type.

In this assignment you will examine the legal structure and governance of hospitals. Read “Alternatives for Developing a Hospital” (4.1) on pages 57-59 in Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics. In this case study you will explore options available for Jefferson County’s new hospital. Write a 4-5 page report to the Jefferson County Board evaluating each option and provide your recommendation of the type of structure that would best serve the needs of this county.

Your report should address the following substantive requirements:

  • Description and assessment of each type of structure (public, nonprofit, and for-profit). Include pros and cons for each type.
  • Compare and contrast the three types including advantages and disadvantages for each. Using the table on page 59 of the textbook as a model, create a similar table with your assessment for submission. This table may be included in an appendix section or in the body of your paper, but cannot be longer than one page. It is okay to single-space text in the table.
  • Argue your recommendation for your chosen structure that would best serve the needs of this county.

Your report should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Be 4-5 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
  • Be formatted according to APA Requirements.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four (4) scholarly articles. Two (2) of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two (2) must be external.
  • Utilize the following headings to organize the content in your work.
    • Introduction
    • Description and Assessment
    • Compare and Contrast
    • Recommendation

Consider the leadership competencies required for success, and reflect on the value of these competencies.

  • Think about a new product or service in your organization that was recently implemented.
    • Identify five leadership strategies you might use to address the implementation of the new product or service.
    • Think about the management competencies that were needed in order for this project to be successful. Why are these competencies important?
    • Consider the leadership competencies required for success, and reflect on the value of these competencies.

Post a description of the new product or service and how it aligns with organizational goals and professional standards. Describe the distinct management and leadership competencies that facilitated successful implementation of this project. Provide your rationale.

What improvements could be made in the existing system of long-term care in the United States? How would these improvements be financed?

Objective: Evaluate the concept and implications of health disparities and how environments and populations impact health outcomes.  Introduction: This essay will provide you an opportunity to examine three main impacts on health outcomes for the aging and chronically ill populations in the United States. Each of these impacts leads to health disparities.   First, you will address the effect on the healthcare system of long-term care for the aging and chronically ill population. Second, you will discuss the effect of a social influencer—in this case, poverty—on both individual health and healthcare delivery for the aging and chronically ill. And, third, you will use the concepts of social justice to discuss equity and the removal of disparities in health and healthcare access for the aging and chronically ill.  Deliverables: The essay for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 750 words that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the activity. Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format ( A minimum of three sources must be cited in-text and in the Reference list.  Activity Details:  Step 1: Read the following questions, then use what you have learned about this lesson’s objective to summarize your responses: •What improvements could be made in the existing system of long-term care in the United States? How would these improvements be financed? •Discuss three effects of poverty on the physical and mental health of aging and chronically ill Americans. In your discussion, offer a solution for each effect. •Select a theory of social justice (other than John Rawls’ theory) and defend that theory as most appropriate for justifying health equity for the aging and chronically ill in the United States.   Step 2: Write a paper. Please review the essay rubric prior to proceeding.  Use these writing guidelines: •Include a cover page and a reference page in addition to your required word count. •Use correct APA format. •Double-space text. •Use size 12 Times New Roman font. •Use section headings to organize. •Indent paragraphs. •Include in-text citations. •Use correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and verb tense.

Explain the safety Strategies.

 Explain the safety Strategies.