Statistics homework help

Problem 4
a. (10) Compute AIC, BIC, and PRESSP to compare the following two models.
· The model on the first order terms for X1 and X2 and the interaction term X1X2. (model 1)
· The model on the first order terms for X1, X2 and X3 (model 2)
Do they all yield the same better model? If not, explain.
b. (10) Select the model that you think is better to predict the mean response value, then predict the mean response for the following case, at a confident level of 99%.
Problem 5
X4 and X5 are two factors on Y.
a. (10) Is there any significant interaction effect between X4 and X5 on Y?
b. (10) With the ANOVA method, compute the 95% confidence interval for the following difference, respectively:
D1= The difference in the mean of Y when (X4=high, X5=less) and (X4=high, X5=more)
D2= The difference in the mean of Y when (X4=low, X5=less) and (X4=low, X5=more)
c. (10) With the ANOVA method, compute the 95% confidence interval for
Where D1 and D2 are described in b.
How is your result related to a?

Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help
Problem 4
a. (10) Compute AIC, BIC, and PRESSP to compare the following two models.
· The model on the first order terms for X1 and X2 and the interaction term X1X2. (model 1)
· The model on the first order terms for X1, X2 and X3 (model 2)
Do they all yield the same better model? If not, explain.
b. (10) Select the model that you think is better to predict the mean response value, then predict the mean response for the following case, at a confident level of 99%.
Problem 5
X4 and X5 are two factors on Y.
a. (10) Is there any significant interaction effect between X4 and X5 on Y?
b. (10) With the ANOVA method, compute the 95% confidence interval for the following difference, respectively:
D1= The difference in the mean of Y when (X4=high, X5=less) and (X4=high, X5=more)
D2= The difference in the mean of Y when (X4=low, X5=less) and (X4=low, X5=more)
c. (10) With the ANOVA method, compute the 95% confidence interval for
Where D1 and D2 are described in b.
How is your result related to a?

Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help
Have you ever wondered about the likelihood of an event occurring? Whether it’s the odds of your favorite football
team winning on Sunday or how much you pay for car insurance, probability concepts can play a role in making
those determinations.
Respond to the following questions in a minimum of 175 words:
Consider a situation that you might need to use your understanding of probability to make an informed decision.
What sorts of information would you collect?
How might you use what you have learned about probability to determine a course of action?
What are the possible benefits and limitations of this approach?

Statistics homework help

1. Use these data and simple regression analysis (by Data Analysis tab in Excel) to develop linear regression models for predicting the haul cost by speed for each of these two vehicles. Discuss the strength of the models.
2. Based on the models, predict the haul cost for 35 mph and for 45 mph for each of these vehicles.
· Please submit only one Excel file for this case assignment.

Case Assignment


The following is mostly a general description of the Caterpillar company. The questions are related to regression analysis. You will do the same quick analysis in Excel


Caterpillar, Inc.

Caterpillar, Inc., headquartered in Peoria, Illinois, is an American corporation with a worldwide dealer network which sells machinery, engines, financial products and insurance. Caterpillar is the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives. Although providing financial services through its Financial Products segment, Caterpillar primarily operates through its three product segments of Construction Industries, Resource Industries, and Energy & Transportation. Some of its manufactured construction products include: mini excavators, small-wheel loaders, backhoe loaders, multi-terrain loaders, and compact-wheel loaders.

Caterpillar tractors have undertaken and completed many difficult tasks since the company’s beginning. In the 1940s, Caterpillar tractors were used in the construction of the Alaskan highway; and between 1944 and 1956, they were used to help construct 70,000 miles of highway in the United States. In the 1950s and 60s, usage of Caterpillar tractors around the world exploded and were used in such countries as Australia, Austria, Ceylon, France, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, Philippines, Rhodesia, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Uganda, and Venezuela, in a wide variety of projects. In addition, Caterpillar products were used to help construct the St. Lawrence Seaway between Canada and the United States. In the 1970s and 80s, Caterpillar equipment were used in numerous dam, power, and pipeline projects. Since then, Caterpillars have been used in the construction of several projects such as Japan’s Kansai International Airport as a marine airport approximately three miles offshore in Osaka Bay, the Chunnel between France and England, the “Big Dig” in Boston, Panama Canal expansion, and several Olympic Games sites.



The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in conjunction with the Forest Service, publishes information to assist companies in estimating the cost of building a temporary road for such activities as a timber sale. Such roads are generally built for one or two seasons of use for limited traffic and are designed with the goal of reestablishing vegetative cover on the roadway and adjacent disturbed area within ten years after the termination of the contract, permit, or lease. The timber sale contract requires out sloping, removal of culverts and ditches, and building water bars or cross ditches after the road is no longer needed. As part of this estimation process, the company needs to estimate haul costs. The USDA publishes variable costs in dollars per cubic-yard-mile of hauling dirt according to the speed with which the vehicle can drive. Speeds are mainly determined by the road width, the sight distance, the grade, the curves and the turnouts. Thus, on a flat, straight, wide road, the speed is faster.


Shown below are data on speed and cost per cubic yard for two types of vehicles: a 12 cubic yard end-dump vehicle, and a 20 cubic yard bottom-dump vehicle.
































1. Use these data and simple regression analysis (by Data Analysis tab in Excel) to develop linear regression models for predicting the haul cost by speed for each of these two vehicles. Discuss the strength of the models.

2. Based on the models, predict the haul cost for 35 mph and for 45 mph for each of these vehicles.


Please submit only one Excel file for this case assignment.


Statistics homework help







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Statistics homework help


Use the Excel file titled, General-Electric that is posted on GAP in the DataFile folder under the Supplementary Course Material section and upload it into SPSS. Complete the following tasks and copy your results in a word document and submit your report.

and upload it to SPSS. This file contains GE’s daily stock market data covering the period of 12/13/2010 to 12/11/2018. The file contains a total of 2013 daily transaction records including date, opening price of the GE stock for the day, highest price, lowest price, closing price, closing price adjusted for dividends, and the number of stocks traded (volume).

Use the explore command in SPSS and explain whether the trading volume of the stock is normally distributed. Make sure to discuss, Skewness, kurtosis, results from the test of normality as well as the Q-Q plots.

Select a random Sample of exactly 125 observations. Then run the descriptive command and calculate the mean and standard deviation of the sample. Repeat this process (i.e., selection of a random sample and descriptive command) exactly 75 times. Hint: Use SPSS syntax to repeat the command. List both values (mean and the standard deviation) in a new excel file with proper column headings.

Upload the newly created excel file into SPSS and create a histogram of both the calculated means and standard deviations.

Run the explore command similar to what you did in step 1 for both variables and make your observations. Does the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) apply to both measurements?

Suppose you believe that the true average daily trade volume for General Electric stock is 49,829,719 shares. Based on a recent sample you have also calculated a standard deviation of 21,059,637 shares. Considering a 95% confidence level, what is the minimum required sample size if you like your sampling error to be limited to 10,000,000 shares. What sample size would offer a sampling error of not more than 20,000,000 shares?

Given the information in item (5) above conduct a one-population test of hypothesis for the mean and determine if the null hypothesis should be rejected or not rejected.

Compare your findings in items (5) and (6) above and argue if you can make a generalization.

Is there a statistically significant difference between the average trading volume in 2017 and 2018? Hint: While technically, this can be carried out as a paired sample t-test since volume data are reported for the same stock, we will treat this as independent samples. Complete your calculations by hand assuming M2017=46108055, S2017=34099055, n2017=251, M2018= 87241844, S2018=50977722, n2018=238.

Repeat the test, this time by using SPSS. Hint: Create a new grouping variable for 2017 and 2018 and use it to run your test.

Statistics homework help

Due (10th Dec, 11:45p.m).    Instructions

Question 1- Random variables

  1. a) Suppose you toss a fair coin (equally likely to turn up heads or tails) four times. This procedure describes random events. What is the sample space for this procedure?

(2 points)

  1. b) If we define a random variable that indicates the sum of the number of heads (in the procedure from the previous part), what is the expected value of this random variable?

(2 points)

  1. c) If the coin (in the procedure from the previous part) is not fair and turns up heads a proportion p of the time (p is not 0.5), what is the expected number of heads?

(2 points)

  1. d) When I lived in Toronto, in the Fall I biked home from work in the dark. My route had 4 potholes on it and I hit all four each time. I’d start my commute with my bike light turned on, but it had a loose electrical connection so each time I hit a pothole with probability p the light would switch from on to off or from off to on. What was the probability that my light would be turned on after my commute?

(2 points)

  1. e) Similar to the previous part, assume that the number of potholes varied and the probability that I hit k potholes during my commute was λk expp´λq{k!, for a fixed λ ą This is the probability distribution function of a Poisson. This distribution arises when potholes occur independently with rate λ. Suppose that the probability that my light is switched (to off if on, to on if off) over each pothole was now p “ 1.

What was the probability that my light would be turned on after the commute, in terms of λ? (As before, my commute began with the light on). You may express your answer using trigonometric or special functions: Do not leave it as an infinite series.
(2 points)

Question 2- Multiple choice  (Show work for multiple choice questions)

  1. In a study by Dr. Ryan W. Allen et al. (Environmental Pollution, 2019), air quality was assessed in 342 apartments in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. A total of 87 explanatory variables (‘predictor variables obtained from outdoor monitoring data, questionnaires, home assessments, and geographic data sets’; Environmental

Pollution, 2019) were used to predict the air quality. If p-values were computed for each of the explanatory variables, what α level would be best for assessing significance?

  1. α “01
  2. α “05
  3. α “46E-4
  4. α “75E-4
  5. α “68E-6
  6. Not enough information is given to provide an informed decision.
    • points)
  7. On November 9th 2020, Pfizer announced interim results for a Phase 3 study on the COVID-19 vaccine BNT162b2. Their study enrolled 43,538 subjects divided into a control arm and a study arm. Their interim results indicated 90% vaccine efficacy after 94 infection events among the study subjects. What statistical tool would be most appropriate for assessing the significance of this result?
    1. An unpaired two-sample t-test.
    2. Pearson’s correlation.
    3. A log-rank test.
    4. An F-test.
    5. Fisher’s exact test.
    6. Kaplan-Meier curves.
      • points)

Statistics homework help

I am attaching zoom links to the classes where the lecturer breaks down what to do in Dynare and I think it makes it easier.
For this lecture: She starts explaining at 59:40:
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: 2H6E^##w
-She also uses the matchingsample0007Nov292020-SA-10093-2-3.mod file I sent and that has all the variable values needed and to answer all of the question 2, 3 and 4. Just needs to be modified. Question 1 just needs a calculator i believe. the other one matching_elsampleNov2020-SA-10093-2-4.mod is not needed at all but you can use for reference.
For this lecture, she starts at 12:40 and breaks down everything from start;
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: ^&NetUr9

Assignment 2 (Labour Economic 8160)
Due 10pm, Wednesday, Dec. 9
Note: This assignment requires you to use Dynare. In addition to submitting the answers, you also need to submit the Dynare mod file and output file. Please combine all files into a single PDF file.
Total marks: 40
1) (5 marks) You are given the volatilities of the key labour market variables from two sample periods. P1: period prior to the Great Recession (2000M12 to 2007M12), and P2: period after the Great Recession (2010M1 to 2020M2). Suppose in the data, the standard deviation of productivity (p) time series (logged and HP filtered) is 0.02. Define the relative volatility of a particular time series as the ratio of its standard deviation to the standard deviation of p. Compute the relative volatilities for the variables listed below and fill the results in Table 1. u: unemployment; v: vacancy; theta: labour market tightness; f: job finding rate.
Table 1: Standard Deviations for P1 and P2

  u v theta f
S.D.: P1 0.108 0.126 0.230 0.079
S.D.: P2 0.035 0.049 0.075 0.043
Relative SD: P1        
Relative SD: P2        

Note that all the time series are logged and HP filtered.
2) (10 marks) Use the parameters’ values discussed in class, and simulate the simple matching model using Dynare. Construct two tables: one for model predicted relative SDs; one for model predicted correlations. Discuss briefly the model’s performance in terms of generating labor market business cycle properties observed in the data. You are given the following correlation info observed in the data.
Table 2: Correlations of Key Labour Market Variables in Data (2000-07)

  u v theta f
u 1      
v -0.97 1    
theta -0.99 0.99 1  
f -0.88 0.92 0.91 1

3) (5 marks) Use b=0.9 instead of b=0.4 while keeping all the other parameters unchanged. Simulate the model and compute the relative volatilities for unemployment and vacancies. Does increasing b lead to higher volatilities of these two variables?
4) (20 marks) You are given the following Tables 3 and 4 regarding the period after the Great Recession (P2).
Repeat questions 2) and 3) for P2. Note you will need to re-calibrate lambda (job separation rate in the model), a_w_ss (job finding rate in the model), and theta_ss (labour market tightness in the model) to match the data averages (see Table 3 below)
Table 3: Sample Average (Monthly Frequency)

theta f s
0.60 0.277 0.019

Note: theta: tightness; f: job finding rate; s: separation rate
Table 4: Correlations of Key Labour Market Variables in Data (2010-20)

  u v theta f
u 1      
v -0.55 1    
theta -0.84 0.92 1  
f -0.50 0.42 0.52 1


Mathematics homework help>Statistics homework help

Research what the upcharge is for soy or almond milk for a coffee (i.e. how much more you can sell the coffee for than its dairy milk counterpart). Create two different linear models (one for soy/almond milk and one for regular milk) and, if 20% of the sales of these items were soy/almond milk, how much more money would you make vs. only selling the dairy milk version.

Statistics homework help

Research what the upcharge is for soy or almond milk for a coffee (i.e. how much more you can sell the coffee for than its dairy milk counterpart). Create two different linear models (one for soy/almond milk and one for regular milk) and, if 20% of the sales of these items were soy/almond milk, how much more money would you make vs. only selling the dairy milk version.