Psychology homework help

As a social worker, you bring your own lens—that is, your own set of assumptions, biases, beliefs, and interpretations—into your interactions with clients and the human services professionals with whom you collaborate. Human services organizations have their own cultures that influence their organizational lenses. An organizational lens reflects key assumptions about the individuals to whom the organization provides services. These assumptions influence the organization’s policies and procedures which, in turn, impact service delivery. For example, an organization that focuses on understanding the perspectives of the clients it serves may allow clients to provide feedback about their client experience through membership on advisory boards or boards of directors. The clients may have the power to make recommendations and decisions about the organization’s policies and procedures.
Understanding cultural lenses—your personal lens, as well as those of the organizations and other individuals with whom you work and interact—will enable you to better serve your clients.
Focus on the Paula Cortez case study for this Discussion. In this case study, four professionals present their perspectives on the Paula Cortez case. These workers could view Paula’s case through a variety of cultural lenses, including socioeconomic, gender, ethnicity, and mental health. For this Discussion, you take the role of the social worker on the case and interpret Paula’s case using two of these lenses.

By Day 3

Post how you, as a social worker, might interpret the needs of Paula Cortez, the client, through the two cultural lenses you selected. Then, explain how, in general, you would incorporate multiple perspectives of a variety of stakeholders and/or human services professionals as you treat clients.
Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Required Readings

Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications
Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Chapter 15, “Culture and Leadership” (pp. 383–421)

Chun-Chung Chow, J., & Austin, M. J. (2008). The culturally responsive social service agency: The application of an evolving definition to a case study. Administration in Social Work32(4), 39–64.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2014a). Cortez case study [Multimedia]. Retrieved from

Optional Resources

Walden University. (2014). Master of Social Work home page. Retrieved from
Visit the Master of Social Work interactive home page to explore resources available to 

Psychology homework help

Poverty has a strong influence on the lives of adults. When an adult lives in poverty, the effects extend beyond that individual to all those who depend on the adult. The problem of poverty in the life of an adult becomes a family or community problem, and few social problems are more impactful than poverty.
As a social worker, you are likely to address the needs of clients whose adverse circumstances are strongly influenced by poverty. Increasing your understanding of poverty and its influence will equip to you to better understand and assist your clients.
As you read this week’s resources, select the theory of poverty that most resonates with you to address in your Discussion post for this week.
Post a Discussion that includes the following:

  • An explanation of how poverty impacts the experience of individuals in young and middle adulthood
  • A statement as to whether you think poverty is the result of cultural or individual. characteristics; provide support for your position
  • An answer to the following questions about the theory of poverty you selected:
    • What aspects of this theory would be most suitable for your practice? Why?
    • What aspects of this theory do you find problematic in terms of your knowledge of social work practice? Explain.

Psychology homework help

I need this completed TODAY by 10pm.
Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resources on your own before you bid. Main reference comes from Sinacola, R. S., Peters-Strickland, T., & Wyner, J. D. (2020). You need to have scholarly support for any claim of fact or recommendation regarding treatment. Grammar, Writing, and APA Format: I expect you to write professionally, which means APA format, complete sentences, proper paragraphs, and well-organized and well-documented presentation of ideas. Remember to use scholarly research from peer-reviewed articles that are current. Sources such as Wikipedia,, PsychCentral, and similar sites are never acceptable. Please remember that resources used must be from peer-reviewed resources such as academic journals. Grammar, Writing, and APA Format: I expect you to write professionally, which means APA format, complete sentences, proper paragraphs, and well-organized and well-documented presentation of ideas. Please follow the instructions to get full credit for the discussion.
Discussion – Week 4
Bipolar Disorders
This abstract from Nature Reviews Disease Primers (Vieta et al., 2018) offers a succinct way to think about bipolar disorders:
Bipolar disorders are chronic and recurrent disorders that affect >1% of the global population. Bipolar disorders are leading causes of disability in young people as they can lead to cognitive and functional impairment and increased mortality, particularly from suicide and cardiovascular disease. Psychiatric and nonpsychiatric medical comorbidities are common in patients and might also contribute to increased mortality. Bipolar disorders are some of the most heritable psychiatric disorders, although a model with gene-environment interactions are believed to best explain the etiology. Early and accurate diagnosis is difficult in clinical practice as the onset of bipolar disorder is commonly characterized by nonspecific symptoms, mood lability, or a depressive episode, which can be similar in presentation to unipolar depression. Moreover, patients and their families do not always understand the significance of their symptoms, especially with hypomanic or manic symptoms. As specific biomarkers for bipolar disorders are not yet available, the careful clinical assessment remains the cornerstone of diagnosis. The detection of hypomanic symptoms and longitudinal clinical assessment is crucial to differentiate bipolar disorder from other conditions. Optimal early treatment of patients with evidence-based medication (typically mood stabilizers and antipsychotics) and psychosocial strategies is necessary.
Reference: Vieta, E., Berk, M., Schulze, T. G., Carvalho, A. F., Suppes, T., Calabrese, J. R., … Grande, I. (2018). Bipolar disorders [Abstract]. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 4. Retrieved from
To prepare for the Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 6 of the textbook.
  • Review the media pieces listed in the Learning      Resources.
  • Review the expectations in the Discussion Rubric.

Consider the following scenario:
Betty came to her second session with you describing what appear to be manic and depressive episodes. You have valid questions and concerns and want to get a formal psych eval.
How would you explain to Betty that you have concerns about her symptoms and want to refer her to see a psychiatrist for evaluation? Write out a mini script showing what you, the counselor, might say to Betty.
By Day 3
Respond to the following prompts using a mini script.

  • Provide an explanation of why counselors refer clients to a psychiatrist for a psych eval (what is and what is not in our scope of practice).
  • Explain what collaborative behavioral healthcare is.
  • Include a description of two circumstances when a counselor would refer a client for a psych evaluation.
  • Describe two circumstances when a counselor would use the Release of Information (ROI) signed by a client.
  • Include an empathetic reflection to Betty.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
Required Resources
Sinacola, R. S., Peters-Strickland, T., & Wyner, J. D. (2020). Basic psychopharmacology for mental health professionals (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.
· Chapter 6, “Treatment of Bipolar Disorder”
Required Media
TED. (2017, February). Helen M. Farrell: What is bipolar disorder? [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 6 minutes.
TED. (2011, May). Joshua Walters: On being just crazy enough. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 6 minutes.
Optional Resources
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. (n.d.). Bipolar Disorder. Retrieved June 11, 2019 from
Depression and Bipolar Support Allliance. (n.d.). Retrieved June 11, 2019 from
International Bipolar Foundation (n.d.). Healthy living with bipolar disorder book. Retrieved June 11, 2019 from
Psychopharmacology Institute (2019). Bipolar disorder treatment guidelines: A 2019 update. Retrieved on June 13, 2019 from

Psychology homework help

8.1 Assignment
Case Study #1
Psychological Aspects of Violent Crime Week 8 Case Studies
Jim, a 48-year-old engineer, works at a medium-size engineering firm. He has been employed with the firm for 16 years. He is described by co-workers as serious and thin-skinned, having no sense of humor, and distrusting of others. He lives alone, does not socialize with his neighbors, and often engages in angry accusations of something the neighbors or their children did that caused him distress or offended him in some way. He holds grudges forever, seemingly holding on to every real or perceived slight he has ever experienced. Jim is constantly writing letters to the utility company, city officials, and his congressional leaders about the injustices constantly inflicted upon him.
ckley, C., Mack, S., Beyer, K., & Erdberg, P. (2010). Investigative and forensic interviewing: A personality-focused approach. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Chapter 7, “The Paranoid Personality” (pp. 125–142)
Chapter 8, “The Schizotypal Personality” (pp. 143–162)
In a 3- to 5-page paper:

  • Identify and explain features in the primary offender that are consistent with Cluster A personalities.
  • Explain how these features differ from features that characterize Cluster B personalities.
  • Explain crimes that Cluster A personalities are more likely to commit.
  • Explain three challenges of working with individuals with Cluster A personalities and recommend strategies for overcoming those challenges.
  • Recommend at least three strategies to implement when interviewing offenders with Cluster A personalities.

Support your rationale with references to the Learning Resources and other academic sources.
Main Discussion Posting Content
Excellent – above expectations
Points Range:
21.6 (54%) – 24 (60%)
Discussion posting demonstrates an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, and discerning ideas.
Points Range:
19.2 (48%) – 21.57 (53.92%)
Discussion posting demonstrates a good understanding of most of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting provides moderate detail (including at least one pertinent example), evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, and discerning ideas.
Points Range:
16.8 (42%) – 19.17 (47.93%)
Discussion posting demonstrates a fair understanding of the concepts and key points as presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting may be lacking or incorrect in some area, or in detail and specificity, and/or may not include sufficient pertinent examples or provide sufficient evidence from the readings.
Points Range:
0 (0%) – 16.77 (41.93%)
Discussion posting demonstrates poor or no understanding of the concepts and key points of the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting is incorrect and/or shallow and/or does not include any pertinent examples or provide sufficient evidence from the readings.
Reply Post & Peer Interaction
Points Range:
7.2 (18%) – 8 (20%)
Student interacts frequently with peers. The feedback postings and responses to questions are excellent and fully contribute to the quality of interaction by offering constructive critique, suggestions, in-depth questions, use of scholarly, empirical resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes.
Points Range:
6.4 (16%) – 7.16 (17.9%)
Student interacts moderately with peers. The feedback postings and responses to questions are good, but may not fully contribute to the quality of interaction by offering constructive critique, suggestions, in-depth questions, use of scholarly, empirical resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes.
Points Range:
5.6 (14%) – 6.36 (15.9%)
Student interacts minimally with peers or the feedback postings, and responses to questions only partially contribute to the quality of interaction by offering insufficient constructive critique or suggestions, shallow questions, or providing poor quality additional resources.
Points Range:
0 (0%) – 5.56 (13.9%)
Student does not interact with peers (0 points) or the feedback postings and responses to questions do not contribute to the quality of interaction by offering any constructive critique, suggestions, questions, or additional resources.
Points Range:
7.2 (18%) – 8 (20%)
Postings are well organized, use scholarly tone, contain original writing , proper paraphrasing, follow APA style, contain very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and are fully consistent with graduate level .

>Psychology homework help

What does a leader do when things do not go as planned? How can a leader help to restore or improve an organization’s operations when a situation stalls or interferes with its functions? Although taking a proactive approach to planning is desired, change may occur suddenly and unexpectedly causing immediate consequences. A skilled leader must be able to assess a situation in order to prioritize the steps necessary to stabilize the organization. This process must focus on a short-term strategy to address immediate concerns and include strategic decisions that will affect the long-term sustainability of the organization.
For this Discussion, you address the Southeast Planning Group (SPG) case study in the Social Work Case Studies: Concentration Year text.
Post2 to 3 pages) an analysis of the change that took place in the SPG. Furthermore, suggest one strategy that might improve the organizational climate and return the organization to optimal functioning. Provide support for your suggested strategy, explaining why it would be effective.
Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your reference

Required Readings

Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.
Chapter 10, “Agency Structure and Change” (pp. 324–352)

Northouse, P. G. (2021). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.
Chapter 7, “Creating a Vision” (pp. 161-208)
Chapter 8, “Establishing a Constructive Climate” (pp. 182-208)
Chapter 10, “Listening to Out-Group Members” (pp. 252-275)

Finley, D. S., Rogers, G., Napier, M., & Wyatt, J. (2011). From needs-based segmentation to program realignment: Transformation of YWCA of Calgary. Administration in Social Work35(3), 299–323.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader].
“Social Work Supervision, Leadership, and Administration: The Southeast Planning Group” (pp. 85–86)

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Psychology homework help

Veteran’s Organizations

There are countless organizations that exist to help veterans and veteran families. Because of the overwhelming number, it can be difficult to find legitimate organizations to help this community. This website lists military and veteran organizations that meet different needs a veteran or military family may incur. Find three that focus on PTSD and mental health care for veterans as part of the organization’s mission.
Read: Trusted Military and Veteran Service Organizations
Produce a list of facts comparing and contrasting the three organizations.
Include each of the following points in your assignment:
·  Organize information for three of the organizations in a chart form of your choosing
·  Summarize the three organizations
·  Include the mission or vision for each organization in your own words
·  What are they key accomplishments of the organization?
·  How will you use what you have learned to assist the military?

Psychology homework help

For this week’s Journal entry, respond to the following three prompts:

  • Progress: What has been happening in the course since your previous Journal entry?
  • Problems: Describe your skill and experience in doing interviews. What do you bring to the table? What skills do you feel you lack?
  • Plans: Look toward the next week. What will you do to overcome the challenges of inexperience and of access to participants?

Psychology homework help

Veteran’s Organizations

There are countless organizations that exist to help veterans and veteran families. Because of the overwhelming number, it can be difficult to find legitimate organizations to help this community. This website lists military and veteran organizations that meet different needs a veteran or military family may incur. Find three that focus on PTSD and mental health care for veterans as part of the organization’s mission.
Read: Trusted Military and Veteran Service Organizations
Produce a list of facts comparing and contrasting the three organizations.
Include each of the following points in your assignment:
·  Organize information for three of the organizations in a chart form of your choosing
·  Summarize the three organizations
·  Include the mission or vision for each organization in your own words
·  What are they key accomplishments of the organization?
·  How will you use what you have learned to assist the military?

Psychology homework help

Read “Read-Only Participants: A Case for Student Communication in Online Classes” by Nagel, Blignaut, and Cronje which is located in the e-Library Resource section of the Topic 1 materials.
After reading the Nagel, Blignaut, and Cronje article, write a 250-500-word summary of it.
Refer to the guidelines for writing an effective summary presented in the Lecture 2 as a guide.
Be sure to include a discussion of the research problem, questions, method, findings, and implications discussed by the authors.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Please see the attached document
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