. How could have the organization prevented the likelihood of Sara and her co-worker contracting the disease? Explain.

You have been hired as Assistant Manager of a Home Health Care Agency. The agency offers a wide range of skilled medical services such as nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy from qualified medical professionals. The agency also provides home health aide services including assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing and eating.

Your supervisor told you that she recently received a call from an advocate whom an employee consulted via the Employee Assistance Program because the employee felt that she had been treated unfairly after contracting an illness. She explained that a few months ago, one of your agency’s home health aides, Sara, became ill. Sara had been coughing for approximately six weeks, lost weight without trying, had no appetite, was having difficulty sleeping, and had an intermittent fever. She became concerned and went to see a healthcare professional who diagnosed her with active tuberculosis (TB).

Sara missed a lot of time from work while completing treatment for TB. Her physician cleared her to return to work after she was no longer contagious. Upon returning to work, Sara felt isolated because her boss and co-workers refused to spend time with her. She heard that someone from the agency’s Human Resources Department told her co-workers her diagnosis. The stressful circumstances at work became even worse when another home health aide started to display the same symptoms Sara had.

Your supervisor has asked you to review the entire situation and how it was handled by the agency.

Now, in a complete 2-3 pages paper, address the following: (DO NOT WRITE QUESTIONS IN THE PAPER)

Now In the above scenario, we see a co-worker of Sara displaying symptoms of TB. View Tuberculosis Prevention video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBdC9H00BHY before responding to the following questions:

  • 1. How could have the organization prevented the likelihood of Sara and her co-worker contracting the disease? Explain.
  • 2. Explain the organization’s role and responsibilities in providing safety to workers on the job.
  • 3. What are the rights and responsibilities of workers to ensure their own safety in the job?
  • 4. What are some of the leadership qualities needed to prevent workers from being exposed to communicable diseases?

Your paper must include:

  • · 100% originality
  • · 600-800 words count excluding title and reference page
  • · Proper introduction and conclusion
  • · 3 credible references cited in APA

Discuss healthcare workers’ privacy and confidentiality in ensuring all workers are safe in the worksite? 2. Describe the role of the manager versus a leader in this scenario.

Read this scenario:

You have been hired as Assistant Manager of a Home Health Care Agency. The agency offers a wide range of skilled medical services such as nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy from qualified medical professionals. The agency also provides home health aide services including assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing and eating.

Your supervisor told you that she recently received a call from an advocate whom an employee consulted via the Employee Assistance Program because the employee felt that she had been treated unfairly after contracting an illness. She explained that a few months ago, one of your agency’s home health aides, Sara, became ill. Sara had been coughing for approximately six weeks, lost weight without trying, had no appetite, was having difficulty sleeping, and had an intermittent fever. She became concerned and went to see a healthcare professional who diagnosed her with active tuberculosis (TB).

Sara missed a lot of time from work while completing treatment for TB. Her physician cleared her to return to work after she was no longer contagious. Upon returning to work, Sara felt isolated because her boss and co-workers refused to spend time with her. She heard that someone from the agency’s Human Resources Department told her co-workers her diagnosis. The stressful circumstances at work became even worse when another home health aide started to display the same symptoms Sara had.

Your supervisor has asked you to review the entire situation and how it was handled by the agency.

Now, in a complete 1-2 pages paper, address the following: (DO NOT WRITE QUESTIONS IN THE PAPER)

We have covered patient confidentiality in our previous courses. Keeping in mind the above scenario and Sara’s situation:

  • 1. Discuss healthcare workers’ privacy and confidentiality in ensuring all workers are safe in the worksite?
  • 2. Describe the role of the manager versus a leader in this scenario.
  • 3. How this situation should be handled?

Your paper must include:

  • 100% originality
  • 1-2 pages count excluding title and reference page
  • Proper introduction and conclusion
  • 3 credible references cited in APA

What, in your own words, is human genome project (HGP)? What are its  goals? Why is HGP an important part of the evolution of bioinformatics?

The Human Genome Project

Bioinformatics is a subfield of medical informatics that deals with  molecular biology. It is primarily used in genetics and genomics,  specifically in DNA sequencing. Rapid developments in this area of  science have led to an enormous amount of information that needs to be  entered, organized, and mined for further analysis and sequencing. While  the project was technically completed in 2003, analysis of the data is  still going on and will continue well into the future.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, create a  10- to 12-page report in a Microsoft Word document that answers the  following questions:

  • What, in your own words, is human genome project (HGP)? What are its  goals? Why is HGP an important part of the evolution of bioinformatics?
  • Which legal and ethical issue will you select from the HGP website  for further discussion? Why do you believe that the issue you have  selected is of high importance for discussion? What are the criticisms  or concerns surrounding this particular issue?
  • What response or solution does the HGP provide for the concerns and  criticisms of the above issue? Do they identify any of their own  concerns?
  • What role do you think medical informatics professionals should play in addressing such ethical, legal, or social issues?
  • What is personalized medicine? What are the different applications?
  • What are the legal and ethical considerations for personalized  medicine, including HIPAA? What types of standards and interoperability  issues must be addressed before adopting?
  • What are some of the informatics issues that will need to be addressed in the next ten years?

Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.

Discuss if there is any similarity in the cultural health care beliefs of these cultures and if there is any similarity with your cultural health care beliefs.

People of Vietnamese Heritage  1.  How the cultural beliefs of these 3 cultures affect the delivery of nursing care?  2.  Discuss if there is any similarity in the cultural health care beliefs of these cultures and if there is any similarity with your cultural health care beliefs.  As always present your assignment in an APA format word document Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard call “week 15 discussion questions”.  A minimum of 2 evidence based references are required excluding the class textbook.  Two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references are required.  Minimum of word 500 without counting the first and reference page.

What protein do you suspect the nurse was referring to? How would a deficiency in this protein contribute to edema?

No Plagiarism please, assignment will be checked with Turnitin. 

Will need 4 full pages,  double spaced all throughout the page for the case study, APA Style, Times New Roman, font 12, Title Page and a Reference page. 

Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been answered


Cite at least 3 References; journal articles, textbooks, or evidenced-based websites to support the content.

All sources must be within five years (2012-2017).

Case Study 3:  Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

Amanda is an 18-year-old with anorexia nervosa. She was recently admitted to an eating disorders clinic with a BMI of 13.9, and although she was a voluntary patient, she was reluctant about the treatment. She was convinced she was overweight because her clothes felt tight on her. She complained that even her hands and feet “were fat.” One of her nurses explained that a protein in her blood was low. The nurse further explained that, as difficult as it may be to believe, eating a normal healthy diet would make the “fat hands and feet” go away.

What protein do you suspect the nurse was referring to? How would a deficiency in this protein contribute to edema?

What is the difference between the physiology of pitting and nonpitting edema?

Because of her weakened condition, Amanda was moved around the ward in a wheelchair when she was not on bed rest. How does this affect her edematous tissues?

Summarize the moral/ethical issue in the article (no more than 1 paragraph) · 5. Describe the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the issue

W2A1: Due Sunday 12.10.17 before 12pm(noon)
Analyzing an Ethical Decision

In your role, as an advanced practice nurse, you will encounter several situations that will require your ability to make sound judgments and practice decisions for the safety and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. There may not be a clear cut answer of how to address the issue, but your ethical decision making must be based on evidenced based practice, and what is good, right, and beneficial for patients. You will encounter patients who do not hold your values, but you must remain professional and unbiased in the care you provide to all patients regardless of their sociodemographic and ethnic/racial background. You must be prepared to critically analyze ethical situations, and develop an appropriate plan of action.

For this Assignment:

1. you will review the literature and discover the various ethical dilemmas advanced practice nurses encounter

2.  and how these issues are typically addressed in your state.

To prepare:

· 1. Review literature for moral/ethical issues encountered by advanced practice nurses in clinical practice. (such as the article : This paper will be summarizing the key content of the article “Problematizing self-sufficiency and promotion in nursing.” by Cole, Wellard, and Mummery, (2014) which discusses advocacy and autonomy.

2. Select an article that was published within the last five years. The article I want you the writer to write on is:

(Moral and ethical Dilemmas Facing Nurses)

· Look up:

· “Problematizing self-sufficiency and promotion in nursing.” by Cole, Wellard, and Mummery, (2014) which discusses advocacy and autonomy.

3. Write a two page paper that answers the following questions:

· 4. Summarize the moral/ethical issue in the article (no more than 1 paragraph)

· 5. Describe the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the issue

· 6. Analyze the ethical issue and compare them to the State Health Laws and Regulations in your state

· 7.  Outline the process of ethical decision making you would use to address this ethical dilemma


Email me if do not understand the assignment rather than submitting irrelevant paper to me , please!!!!!!

Write 2 pages

Use Included References/Resources and /or reputable articles

Due 12.10.17 by 12 noon

Follow out line by numbers 1 thru 7

No plagiarism

Topic of my choice is:

{Moral and ethical Dilemmas Facing Nurses}

Required Reading/ References

Clare Cole, Sally Wellard, Jane Mummery(2014), Problematising autonomy and advocacy in nursing(2014) Retrieved from www.


Required Readings

Buppert, C. (2018). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (6th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Bartlett & Jones Learning.

  • Chapter 16, “Resolving Ethical Dilemmas” (pp. 471-479)

This chapter provides examples of ethical dilemmas in NP practice and enables you to analyze the ethical choices inherent in these situations. Ethical analyses are provided in this chapter.

Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M. F., & O’Grady, E. T. (2014). Ethical decision making. In Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach (5th ed.) (328 – 354). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. 

This chapter covers characteristics of ethical dilemmas in nursing, ethical issues affecting advanced practice nurses, ethical decision making competency of advanced practice nurses, evaluation of the ethical decision making competency, and barriers to ethical practice and potential solutions.

Kaplan, C. (2008). Ethical Dilemmas. Advance Healthcare Network. Retrieved from http://nurse-practitioners-and-physician-assistants.advanceweb.com/Article/Ethical-Dilemmas-2.aspx

MidlevelU: The Online Hub for Midlevels. (2013, January 14). Should Providers Treat Their Friends and Family? [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://midlevelu.com/blog/should-providers-treat-their-friends-and-family

Thomas, A. C., Crabtree, M. K., Delaney, K. R., Dumas, M. A., Kleinpell, R., Logsdon, C.,…Nativio, D. G. (2012). Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies. Retrieved from http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.nonpf.org/resource/resmgr/competencies/npcorecompetenciesfinal2012.pdf

Required Media

HEAT Inc., Health Education & Training. (2010, May 12). Ethical Issues In Nursing — Commitment: Patients, Professionalism, and Boundaries. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtuanLybaZs

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 7 minutes.

Optional Resources

Buppert, C. (2004). Can NPs prescribe for family members or themselves? Medscape. Retrieved from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/478418

Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine, & Institute of Medicine (2011). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Retrieved from http://www.nap.edu/catalog/12956/the-future-of-nursing-leading-change-advancing-health

Wood, D. (2015). Everyday ethics for nurses: Addressing ethical challenges – Turning the Nurses Week theme into year-round ethical practice. Retrieved from http://essynursingservices.com/everyday-ethics-for-nurses-addressing-ethical-challenges/

Why are these three specific points the author’s main ideas? b. What makes them stand out to you as a critical reader?

In this Week’s Discussion, you reviewed reading strategies and examined your own research process. Now you will put these concepts and insights in practice for this Week’s Assignment.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review      the Learning Resource on Determining the Main Points of a Reading.
  • Choose one of      the preselected journal articles in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Applying      the concepts from this week’s resources, critically read the journal      article, taking notes or engaging in any research methods that you would      like to try.

By tomorrow 11/09/17, post a 2-3 paragraphs long essay in APA format with 2 references from the list below. Include the level one and two headings as numbered below:

1) Select three related main points from the journal article (excluding the Abstract), and directly quote them (see attached pdf for the article).

2) In addition to the directly quoted main points, compose 1–2 sentences of rationale for each main point.


3) Use these sentences to explain the reason you selected each point from the journal article. Consider the following questions in your rationale:

a. Why are these three specific points the author’s main ideas?

b. What makes them stand out to you as a critical reader?

c. How are these main points related to one another?

By tomorrow 11/09/17 Submit your Application using the Walden Course Paper template by Day 7. Your submission should be at least 3 paragraphs long.

Required Readings

Walden University Writing Center. (2015i). Walden templates: General templates: APA course paper template (6th ed.). Retrieved from http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/templates/general

Laureate Education. (2015). [Infographic]. Understanding Arguments, Baltimore, MD: Author.

Walden University Academic Skills Center. (2017). Determining the main points of a reading. Minneapolis, MN: Author.

Walden University. (2015). Writing a Paper: Understanding Arguments. Retrieved from


Online journal articles:

Grad Writing II: http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/wcss6060 (see attached PDF article)

From the list of selected journal articles, choose and critically read one article in preparation for this week’s Assignment (see attached PDF for the selected article).

Please note: You will use your selected journal article throughout the course.

Note: Walden Library Guides house a selection of journal articles listed in the resources sections for each week/module for which they are required. The citation of the reading is provided and below the citation it should state “Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.”

Required Media

Walden University Writing Center (Producer). (2014, January 13). WriteCast: Five strategies for critical reading (Episode 5) [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from https://soundcloud.com/writecast/005-five-strategies-for

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 11 minutes.

Transcript: http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/transcripts/podcasts/ep005

which do you think would be most beneficial to the patients with chronic illness? Please give rationales and support responses with references.   Discuss how you feel nurses can positively impact the Healthy People 2020 goals.

Respond to one of the following questions: Review the Healthy People 2020 objectives for Access to Care. Of all the objectives listed under this topic, which do you think would be most beneficial to the patients with chronic illness? Please give rationales and support responses with references. 

 Discuss how you feel nurses can positively impact the Healthy People 2020 goals.

Describe the specific ways that each painting shows tension between its inherent two-dimensionality and any illusion of three-dimensionality created by the artist.

Week 5 Discussion

Reflect in ePortfolio

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By the due date assigned, respond to the assigned discussion questions and submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible.

Question 1: The Painting of Modern Life

The late nineteenth century is often cited as a critical point in the development of a “modern” art. Impressionists and Post-Impressionists turned to the contemporary world as primary subject matter, and depicted elements of that world using an innovative style.

Carefully examine the following paintings:

Monet, Rouen Cathedral: The Portal (In Sun), 1894

Manet, Bar at the Folies-Bergère, 1881-82

Seurat, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, c. 1884-86

In 3 well-developed paragraphs, address the following questions:

How is the subject of each painting representative of Impressionism or Post-Impressionism?

How are the style and visual characteristics of each painting representative of Impressionism or Post-Impressionism? Be sure to discuss specific elements such as brushwork/application of paint, use of color and light, and composition, in your response.

Describe the specific ways that each painting shows tension between its inherent two-dimensionality and any illusion of three-dimensionality created by the artist.

Question 2:

Modern and Contemporary Art may seem alien to many people— seemingly without content, message, or purpose. But it can be argued that Modern and Contemporary Art visually reflect the complex and abstract ideas that we experience every day. Although not for everyone, art of the 20th and 21st centuries is often a key part of the collection in many art museums. As you consider the wide range of modern and contemporary art types that we studied this week, think of yourself actually visiting a modern art museum. In 2 well-developed paragraphs discuss:

While you are visiting, what type of Modern or Contemporary art will you most want to see and why? Be sure to name the specific style (e.g., Analytic Cubism, Pop Art, Abstract Expressionism)

What type will you put last on your list of “things to look for?”

Why do you feel that way?

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas. Include the images of these specific works of art in your response.

Respond to both questions as thoroughly as possible, making sure to use information from the readings and the lectures. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.