Describe the main ideas of the theory (should include the assumptions under which the theory operates). What are the main concepts?

For this project, you will select and critique a nursing theory of your choice.  You will:

  1. Write an original paper.
  2. Submit it to the dropbox for a grade based on the rubric.

The following are some conceptual models and theories you may choose from; however, you may choose any nurse theorist:

  • Florence Nightengale’s Environmental Model
  • Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model
  • Hildegard Peplau’s Interpersonal Process Theory
  • Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory
  • Ida Jean Orlando’s Nursing Process
  • Sister Calista Roy’s Adaptation Model
  • Madeleine Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality
  • Jean Watson’s Nursing as Caring Theory
  • Margaret Newman’s Health Expanding Consciousness
  • Martha Roger’s Science of Unitary of Human Being
  • Abdellah’s Patient-Centered Approaches Theory

Steps to follow to do your critique:

  • You can visit the Fitne website to watch videos about the above mentioned theorist.
  • You can use the Internet to find a journal or articles that provides an analysis and critique of a theory of nursing as a resource to start working with your own critique.
  • You need to login entering the following information:
    • Username: medical center campus
    • Password: medical
    • Under the Nurse Theorists: Portraits of Excellence (Volume I) link select the theorist of your choice
    • On the left navigation area select a topic to view
  • You must use the criteria for analysis and critique of theories in Chapter 1 of the George text book.

Your critique must have the following headings and follow APA Guidelines.



(30 pts.)

  • Describe the main ideas of the theory (should include the assumptions under which the theory operates).
  • What are the main concepts?
  • What are the main relationships between the concepts?
  • How do different concepts affect each other?

Origins of the Theory

(30 pts.)

  • What was going on in the profession of nursing or in American society that may have influenced the theory?
  • What values, theories, evidence, and/or existing knowledge did the theorist cite as support for the theory?
  • What motivated the theorist to write the theory?
  • What approach to theory development did the theorist use?


(20 pts.)

  • How useful is this theory in practice?
  • Is the theory practical and helpful to nursing?
  • Does it contribute to understanding and predicting outcomes?
  • Cite an example/case study where this theory could be used.


(10 pts.)

  • How testable is this theory?
  • Has this theory generated research? How many and what types of studies?
  • Give one example of a study done using the theory
  • What types of statements are the propositions?

Overall Evaluation

(10 pts.)

  • Is the theory comprehensive and specific?
  • How general is the theory?
  • Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the theory.
  • Why would you use or not use this theory in your own advanced practice? (Begin to think about the your presentation “Synthesis of Nursing Theory”).

How does the municipality in which you live ensure compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act? 2. Does your city/town report on water quality annually?

Discussion 1 (300 words with 2-3 credible references cited in APA)

You have been hired as Assistant Manager of a Home Health Care Agency. The agency offers a wide range of skilled medical services such as nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy from qualified medical professionals. The agency also provides home health aide services including assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing and eating.

Your supervisor told you that she recently received a call from an advocate whom an employee consulted via the Employee Assistance Program because the employee felt that she had been treated unfairly after contracting an illness. She explained that a few months ago, one of your agency’s home health aides, Sara, became ill. Sara had been coughing for approximately six weeks, lost weight without trying, had no appetite, was having difficulty sleeping, and had an intermittent fever. She became concerned and went to see a healthcare professional who diagnosed her with active tuberculosis (TB).

Sara missed a lot of time from work while completing treatment for TB. Her physician cleared her to return to work after she was no longer contagious. Upon returning to work, Sara felt isolated because her boss and co-workers refused to spend time with her. She heard that someone from the agency’s Human Resources Department told her co-workers her diagnosis. The stressful circumstances at work became even worse when another home health aide started to display the same symptoms Sara had.

Your supervisor has asked you to review the entire situation and how it was handled by the agency. Now, outline the first three things/steps you will do as you begin your investigation. For example, will you begin by doing some research about the disease? Or would you begin by interviewing Sara? Would you interview someone at the agency? If so, who? Or would you do something else? Please explain your rationale.

Discussion 2 (300 words with 2-3 credible references cited in APA)

I live in Seattle.

1. How does the municipality in which you live ensure compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act?

2. Does your city/town report on water quality annually?

3. Are you able to locate a copy of a recent water quality report for your city/town via the Internet?

4. How safe do you believe the water from your household tap to be?

5. On what evidence do you base this assessment?

How the professional nurse can use the ideas in the article to enhance and improve the quality of health care provided to women experiencing complications of labor and birth.

Search the nursing literature for articles related to the care management of women experiencing labor and birth complications discussed in this chapter. Choose one article and complete a bibliography card that includes the following:

Summary of the key points of the article

Personal reaction to the ideas presented in the article

How the professional nurse can use the ideas in the article to enhance and improve the quality of health care provided to women experiencing complications of labor and birth.

Present your findings in an APA formatted paper.

Describe the health care beliefs of the Korean and Mexican heritage on how they are related to the delivery of health care.

Describe the health care beliefs of the Korean and Mexican heritage on how they are related to the delivery of health care.

2. Is there any similarity between this two cultures.

3. Give your opinion on how the beliefs of the this two culture influence the delivery of health care.

As always and stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document on an Arial 12 font attached to the threat in the tab of the discussion question call “week 10 discussion questions”.  A minimum of 2 evidence based references are required and two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references are required.  A minimum of 500 words are required.

Explain why the objective you chose is of great significance to the population and the health of the communities.

Healthy People 2020 is an initiative established by the US Department of Health and Human Services to monitor the progress of the population in reaching national goals and objectives designed for health promotion and prevention. Healthy People 2020 is the product of extensive input from stakeholders. Many of its goals and objectives have been met, but there is still progress to be made.

From the assigned readings this week, review the following Web site:

Review the listed topics and objectives of Healthy People 2020 and select one that is of interest to you. Then, respond to the following:

  • Explain why the objective you chose is of great significance to the population and the health of the communities.
  • Describe the federal program established in response to your selected objective.
  • Examine the implications of the program in healthcare in terms of morbidity, mortality, policy, and costs.

Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.

Part 2: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 is a pivotal piece of legislation aimed to improve the current healthcare system in the United States. The legislation intends to ensure that all American citizens have access to good quality and affordable healthcare. One of the main focuses of the act is preventing chronic disease and improving public health.

From the assigned readings this week, review the following Web resource:

Considering that the PPACA bill recommends the elimination of copayments (or copays) and deductibles for preventative healthcare for women, respond to the following:

  • Provide a brief overview of PPACA.
  • What are the implications of the PPACA for public health?
  • In your opinion, do you think that the elimination of copays and deductibles will increase the number of women who have annual mammograms? Justify your answer.
  • Even if these screening services are available, what would be the barriers to accessing these services?

Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.

Explain which steps should be followed when using evidence-based practice for this program. Provide at least two examples of evidence-based practice that can be referred to for the program.

The Public Health Department is planning to develop an adolescent substance abuse prevention program.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about the stages of research synthesis. Based on your research, respond to the following:

  • Using meta-analysis, apply and explain the stages of research synthesis that you would propose to address adolescent substance abuse.
  • Identify the best practices that will form the basis of service delivery.
  • Analyze and explain whether evidence-based practice would prove to be the best choice for this program.
  • Explain which steps should be followed when using evidence-based practice for this program. Provide at least two examples of evidence-based practice that can be referred to for the program.
  • Analyze and explain which of the summative evaluation methods is the most effective in accessing a research program’s outcomes or effects. Describe the pros and cons of using each method.

Shows the help line number for South University Online Inc. The number is 1-888-444-3404.

Click here to submit a content alert.  ArrowUse the Respond link to post responses and materials that pertain to this assignment. Use the Respond link beneath any existing postings to respond to them.

Describe the problem and how the issue has been addressed. List the advantages and disadvantages of the method(s) used to address it. Explore how you might handle these components and include three reasonable approaches to address the issue. 

As discussed throughout this course, there are many factors that contribute to the success of an effective public health response. A prompt response, accurate documentation of the event, and communication with both personnel and the public are intertwined. Once the event has passed the critical stage and disaster recovery begins, a thorough evaluation needs to be completed to reflect on what went well and what did not. These evaluations will provide crucial information to public health professionals to improve performance for the next disaster.

You have learned more about public health issues, environmental factors, behavioral health and wellness, immunization, and social determinants of health. In this assignment, you will research and develop a PowerPoint presentation to address the future of public health and the implications of public health issues for future generations.

Select a current public health issue. You can select an issue addressed in this course or one of your choice (e.g., chronic diseases, immunization, obesity, heart disease, and/or an environmental issue). Identify at least five scholarly resources (peer-reviewed references) to support your assertions. Analyze the current status of your selected issue to determine how this issue will impact the future of public health including the implications for future generations and public health involvement.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Describe the problem and how the issue has been addressed. List the advantages and disadvantages of the method(s) used to address it. Explore how you might handle these components and include three reasonable approaches to address the issue.
  • Discuss the future of public health and how your selected issue will affect the people of the United States.
  • Describe how this situation might be handled in a different manner. Recommend ways by which public health involvement can improve handling of the issue in future occurrences and identify some examples to change the status quo.
  • Support your statements using scholarly literature and evidence-based information from at least five authoritative resources.
  • Be sure to state major points clearly and support with specific details, examples, or analysis.

Develop a 15–20-slide presentation on this issue. Submit your presentation to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Week 5, Day 6.

Name your document SUO_PHE4095_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.ppt.

Cite all sources using the APA format.


Dickey, R. W., Rotkin-Ellman, M., & Solomon, G. (2012). FDA risk assessment of seafood contamination after the BP oil spill/FDA risk assessment of seafood c

.Evaluation of teaching experience 4.Community response to teaching 5.Areas of strengths and areas of improvement  Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include: 1.Summary of teaching plan 2.Epidemiological rationale for topic 3.Evaluation of teaching experience 4.Community response to teaching 5.Areas of strengths and areas of improvement  Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Why has the United States been unsuccessful in evolving the current health care system into a national health care system?

Write a paper that discusses the following 3 elements:

  • Provide an overview of how health care in the United States has evolved since the postindustrial period.
  • How has the evolution of medical technology, graduate medical education, and the professionalization of medical and nursing staff affected the delivery of care?
  • Why has the United States been unsuccessful in evolving the current health care system into a national health care system?

Note: Use APA style and 3 scholarly references.