Psychology homework help

 Write a 4 to 5 page, Reserach paper for Getting Your Social Worker Licensed In The State Of Florida.
For the written portion of this assignment, write a minimum of 4 to 5 pages (not including cover page, abstract and references, if appropriate) that addresses the following:
1. Getting Social Work Licensed In The State Of Florida.
2. Summarize the key points of the session in your own words, THESE ARE THE KEY POINTS OF THE SESSION: (We also have many resources for you around licensure. So one of the key aspects of being a social worker is to get licensed; And it’s a protection for you. And it’s a protection for your clients, the people who you work with; It also assures and is a bit of a promise that there’s a certain level of professionalism that goes with your license; I want to just say really clearly so there’s two places that you can get information your state Social Work board is the place to go to get information about your licensure. So if you live in Missouri. You don’t want to be gone to California to find out about your licensure, you want to get your license your, from your state board; And get that information. We also will be providing, and this will be coming up in about I believe in the next few weeks will be providing you with a course that has example of the Exams. It has materials to study, and it has everything else that you could possibly need for your licensure journey and that will be coming your way; There is also a resource at Walden SW licensure at nailed that Walden you edu and we if you have questions, they can get you information about your state specific questions; There’s also an organization called as WB the Association for social work boards and they are the ones who actually oversee the testing, And provide some support, and I encourage you to check out their webpage, but we will be providing you with a course that you can access at your leisure)
3. Explore how the content in the session will apply to your practice as a social worker.
· You should use Times New Roman Font (12 point) with 1 inch margins and should follow all of the conventions per APA 6th edition.

Psychology homework help

“How much freedom should front-line clinicians have in treating Covid-19 patients with unproven drugs?”
Length: Your essay should be between 2,000 and 2,800 words (or 6-8 double-space pages in Times New Roman 12 points).
Your final essay should engage at least three authors we discussed in class and you need to provide the corresponding quotes. Your essay also needs to make use of adequate academic formats of citation. I don’t prefer any in particular as long as your citation format is the same throughout the text
In other words, your essay should offer your analysis and interpretation of the case you have selected and the ideas and arguments relevant to the topic of your topic that can found in the material we discussed in class. Analysis is the process of examining your data (case or event) and associated ideas in order to answer a question. Interpretation refers to a discussion of the meaning and implications of your answer to the conversations your paper addresses. In short, your final essay must show what you think about the topic you have selected and offer evidence to substantiate the argument you are presenting.
Structure and organization: 1. Title (and subtitle if necessary) • It reflects the thesis or main point of your paper.
2. Introduction • Typically, one paragraph. • It announces the topic of the essay, your question, your thesis or argument, the evidence the essay will draw on, and how the paper will be organized.
3. The ethnographic case or event • One or two paragraphs describing a specific case, event, or situation you want to discuss to illustrate your theoretical discussion • Using a narrative voice, in this section you establish the setting of your analysis. • When compellingly written, this section draws the reader into the setting • It should also state why the case or event is relevant for your discussion—namely, what kind of question this case or event brings to the fore.
4. Why this case or event is relevant for your theoretical discussion • In one or two paragraphs, this section should describe the main question or issue that your case brings forth. • It also should connect this question or issue to broader conversations happening among the scholars in Science and Technology Studies that we discussed in class.
5. Theoretical discussion concerning your question • In this section, you elaborate on what established scholars have said about the broader question you are addressing. • Here is where you draw heavily on the readings, recorded material, discussions, etc. we had throughout the semester. • Your goal here is to give your reader a sense of what the main point of each of the theorists you are citing is and how these points converse with each other.
6. Your contribution to that conversation • Here is where you elaborate on your own perspective on the question you are discussing in your essay and explicitly state your argument (or thesis.) • In other words, here you show to your reader what your contribution to this conversation is based on the analysis of your case or event. Does your example confirm or contradict what these theorists say? • Be explicit in your argument. Don’t be shy. You are also a scholar participating in an academic conversation.
7. Conclusion • Return to the question you raised in the opening section. • Briefly recapitulate the main points you developed in your essay • Emphasize, clarify, and render compelling your argument
8. Bibliography • List all the references you have used in your essay.
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Psychology homework help

3 Page Paper APA FORMAT

  • First, consider the cellular basis of long-term potentiation (LTP). Where in the brain does this occur and what happens? In your answer, include details of the neurotransmitters and receptors involved as well as what happens at the level of the receptor to enable LTP. Also, describe the changes that occur in both the presynaptic and post-synaptic cells as a result of LTP.
  • Summarize the attached article “ Changes in synaptic plasticity are associated with electroconvulsive shock-induced learning and memory impairment in rats with depression-like behavior” in enough detail that your reader will understand what was done in the study and what the results of the study were
  • Evaluate how the findings might apply to a clinical setting, such as Alzheimer’s disease, anterograde or retrograde amnesia, or a condition such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

References MUST come from the attached PDF

  • First, consider the cellular basis of long-term potentiation (LTP). Where in the brain does this occur and what happens? In your answer, include details of the neurotransmitters and receptors involved as well as what happens at the level of the receptor to enable LTP. Also, describe the changes that occur in both the presynaptic and post-synaptic cells as a result of LTP.
  • Summarize the attached article “ Changes in synaptic plasticity are associated with electroconvulsive shock-induced learning and memory impairment in rats with depression-like behavior” in enough detail that your reader will understand what was done in the study and what the results of the study were
  • Evaluate how the findings might apply to a clinical setting, such as Alzheimer’s disease, anterograde or retrograde amnesia, or a condition such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

References MUST come from the attached PDF

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Psychology homework help

Complete the template provided by comparing and contrasting the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle to the Kaplan’s Three Stages of Sexual Response.
Include the following in the chart:

  • A detailed description of the phases in both models of sexual response.
  • The differences and similarities between male and female sexual responses noted in each of the two models.
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Psychology homework help

Describe and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Behavioural Therapies”
Assignment Brief: 1500 word essay “Describe and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Behavioural Therapies”
In your assignment you should:

  • Ensure your essay is logically structured (introduction, main body & conclusion), and be fully referencedthroughout and accompanied by an accurate bibliography.

Main body:
For the main body you will need to include key research, and show how these illustrate the processes of learning within the therapies you select.  You should describe these succinctly, using appropriate psychological terminology. You should describe at least two behavioural therapies, clearly explaining the processes used and show how they change behaviour. You will need to explain the relevance and usefulness of the therapies in terms of how successful they are in terms of treating maladaptive behaviours.  To evaluate the evidence you should include the following:

  • Consider the effectiveness of behavioural therapies – for example, you could compare and contrast the different exposure therapies and comment on how they compare in terms of effectiveness.  You should use specific research examples to illustrate the effectiveness of the therapies;
  • Consider the limitations associated with behavioural therapies – compare behavioural therapies with other treatments, particularly CBT; discuss the development of CBT and consider whether it has improved overall effectiveness; consider the limitation of behavioural therapies;
  • Consider ethical issues associated with behavioural therapies – use specific examples to illustrate the ethical issues; use comparative techniques to help you analyse how ethical the therapies are in relation to each other (eg, compare & contrast the exposure therapies); discuss whether CBT is more ethical than behavioural therapies.

Indicative Learner texts:
Cardwell, M., Clark, L., & Meldrum, C. (2003) Psychology for AS-Level  (3rd Ed) HarperCollins: London
Cardwell, M. & Flanagan, C. (2015) Psychology AS The Complete Companion Student Book (5th Edition) Oxford University Press: Oxford
Cardwell, M. & Flanagan, C. (2012) Psychology A2 The Complete Companion Student Book (3rd Ed) Oxford University Press: Oxford
Cardwell, M. & Flanagan, C. (2020) Psychology A Level Year 2: The Complete Companion Student book (Online). (5thed). Oxford University Press
Cardwell, M. & Flanagan, C. (2019) Psychology A Level Year 2: The Complete Companion Student Book for AQA. (5thed). Oxford University Press: Oxford
Cardwell, M. & Moody, R. (2019) Psychology A Level Year 1 & AS: Revision Guide for AQA. Oxford University Press: Oxford
Cardwell, M. & Moody, R. (2019) Psychology A Level Year 2: Revision Guide for AQA. Oxford University Press: Oxford
Eysenck, M. W. (2015) AQA Psychology: AS and A-Level Year 1. (6th ed). Psychology Press: London
Eysenck, M.W. (2000) Psychology For AS-Level  (2nd Ed) Psychology Press Ltd: East Sussex
Faudemer, K., Hayden, C., McHale, K. & Simson, C. (eds) (2015) A-Level Year 1 & AS Psychology Exam Board: AQA Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP)
Flanagan, C., Berry, D., Jarvis, M. & Liddle, R. (2015) AQA Psychology For A Level Year 1 & AS Illuminate Publishing Ltd: Cheltenham
Flanagan, C., Berry, D., Jarvis, M. & Liddle, R. (2016) AQA Psychology For A Level Year 2 Illuminate Publishing Ltd: Cheltenham
Gross, R., McIlveen, R., Coolican, H., Clamp, A., & Russell, J. (2000) Psychology: a new introduction for A-Level  (3rdEd)  Hodder & Stoughton: London
Gross, R. (2015) Psychology The Science of Mind and Behaviour (7th Ed) Hodder Education: London
Holt, N., Bremner, A., Sutherland, E., Vliek, M., Passer, M., & Smith, R. (2019) The Science of Mind and Behaviour. (4thed). McGraw-Hill Education: England
Other resources:
Ost’s intensive one-session therapy available at
1.  outline and evaluate behavioural therapies.
1.1  described at least two behavioural therapies
1.2  applied these therapies to at least one abnormal behaviour
1.2  evaluated behavioural therapies in terms of its effectiveness
2.  outline and evaluate cognitive behavioural therapy.
2.1  described one form of cognitive behavioural therapy
2.2  evaluated cognitive behavioural therapy in terms of its effectiveness
3.  identify and explain ethical issues associated with the use of behavioural therapies.
3.1  identified and explained the relevant ethical issues related to the use of behavioural therapies
4. demonstrate use of psychological terminology and sources
4.1  used appropriate psychological terminology with reference to classical and operant conditioning and social learning theory
4.2  correctly referenced work using the Harvard system

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Psychology homework help

Turnitin®Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.
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Psychology homework help

You will write a journal critique on a article about onepsychological disorder of your choice: Schizophrenia (considered the cancer of mental disorders), Anxiety (the most common mental disorder of the United States), Depressive Disorder (Mood disorder), Bipolar (Manic episodes), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (thoughts and actions like handwashing), Personality Disorder (Narcisstic) and Dissocative Identity Disorder (Alters). This should be no more than 3 pages not including the Cover and Reference page The article has to be less than 10 years old. Here are all the parts that should be included in the critique:
Introduction: to educate the reader on the topic/concept):
• will define topic, other key terms, symptoms, statistics of occurrence and current information in the field • Main body: to explain the research conducted in the article, will state what you found in the journal article▪ HYPOTHESIS: • What were the researchers trying to discover (i.e. what was the hypothesis or purpose)?o This is usually found at the beginning of the article.   Usually the hypothesis or statement of a problem appears at the end of the review of the literature, most often in the last or next to last paragraph.  The words that indicate  that it is a hypothesis are, “We will examine. . .” or “Our  hypothesis is . . .”  In a statement of a problem, the researcher may say, “We plan to  see if a relationship…,” “We proposed to observe…,” or  “The problem we proposed to study…”   (You must use your own words—do NOT use quotes).▪ METHODOLOGY: • How was the research conducted (research design or type of study)?o Is the research descriptive (case study, naturalistic observation, laboratory observations, surveys, tests), correlation, experimental, or developmental? For more information on research methods, refer to chapter 1 of your text.  • When and where the research was conducted?• How long did the study take?• Who were the participants? (number [N], age, sex, criteria to be a part of study)?▪ RESULTS/DISCUSSION: • What did the researchers actually find in relation to their hypothesis/purpose?  o ARTICLE MAY STATE: The researchers found that  . . .• What limitations did the researchers reveal?• Summary/conclusion: to show critical thinking in regards to the research)o How does the information in the article integrate with information from class discussion, the text, and/or other information in the discipline?▪ TIP: It is a good idea to use the subject index in your text to look up the topic in your text. o What is your opinion of the research findings? ▪ EXAMPLE: was this research well done or not and why?o Why is this topic/research important? (relevance/benefits to community and/or society)▪ EXAMPLE: A conclusion to a study that suggests a new therapy/treatment for children with ADHD might help the child struggling to perform successfully in school, which then improves her confidence, her relationship with her parents, siblings, and classmates. Write about the implications of this new treatment.o In what ways does this topic relate to your own personal experience and how is your experience in agreement or disagreement with the outcome of this study? o How has your opinion of this topic changed since your review of the study?

Psychology homework help

Write 1 to 2 Pages APA Style
What do you think is the most important factor in preventing youth violence? Be sure to include the responses to the questions below in your paper.
1. Becoming A Delinquent: General and Neurological Factors
2. Becoming A Delinquent: How Family, Peer, and Community Influences interact
3. Long Term Prospects
4. PReventing and Treating Deliquency

Psychology homework help

 Go to Watch the slideshow on the Prison Experiment. Next go to: and read about the ethics of the Milgram study.
How do the ethical dilemmas in this research compare with the ethical issues raised by Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiments? Would it be better if these studies had never been done?  Why? What would we have lost? Gained?