Psychology homework help

 For the final paper you are to research a specific aspect of cognition, emotion and motivation that most interests you. Integrate a discussion of how you see your research findings as significant to your clinical work or the field of psychology in general. 
Select a minimum of eight (8) current research articles* taken from scholarly journals (online or hard copy) on your selected topic.
In context to “Cognition, Emotion and Motivation” some research topics might include the following, however when researching and writing your paper, you are expected to include related components of cognition, emotion, and/or motivation. 
Your paper must integrate personal factors, environmental influences and sociocultural components relevant to your topic
The paper should be 10-12 pages plus a title and reference page, and must be written in graduate level English, in APA style.

Psychology homework help

You will be writing a formal Memorandum to the President of the University of Maryland / Local Community Leadership justifying and providing detailed recommendations for a proposed intervention or program that can address the health concern you have focused upon.
(The health concern is Mental Health)

Annotated Outline

Please provide an outline of your recommendations to the University with the following information:

  1. For Part 1 “Justify the need for the intervention” Please provide
    1. References you will draw from to help justify the need for your intervention (references that describe this health problem on U.S. college campuses)
    2. The main statistics you will be citing from these references
    3. A bulleted description of how you will use your own data collection efforts – what main points will you be raising and from which data collection efforts?
  2. For Part 2 “Evidence-based Interventions”
    1. Provide a name of the intervention you will draw on
    2. List the main activities
    3. List which aspects you would modify
  3. For Part 3 “Propose an intervention”
    1. Provide a statement of your overall goal for this adapted intervention
    2. Provide a brief description of your intervention strategy, what will it entail?
    3. Provide a “Logic Model” – Use Bullet points to explain what will go into this logic model including:
      1. Resources
      2. Program activities
      3. Outputs
      4. Outcomes

Psychology homework help

though data analysis occurs after the study has completed a data collection stage, the researcher needs to have in mind what type of analysis will allow the researcher to obtain an answer to a research question. The researcher must understand the purpose of each method of analysis, the characteristics that must be present in the study for the design to be appropriate and any weaknesses of the design that might limit the usefulness of the study results. Only then can the researcher select the appropriate design. Choosing the appropriate design enables the researcher to claim the data that is potential evidence that provides information about the relationship being studied. Notice that it is not the statistical test which tells us that research is valid, rather, it is the research design. Social workers must be aware of and adjust any limitations of their chosen design that may impact the validity of the study.
To prepare for this Discussion, review the handout, A Short Course in Statistics and pages 210–220 in your course text Social Work Evaluation: Enhancing What We Do. If necessary, locate and review online resources concerning internal validity and threats to internal validity. Then, review the “Social Work Research: Chi Square” case study located in this week’s resources. Consider the confounding variables, that is, factors that might explain the difference between those in the program and those waiting to enter the program.
Post2 to 3 pages) an interpretation of the case study’s conclusion that “the vocational rehabilitation intervention program may be effective at promoting full-time employment.” Describe the factors limiting the internal validity of this study, and explain why those factors limit the ability to draw conclusions regarding cause and effect relationships.

Required Readings

Dudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.
Chapter 9, “Is the Intervention Effective?” (pp. 226–236: Read from “Determining a Causal Relationship” to “Outcome Evaluations for Practice”)

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].
Read the following section:
“Social Work Research: Chi Square” (pp. 63–65)

Document: Stocks, J. T. (2010). Statistics for social workers. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed., pp. 75–118). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)
Copyright 2010 by Sage Publications, Inc.
Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). Internal validity. Retrieved from
Be sure to click on all the links in the narrative.

  • attachment


Psychology homework help

In this assignment, you consider how leaders can engage in a strategic planning process with stakeholders to develop a plan to guide the organization’s evolution and development for the long-term. Since strategic planning should engage persons who will be affected by an organization’s decisions (e.g., staff, administration, board members, members of the community), it is important to include key stakeholders in the planning process so that it reflects their perspectives and interests.
For this Assignment, think about how you would begin the strategic planning process for a human services organization. Consider the human services organizations for which you have worked either in your fieldwork or as an employee. Based on what you know about a particular organization, what steps might you take to establish a plan for the organization’s long-term development?
Assignment (2–4 pages in APA format): Describe the first three steps you would take to begin the strategic planning process for a human services organization. Be sure to include the key stakeholders—who should be involved in each step and why they need to be included in the process. In addition, include steps you would take to establish stakeholder support and confidence.
Note: Although you will base your strategic plan on what you know about an actual organization, do not include any identifying information about the organization or its stakeholders.

Required Readings

Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.
Chapter 10, “Agency Structure and Change” (pp. 324–352)

Northouse, P. G. (2021). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.
Chapter 7, “Creating a Vision” (pp. 161-208)
Chapter 8, “Establishing a Constructive Climate” (pp. 182-208)
Chapter 10, “Listening to Out-Group Members” (pp. 252-275)

Finley, D. S., Rogers, G., Napier, M., & Wyatt, J. (2011). From needs-based segmentation to program realignment: Transformation of YWCA of Calgary. Administration in Social Work35(3), 299–323.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader].
“Social Work Supervision, Leadership, and Administration: The Southeast Planning Group” (pp. 85–86)

Psychology homework help

Submit a 2 to 3-page paper in which you:

  • Briefly describe an interaction you observed or in which you participated, where a person’s lack of cultural awareness influenced their communication with someone of a different culture. Make sure to include the cultures of the people and the cultural context.
  • Based on what you learned in this week’s resources, explain how you can tell the person lacked cultural awareness and analyze how this lack of cultural awareness affected his or her communication with the other people involved.

Psychology homework help

In 500-750 words, do the following:

  1. Define coercive treatment in your own words.
  2. Analyze whether coercive treatment in a correctional setting as an effective means of altering criminal behavior.
  3. Assess other options to alter criminal behavior in the correctional community setting.

Provide three to five peer reviewed resources to support your explanations.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA #7 Style Guide

Psychology homework help

Use your selected company (ABERCROMBIE & FITCH) from Weeks 1-4 for this week’s assessment.
An organization’s demographics are an important factor to consider for its business strategies. Review the demographic and technological information about your company to complete the activity below. If the information is not public, base your decisions on a similar company and research.
This information will assist you with the Wk 6 assignment.
Create a 350- to 525- word outline that conveys the information in the following format:

  • Demographics
  • What are the current demographics? (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, etc)
  • What was a recent change?
  • How did the company handle it?
  • Was the change handled ethically? If not, how should they have handled it? If it was, what stands out as something to emulate in your future business endeavors?
  • Technology
  • How does the company utilize technology in day-to-day business?
  • What types of technology are used?
  • How does a change of technology affect the organization?

Cite all sources.

Psychology homework help. assignment.

As an astute social worker and professional policy advocate, you must be adept at identifying social problems that exist in your community or in an agency or organization with which you are acquainted. Once you have selected a social problem, you begin the process of creating and implementing a policy that addresses that social problem.
In this assignment, you identify and describe a current social problem. You also identify a policy created and implemented to address the problem. This is the first part of your Social Change Project final assignment.
Complete Part 1 of your Social Change Project.
Address the following items in a 3-4 page paper:

  • Describe a current social problem. How might this problem be incongruent with social work values/ethics?
  • How/when has this problem been identified historically, and what were the actions taken to address this concern?
  • How have the groups affected by this concern changed over time?
  • Describe the policy area related to this social problem.
  • Is the policy identified by your group dictated by local, state, or federal statute—or a combination thereof?
  • What are the different aspects of the policy?
  • How long has the current policy been in place?
  • Who supports and who opposes the policy?
  • What changes/amendments have been made to the policy?
  • Explain how this policy affects clients you might see in a clinical setting and why, as a clinical social worker, it would be important to advocate for change.

Psychology homework help

Important:Use the feedback youhave received throughout this course to revise
the content you write for this assignment.
In this fourth and final assignment, you will write a paper that compares two
different methodological approaches that could be applied for the same research
The essential aspectsof qualitative research you will write about in this paper are
usually included in qualitative research proposals. This final paper will
expandupon and strengthen the essential aspects of qualitative research that
you wrote about in thefirst three assignments. You will revise and refine the
content from those papers based upon feedback you have receivedand what
you have learned during this course, and use your revised content as the
foundation for this assignment.For this final course paper, you will complete the
following for each of yourtwo selected methodological approaches:
 State the research question.
 State a rationale that is supported with research theory.
 Develop a plan for gathering data related to the research topic.
 Explain how the data would be analyzed.
 Address ethical issues that may be present with the data
collection and analysis.
 Support your ideas for the data collection plans and data analysis
strategies with the appropriate academic sources.

  • Present the research topic      you identified in the Week 4 assignment.
  • Identify the first selected      methodological approach you identified in the Week 8 assignment, as well      as the research question that aligns with that approach.
    • Present a 2–3-paragraph       rationale that describes the purpose of the research.
    • Describe in 2– 3 paragraphs how data would be collected and analyzed using this       approach.
    • Include potential ethical issues       as well.
  • Identify the second      methodological approach you identified in the Week 8 assignment, as well      as the research question that aligns with that approach.
    • Present a 2–3 paragraph       rationale that describes the purpose of the research.
    • Describe in 2– 3 paragraphs how data would be collected and analyzed using this       approach.
    • Include potential ethical       issues as well.
  • Support your assignment      with appropriate academic sources and include both citations and      references in current APA format. Use 5–7 scholarly resources      published with the past three years by recognized academic sources.

Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that      detract from the overall message.
  • Length of paper: Meets the structure provided in the      assignment instructions.
  • Resources: 5–7 scholarly resources. Include a reference page at the end      of the paper.

APA guidelines: Double-spaced paragraph formatting in the body of the paper. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. Resources and citations are formatted according to current