What are the unique and specific visual characteristics of the object? How are these visual characteristics typical of the time and place in which the object was created?How does meaning or function of the object reflect the culture in which it was produced?

Question 1: Art of the AmericasThis week, we studied a vast array of cultural objects produced in North, South, and Central America prior to 1492. Select one object from each of the following cultures: Aztec, Inca, and North (Native) American.First, identify each object, including its name, date, medium, and location/geographical region of origin.Then, in a minimum of 2 well-developed paragraphs, address the following questions for each object:What are the unique and specific visual characteristics of the object? How are these visual characteristics typical of the time and place in which the object was created?How does meaning or function of the object reflect the culture in which it was produced?

Question 2:

 Neoclassicism, Romanticism, and RealismBeginning in the 19th century, artistic movements carry the suffix “-ism” to their name. Originally derived from Ancient Greek, “-isms” is appended to a word that then reflects a philosophical concept. In the case of art, it comes to mean the philosophy or approach to art that binds a group of artists together.Select one representative example from each of the following “-isms” studied this week: Neoclassicism, Romanticism, and Realism. In 3 well-developed paragraphs, discuss:What is the philosophy or approach to art that is defined by the –ism.What are the specific visual characteristics of your example that are representative of the overall style of the –ism?How does the specific subject of your selected work reflect the philosophy of the –ism?Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.

Discuss the influence of WTO (World Trade Organization) on global health. How is poverty considered the cause of diseases?

Question: Discuss the influence of WTO (World Trade Organization) on global health. How is poverty considered the cause of diseases?

Word limit: 500

one page

no copy &past

plagiarism it’s not allowed

you have 15 hours from now

willing to pay 5$

discuss briefly key public health information pertaining to human trafficking that you as an advanced practice nurse would like to provide to the public.

Research a current news item (newspaper/online article, tv news show, etc.) on human trafficking in the Miami area or elsewhere and analyze how human trafficking is reported via the media. Is this news item a blame narrative? Is the language exploitive or sensitive to the victim? Does the news item provide any public health or health information? If not, discuss briefly key public health information pertaining to human trafficking that you as an advanced practice nurse would like to provide to the public.

Describe four methods of learning and listening. How does a person learn (auditory, visual, etc.) if he or she has a preferred method? How can the person adjust to learning in ways not in his or her preferred method? 

  • Address the following areas including detailed speaker notes. The speaker notes area is the white space below the slide where you can type information similar to a Microsoft Word document. Your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation consists of professional color slides, with detailed speaker notes to include examples to support each slide. •Describe four forms of communication used in the work environment. Discuss the benefits and concerns with each communication method. For example, body language, written, oral, and e-mail.
  • •Describe four methods of learning and listening. How does a person learn (auditory, visual, etc.) if he or she has a preferred method? How can the person adjust to learning in ways not in his or her preferred method?
  • •What environmental and personal barriers hinder communication? Be specific and provide at least three examples.
  • •What impact can diversity in the work environment have on effective and ineffective communication according to age, gender, cultural, or religious diversity?
  • •What three errors do managers commit when providing ineffective feedback?
  •  •Describe three issues managers and team members face if they are not prepared to provide instant communication? What negative result can occur if one is not prepared?
  • •Describe four methods to overcome communication barriers and provide detailed examples.
  • •Provide three key elements with specific examples on how effective communication can reduce errors, improve professional relationships, and assist staff with clear communication.
  • Submission Details:
  • •Your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation should consist of professional color slides, with detailed speaker notes which includes examples to support each slide.
  • •Ensure slides are professional in appearance, color contrast, and font.
  • •Provide references in APA format.
  • •Use correct spelling and grammar. Speaker notes below the slides should contain substance

Describe the role that professional health care organizations and societies play in (1) monitoring quality care

Describe the role that professional health care organizations and societies play in (1) monitoring quality care

(2) disseminating preventative health care measures

(3) the public’s health care literacy?

Select one of the three areas above and discuss established or proposed standards that assist in explaining the role of professional health care organizations and societies.

– Use at least 2 APA references

– Answer questions straight to the poi

Who was the source of funding for this paper?  Why might this contribute to the authors’ bias?  Regardless of whether or not you agree with the premise of the article, how does bias impact a message or how it might be received?

****DUE IN 12 HOURS!

Discussion (275-300 words, 2-3 credible sources cited in APA)

As an employee a job description is generated. Within that job description requirements of the job are included. Elements of the job description are evaluated during an orientation period and usually an annual period. A performance appraisal is performed to assess if you met or succeeded on requirements found in the job description. This discussion should revolve around job requirement(s) and policies related to illness and the various options associated with the type and duration of illness. In responding to this question you may want to focus on specific federal and state laws that also reflect on the question posed.

Now, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a company having healthcare insurance for their workers. Is this cost effective when we see a worker missing work for weeks at a time? What are the legal implications if one is not allowed to take as much time as they need to recuperate?

Discussion (275-300 words, 2-3 credible sources cited in APA)

Read the following article before answering the questions below. Please note that this article is a position statement and also take notice of the source of funding for the authors.

Largeron, N., Levy, P., Wasem, J. & Besse, X. (2015). Role of vaccination in the sustainability of healthcare systems. Journal of Market Access and Health Policy, 3(27043). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4802702/pdf/JMAHP-3-27043.pdf

  • 1. According to the authors, what is the impact on hospitals and healthcare of vaccinations, or lack thereof?
  • 2. Do you agree with the authors’ assessment? Why or why not?
  • 3. Who was the source of funding for this paper?  Why might this contribute to the authors’ bias?  Regardless of whether or not you agree with the premise of the article, how does bias impact a message or how it might be received?

Explain the significance of this individual’s weight and waist diameter. Explain how this individual is at increased risk for insulin resistance.

Mr. R is a 48-year-old Hispanic man who has worked the past 10 years as a warehouse worker. He is 5’6”, weighs 175 pounds, and has a waist circumference of 38”. At his last visit at your office, his blood pressure was 140/60 mm Hg. Prior to the visit, he had fasting blood work done, and his primary care provider plans to review the results with him today. The pertinent diagnostic results are as follows: a fasting plasma glucose level of 137 mg/dL, an HDL level of 27 mg/dL, LDL level of 247 mg/dL, a serum triglyceride level of 210 mg/dL. Use the following prompts as guidelines while performing and writing your case study:

  1. Identify what this individual is most at risk for based on the information presented in this case above.
  2. Explain the significance of this individual’s weight and waist diameter. Explain how this individual is at increased risk for insulin resistance.
  3. Explain briefly the differences between hypoinsulinemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and hypoglycemia as each relate to an individual with type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

For additional details, please refer to the Case Study Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignments and Rubrics section of the course.

CO2: Implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team through communication and relationship building. (PO3)

The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to locate and compare performance measurement data on common health conditions for the hospitals in your area. You will investigate the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services websites and locate the section called Hospital Compare. There you will find data for hospitals within a 50-mile radius of the community where you are working or had your prelicensure clinical experiences. You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation and share the results of your findings. Opportunities for improving performance measurement indicators will be shared.

Course Outcomes

Completion of this assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high-quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO2)

CO2: Implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team through communication and relationship building. (PO3)

CO3: Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change. (PO7)

CO7: Apply leadership concepts in the development and initiation of effective plans for the microsystems and system-wide practice improvements that will improve the quality of healthcare delivery. (POs 2 and 3)

CO8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice. (PO8)

Due Dates

This assignment is to be submitted by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, end of Week 6.


This assignment is worth 200 points.

Please follow Directions very, very carefully. Points are very easily deducted.

Review information found on the following website related to hospital compare http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/HospitalQualityInits/HospitalCompare.html
Read the information carefully and then locate the following website. http://www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare
Search for hospitals within a 50-mile radius of the community where you are working or had your prelicensure clinical experiences. Type in your zip code. Select your hospital and two others. Select hospitals/facilities and choose compare. If you live in a remote area and there are no hospitals listed within a 50-mile radius, select a zip code for a family member or a close friend who does not live near you. The idea is to review comparative data.
Click on the following topics to learn more.
Survey of patient’s experiences
Timely and effective care (focus your search on two of the conditions that apply to services provided at the hospitals)
Readmissions, complications, and deaths
Carefully read the information provided.
Develop a PowerPoint slideshow consisting of 8-10 slides. Include the following, keeping in mind what all this data means.
Title slide with information pertinent to the course.
List reasons to recommend the website Hospital Compare to consumers (patients).
List reasons to recommend the website Hospital Compare to staff who may seek employment.
For the slides below, clearly label the name of each hospital:
Summarize patient experiences data for each hospital.
Summarize timely and effective care data for two conditions.
Summarize data for readmissions and complications and deaths.
List recommendations for improving data for one selected facility.
Summarize what you learned from this experience.
Tutorial: For those not familiar with the development of a PowerPoint slideshow, the following link to the Microsoft website may be helpful. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/support/training-FX101782702.aspx The Chamberlain Student Success Strategies (CCSSS) offers a module on Computer Literacy that contains a section on PowerPoint. The link to SSP CCSSS may be found in the course list in the student portal.
Submit your PowerPoint slideshow by 11:59 p.m. MT, Sunday, end of Week 6.
Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint Presentations

Describe the virus and its family 3. Describe the viral morphology

. Chose a virus from a viral family

2. Describe the virus and its family

3. Describe the viral morphology

3a. DNA vs RNA?

4. Describe how the virus is detected

4a. How is it analyzed in the laboratory

5.  Describe the illness(es) caused by the virus

5a. How is the virus transmitted

5b. Is the virus oncogenic

6. Describe how the virus is treated

7. Is there a vaccine for the prevention of the viral illnesses