Explain how second hand smoking can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.

Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants with Second hand smoking.

Your pamphlet should include the following:

How Second hand smoking poses a threat to the health or safety of infants.

Explain how second hand smoking can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.

Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion of second hand smoking and the health or safety of infants.

Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research.

A minimum of three REFENCES, No PLAGIARISM 

Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.

In developing your pamphlet, take into consideration the healthcare literacy level of your target audience.

Part II: Pamphlet Sharing Experience

Write 300 words, NO PLAGIARISM, APA Format


1. Share the pamphlet you have developed with a parent of an infant from a child-care center in the community,

2. Provide a written summary of the teaching / learning interaction. Include in your summary:

3. Demographical information of the parent and child (age, gender, ethnicity, educational level).

4. Description of parent response to teaching.

5. Assessment of parent understanding.

Should members, who have a negative attitude, be placed with members who are positive? Why or why not?

You are in charge of developing a team-building activity to improve collaboration and increased communication for your team members. You are the newly promoted manager. Your department is closing for the day so you have four hours together in a team environment.

Review the following details of team members:

  • Rosanna (46) and Mary (20) are two staff members who do not get along. Rosanna is quiet and a loner. Mary is outspoken, and talks about her personal life to friends.
  • Cindy, (35), and Lolita, (40), are part-time staff. They are stressed due to economy. They interact with full time staff, but full time staff think they complain too much and shouldn’t because they are part time
  • Chip is a twenty-three-year-old maintenance worker who works part-time job at night, in addition to full-time role. He is often tired.
  • Samir is fifty-five, works full-time, and cannot wait until retirement.
  • Sarah (52) is a negative department manager who complains. She is a strong informal leader and has influence over the group.
  • Jerry is twenty-four and in graduate school. He has a positive attitude and is not motivated because no one likes to work together.

You need to divide the team into three groups. Remember this is a team-building activity.

  • How will you make the determination which members to put together?
  • Should members, who have a negative attitude, be placed with members who are positive? Why or why not?
  • How will a negative manager affect the overall group dynamic as opposed to a positive leader who wants to see the team develop?
  • How influential can an informal leader be among team members?
  • What barriers to effective teamwork can you anticipate and how will it be addressed?

Submission Details:

  • Your presentation should consist of 12–15 professional color Microsoft PowerPoint slides (not including the title and reference slide) along with detailed speaker notes to include examples to support each slide.
  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format
  • Present the additional information in the Notes section.

•What would think are the key government roles that must be taken to support citizens with experiencing trauma functioning after a disaster

As a student, you already have gained a great deal of knowledge. What you know and have experienced prior to this class will affect how you perceive, learn, and retain new information. Your learning is also affected by what you think you know. To share your current knowledge, respond to the following in a few sentences before you review the content in the module.

Pre-assessment question:

•What would think are the key government roles that must be taken to support citizens with experiencing trauma functioning after a disaster

1-What types of debris would be generated from a hurricane hitting Miami Florida?

2-In your reflection journal entry for this week, address the following in 2-3 paragraphs, integrating the knowledge you have gained during this week:

1-If you where the chief elected official of a community what would you do to fulfill your obligations in housing recovery?

-In your reflection journal entry for this week, address the following in 2-3 paragraphs, integrating the knowledge you have gained during this week:

•What did you learn from reading your plan that was not covered in this module?

.What is the relationship between state and local mitigation planning?.

Read the article Planning for Resiliency: Evaluation of State Hazard Mitigation Plans under the Disaster Mitigation Act by Philip Berke

1.What is the relationship between state and local mitigation planning?.

2.Based on the research article, list at least three steps and explain the measures you would recommend to strengthen mitigation planning in your community?.

Format. Papers should be formatted according to the following:

•Times new roman.

•12 point font.

•1.5 spacing.

2 paGES

How do you see healthcare reform affecting the role of the nurse educato? Use literature to support your response. Be specific to a selected area of interest In 300 words and at least 2 references.

How do you see healthcare reform affecting the role of the nurse educato? Use literature to support your response. Be specific to a selected area of interest In 300 words and at least 2 references.

•How can an emergency manager keep the public involved in hazard mitigation and the implementation of a hazard mitigation plan after it has been approved and adopted?

As a student, you already have gained a great deal of knowledge. What you know and have experienced prior to this class will affect how you perceive, learn, and retain new information. Your learning is also affected by what you think you know. To share your current knowledge, respond to the following in a few paragraphs before you review the content in the module.

Pre-assessment question:

•How can an emergency manager keep the public involved in hazard mitigation and the implementation of a hazard mitigation plan after it has been approved and adopted?


Flooding is a temporary overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry. Flooding may happen with only a few inches of water, or it may cover a house to the rooftop. There are many possible causes of floods including heavy rain or snowmelt, coastal storms and storm surge, waterway overflow from being blocked with debris or ice, or overflow of levees, dams, or waste water systems, Flooding can occur slowly over many days or happen very quickly with little or no warning.

possible ways to mitigate risk to floods hazard.

Channel modifications- can enlarge cross-sectional area  and thus create a situation where a higher stage is necessary before flooding.  In other words by enlarging the cross-sectional area, higher discharge can be held within the channel.

Dams – Dams can be used to hold water back so that discharge downstream can be regulated at a desired rate.

Levees, Dikes, and Floodwalls-These are structures built along side the channel to increase the stage at which stream floods.


In your reflection journal entry for this week, address the following in 2-3 paragraphs, integrating the knowledge you have gained during this week:

2-Look back at your pre-assessment journal from this module.  What elements of your answers would you change?  Please link your changes to the content that was covered this week

Identify the type of informatics system you envision being used on your unit to improve patient outcomes and nursing processes.

You are working on a busy clinical unit, and you and your peers have identified a new informatics system that may improve patient outcomes on the unit. At the end of the busy day, you and your peers approach your nursing care manager to explain your ideas. The nursing care manager is excited about your ideas and suggests you first review the literature for evidence to support your idea.

Use PowerPoint to create a presentation that you can share with your nursing care manager and other decision-makers within the unit.

Within the presentation, you should include the following:

  • Identify the type of informatics system you envision being used on your unit to improve patient outcomes and nursing processes.
  • Complete a brief five article literature review on your suggested system.
  • Develop a brief abstract on your suggested system utilizing your evidenced-based research.
  • Estimate the cost of the system and implementation needs for the system.
  • Conclude with a thorough explanation of your expectations for the improvement to patient outcomes and nursing processes that you foresee occurring as a result of implementation of your suggested system.

What type of health care organization are you affiliated with? What is your position within the health care organization? Describe your role and scope of responsibilities.

For this assignment, you are required to interview a senior executive of a health care organization. You must ask the following questions and also come up with two additional questions of your own in preparation for the Operations Analysis Diagram assignment:

1) What type of health care organization are you affiliated with? What is your position within the health care organization? Describe your role and scope of responsibilities.

2) Describe the relationship between your health care organization’s vision, mission, goals, and strategic plan.

3) Tell me about a time your organization’s operational performance affected, either positively or negatively, its ability to deliver services and achieve performance goals.

4) Describe the process you take to deliver a particular type of service offered by your health care organization.

5) Describe one aspect of your business operations.

Submit a short reflection, 200-250 words, of your interview experience along with your interview questions and responses. Your reflection should include the following:

1) Your reaction to the interviewee’s response to each question. Were you surprised? Did you agree or disagree and why?

2) Additional questions you have or information you would like to have had based upon the interviewee’s response.

Post the interview questions and responses on a seperate page, including the two additional you developed, responses, and reflection to your instructor for this module

What are the ethical considerations needed when using EHRs? 

Review the history of electronic health records (EHRs) and discuss the pros and cons of EHR systems.

How do EHRs help maintain accurate patient records?

Which types are available to the health community?

What are the ethical considerations needed when using EHRs?

Support your responses with scholarly research. Use  peer-reviewed articles on EHRs. Compose a three page research paper in APA format. Your research paper should have a title page, an abstract, headings that delineate the specific assignment requirements, in-text citations, and a reference page. Cite a minimum of three references.