Science Homework Help

Average Growth Rate of Blue and Grey Organisms Lab Report Worksheet


The Competition simulation explores the competitive exclusion principle using two species that share a food source. This simulation allows for student inquiry.

In this simulation, the user can study the competitive exclusion principle. The population of two species with a shared food source can be studied in a simple ecosystem individually and together. Click the “Introduction” button to read more information about the scenario, then set the variables and click “Run Simulation” to start. Complete the accompanying worksheet (A or B) through a data collection procedure and include follow-up questions about the competitive exclusion principle in a lab setting and in ecosystems. Check out the blog for more discussion of this simulation and the competitive exclusion principle. See file attached.

Simulation 2.

The Mutation simulation is based on a bacterial mutagenesis lab. Students can study the effect that UV exposure time has on bacteria survival and mutation rates.


This activity simulates a bacterial mutagenesis lab. The user can select the UV irradiation time and then plate the bacterial suspension on a control plate and a plate that includes an antibiotic in the growth medium. The control plate will indicate the number of bacteria that survived the UV exposure. The antibiotic plate will produce data indicative of the number of bacteria that have mutations resulting in resistance to the antibiotic.

For more information about the effects of UV exposure and UV-induced mutations, see the mutation simulation blog post. Run the simulation program and complete the worksheet. There is also a Google doc format available. See file attached.

Simulation 3.

Population Genetics allows students to test how selection, population size, and mutation rates affect allele frequencies.

Population Genetics

Population genetics is the study of genetic variation in populations. This simulation allows the user to observe the frequencies of two alleles over time. A population that does not experience change over time is said to be in genetic equilibrium, while changes represent evolution. Genetic drift, natural selection, and mutation can be tested using this simulation. The Resources page and Google Drive have a few options for student labs. See the population genetics evolution blog post for additional information about the set-up of the simulation.

Run the simulation and complete the worksheets.

Science Homework Help

CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College Data in Science Questions


I’m working on a biology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please write this up as using Rmarkdown. Make sure everything runs. Answer questions in text. Comment with abandon.

  1. Create a vector of 100 randomly distributed numbers between 0 and 100 using runif and save the vector into the variable my_vec. What information does str and summarytell you about my_vec? How do they differ?
  2. Load the readxl and readrlibraries. They are part of tidyverse and you should have them. If not, install.packages() is your friend! Then, load the following data files: using read.csv and read_csv and using read_excel. Looking at the three objects you loaded in, what are the any differences or similarities between them?
  3. What does the output of str, summary, skimr::skim(), and visdat::vis_dat tell you about the data you loaded? What is different or the same?
  4. Add a column to the mtcars data called Model which uses the row names of mtcars (rownames(mtcars)) as its values. Show me the head of the data frame to see if it’s been done correctly. Note, to add a column to a data frame, we can specify yourdf$new_col_name <- new_vector_we_we_are_adding(note, that’s pseudo-code). Note how we are using the $ notation to add a new column.
  5. Let’s use the bind_rows function in dplyr, as it’s pretty powerful. Let’s say you want to add a new row to mtcars for a new model. Make a new data frame with the following columns: Model = Fizzywig, mpg=31.415, awesomness=11. Now try to make a new data frame where you rbindmtcars and this new data frame. What happens? Don’t do this in a markdown code chunk – just try it, and then report what happens. It might or might not go as planned (and Rmarkdown can choke unless you add the appropriate argument to the code chunk – more on that soon)! Then, make a new data frame here you use dplyr::bind_rows to combine them. Examine the resulting data frame. What do you see? You can try this in a code chunk for your markdown. How do the two methods differ? Look at their help files for some information that might help you.

Science Homework Help

MCC Wk 5 Cellular Structure Discussion


I’m working on a Biology question and need guidance to help me study.

Week Five Discussion Board Forum *Muddy Points*


This week let us use this Discussion Board Forum to review any Muddy Points.

Please share 1 topic over the past four weeks which may have been challenging or any topic which you found most beneficial or resourceful.

Please feel free to post any questions or share anything interesting from the first four weeks of MAST 1201.



 cell and its structure 

Science Homework Help

Florida International University Domestic Use Water Analysis Discussion


Your one-page reflection should include:

A general overview of the significance of domestic use water analysis.

A discussion of the methodology and importance of tannin procedure, double displacement reaction of AgNO3 and NaCl, activated charcoal, and water hardness.

  • A concluding paragraph reflecting on what you learned about domestic use water and how you can help keep our water clean.

Science Homework Help

University of Maryland DNA Structure & Molecular Biology Processes Questions


I’m working on a biology writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

a). Discuss the DNA structure and complimentary base pairing of DNA and RNA;

b). Use your understanding of the molecular biology processes (i.e. DNA manipulation, transcription, translation and genetic engineering) to discuss how the COVID-19 mRNA-based viral vaccines were created? In your Part b discussion, identify each molecular biology process that you believe would be involved in creating the COVID-19 mRNA-based viral vaccine.

Science Homework Help

BIO 1406 TCCD Can I Predict when Diffusion or Osmosis Will Occur Lab Report


Biology 1406 Lab 6 Problem 6.1 Fall 2020 – YouTube 

Biology 1406 Lab 6 Problem 6.2 Fall 2020 – YouTube

How did concentration of the syrup solution and the heat of the system relate to the distance the solution traveled up the pipette shaft? Explain clearly. Was the 10% and/or 30% solution hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic to the liquid in the beaker? How do you know? Is the 10% solution hypertonic or hypotonic to the 30% solution? How can you tell based on your experimental results? In the four osmometers, what was the “osmotic pressure” pushing against? Which of the four osmometers demonstrated the greatest rate of osmosis (or highest osmotic pressure per unit of time)? Why? Which osmometer demonstrated the lowest rate of osmosis? Why? Could this experiment demonstrate how trees might get water to the tips of their highest branches? If so, what would this experiment imply about tree roots 

Science Homework Help

CHE 237 Formatting an Organic Chemistry Paper by Modeling and Citing and Referencing Sources


I’m working on a chemistry report and need a sample draft to help me study.

CHE 237 Assignment 1: Formatting an Organic Chemistry Paper (Lab Report) by Modeling and Citing and Referencing Sources AND Writing an Abstract

step 9:

Science Homework Help

CHEM 122 Highline Community College Chemical Structure and Questions






please complete all and download using pdf or docs tittle all using first link (homework6) second link (homework7) third link (homework8) fourth link (homework9)

Science Homework Help

Immune System Types Of Immunities Essay


Need 1 Page Essay On Any Science Topic


The paper can be about any science topic of your choice. The

science topic can be about chemistry, biology, physics, geology astronomy,

biology, medicine, natural science, earth science, or any other science topic. No

bibliography or citations are required for the paper to encourage exploratory

writing. The paper must be written in 12 point font and double spaced.


  • Complete
    the assignment using your own words with correct spelling,
    punctuation, and grammar in APA format. No plagiarism.
  • No bibliography, citations, or references.