Write at least a two page summary paper of current government, legislative, and regulatory influences on information management systems

Write at least a two page summary paper of current government, legislative, and regulatory influences on information management systems. Based on your readings from textbook, external sources, and this unit’s lecture, include the following:  a problem statement based on the ever-changing legislative and regulatory rules regarding health information systems   explanation of how these rules impact health information management professionals  Be sure to use at least three scholarly and current references to support your paper content. Your paper should consist of at least two pages and should be formatted to meet APA guidelines.

Based on your readings from textbook, external sources, and this unit’s lecture, include the following: a problem statement based on the ever-changing legislative and regulatory rules regarding health information systems  explanation of how these rules impact health information management professionals Be sure to use at least three scholarly and current references to support your paper content. Your paper should consist of at least two pages and should be formatted to meet APA guidelines.

Select a disease registry from your local health department or public health website. How has the registry improved and/or educated the community on the disease? Is the registry effective? Why or why not

Select a disease registry from your local health department or public health website.  How has the registry improved and/or educated the community on the disease?  Is the registry effective?  Why or why not

What is Jesus’ true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus’ identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?

rite a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the  to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one reference regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite.

Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper.

Organize your paper with the following sections, using the seven underlined titles for subheadings.

Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined titles for a subheading.

  1. God: What is God like? What are God’s characteristics? What is his creation?
  2. Humanity: What is human nature? What is human purpose? What is the root cause of human problems?
  3. Jesus: What is Jesus’ true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus’ identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?
  4. Restoration: What is the solution to human problems according to the Christian worldview? What role do grace and faith play in Christian salvation? How do Christians think that the transformation of self and society happen?
  5. Analysis: Analyze the Christian worldview by addressing each of the following questions: What are the benefits or strengths of Christian belief? What is troublesome or confusing about Christianity? How does Christianity influence a person’s thinking and behavior?
  6. Reflection: Reflect on your worldview by answering one of the following questions: If you are not a Christian, what similarities and differences are there between your worldview and the Christian worldview? If you are a Christian, how specifically do you live out the beliefs of the Christian worldview?
  7. Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
  8. References


In at least 150 words, complete your introductory paragraph with a thesis statement in which you will address each of the following six sections with at least one paragraph each.


In at least 150 words, respond thoroughly to the questions in the assignment. Be sure to include citations.


In at least 150 words, respond thoroughly to the questions in the assignment. Be sure to include citations.


In at least 150 words, respond thoroughly to the questions in the assignment. Be sure to include citations.


In at least 150 words, respond thoroughly to the questions in the assignment. Be sure to include citations.

In at least 150 words, respond thoroughly to the questions in the assignment. Be sure to include citations.


In at least 150 words, respond thoroughly to the questions in the assignment. Be sure to include citations.


In at least 150 words, synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together. Be sure to include citations.

 Select a global health issue from the World Health Organization (WHO) list of health topics available at http://www.who.int/topics/en/

 Select a global health issue from the World Health Organization (WHO) list of health topics available at http://www.who.int/topics/en/

Discuss who would be the champion for the bill/law change from your state advocates (legislators, federal legislators, local or national state nursing organizations). Are these individuals also influential in making changes occur? Did you vote for the individual in office that you want to help you make this change?

The IOM Future of Nursing report calls for an increase in leadership from nurses at all levels. One way nurses demonstrate their role as a leader, is through public policy change.  A leader does not always carry an official title or position, but demonstrates leadership through the work and the stance the leader takes to make a change for the good of others. Nurses have been noted by the Gallop poll year after year as the most trusted professionals.

This assignment requires thought about a public policy that is needed or needs to be changed that relates to nursing, health care, or the public.  Policy changes can occur by working with members of your legislature, and state or national nurses associations, to introduce a new bill and/or change to a current law in your state or federal government.

Examples of public policy includes any component of the current legislation governing health care, Medicare Part D, Medicaid, nursing regulation, medication technicians, etc.

In 750-1,000 words, propose a health policy change (that is currently a bill, a law, or may not exist at all) at the state or federal level that you believe needs to change and why.

  1. The policy must not be a clinical care policy for individual care. The policy involved may include public or community health, legislative or regulatory, professional organization (nursing-oriented), advanced nursing practice, health plan, or hospital plan.
  2. Include a specific section for the exact wording for the bill or change in wording of the law.
  3. Include the plan for the implementation of your policy development, to lobbying for passage, to next steps after passage.
  4. Discuss who would be the champion for the bill/law change from your state advocates (legislators, federal legislators, local or national state nursing organizations). Are these individuals also influential in making changes occur? Did you vote for the individual in office that you want to help you make this change?


  1. Review different pieces of legislation for ideas on wording.
  2. Visit your state’s legislative governmental affairs website site to understand the process your policy change could take if you wanted to introduce to into legislation.

Discuss at least two implications of health care reform on the health care organization’s goals and strategic plan. How will processes and operations need to be adjusted to meet the requirements of health care reform legislation?

1) Discuss at least two implications of health care reform on the health care organization’s goals and strategic plan. How will processes and operations need to be adjusted to meet the requirements of health care reform legislation?

2)Evaluate the “Comprehensive Organizational Plan” presented by Oetjen and Rotarius. Is this model suitable for any type of health care organization? Discuss the implications of the model on the ability of health care managers to contain cost, preserve quality, and promote universal access.

3)Compare and contrast at least two methods of assessing health care organizations’ operational needs and explain how they differ based upon a particular health care setting.

4)What is the purpose of a balanced scorecard? How is the balanced scorecard used to lead and manage an organization? How can the balanced scorecard be linked to organizational effectiveness as well as individual performance evaluation?

5)Describe the effect of higher levels of medical spending, profitability, and fiscal margins on process quality for health care organizations. Indicate the role of financial stability in health care organizations on their ability to adequately resource the staffing, equipment, and infrastructure that support care delivery. Specifically, what is the effect of financial flexibility in increased use of preventative and wellness measures and lower length of stay?

6)Discuss Pettigrew’s theory on the contextual dependency of strategic change. Explain the concept of the disciplining context and why medical professionals accepted and used it. Also, explain why the internal market system, which was implemented to solve financial problems, was abandoned.

Discuss different ways (at least 2 ) that advanced practice nurses can engage in activism and prevent Big Tobacco from further disabling  the health of many communities? 

For a community to improve its health, its members must often change aspects of the physical, social, organizational, and even political environments to eliminate or reduce factors that contribute to health problems or to introduce new elements that promote better health. Discuss different ways (at least 2 ) that advanced practice nurses can engage in activism and prevent Big Tobacco from further disabling  the health of many communities?

Describe a current health disparity. Explain which social determinants of health are contributing to this health disparity.

 Describe a current health disparity. Explain which social determinants of health are contributing to this health disparity. Identify the target population, the impact, and descriptive statistics. Explain how this health disparity is currently being addressed, organizations that are involved, and the anticipated outcomes. ,

How have the issues been expressed by each side? Describe the behavior of the players on each side of the issue and identify the ethical dilemmas related to their situation..

These questions require you to not only reflect on the video, but also think and identify the moral and/or ethical dilemmas presented in the video.

Respond to the following questions:

What are the key issues presented in this video?

Corporate business models – equity backed firms

How have the issues been expressed by each side? Describe the behavior of the players on each side of the issue and identify the ethical dilemmas related to their situation..

What seems to be motivating this behavior? (greed, altruism, politics, laws, policies, behavior. etc.).

Take a stand and identify any ethical concerns about their position that you find unacceptable.

What do you think the key players should have do to help resolve the dental crisis? When possible USE DATA to support your position.

What would you do if you found yourself in a profession facing a similar circumstance? (consider both sides) What values do you possess to inform your choice?

Describe some of the ethical principles that relate back to this course?