1-identify the position of regular germans citizens during the holocaust( just identify the ethical position)

1-identify the position of regular germans citizens during the holocaust( just identify the ethical position)

2-Judge them using a doctrine(brief paragraph)

 Describe the popular health care beliefs of these three culture ( Irish, Italian, and Puerto Rican )and if there is any similarity in their beliefs.

 Describe the popular health care beliefs of these three culture ( Irish, Italian, and Puerto Rican )and if there is any similarity in their beliefs.

2.  How the cultural health care beliefs of these three cultures influence the delivery of health care and how you as a professional  nurse can deal with them while providing nursing care.

APA format

Arial 12 font

A minimum of two evidence based references no older than 5 years

A minimum 500 words are required.

What do you think the expected results would be? Do you think there would be enough evidence to make it common nursing practice? 

If you were to conduct a research study, what topic would you chose to research? This could be anything in the nursing world, either already researched by someone else, or a brand new focus. Who would your test subjects be? How would you conduct the study?

If you were to conduct a research study, what topic would you chose to research? This could be anything in the nursing world, either already researched by someone else, or a brand new focus. Who would your test subjects be? How would you conduct the study? What do you think the expected results would be? Do you think there would be enough evidence to make it common nursing practice?

What additional historical events or social factors may have influenced the creation or interpretation of each painting?

InstructionsArt as RevolutionThis week, we have studied works of art produced in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that reflected, or in some cases, incited, social change or even revolution.Carefully examine the following works, and read about each one in your textbook, course and video lectures, and through reliable internet resources:Hogarth, The Marriage Contract, from Marriage à la Mode, 1743-45David, Death of Marat, 1793Delacroix ,Liberty Leading the People, 1830Goya, Third of May, 1808, 1814-15Courbet, The Stone Breakers, 1849In an essay of 5-7 well-developed paragraphs, address the following questions, making specific references to the five paintings listed above:How did each painting reflect or inspire social change or revolution? What was the social or revolutionary context of the painting?What additional historical events or social factors may have influenced the creation or interpretation of each painting?Explain how the style and specific visual characteristics of each painting contributed to or reflected its overall content or meaning.Do these paintings have the same impact or meaning to audiences today? Why or why not?Include details about the visual characteristics and content of each painting in your response. Provide proper citations for any information from outside sources included in your essay.

 What is Kant’s argument against lying? What is problematic about it,  and what happens when it comes into conflict with other absolute rules?

1.  Discuss the example of Harry Truman dropping nuclear weapons on  Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the context of the Utilitarian and Kantian  principles. Also include a discussion of Elizabeth Anscombe’s critic of  Truman.

2.  Describe the Categorical Imperative. Be sure to include a description  of how Kant derives the principle from an understanding that Morality is  a matter of reason not emotion.

3.  What is Kant’s argument against lying? What is problematic about it,  and what happens when it comes into conflict with other absolute rules?

4. How do Kant’s core values cause him to embrace retribution, and reject rehabilitation?

5. What are the Utilitarian arguments for the implementation of retribution?

6.  Discuss Kolberg’s six stages of moral development. Include in your  discussion the examples of Amy and Jake, and how their different  approaches to a moral dilemma would be understood in the context of  Kohlberg’s theory.

7.  Discuss Giligan’s Objection to Kolberg’s labeling of Amy and Jake. What  are the differences between the way men and women approach moral  dilemma’s according to Giligan?

8.  Discuss the ethics of care. How does it differ from the pre-dominantly  male oriented approaches to morality that have been discussed?

 How the cultural health care beliefs of these three cultures influence the delivery of health care and how you as a professional nurse can deal with them while providing nursing care.

Describe the popular health care beliefs of these three culture and if there is any similarity in their beliefs.

2.  How the cultural health care beliefs of these three cultures influence the delivery of health care and how you as a professional nurse can deal with them while providing nursing care.

Please i need that 2 questions have to be answered by separated and especifice each question and i need 2 references included this book:

-Purnell, L. D. (2013). Transcultural health care: a culturally competent approach (Fourth ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

-Describe the popular health care beliefs of these three culture and if there is any similarity in their beliefs.

. People of Irish Heritage

2. People of Italian Heritage

3. People of Puerto Rican Heritage

-Describe the popular health care beliefs of these three culture and if there is any similarity in their beliefs.

-How the cultural health care beliefs of these three cultures influence the delivery of health care and how you as a professional  nurse can deal with them while providing nursing care.

– APA format

– A minimum of 500 words.

– A minimum of two evidence based references no older than 5 years.

Then describe two pieces of the act that you were unaware was part of the act and how that may affect you as a citizen.

After reading the Kaiser Family Foundation summary on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, state why or why not you believe the act should remain in law, or which pieces should be reversed. Then describe two pieces of the act that you were unaware was part of the act and how that may affect you as a citizen.

2.  How the cultural health care beliefs of these three cultures influence the delivery of health care and how you as a professional  nurse can deal with them while providing nursing care.

People of Irish Heritage

People of Italian Heritage

People of Puerto Rican Heritage

Read chapter 33, 34 & 23 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations.  Read content chapter 33 & 34 in Davis Plus Online Website.  Once done answer the following questions;

1.  Describe the popular health care beliefs of these three culture and if there is any similarity in their beliefs.

2.  How the cultural health care beliefs of these three cultures influence the delivery of health care and how you as a professional  nurse can deal with them while providing nursing care.

As always and stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document Arial 12 font attached in the week 14 forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard.  A minimum of two evidence based references no older than 5 years (excluding the class textbook)