dentify and describe at least three different specialty areas in public health to include the actual roles/careers, responsibilities, and organizations that employ these positions.

 dentify and describe at least three different specialty areas in public health to include the actual roles/careers, responsibilities, and organizations that employ these positions. Explain whether you have any interest in any of these service areas and the organizations that typically employ these positions. Discuss what your ideal career would be like in public health

1. Chose a virus from a viral family 2. Describe the virus and its family 3. Describe the viral morphology

For those of you who scored less than 80% on the Midterm you may write a 3-4 page paper in MLA style with cited sources.

1. Chose a virus from a viral family

2. Describe the virus and its family

3. Describe the viral morphology

3a. DNA vs RNA?

4. Describe how the virus is detected

4a. How is it analyzed in the laboratory

5.  Describe the illness(es) caused by the virus

5a. How is the virus transmitted

5b. Is the virus oncogenic

6. Describe how the virus is treated

7. Is there a vaccine for the prevention of the viral illnesses

.Describe the change made and comment on the strength of the research evidence utilized and the whether the change led to improved patient outcomes. 2

Locate an article from a peer-reviewed nursing journal where a practice change was made based on research, preferably a change that could relate to your area of practice or organization. Note: You are seeking to find an evidence-based article that describes some change in practice that was based on research; this is all about applying research, not doing research. Thus, you are not looking for a research article, but you are looking for an article that uses evidence from research to make a change. 1.Describe the change made and comment on the strength of the research evidence utilized and the whether the change led to improved patient outcomes. 2.Note any barriers to change that were identified and how they were overcome. 3.End your discussion with a reflection on how this article is useful to you as you consider your role as an advanced practice nurse leading others to use the best evidence to strengthen nursing practice and improve nursing-sensitive patient outcomes.

•Discuss how you feel nurses can positively impact the Healthy People 2020 goals.  

Discussion Question  Respond to one of the following questions:

•Review the Healthy People 2020 objectives for Access to Care. Of all the objectives listed under this topic, which do you think would be most beneficial to the patients with chronic illness? Please give rationales and support responses with references.

•Discuss how you feel nurses can positively impact the Healthy People 2020 goals.

Citations should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below.

 Discuss if there is any similarity in the cultural health care beliefs of these cultures and if there is any similarity with your cultural health care beliefs. 

People of Indian Heritage

People of Turkish Heritage

People of Vietnamese Heritage

Read chapter 25, 37 & 38 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations. Read content chapter 27, 37 & 38 in Davis Plus Online Website.  Once done answer the following questions;

1.  How the cultural beliefs of these 3 cultures affect the delivery of nursing care?

2.  Discuss if there is any similarity in the cultural health care beliefs of these cultures and if there is any similarity with your cultural health care beliefs.

Each question has to be separated  1 and 2. As always present your assignment in an APA format word document Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard. A minimum of 2 evidence based references are required excluding the class textbook.

The class textbook is:

Purnell, L. D. (2013). Transcultural health care: A culturally competent approach. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.

Minimum of word 500 without counting the first and reference page.

Articulate the differentiation between the stages of      skin breakdown associated with immobility.

Select two of the following discussion questions for your discussion response. Indicate which questions you have chosen using the format displayed in the “Discussion Forum Sample.”

  1. Articulate the differentiation between the stages of      skin breakdown associated with immobility.
  2. Rhabdomyolysis is a rapid breakdown of muscle. Detail      the pathophysiology behind rhabdomyolysis.
  3. Explain the difference between basal and squamous cell      carcinoma of the skin.

How could have the organization prevented the likelihood of Sara and her co-worker contracting the disease? Explain.

You have been hired as Assistant Manager of a Home Health Care Agency. The agency offers a wide range of skilled medical services such as nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy from qualified medical professionals. The agency also provides home health aide services including assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing and eating.

Your supervisor told you that she recently received a call from an advocate whom an employee consulted via the Employee Assistance Program because the employee felt that she had been treated unfairly after contracting an illness. She explained that a few months ago, one of your agency’s home health aides, Sara, became ill. Sara had been coughing for approximately six weeks, lost weight without trying, had no appetite, was having difficulty sleeping, and had an intermittent fever. She became concerned and went to see a healthcare professional who diagnosed her with active tuberculosis (TB).

Sara missed a lot of time from work while completing treatment for TB. Her physician cleared her to return to work after she was no longer contagious. Upon returning to work, Sara felt isolated because her boss and co-workers refused to spend time with her. She heard that someone from the agency’s Human Resources Department told her co-workers her diagnosis. The stressful circumstances at work became even worse when another home health aide started to display the same symptoms Sara had.

Your supervisor has asked you to review the entire situation and how it was handled by the agency.

Now, in a complete 2-3 pages paper, address the following: (DO NOT WRITE QUESTIONS IN THE PAPER)

Now In the above scenario, we see a co-worker of Sara displaying symptoms of TB. View Tuberculosis Prevention video: before responding to the following questions:

  • 1. How could have the organization prevented the likelihood of Sara and her co-worker contracting the disease? Explain.
  • 2. Explain the organization’s role and responsibilities in providing safety to workers on the job.
  • 3. What are the rights and responsibilities of workers to ensure their own safety in the job?
  • 4. What are some of the leadership qualities needed to prevent workers from being exposed to communicable diseases?

Your paper must include:

  • · 100% originality
  • · 600-800 words count excluding title and reference page
  • · Proper introduction and conclusion

1. Discuss healthcare workers’ privacy and confidentiality in ensuring all workers are safe in the worksite?

You have been hired as Assistant Manager of a Home Health Care Agency. The agency offers a wide range of skilled medical services such as nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy from qualified medical professionals. The agency also provides home health aide services including assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing and eating.

Your supervisor told you that she recently received a call from an advocate whom an employee consulted via the Employee Assistance Program because the employee felt that she had been treated unfairly after contracting an illness. She explained that a few months ago, one of your agency’s home health aides, Sara, became ill. Sara had been coughing for approximately six weeks, lost weight without trying, had no appetite, was having difficulty sleeping, and had an intermittent fever. She became concerned and went to see a healthcare professional who diagnosed her with active tuberculosis (TB).

Sara missed a lot of time from work while completing treatment for TB. Her physician cleared her to return to work after she was no longer contagious. Upon returning to work, Sara felt isolated because her boss and co-workers refused to spend time with her. She heard that someone from the agency’s Human Resources Department told her co-workers her diagnosis. The stressful circumstances at work became even worse when another home health aide started to display the same symptoms Sara had.

Your supervisor has asked you to review the entire situation and how it was handled by the agency.

Now, in a complete 1-2 pages paper, address the following: (DO NOT WRITE QUESTIONS IN THE PAPER)

We have covered patient confidentiality in our previous courses. Keeping in mind the above scenario and Sara’s situation:

  • 1. Discuss healthcare workers’ privacy and confidentiality in ensuring all workers are safe in the worksite?
  • 2. Describe the role of the manager versus a leader in this scenario.
  • 3. How this situation should be handled?

Your paper must include:

  • 100% originality
  • 1-2 pages count excluding title and reference page
  • Proper introduction and conclusion
  • 3 credible references cited in APA

. Summarize the vaccinations for the greater than 65 years of age group..   

A. Summarize the vaccinations for the greater than 65 years of age group..

B. Is this a comprehensive list?.

C. Are there any other vaccines that you believe should be listed here?