Discuss the ways that industry influences the curriculum of  nursing schools and the ways that faculty can monitor these changes in order to give consideration to what changes should be made.

 Discuss the ways that industry influences the curriculum of  nursing schools and the ways that faculty can monitor these changes in order to give consideration to what changes should be made. (eg. Communication, questionnaires, monitoring techniques, etc.)

Discussion Question: Explain the Process of Assignment, Confounding Variable: Publication Bias and Masking. Refer to your textbook 

Books Required Nursing Research: Studying A Study & Testing A Test, 6 th Edition, Reading Evidence – Based Health Research. Author: Richard K. Riegelman, MD, MPH, PhD; Michael L. Rinke, MD, PhD. ISBN: 978-0-7817-7426-0 Publisher: Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, (2013)

Reading Assignment: Chapters 5 -7 in your Textbook.

3. Discussion Question: Explain the Process of Assignment, Confounding Variable: Publication Bias and Masking. Refer to your textbook

1. Why is emergency preparedness crucial for hospitals of the 21st century?

You have been hired as Assistant Manager of a Home Health Care Agency. The agency offers a wide range of skilled medical services such as nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy from qualified medical professionals. The agency also provides home health aide services including assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing and eating.

Your supervisor told you that she recently received a call from an advocate whom an employee consulted via the Employee Assistance Program because the employee felt that she had been treated unfairly after contracting an illness. She explained that a few months ago, one of your agency’s home health aides, Sara, became ill. Sara had been coughing for approximately six weeks, lost weight without trying, had no appetite, was having difficulty sleeping, and had an intermittent fever. She became concerned and went to see a healthcare professional who diagnosed her with active tuberculosis (TB).

Sara missed a lot of time from work while completing treatment for TB. Her physician cleared her to return to work after she was no longer contagious. Upon returning to work, Sara felt isolated because her boss and co-workers refused to spend time with her. She heard that someone from the agency’s Human Resources Department told her co-workers her diagnosis. The stressful circumstances at work became even worse when another home health aide started to display the same symptoms Sara had.

Your supervisor has asked you to review the entire situation and how it was handled by the agency.

Many complex problems facing today’s healthcare managers (in this scenario the Assistant Manager of a Home Health Care Agency) have a financial, legal, and ethical implications for their organization.

Address the following questions:

  • Keeping in mind the legitimate healthcare problem of Sara having TB, and then identify and discuss the financial, legal, and ethical implications associated with this problem. Which implication (i.e., financial, ethical, or legal) is the most important and why? Which is the least important and why?

Discussion 2 (300 words, 2-3 credible references cited in APA)

Address the following questions:

  • 1. Why is emergency preparedness crucial for hospitals of the 21st century?
  • 2. For what types of emergencies must hospital administrators of today now be prepared?

Select one specific quality indicator      from the Week 2 Discussion and compare it with those outlined in this      week’s Learning Resources (In week 2 discussion, I spoke about nosocomial      infections and pain management as quality indicators).

Health care quality is a nationally recognized topic that is addressed through public policies, licensure, and accreditation standards for health care professionals and organizations. Throughout history, numerous organizations have been involved in developing health care quality and safety initiatives.
The Joint Commission and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) developed quality and safety indicators for various health care systems. These indicators seek to establish accountability for health care organizations through a reporting system, which is available to the public. For this Discussion, explore various accrediting organizations and specific measures that pertain to quality. In your research on accrediting organizations, consider how these quality measures affect quality outcomes, support ethical principles, and influence the delivery of clinical services.
To prepare:

  • Select one specific quality indicator      from the Week 2 Discussion and compare it with those outlined in this      week’s Learning Resources (In week 2 discussion, I spoke about nosocomial      infections and pain management as quality indicators).
  • Review the accrediting body standards      that pertain to your organization focusing on those standards that require      your organization to define its quality management program.
  • Consider regulatory requirements at      the state or national level that affect quality outcomes in your      organization.
  • Ask yourself: How do the Centers for      Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) restricted reimbursements affect      quality management or improvement efforts at my organization? How do these      standards and regulations influence or support ethical principles and      influence patient care and nursing practice?

By tomorrow Wednesday 12/13/17, write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with at least 3 references from the list below that addresses the level one & two headings as numbered and lettered below:

post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

1) Choose any measurement and explain the extent to which your chosen measure is affected by CMS driven incentives and disincentives.

2) From a systems perspective, discuss how this measure affects:

a. Quality outcomes

b. Supports ethical principles

c. Influences patient care and nursing practice.

Required Readings

Joshi, M.S., Ransom, E.R., Nash, D.B., & Ransom, S.B., (Eds.). (2014). The Healthcare Quality Book, 3rd ed. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Chapter 5: “Data Collection”

Chapter 6: “Statistical Tools for QI”

Park, J., Konetzka, R. T., & Werner, R. M. (2011). Performing well on nursing home report cards: Does it pay off? Health Services Research, 46(2), 531–554. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6773.2010.01197.x

The study in this article evaluates whether or not nursing homes benefit from improvements in quality measures. Four financial outcomes are measured before and after the improvements are enacted. The study shows that the nursing homes that improved quality measures benefitted financially.

Suchy, K. (2010). A lack of standardization: The basis for the ethical issues surrounding quality and performance reports. Journal of Healthcare Management, 55(4), 241–251.

Because performance reports are easily found online, this article supports creating ethical guidelines for the performance reports of the health care industry. It compares nearly ten different organizations that provide performance reporting, and then it proposes an ethical framework and principles for public quality reporting.

Wachter, R. M., & Pronovost, P. J. (2009). Balancing “no blame” with accountability in patient safety. New England Journal of Medicine, 361(14), 1401–1406.

This article addresses the issue of individual accountability in health care organizations. It suggests moving from a culture within health care that does not place blame on individuals to a culture where individuals become more accountable.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Quality initiatives: Overview. Retrieved from http://www.cms.gov/QualityInitiativesGenInfo/

Created by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, this website overviews quality initiatives that affect the health care industry. It also provides information and downloadable PDFs on the Post-Acute Care Reform Plan and Development of Quality Indicators for Impatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRF).

Required Media

Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Organizational and systems leadership for quality improvement: External quality improvement. Baltimore: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 10 minutes.

The presenters in this video discuss various external organizations involved in quality, and examine the enforcement of standards by governmental agencies versus voluntary organizations. This program also addresses the publication of quality information and why organizations should do their own reporting in addition to mandated reporting. Licensing, credentialing, and certification are discussed as they relate to the social compact that health care providers have for quality and safety.

discuss one key concept or idea that you can immediately apply to a complex problem at your current organization

From this article: https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2015/03/19/cleveland-clinic-rethinks-leadership   discuss one key concept or idea that you can immediately apply to a complex problem at your current organization.


  1. The overall concept or idea.
  2. The complex problem that you will address, including the multiple elements and layers of the problem.
  3. The expected outcome.

Read Lake and von Baeyer’s article, “Tips for Successful Students.” Also, review the characteristics of a successful student as explained in the lecture.

Read Lake and von Baeyer’s article, “Tips for Successful Students.” Also, review the characteristics of a successful student as explained in the lecture.

As you consider these, which is your strongest characteristic? Why? How will this characteristic help you to become a successful student in your program of study?

How can you overcome it? Write about one specific educational experience from your past in which you addressed a fear and overcame it and how you succeeded in this process.

What do you look forward to as you begin this educational experience and your personal search for purpose? What is your greatest fear? How can you overcome it? Write about one specific educational experience from your past in which you addressed a fear and overcame it and how you succeeded in this process.

How does the media positively or negatively influence the public’s image of nursing? What other avenues may better educate the general public on the role and scope of nursing as well as the changing health care system?

The media, and Hollywood in particular, represent one avenue in which the general public becomes familiar with the role of nurses. How does the media positively or negatively influence the public’s image of nursing? What other avenues may better educate the general public on the role and scope of nursing as well as the changing health care system?

Outline the process for developing nursing standards of practice, and identify the different entities that might be involved in developing a standard of practice.

Outline the process for developing nursing standards of practice, and identify the different entities that might be involved in developing a standard of practice.