Complete 3 pages APA formatted article: Interview of a Legal Professional. iates of legal staff will be less…few and few rather in the years to come, and there is a glad of attorneys as well, and the

Complete 3 pages APA formatted article: Interview of a Legal Professional. iates of legal staff will be less…few and few rather in the years to come, and there is a glad of attorneys as well, and the laws schools are graduating too many attorneys who find that there are no good employments when they come out of school.

The interview reveals that many professionals develop interest in certain occupations during their childhood and dedicate efforts to living their dreams. The interviewee prefer the kind of jobs that give them the opportunity to grow professionally and attain personal or rather professional satisfaction. Attorneys interact with people of different kinds making their work flexible (Fede, 2012). People who want to pursue a career in this profession are required to have a degree in legal studies, attend law school and pass a bar exam in the state they chose to practice law in. Their educational qualification must also be bolstered by professional ethics including ability to act honorably, good faith, as well as work in the best interests of the grantor in any legal case.

The American law is extensive, a factor that makes Malilo accentuate the ability to read and communicate effectively for any one intending to be an attorney. An expansive review of literatures from the law field and reviewing of vindicated legal cases acquaints one with information required in arguing for the positive and negative sides of a case. The aptitude and capability to interact and relate with people is also essential to an attorney considering the sheer fact that they incessantly interact with professional and non-professional individuals in the course of their professional duties (Lisnek, 2010).

Their duties range from researching laws and case studies the legal service field to preparing and presenting cases to a juge in the court system. Moreover, an attorney has the duty and supposition to observe and preserve the interests of the adversary, client, and legal system.