What is the relationship between nosocomial infections and mortality and healthcare cost?     

What is the relationship between nosocomial infections and mortality and healthcare cost?

Topic: “Current Healthcare Issue”

• A Research Proposal MUST include introduction, problem statement, purpose statement, research question, review of literature, sample planning, methodology, statistical analysis with hypothesis, P-Value, Power of Sample Size

• APA Format  • Minimum of 10 pages excluding title and reference page  At least 5 reliable resources including peer reviewed articles within 5 years should be included in literature review

Turn it in submission   >25% website not included

• Due 12/5/17

1. Give a brief history of the client, include the medical history, social history

Comprehensive Evaluation Guidelines

Your scholarly paper is a comprehensive evaluation of an elderly client. You can select a client in any setting. This will be your scholarly paper for this class. It should be submitted in APA format. Your references should not be greater than 5 years old. You must use scholarly references. Throughout your paper you should consider age-related changes (physiological). Please do not write this paper as a health history as in health assessment classes this should be written as a narrative format. It is worth 15% of your grade

Information to be included:
1. Give a brief history of the client, include the medical history, social history
2. Explain the individual’s acute or chronic medical issues. If the individual

has an acute medical problem, explain how it is exacerbated by the aging

process (physiologic age-related changes). If your client does not have any

medical concerns discuss how they are maintaining their health. Use rearch

to support your findings.
3.  Review the medications that the individual is taking, including any over the

counter drugs. Are any of these drugs a problem? Many medications are

problems in the older adult. Explain the issues.
4. Explain the functional status? (ADL and IADL) What is their mobility and

ability to perform everyday activity? If there are any issues or concerns,

5. Look at the mental health and cognitive ability. Is there any impairment? Is

there a concern and if so is it being addresses? Also consider their daily

activities including social.
6. Evaluate the living situation. Is it a problem or potential problem? (living

alone, with family or a facility) Is it a problem or a good fit? Are there safety

issues or concerns? Explain. If you r client is from the hospital you should

be considering their home situation. How will it be impacted due to the

7. What  are your recommendations to improve the quality of life for this



Please use a minimum of 5 resources (textbooks may be used but are not considered as the 5 resources., no more than 5 years old. Make use of journals, that is where your most up-to-date information will be.

2. Describe how a Transient Ischemic Attack is different than an Ischemic Stroke? 

Laura Gray is an active woman, 82 years of age, who lost consciousness and collapsed at home. Her daughter found her mother on the floor, awake, confused, and slightly short of breath. The daughter called EMS. EMS evaluated Mrs. Gray and determined that she may have had a stroke. They notified the nearest designated comprehensive stroke center that they would be arriving with the patient within 15 minutes. The daughter reports that her mother had had an episode of sudden-onset numbness and tingling in the right limb, with slight confusion and slurred speech, 3 days previously. The episode lasted only 5 minutes and then the symptoms went away.  Additional information provided by the daughter indicates that Mrs. Gray has been treated for hypertension for 10 years but notes that she is often not compliant with her antihypertensive medicine. The patient smoked for the past 40 years, drinks occasionally, and is of normal weight.

Please answer the following questions and submit your assignment via Blackboard by the due date.

1. What risk factors does Mrs. Gray have for a stroke?

2. Describe how a Transient Ischemic Attack is different than an Ischemic Stroke?

3. In the hospital, Mrs. Gray is immediately scheduled for a CT scan of her brain. What is the importance of this action?

4. Based on her history and her recent stroke, what type of dementia is Mrs. Gray at risk of developing?

5. According to the National Stroke Association, Atrial Fibrillation raises a person’s risk for stroke by 500%. Go to the National Stroke Association web site and identify the connection between Atrial Fibrillation and stroke. http://www.stroke.org/understand-stroke/preventing-stroke/afib-stroke-connection

6. View the following youtube video “Stroke” by Necleus Medical Media (Sample Version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcmrgwNCPwM and identify the primary differences between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.

This is the assignment guidelines:

  • Normal physiological principles, processes, and mechanisms are explained at the molecular, cellular, and organ levels.
  • Physiological processes and mechanisms relating to the pathology are clearly explained.
  • Answers focus on substantive ideas that are supported by relevant facts and examples.
  • Explanations are clear and incorporate appropriate vocabulary.
  • Thoughtful and convincing responses clearly demonstrate depth of subject knowledge.
  • Information is derived from good quality, credible sources.
  • All questions are answered completely.
  • All content is current and accurate.

Bibliography / Citations / Writing (3 points)

  • Two (2) or more sources used for the assignment (your textbook can be one of the sources).
  • All material that is not considered “common knowledge” is cited.
  • All quotations and/or paraphrasing are cited according to APA format.
  • The full reference for each citation is found in the bibliography.
  • References are listed alphabetically at end of assignment in the bibliography.
  • Bibliography and citations follow APA format.
  • Writing is free of grammatical errors.
  • Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
  • Spelling is correct.

This is the book that should be at least one of the references:


Book Name : Porth’s Pathophysiology

Edition : 9th Edition | | ISBN : 1451146000

Author Name : Sheila Grossman; Carol Mattson Porth;

Identify a need or area for potential growth for your work setting. Develop a business plan for proposed venture. Include how you intend to stash your business plan and the skill mix. Your business plan should be at least 12 – 15 pages long, APA format, and should contain the elements as outlined in the grading rubric. 

Identify a need or area for potential growth for your work setting. Develop a business plan for proposed venture. Include how you intend to stash your business plan and the skill mix. Your business plan should be at least 12 – 15 pages long, APA format, and should contain the elements as outlined in the grading rubric.

Examples might include:

– Raising the acuity level of a newborn nursery from Level 1 to Level 2

– Adding transplant surgery in the operating room

– Developing a diabetic educational outreach program to an already existing inpatient facility.

My topic: Would like to open an additional 5 beds on 2 East (medical surgical unit)

Please refer to attachments for example paper and additional information to use for paper.




Problem or Need  Identification   20 points


Product   Definition    20 points


Market Analysis           30 points


Budget Estimates       30 points


Additional   Financial Analysis    15 points


Timeline   20 points


Conclusion and   Feasibility Statement  20 points


Appendices and   Supporting Documents      20 points


Grammar,   Spelling, Sentence Structure, Syntax, APA    25 points

Consider your rights as an employee or job applicant. What do you know about the laws that prevent unfair treatment and discriminatory practices in the workplace?

Consider your rights as an employee or job applicant. What do you know about the laws that prevent unfair treatment and discriminatory practices in the workplace?

Prior to 1964, employees and job applicants had few rights. Many employers used skin color, religion, or gender as a sole basis to hire or fire employees. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act aimed to protect employees from the prejudices of employers. In fact, after its passing it became the core foundation of workplace discrimination law because it protected five categories, or “classes,” of citizens from unfair employment practices. As time progressed, legislators supplemented Title VII with more anti-discrimination acts and policies. Today, employees or applicants who feel discriminated against due to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, pregnancy, veteran status, or genetics can seek grounds for legal representation.

As a leader in the nursing field, you must take all necessary precautions to ensure that you and your unit, department, and/or organization adhere to the laws outlined and associated with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

To prepare

  • Review Chapter 3, “The Legal Environment and Diversity Management,” in the course text, Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, & Skill Development. Examine how Title VII protects classes of employees across all organizations and professions.
  • Review this week’s media, “Legal Issues,” and the laws that address employment discrimination.
  • Conduct research to learn more about applicable laws and regulations pertaining to the protected class assigned by your Instructor.
  • Select one of the following options:
    • Option 1: Conduct research via the Walden Library and other scholarly sites (such as the ones listed below) to locate an authentic discrimination case involving the protected class that you were assigned.
    • Option 2: Recall an instance of discrimination you have personally experienced or witnessed related to your assigned protected class. Consider the events leading up to and the resolution of this instance.
    • Note: The case/instance that you choose for this Discussion may be from an organization in any field (not just health care) and must have occurred within the last 10 years.
  • Once you have selected your option and case/instance, reflect upon the following questions:
    • What legal issues (i.e., Title VII and other applicable laws) were relevant to this case or instance?
    • What strategies would you propose to prevent a similar situation from occurring in your unit, department, or organization?

Based on the scientific management theory, what are some of the routines in health care that seem to be inefficient? What examples of participative decision making exist in your workplace? Provide your rationale.

Discussion Topic/ Based on the scientific management theory.

This is a discussion post, about 250 words, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, reference source.


Based on the scientific management theory, what are some of the routines in health care that seem to be inefficient? What examples of participative decision making exist in your workplace? Provide your rationale.

Provide details about this in your post. If faced with a mandated reporter issue, what are the steps in reporting the issue?

 Discussion Topic/ Review your state’s mandated reporter statute.

This is a discussion post, about 300 words, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, reference source.


Review your state’s mandated reporter statute. Provide details about this in your post. If faced with a mandated reporter issue, what are the steps in reporting the issue? Create a mandated reporter scenario and post it. Be sure to include a reference to your state’s website related to mandated reporting

Describe the impact of extremely low birth weight babies on the family and on the community (short-term and long-term, including economic considerations, on-going care considerations, and co-morbidities associated with prematurity). Identify at least one support service within the community for preterm infants and their family ( Provide the link).

Discuss disparities related to ethnic and cultural groups relative to low birth weight infants and preterm births.

Describe the impact of extremely low birth weight babies on the family and on the community (short-term and long-term, including economic considerations, on-going care considerations, and co-morbidities associated with prematurity). Identify at least one support service within the community for preterm infants and their family ( Provide the link).

Does the service adequately address needs of this population? Explain your answer.