Statistics homework help


Download the following Excel Spreadsheet:

  1. Chapter 8, Problem 6Preview the document
  2. Chapter 8, Problem 18Preview the document
  3. Chapter 8, Problem 25Preview the document
  4. Chapter 8, Problem 39Preview the document
  5. Chapter 8, Problem 42Preview the document
  6. Chapter 8, Problem 44Preview the document

Data and instructions included with spreadsheets.

Video Resources


  • Refer to Assignments and Grading for information on homework requirements, deadline, and grading rubric.
    • Homework problems are located in the text with the homework assignment.
    • Answer all questions in the text for each homework problem.
    • Use the  Report TemplatePreview the document to perform an in-depth analysis of the problem.
    • Follow the directions on the template and utilize the proper report format shown in the template file.

EXCEPTION:  For Unit 5 Assignment the requirement for analysis length as stated in the template is modified to the following:

  • Analysis for each problem should be no more than 2-paragraphs in length.
  • Analysis should be as detailed as possible.
  • Analysis of each chart created will have an analysis of the chart, what the DATA means (not a description of the chart)
  • Use the  Report TemplatePreview the document for the analysis for each problem
    • Do Not provide a background OR a recommendation section for this assignment
    • Use the Analysis and Findings section to identify each problem, followed by a 2 paragraph analysis:

Problem 6:
The chart indicates…….

  • Students MUST combine all analyses on ONE Report Template.
  • If the problem has an Excel spreadsheet accompanying the assignment, you MUST submit BOTH the Excel file and a completed Report Template with your analysis and recommendations.
  • If the assignment has multiple Excel files, you may combine the analysis of all Excel files into a single Report Template.  However, ensure you identify each problem with each analysis.
  • All Excel files and Reports MUST be submitted as a single upload to your grade book.
    • i.e. if there are three Excel files, you must complete all three Excel files
    • Complete a Report using the template.  You may combine the analysis as stated above.
    • Submit all three Excel files AND the combined Report Template to your grad book.
  • Analysis should demonstrate the student’s interpretation of the data based on the information in the corresponding chapter of the text, and their own critical thinking/intuitive skills. Creative thinking and assumptions are allowed, and encouraged, to fully analyze the data.
  • Analysis of the data in the charts must be separately submitted in a Word document.
  • If the problem is in Excel format, students must answer the questions in the text as a foundation for a detailed analysis of the chart and accompanying data.
    • Analysis/interpretation of the data in the charts is required.
    • Do not describe the chart, rather interpret what the chart is displaying based on the data.
    • Be specific in your analysis of the chart, and incorporate the material into your answer.


Statistics homework help

During the recent election season, you saw many instances where polls were taken and reported, along with the confidence level of the estimate. For example, a poll showed that one candidate had a “”voting for” level of 37%+/-4. The opposing candidate had a score of 39%+/-4 at a 95% confidence level. Because the poll is not a census sample, a sample may be “good” but will have variation around the TRUE population proportion or mean. Thus, the poll is an estimate. The +/- value establishes a range within which the true population proportion is said to be, give a certain level of confidence.
However, the reporter said that the second candidate had “a slight lead”. Is this a true statement? Why could it be argued that the scores are “statistically the same”?

Statistics homework help

Follow the direction and answer the discussion question minimum of 150 words
The basketball players won’t accept any null hypothesis video link:
The fish and chips guy won’t accept the null hypothesis video link:

Statistics homework help

A biologist assumes that there is a linear relationship between the amount of fertilizer supplied to tomato plant and the subsequent yield of tomatoes obtained. Eight(8) tomato plants of the same variety, were selected at random and treated, weekly, with a solution in which x grams(g) of fertilizer was dissolved in a fixed quantity of water. The yield y kilograms (kg) of tomatoes was recorded as follows.
(i). Plot a scatterplot of yield, y against amount of fertilizer, x. ( 3 points)
(ii). Calculate the equation of the least square regression line of y on x. ( 8 points)
(iii). Estimate the yield of a plant treated, weekly, with a 3.2 grams of fertilizer.

Statistics homework help


Statistics homework help

Must Use excel please
1- Select a population (non human and non animal)
2- Select a sample of 100 from this population
3- Identify 4 variables ( 2 quantitative and 2 qualitative) to measure/record for each item in your sample
4-Enter the data in excel for your sample of 100
5-Apply the statistical tools you have been learning to summarize/analyze the data (e.g., charts, tables, formulas, etc.)
6- Write a couple of statements about each chart/graph/analysis to describe your insight/observation

Statistics homework help

information has to come from statcrunch. Plus a power point

Statistics homework help

Write your paper on one of the following topics:
1. Is the death penalty justified? Select a theory of punishment and then, on the basis of that theory of punishment, defend or opposed the death penalty. Be sure to respond to arguments against your position.
2. Consider the Oregon assisted suicide law, which permits assisted suicide. Present one reason to endorse such a law, and also present a reason for opposing it. Then, present your own position, rebutting the objection you raise to the position you adopt.
3. Ought there to be laws prohibiting abortion? Consider arguments on both sides of this issue.
4. In Europe, a woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a from of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to make. He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2,000 for small dose of the drug.
The sick woman’s husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about $1,000 which is half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said: “No, I discovered the drug and I’m going to make money from it”. So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man’s store to steal the drug for his wife.
Should the husband have done that?, Give a reason why, and a reason why not. Then defend your position on the issued, responding to the argument you gave against the position you adopt.
Your paper should be double-spaced, use a 12-point font, it should have at least four sources, and should use an acceptable format, such as MLA.
Save your paper as a doc or rtf with your name and the assignment name in the file, using last Name_Assignment. So, if your name were Alicia Jackson, and this is Essay 1, you would title it Jackson_Essay 1.