Physiology homework help
In a 300 word essay explain how does the body maintain fluid balance.
In a 300 word essay explain how does the body maintain fluid balance.
In a 300 word essay explain how does the body maintain fluid balance.
In a 300 word essay explain how does the body maintain fluid balance.
In a 300 word essay explain how does the body maintain fluid balance.
Nursing Physical Assessment
Related Treatments
Nursing Diagnosis & Patient Goal
Nursing Interventions
Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length and will be graded on how well you complete each of the above sections. You will also be graded on your use of APA Style and on your application of nursing journals into the treatments and interventions. For integrating nursing journals, remember the following:
Mixed Media Assignment.
1. Please upload your work as a single file, if possible. Microsoft power point, or word document.
2. Don’t forget to provide an explanation of the meme and the physiology and why it works, when necessary. I am not familiar with all the memes.
This assignment will consist of generating several media products designed to teach physiology concepts, principles or standard information.
Modern methods of dissemination of information must be used to produce UNT BIOL3800 Animal Physiology materials that can engage the public with factually accurate information, devoid of bias.
Using information learned in this course, you can design your media in nearly any way you wish. For example, you can produce an infographic (see below), or a meme, or a video/song, or you can come up with a better format for delivering your message of physiology.
NOTE: You don’t have to perform or post the information if you don’t want to. It can be private between you and I. However, I encourage you all to share these assignments with the world, as study tools for the public. DO NOT USE copyrighted materials without permission (it is easy to get permission for educational use, but you need to get permission – usually just an email.)
One way around the copyright issue is to use provided material from a website. There are meme generators, tic tocs, infographic makers, and all sorts of content that is already paid for by the app companies. There may be a watermark on their product, but that is the price we pay for being able to benefit from someone else’s creativity!
You must turn in up to 20 points worth of mixed media (point values below). You can mix and match the listed assignment types to get up to a possible 20 points, or you can propose other projects not listed here that we can negotiate a point value, depending on the effort (e.g. maybe you want to do a sculpture – ask, and we can decide how many points that could be worth). If collaboration is necessary for your project (e.g. you are playing a song and need a band), you must get that approved.
Media Type
Point Value
Recorded Song
News Story
Negotiable up to 20
Negotiable up to 20
New Better Book Figure
Other ideas?
Negotiable up to 20
Examples of Media types and the point values. You need a total of 20 points.
Examples of a product.
Each inaccuracy reduced your possible points for each product by 10 percent.
Your work should be different than what is already out there.
Is this just the same figure in different color? Or, is it somehow different or better. It doesn’t take much. A change in wording along with a reorganization could be enough to make an original figure.
Your work should be well-executed and professional looking, even if it is just a meme.
Is the item well produced? For example: Are the images clean and of decent quality? Is the graphic well arranged? Is the sound clear?
Provide a short description/explanation of your product. In most cases a couple of sentences or a paragraph will suffice. Include any cultural references that I may not know about. Explain any humor, if present and provide a full description of any relevant pieces or parts of your product, if not fully obvious. For example, provide lyrics if you record a song.
Is your product relevant for the F you can prove the efficacy of your product, you get up to 5 points towards this project. The burden of proof is on you. Is your meme effective?
Infographics (a clipped mixture of “information” and “graphics”) are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends (see
Example of an InfoGraphic:
The Pathology Lab Process:
Example of an InfoGraphic.
How do the Tests for Coronavirus Work?
Example Meme:
This one above only works in class. It is poorly executed. The rest of the example memes are also poorly executed, but less so.
Example Meme:
If you are not familiar with the meme, you might not understand this one, but the science is good enough.
I haven’t seen this show, so a good explanation is important for me to grade your assignment.
Mixed Media Assignment.
1. Please upload your work as a single file, if possible. Microsoft power point, or word document.
2. Don’t forget to provide an explanation of the meme and the physiology and why it works, when necessary. I am not familiar with all the memes.
This assignment will consist of generating several media products designed to teach physiology concepts, principles or standard information.
Modern methods of dissemination of information must be used to produce UNT BIOL3800 Animal Physiology materials that can engage the public with factually accurate information, devoid of bias.
Using information learned in this course, you can design your media in nearly any way you wish. For example, you can produce an infographic (see below), or a meme, or a video/song, or you can come up with a better format for delivering your message of physiology.
NOTE: You don’t have to perform or post the information if you don’t want to. It can be private between you and I. However, I encourage you all to share these assignments with the world, as study tools for the public. DO NOT USE copyrighted materials without permission (it is easy to get permission for educational use, but you need to get permission – usually just an email.)
One way around the copyright issue is to use provided material from a website. There are meme generators, tic tocs, infographic makers, and all sorts of content that is already paid for by the app companies. There may be a watermark on their product, but that is the price we pay for being able to benefit from someone else’s creativity!
You must turn in up to 20 points worth of mixed media (point values below). You can mix and match the listed assignment types to get up to a possible 20 points, or you can propose other projects not listed here that we can negotiate a point value, depending on the effort (e.g. maybe you want to do a sculpture – ask, and we can decide how many points that could be worth). If collaboration is necessary for your project (e.g. you are playing a song and need a band), you must get that approved.
Media Type
Point Value
Recorded Song
News Story
Negotiable up to 20
Negotiable up to 20
New Better Book Figure
Other ideas?
Negotiable up to 20
Examples of Media types and the point values. You need a total of 20 points.
Examples of a product.
Each inaccuracy reduced your possible points for each product by 10 percent.
Your work should be different than what is already out there.
Is this just the same figure in different color? Or, is it somehow different or better. It doesn’t take much. A change in wording along with a reorganization could be enough to make an original figure.
Your work should be well-executed and professional looking, even if it is just a meme.
Is the item well produced? For example: Are the images clean and of decent quality? Is the graphic well arranged? Is the sound clear?
Provide a short description/explanation of your product. In most cases a couple of sentences or a paragraph will suffice. Include any cultural references that I may not know about. Explain any humor, if present and provide a full description of any relevant pieces or parts of your product, if not fully obvious. For example, provide lyrics if you record a song.
Is your product relevant for the F you can prove the efficacy of your product, you get up to 5 points towards this project. The burden of proof is on you. Is your meme effective?
Infographics (a clipped mixture of “information” and “graphics”) are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends (see
Example of an InfoGraphic:
The Pathology Lab Process:
Example of an InfoGraphic.
How do the Tests for Coronavirus Work?
Example Meme:
This one above only works in class. It is poorly executed. The rest of the example memes are also poorly executed, but less so.
Example Meme:
If you are not familiar with the meme, you might not understand this one, but the science is good enough.
I haven’t seen this show, so a good explanation is important for me to grade your assignment.
there are 4 questions at the end that need to be answered into a paper format
HR CHOICE Discussion section
Andrei Tolins
A1. The hypothesis was that listening to slower music would decrease the heart rate more than listening to faster music. This hypothesis was not supported by the data collected. Instead that data suggests that the opposite is true, though heart rate values for all trials were very close to one another. The experiment assistant did notice the subject moving his hands as if on a keyboard while listening to one of the pieces. The music used for the experiment was the same piece that the subject had performed years earlier. Very likely this fact affected the data, but it is unclear how.
A2. The first experiment that we did as a group led us to consider the question addressed by this experiment. In that experiment we observed that the heart rate decreases as a subject listened to classical music. The data was a little muddy in that experiment though making reaching a confident conclusion about the results impossible. Though the hypothesis of the second experiment was not supported it does conform to the trend established in the first experiment. With the data collected now from both experiments it is possible to say confidently that a subject listening to classical music will experience a heart rate decrease.
B. The reflex loop studied in the experiment is the same as was studied in the first. The stimulus is classical music at various tempos. This music is detected by hair cells in the ear. These signals are transmitted to an integrating center through an afferent pathway, in this case, the auditory nerve. The Integrating center is the Medulla Oblongata and the efferent pathway is the vagus nerve. The effectors are the auto rhythmic cells in the heart. Since all this activity takes place in the sympathetic division of the PNS, we observe a heart rate decrease.
C1. In this experiment a control was used to help procure the best data possible. Prior to introducing a stimulus the subject lied down on a couch for five minutes to make sure the heart rate change would start from baseline. Additionally, because this experiment required two repetitions, a thirty minute break between repetitions was employed to make very sure that the results of the first trial would have no effect on the results of the second.
D1. If doing this experiment again, the best change to make would be to make sure the musical selections used are completely new to the listener. This way the lab team will not be forced to consider after the fact if an emotional or mechanical resonance toward one specific piece of music might factor in the heart rate response. Additionally doing more trials with more subjects would of course provide better and more reliable data from which to draw conclusions.
D2. A well-funded lab could use continuous heart rate monitoring to observe the heart rate response to the stimulus in real time. It is possible that the heart rate response to music happens very quickly after exposure to a stimulus before self-correcting, in which case without real time monitoring it would be very difficult to see what is going on.
E1. Ultimately, the hypothesis was not supported by the data collected. The measured heart rate was consistently very slightly higher when listening to the slower piece of music. Both trials showed the heart rate decreasing in response to classical music generally, so it seems the findings of the first experiment are still valid. The reflex loop studied in this experiment is the exact same loop as in the original heart rate experiment. The control used in this experiment was the same as in all the previous experiments, with the exception that this time there was included a 30 minute break between the two trials. This difference is necessary because the other experiments did not include two trials whereas this one did. The major problem with this experiment is that the subject had a connection with one of the pieces of music. We do not know what affect this connection might have on the heart rate so it is very possible that a repetition of this experiment with music unknown to the subject may still be supported by data.
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