Explain your role with the issue as a health care practitioner/advocate Ways to identify a problem and address the issue

 Develop and deliver a 10–15 minute seminar/workshop aimed at the teen or young adult audience on a specific health risk associated with the population.


Choose a health risk associated with adolescence. Some categories to consider may include:

  • Suicide
  • Pregnancy
  • Substance use and abuse
  • Tobacco use
  • Sexually transmitted disease
  • Domestic violence
  • Eating disorders

2. As the health care advocate, you will present the following to the target audience (adolescents or young adults)in 10-15 slides or screens:

  • An overview of the risk factor
  • Contributing factors
  • Prevalence of the health risk (meaningful data)
  • Explain your role with the issue as a health care practitioner/advocate
  • Ways to identify a problem and address the issue
  • Present an activity or project or exercise for the audience to engage in related to the topic
  • Help and support resources

3. In your research materials, incorporate 3–4 current sources with one containing the most current statistics.

4. Use age-appropriate creativity to ensure the message gets across to the selected audience.

Please be aware that point 2 need to be complete!!

Consider why you would select one approach over the other and the effect it would have on financial decision making. Determine how you could explain these concepts to someone not familiar with accounting.

Although it is important to be familiar with foundational accounting concepts and to understand how they are calculated, it is equally important to recognize how the information from these calculations fits into the larger picture of daily actions in hospitals. Consider the simple task of taking patients their dinner trays. Think of all of the different costs that are involved. The dietitian must be paid, as well as the food handlers. The food has to be purchased as well as the trays and utensils. Trays must be delivered, picked up, and cleaned. A cost is incurred at each stage. In this Discussion, you consider how the costs of the daily tasks performed by nurses are accounted for and impact cash flow.

To prepare: •Review this week’s Learning Resources focusing on the difference between accrual accounting and cash accounting. Conduct additional research as needed until you are confident that you grasp the distinction between the two approaches.

•Consider why you would select one approach over the other and the effect it would have on financial decision making. Determine how you could explain these concepts to someone not familiar with accounting.

•Select a task you might perform daily, or an item that you might use daily in the workplace, and determine where the cost should appear on a balance sheet.

•Reflect on the role of cash in the financial operations of an organization. How could cash flow issues impact your own organization (or one with which you are familiar)?

Post an explanation of the difference between accrual accounting and cash accounting, and when each might be used. Then, describe a task you might perform or an item you might use daily, and explain where the cost should appear on a balance sheet, and why. Finally, assess how cash flow issues could impact your own organization (or one with which you are familiar).

Required Readings

Baker, J. J., Baker, R. W., & Dworkin, N. R. (2018). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

•Chapter 4, “Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth” (pp. 33-36) In this chapter, you are introduced to the meaning of assets, liabilities, and net worth. You explore the relationship between the three and how they must be balanced if an organization is to be successful. •Chapter 6, “Expenses (Outflows)” (pp. 47-54) The focus of this chapter is expenses and how they differ from costs. It highlights how costs should be reported and how expenses can be grouped for more effective planning and control. •Chapter 9, “Understanding Inventory and Depreciation Concepts” (pp. 81-93) This chapter examines the relationship between inventory and the cost of goods. It demonstrates how to calculate inventory turnover and product depreciation. •Chapter 11, “Reporting as a Tool” (pp. 119-125) This chapter describes the basic financial reports and how they are used in financial decision making. The four key financial statements are the balance sheet, the statement of revenue, and expense, the statement of fund balance or net worth, and the statement of cash flows.

Zelman, W., McCue, M., & Glick, N. (2009). Financial management of health care organizations: An introduction to fundamental tools, concepts, and applications (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

•Chapter 2, “Health Care Financial Statements” (pp. 25–86) This chapter describes the shared four basic financial statements of all organizations. The authors relate the basics to business-oriented and non-for-profit health organizations.

•Chapter 3, “Principles and Practices of Health Care Accounting” (pp. 87–120) This chapter explores the accounting practices and principles of health care. The authors detail the rules for recording transactions and the process of recording and developing financial statements.

Identify,      prioritize, and describe at least four problems.( problems identify are as follows

observe the simulated “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” video (http://lc.gcumedia.com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/nrs410v_vp01Alt.php).

Refer to “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders” for specifics related to the case study used to inform the assignment.

Using “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” and “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders,” complete the following components of this assignment:

Essay Portion

After viewing the home visit, write an essay of 500-750-words in which you do the following:

  1. Identify,      prioritize, and describe at least four problems.( problems identify are as follows

Mrs. Fisher’s number one problem is dehydration. In the video her vital signs are: Heart rate 58, blood pressure 90/56, respiratory rate 24 and temperature 97.8F (GCU, 2017). Her physical assessment reveals poor skin turgor, tenting, dry mucus membranes, hypoactive bowel sounds, no bowel movement for three days and a 14 pound weight loss in one week (GCU, 2017). She admits to “not having an appetite.” She is taking Lasix, a diuretic further contributing to her fluid loss.  All of these finding are consistent with dehydration. Dehydration can lead to a kidney injury, seizures and hypovolemic shock (Mayo Clinic, 2017).

The next problem is an unsafe living environment. In in video we see a loose rug on the floor, prescriptions on the table and mail on the couch. This lack of organization and Mrs. Fisher’s age put at risk for a fall. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states, “One out of five falls in an older adult causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury” (CDC, 2017).

Then we look at her lack of understanding surround her discharge. She is supposed to be on home oxygen but didn’t have it delivered because she thinks she will, “Be in the poor house” due to cost of her medications and medical supplies. The final problem is her depression. Mrs. Fisher explains her husband died. She now lives alone and, “doesn’t even care, is so lonesome and misses him so” (GCU, 2017).

  1. Provide      substantiating evidence (assessment data) for each problem identified.
  2. Identify      and describe at least four medical and/or nursing interventions.
  3. Discuss      your rationale for the interventions identified.

Prepare this step of the assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Scripted Dialogue Portion

Utilizing the information learned from the home visit, health histories, and discharge orders, write a scripted dialogue in which you provide Sallie Mae with education that describes her problems and the interventions identified to improve her condition. Consider Sallie Mae’s physiological, psychosocial, educational, and spiritual needs when developing your dialogue.

Your dialogue should resemble a script. The following is an example of a few sentences from a scripted dialogue:

Nurse: “Good morning, Salle Mae, my name is ______ and I will be your nurse today. I understand you are experiencing problems with ________.”

APA format is not required for this part of the assignment, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher Grading Criteria.”

Entire Assignment

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.


 Examine the impact technologies have on health care information systems. · Describe the basic components of a strategic information system plan.

Assignment 3: Presentation Of Assignment 2

In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation.

Create a seven to nine (7-9) slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you:

1. Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below), followed by a slide with an executive summary containing a brief statement of your proposal, as covered within Assignment 2.

2. Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2—one (1) slide per criterion, for a total of six (6) slides.

3. Provide a summary slide which addresses your key points from Assignment 2.

4. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

· Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

· Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required slide length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

· Examine the impact technologies have on health care information systems.

· Describe the basic components of a strategic information system plan.

· Describe the major types and classifications of health care information standards and the specific organizations that develop and regulate these standards.

· Discuss the need for, and identify methods of, accomplishing the security of information systems.

· Evaluate the impact of strategic information system plans on organizational competiveness and performance.

· Use technology and information resources to research issues in health information systems.

· Write clearly and concisely about health information systems using proper writing mechanics.

 Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2—one (1) slide per criterion, for a total of six (6) slides.

Assignment 3: Presentation Of Assignment 2

In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation.

Create a seven to nine (7-9) slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you:

1. Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below), followed by a slide with an executive summary containing a brief statement of your proposal, as covered within Assignment 2.

2. Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2—one (1) slide per criterion, for a total of six (6) slides.

3. Provide a summary slide which addresses your key points from Assignment 2.

4. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

· Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

· Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required slide length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

· Examine the impact technologies have on health care information systems.

· Describe the basic components of a strategic information system plan.

· Describe the major types and classifications of health care information standards and the specific organizations that develop and regulate these standards.

· Discuss the need for, and identify methods of, accomplishing the security of information systems.

· Evaluate the impact of strategic information system plans on organizational competiveness and performance.

· Use technology and information resources to research issues in health information systems.

· Write clearly and concisely about health information systems using proper writing mechanics.

Compare how you would expect nursing leaders and managers to approach nursing shortage and nurse turn-over, support your rationale by using the theories and, principles.

Discussion Topic/ Nursing Shortage and Nurse turn-over

This is a discussion post, about 250 words, tittle page not require In- text citation is required original work please, reference source, website source strongly preferred.

QUESTION 3: Compare how you would expect nursing leaders and managers to approach nursing shortage and nurse turn-over, support your rationale by using the theories and, principles.

. What are the researchable populations in your area of practice? Which would be most appropriate for use in your research study?

What population is most relevant, and accessible, for exploring my research problem?

Consider how you could reach this target population to gather data. What are some challenges you might encounter?

Determine  a data collection approach for your target population. Develop an informed rationale for selecting that approach.

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following questions:3 PARAGRAPH PAPER

1. What are the researchable populations in your area of practice? Which would be most appropriate for use in your research study?

2. What are the challenges of obtaining a sample from this population? How could you address those challenges?

3. What approach would you use to collect data from the sample? Provide a rationale for the approach you choose based on this week’s Learning Resources.

Provide atleast 3 references

Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

Chapter 15, “Sampling”

Chapter 20, “Collecting and Managing Data”

Corrigan, P. W., Tsang, H. H., Shi, K., Lam, C. S., & Larson, J. (2010). Chinese and American employers’ perspectives regarding hiring people with behaviorally driven health conditions: The role of stigma. Social Science & Medicine, 71(12), 2162–2169. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.08.025

Williams, H., Harris, R., & Turner-Strokes, L. (2009). Work sampling: A quantitative analysis of nursing activity in a neuro-rehabilitation setting. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(10), 2097–2107.

Fawcett, J., & Garity, J. (2009). Evaluation of samples. In Evaluating research for evidence-based nursing (pp. 91–131). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis. Retrieved from http://ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=2010424062&site=ehost-live&scope=site

What is the significance of the series title/name Unnatural Causes? Explain. 2. What are social determinants of health? Provide Examples.

Watch online video clips from the documentary “Unnatural Causes: Is Inequity Making Us Sick? Go to http://www.unnaturalcauses.org/video_clips.php, use the dropdown next to “Select Filter” in the center of the page in order to watch the clips associated with Episode #4.

  • Episode 4: Eleven Clips

Based on the video clips you watched this week and last week, thoroughly answer each part of the following questions.  Number your responses to correspond with each question – e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

1. What is the significance of the series title/name Unnatural Causes? Explain.

2. What are social determinants of health? Provide Examples.

3. What is the difference between individual health and population health? Expand on your response.

4. How do inequality and social injustice produce health consequences? Provide examples.

5. Clearly explain why health outcome is so much more than a combination of health care, individual behaviors, and/or genetics?

*Utilizing and citing at least two new academic sources, investigate and expand upon all five questions. Your class textbook WILL NOT count as a source; Use APA style; See Rubric.

.Define the fundamental responsibilities and key characteristics of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) within health care organizations. Make one (1) recommendation where they can utilize their expertise to assist with employee and patient satisfaction. Support your response with related examples of such expertise in use. 

Assignment 2: Competiveness and Performance Effectiveness for Health Care IT Systems

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

1.Define the fundamental responsibilities and key characteristics of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) within health care organizations. Make one (1) recommendation where they can utilize their expertise to assist with employee and patient satisfaction. Support your response with related examples of such expertise in use.

2.Suggest two (2) developing technologies that health care systems should use in order to improve health care processes and thus increase the quality and lower the cost of health services. Provide a rationale to support your response.

3.Determine two (2) significant methods that health care systems should use in order to prevent misuse of information and protect data privacy and thus achieve a high level of security of health information. Provide a rationale to support your response.

4.Suggest one (1) strategy for health care organizations to train providers in using technology in health care. Provide a rationale to support your response.

5.Provide three (3) best practices for effective IT alignment and strategic planning initiatives. Justify your response.

6.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar type Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines: •Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. •Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: •Examine the impact technologies have on health care information systems. •Describe the basic components of a strategic information system plan. •Describe the major types and classifications of health care information standards and the specific organizations that develop and regulate these standards. •Discuss the need for, and identify methods of, accomplishing the security of information systems. •Evaluate the impact of strategic information system plans on organizational competiveness and performance. •Use technology and information resources to research issues in health information systems. •Write clearly and concisely about health information systems using proper writing mechanics.