: Compose an original essay in response to the prompt to avoid plagiarism and ensure the essay is on topic

Many students who enroll at Walden University are intrigued by its commitment to positive social change. As a member of the Walden community, how do you see yourself as an advocate of that mission? In what ways are you already making a difference in the world?

In 250 words or less, write an original essay in response to the prompt above. To present your strongest writing skills, please ensure your essay:

Concerns the essay topic specified in the assignment prompt.

Appears in paragraphs with an introduction, a body section, and a conclusion.

Maintains academic integrity by demonstrating your original work.


Planning your Essay

POINT 1 : Compose an original essay in response to the prompt to avoid plagiarism and ensure the essay is on topic.

POINT 2: Carefully read and reread the assignment prompt and clearly address the question(s) posed.

POINT 3: Outline your essay before writing to determine your central idea, supporting points, and evidence/examples and to ensure that these ideas are connected to each other and the prompt.

POINT 4: Keep the 250-word count requirement in mind while outlining, and only plan to write as much as the assignment prompt allows.

Drafting your Essay

POINT 5: Organize the essay with a beginning (a brief introduction paragraph), middle (body paragraphs), and end (a brief conclusion).

POINT 6: Develop ideas by providing personal examples, explanation, and reasoning; personal examples are appropriate evidence in developing a response to the prompt, and it is not necessary to integrate and cite outside evidence.

POINT 7: Use first-person pronouns – such as I, me, and my – and avoid passive voice, writing instead in active voice, to make ideas clear.

POINT 8: Transition between paragraphs and between ideas within paragraphs by including a thesis, topic sentences, and transitional phrases.

Name two different methods for evaluating evidence. Compare and contrast these two methods. Please cite references

Name two different methods for evaluating evidence. Compare and contrast these two methods. Please cite references

 Describe the popular health care beliefs of these three culture and if there is any similarity in their beliefs.  

 Describe the popular health care beliefs of these three culture and if there is any similarity in their beliefs.  2.  How the cultural health care beliefs of these three cultures influence the delivery of health care and how you as a professional  nurse can deal with them while providing nursing care.  As always and stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document Arial 12 font attached in the week 14 forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard.  A minimum of two evidence based references no older than 5 years (excluding the class textbook).  Two replies to any of your peers posting are required sustained by the proper references.  A minimum 500 words are required

· Identify the resources currently available in your state to support this family in the care of this child, including assistance programs for costs of health care follow-up and pharmaceutical treatment agents.

Will need 5 full pages, double spaced all throughout the page for the case study, APA Style, Times New Roman, font 12, Title Page and a Reference page. 

Topic: Respiratory Issues Complicated by Economic Disadvantage

A mother brings her 8-year-old child to the clinic, stating the child “just isn’t breathing right, doesn’t want to play, just lies on the couch — this happens all the time.”

The appearance of both mother and child is disheveled. The child’s wheezing can be heard across the room. When asked if the child is better at any certain time of the day, the mother responds, “It’s like this all the time and has been for the past year — we saw a doctor last year who diagnosed asthma but we don’t have any money for drugs or to come back to the clinic.”


APA formatted paper of no more than five (5) pages excluding title page and references.

· Identify the resources currently available in your state to support this family in the care of this child, including assistance programs for costs of health care follow-up and pharmaceutical treatment agents.

· Create a communication plan for mother and child for both prescriptive and non-prescriptive drug therapies.

. What do you think has changed in nursing education over the last several years from evidence-based research? How have you notice things that changed? 

 Many of you started nursing school years ago. What do you think has changed in nursing education over the last several years from evidence-based research? How have you notice things that changed?

What are the  implications for assessment of skin integrity? 

What are the  implications for assessment of skin integrity?

Write a paper  defining treatment and early detection of skin disorders?

▪ Identify the purpose of analysis, the targeted level of policy (i.e., clinical 

Purpose: To investigate & integrate knowledge of advanced nursing practice, scholarly inquiry, & leadership by examining a policy at the level of clinical practice, health care systems, or public/social health policy. Students are to submit a paper between 7-10 pages long excluding title page and reference pages. Paper must be organized according to the guidelines below and should include all the identified sections as required. Paper must be completed in APA format and contain current scholarly sources dated from 2010 until current.


Introduction 10 points 


▪ Generally define & describe the policy issue to be addressed.
▪ Identify the purpose of analysis, the targeted level of policy (i.e., clinical

practice, health care systems, or public/social health) & significance of topic. ▪ Identify questions the policy analysis is intended to address.



10 points 


  • ▪  Provide details of the issue or problem, including its nature/scope, relevant literature & history, & the context within which the issue exists.
  • ▪  Describe existing policy addressing the issue, if any.
  • ▪  Discuss strengths & shortcomings in existing policy.
  • ▪  Identify & describe key stakeholders (individuals & groups) that are or will
    be affected by the policy & why.



30 points 


  • ▪  Identify alternative policies to achieve objectives.
  • ▪  Establish/identify criteria that will be used for selection of “best” policy.
  • ▪  Evaluate each alternative & its potential impact relative to the healthcare &
    patient outcomes.
  • ▪  Assess the trade-offs between alternatives.



20 points 


  • ▪  Based on the analysis, identify the “best” alternative to address the current issue & policy situation.
  • ▪  Provide rationale for selection.
  • ▪  Describe possible strategies to implement selected alternative.
  • ▪  Identify barriers to implementation of selected alternative.
  • ▪  Describe methods to evaluate policy implementation.


Discussion 20 points 


  • ▪  Discuss analysis & recommendations relative to the original questions identified, & the level of policy it is intended to address (i.e., clinical practice, health care systems, or public).
  • ▪  Identify limitations of analysis.
  • ▪  Discuss implications for practice, education, research, & policy-making.


Conclusion 5 points 


▪ Summarize findings & recommendations of analysis
▪ Identify questions to be addressed in future studies or policy analyses.


References 5 points 


▪ List all references cited in paper. Must be completed in APA format.




▪ Table displaying results of analysis, including, for example, a list of alternatives & the degree to which each alternative may be most effective. Other tables & appendices as needed to support analysis.

Describe a specific, realistic change that could be made to address the issue.

Review Chapter 8 in the course text. Focus on Kurt Lewin’s change theory, and contrast it with other classic change models and strategies.

Reflect on problems, inefficiencies, and critical issues within a specific department, unit, or area in your organization or one with which you are familiar. Select one issue as a focal point for this assignment, and consider a change that could be made to address the issue.

Think about how the change would align with the organization’s mission, vision, and values as well as relevant professional standards.

Using one of the change models or strategies discussed in Chapter 8, begin formulating a plan for implementing the change within the department/unit. Outline the steps that you and/or others should follow to facilitate the change effort. Align these steps to the change model or strategy you selected.

Determine who should be involved in initiating and managing the change. Consider the skills and characteristics that are necessary to facilitate this change effort.


To complete:

By Day 7

Write a 3- to 5-page paper (page count does not include title and reference page) that addresses the following:

  1. Identify a problem, inefficiency, or issue within a specific department/unit.
  2. Describe a specific, realistic change that could be made to address the issue.
  3. Summarize how the change would align with the organization’s mission, vision, and values as well as relevant professional standards.
  4. Identify a change model or strategy to guide your planning for implementing the change. Provide a rationale for your selection.
  5. Outline the steps that you and/or others would follow to facilitate the change. Align these steps to your selected change model or strategy.
  6. Explain who would be involved in initiating and managing this change. Describe the skills and characteristics that would be necessary to facilitate the change effort.

only scholarly references at least 4

see sample paper attached

Read a qualitative nursing study. If a different investigator had gone into the field to study the same problem, how likley is it that the conclusions would have been the same? How transferable are the research’s findings?

Read a qualitative nursing study. If a different investigator had gone into the field to study the same problem, how likley is it that the conclusions would have been the same? How transferable are the research’s findings?