Discuss the various ways health care providers are expected to keep patient’s health information secure. Why is it so important to maintain security of health information?    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 1       Discuss the various ways health care providers are expected to keep patient’s health information secure. Why is it so important to maintain security of health information?    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2       Evaluate the filing controls used in health care and medical facilities, and explain why they are needed to ensure accurate filling and timely retrieval of patient records. Provide examples to support your comments.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length

Question 3       Explain the differences between centralized and decentralized filing. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of both filing approaches.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 4       Describe the different types of numbering systems used in health care facilities and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each one.    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Which model of health is most likely used by a person who does not believe in preventive health care? a. Clinical model b. Role performance model c. Adaptive model d. Eudaimonistic model

Which model of health is most likely used by a person who does not believe in preventive health care?
a. Clinical model
b. Role performance model
c. Adaptive model
d. Eudaimonistic model

Briefly describe how it is relevant to your nursing clinical issue. Remember to give a complete reference to the study.

  1. Reflect on your practice, and identify a significant nursing  clinical issue or change project that you would like to search for  evidence in online sources. Formulate searchable, clinical questions in  the PICO(T) format for your nursing clinical issue.
  2. Use your PICOT elements to search for one  report of a single, original study that has been published within the  last 5 years from the CCN Library that is relevant to your nursing  clinical issue.
  3. Briefly describe how it is relevant to your nursing clinical issue. Remember to give a complete reference to the study.


Example PICOT question based on the clinical inquiry:

In adult surgical patients (P) how does prewarming of patients  preoperatively (I) as compared to standard of care (no prewarming) (C)  affect the postoperative outcomes (surgical site infection, bleeding,  etc.) (O) during hospitalization (T)?

Describe the chronic disease you selected, including its symptoms, consequences, causes, as well as how it can be prevented, detected, and treated.

  • Describe the chronic disease you selected, including its symptoms, consequences, causes, as well as how it can be prevented, detected, and treated.
  • Summarize the global variation in the incidence and prevalence of the disease. Explain why you think that variation exists.
  • Provide recommendations on how public health professionals and organizations can promote greater global uniformity in the incidence and prevalence of the disease through prevention and treatment measures.

How can you use clinical   significance to support positive outcomes in your project?

Not all EBP projects result in statistically significant results.   Define clinical significance, and explain the difference between   clinical and statistical significance. How can you use clinical   significance to support positive outcomes in your project?

Discuss the effectiveness of bed rest vs. limited activity as a component of the care management of women experiencing signs of preterm labor. Provide your response in an APA formatted summary.

Discuss the effectiveness of bed rest vs. limited activity as a component of the care management of women experiencing signs of preterm labor. Provide your response in an APA formatted summary.

Do you believe that the purpose is fulfilled based on the questions being asked? Why? In what ways does the tool account for the individual perceptions and needs of the client?

Find a dietary assessment tool that can be used either generally or  for a specific alteration in health. You can use your favorite search  engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo Search, AltaVista, to name a few). You may  find the tool on a governmental data base, being used by an organization  or facility, or in a journals and registries. You may decide to select a  general tool or one that you can include in your course project for the  disease selected.

When you have found your assessment tool, evaluate its effectiveness by answering the following questions.

  • What is the purpose of this tool?
  • Do you believe that the purpose is fulfilled based on the questions being asked? Why?
  • In what ways does the tool account for the individual perceptions and needs of the client?
  • Is there a nutritional history included? What does it cover?
  • Is the tool easy to use? Why or why not.
  • Does the tool provide enough information to determine next steps or interventions? Explain.

The writing assignment should be no more than 2 pages and APA  Editorial Format must be used for citations and references used. Attach a  copy of the assessment tool.

How did each  environment affect your mood? Include a discussion of how the  environment in each office supports or detracts from the service  concept. Make a substantive response to at least two of your classmates’  postings.

In no less than 100 words, compare the attention paid to aesthetics in  two different waiting rooms that you have visited. How did each  environment affect your mood? Include a discussion of how the  environment in each office supports or detracts from the service  concept. Make a substantive response to at least two of your classmates’  postings.

Explain the role of government in public health. Describe at least one major government initiative to protect the public’s health. Be sure to cite sources to support your opinions. Be sure to respond to some of your colleagues’ posts.

Public health system

In 250 words, define the concept of public health and give examples of public health activities. Explain the role of government in public health. Describe at least one major government initiative to protect the public’s health. Be sure to cite sources to support your opinions. Be sure to respond to some of your colleagues’ posts.