Discuss the EBP process and importance to nursing practice. Identify your selected specialty track( family nurse practitioners).

Discuss the EBP process and importance to nursing practice. Identify your selected specialty track( family nurse practitioners). Provide a rationale on why you selected the specific professional track. Identify a concept or topic you have a passion about or an area of interest related to your future specialty advanced practice area. Provide an example, using the best evidence available, substantiating the significance of your selected area of interest as it relates to your specific specialty track.

Explain each of the seven steps, including the sub steps, with detailed, specific examples on how you will effectively change negative attitudes in your department.

Several attitudes can be displayed in the workplace depending on conditions, management style, personal issues, and values. There are seven steps for changing attitudes in the workplace. Now, read the following scenario:

You are a new manager in the department (either major or desired management position). You discover that the majority of staff members have a negative attitude, they gossip, and have low morale. Many bring their home issues and problems to work.

You may also research on the topics related to attitudes and perception and write your response. Your response should be of at least three pages.

Based on the above scenario and your research, answer the following questions in a Microsoft Word document:

· Explain each of the seven steps, including the sub steps, with detailed, specific examples on how you will effectively change negative attitudes in your department.

· What will you do specifically to turn your department around to a well-functioning team with positive attitudes?

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Identify key interventions in your practice. What evidence supports the use of the intervention? What patient safety measures are considered?

Identify key interventions in your practice. What evidence supports the use of the intervention? What patient safety measures are considered? Describe the consistency of this practice across settings (e.g., different facilities, different settings, different nurses).

You have an idea to improve patient care that you would like upper management to support and fund. What type of communication tool would you use to present your idea and why?

You have an idea to improve patient care that you would like upper management to support and fund. What type of communication tool would you use to present your idea and why?

How do they compare to the Windshield Survey in relation to providing the best health care services for a community?  

•Identify the strengths and limitations of the Problem-Oriented, Single Population, and Familiarization approaches to community assessment.

•How do they compare to the Windshield Survey in relation to providing the best health care services for a community?

Your initial post is to be about 150 words, referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference.

. How do you honor requests as submitted? What if two of the requests for vacations came from RNs scheduled to work the same weekends, and they both asked for exactly the same days off?

clerks. The schedule for the next 2 months is due in administration by next week, and you are beginning to work on it. Various requests have been submitted by personnel for vacations, educational conferences, time to attend a wedding, and long weekends, and a request from one nurse asks not to be rotated to weekend evenings or nights because her husband bowls on weekends, and she has no babysitter for their three young children. Then answer the following questions:

a. What types of additional information do you need to complete this schedule?

b. How do you honor requests as submitted? What if two of the requests for vacations came from RNs scheduled to work the same weekends, and they both asked for exactly the same days off?

c. How do you inform staff whether their requests have been honored? Are they informed by seeing the postedschedule?

d. Are requests taken in the order in which they are received? Or do you have another means of honoring requests?

Provide your responses on an APA formatted paper.

What is your opinion of this course? Did it meet your expectations? What suggestions can you offer for improvement of this course for future students?

What is your opinion of this course? Did it meet your expectations? What suggestions can you offer for improvement of this course for future students?

Optional: Discuss your views on the Affordable Care Act. Do you think this law will improve the U. S. health care system? Why or why not?

What barriers, challenges and opportunities (within the educational and medical system) impacted Alvord’s training as a medical doctor?   How did her personal journey impact the doctor she has become?  How has your journey impacted your career as a nurse/health care provider?

1. What barriers, challenges and opportunities (within the educational and medical system) impacted Alvord’s training as a medical doctor?   How did her personal journey impact the doctor she has become?  How has your journey impacted your career as a nurse/health care provider?

2. What specific environmental, political, economic and social realities impact Navajo health, susceptibilities to disease as described by Alvord?  What role do you think your client’s environmental, economic and social reality play in your patient’s/client’s health? Use examples as given in the book.

3. Given her unique perspective, what do you think Dr. Alvord contributes to the practice of biomedicine-Western Medicine? What does “hozho” mean and how does it impact Dr. Alvord’s practice of medicine? How does she uniquely combine her medical practice with the Navajo medical traditions and philosophies about health and patient care?  What philosophy about health drives your patient care?

What information can be found using this system? What are the  advantages and limitations, if any, to the information that is  available?

Components of Knowledge Management

According  to the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO),  the four core components of knowledge management are:

  • Governance: The leadership that commits to an organizational structure capable of managing the knowledge.
  • Content: The quantity and quality of the data and information that is managed.
  • Processes: The standards and guidelines that will be used to collect, manage, and disseminate information.
  • Technology: The system supporting the other three components.

Using  the South University Online Library or the Internet, research and read  the article, “Rhode Island HEALTH Web Data Query System: Death  Certificate Module” (Gjelsvik & Monteiro, 2009).

Click here to read the article.                http://rimed.org/medhealthri/2009-01/2009-01-32.pdf


Gjelsvik, A., & Monteiro, K. (2009). Rhode Island HEALTH web data query system:
Death certificate module. Health by Numbers92(1), 32-33.

Based on your reading, create a 5- to 6-page document in Microsoft Word, which includes the answers to the following questions:

  • What is the “Rhode Island HEALTH Web Data Query System: Death  Certificate Module?” Briefly describe the system’s purpose and how it  came about.
  • Which organizations are involved in its governance? Provide a list and description of each organization.
  • What information can be found using this system? What are the  advantages and limitations, if any, to the information that is  available?
  • How is the information collected, managed, and retrieved?
  • What are the technological components or services that this system relies on? Why?

Conduct a query using one of the programs on this site.  http://health.ri.gov/programs/detail.php?pgm_id=138

Describe your query and then provide the results you obtained using this system.